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Seek the traditional myth of the Middle Ages! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Ten classic myths about the origin of world creation

Ancient Persian Belief: Zoroastrianism (Suo Luoya Stoicism) Myth

Ahura, the supreme god in Persian mythology? Mazda created the world. After 800 years of growth, the Albuquerque Mountains finally touched the sky. Rain flows down from the top of Albuze, forming the Wakash Sea and two major rivers. The first animal in the world is a white cow living by the Ferod River, but the Persian evil god Angela? Newman killed the white cow. After that, the sun purified human seeds for 40 years, and the seeds produced rhubarb petiole plants, which grew up to become the earliest companions of human beings, Mashiye and Masyana. In Zoroastrianism mythology, Ahura, the Supreme God? Mazda and Angela, the evil god? The fighting between Newman * * * continued 12000. In the first 3000 years, Ahura and the bright world coexisted with the dark world in Angola, and the earliest human beings were misled by the temptation of evil and darkness. Angela, the evil god, did not kill Mahier and Mahiana like a white cow, but misled them to worship Angela. Fifty years later, Maersk and Maersk gave birth to a pair of children, but under the temptation of the evil god Angela, the couple ate their two children. After that, Ahura, the supreme god, restored the good nature of Mahiya and Mahyana, and more and more children were born, who eventually became early humans.

Babylonian mythology: The goddess of magic created heaven and earth after her death.

Erish laid eggs with Apsu and Timat, the water gods, and gave birth to several generations of gods, among which Ia was the eldest brother and there were many younger brothers around him. However, these young gods kept Uppsala and Timat awake, so Uppsala plotted to kill them. However, the news spread like wildfire and Ia killed Upsu first. When Timat learned the bad news, she vowed to take revenge. She created many monsters, including mad dogs, scorpions, half cows and dragons. Ella and damkina created Marduk (with four eyes and four ears), and Marduk became the protector of Ella and damkina. In the fierce battle between Marduk and Timat, Marduk shot Timat's heart with an arrow. Marduk tore Timat's body in half, creating heaven and earth, and then Marduk created human beings to do coolies that the gods did not want to do, such as farming and commercial transactions.

Ancient Egyptian Gods: The World Began in Chaos

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the initial world was chaotic. God ATEM wanted to have a soul and a body, and then he created a mountain, otherwise he would have no place in this chaotic world. ATEM is a god without gender, and his eyes can see everything. He spit out a son Shu from his mouth-the god of air; Then he spat out a daughter, Tevnut, the goddess of water. These two gods are responsible for changing the chaotic state of the universe again. Shu and Tevnut established Gebu, the god of the earth, and Nat, the god of the sky. At first, Gebu and Nat were intertwined, but Gebu helped Nat up and gradually established a new world order, while Shu and Tevnut disappeared into the darkness. Gouge out your eyes and find Shu and Tevnut. Finally, Shu and Tevnut returned to their side. ATEM was so happy that tears came down with excitement. When every tear falls to the ground, a person is formed.

The bloody Aztec myth in ancient Mexico

In Aztec mythology, Mother Earth is Courtley Carr. The name means "snake skirt". In mythology, she was described as terrible. She is wearing a necklace composed of hands and hearts, and her skirt is entangled by many poisonous snakes. At first, Tereka, the mother of the earth, injected an obsidian knife into her body and gave birth to Coyolxauhqui, the goddess of the moon. Later, she gave birth to 400 sons and became a star in the southern sky. Then a feathered ball fell into the sky. Coatley Karl found it and tied it around his waist, but it made him pregnant again. The unexpected pregnancy shocked and angered the moon goddess Ke Youzi Gui and her 400 sons. However, in Cottrey, the fetus in Carl's belly is the god of war and the sun, Huitzilopochtli, who jumped out of his mother's womb. He was born in armor and soon grew up. In order to comfort his mother, Courtley Carr, Hertzrop attacked the moon goddess, Koyolzji, and killed her with the help of salamanders. Hertzrop cut off her head and threw it into the sky. This head became the moon in the sky.

China ancient myth: Pangu opened the sky, and Nu Wa made man.

The egg of the universe floats in eternal space, which contains two kinds of reaction forces, yin and yang. After countless reincarnation, Pangu was born. The heavier part of the egg of the universe-the place where the yin falls, and the lighter part-the yang rises to form the sky. Pangu was afraid of the reunion of heaven and earth, so he supported it with his hands and feet. He grows 65,438+00 feet every day. 18000 years later, Wan Li, a senior, died after completing his mission. His body part became the basic substance of the universe. Goddess Nu Wa is very lonely. She fished out mud from the Yellow River to make clay figurines, and the first human appeared. Then she dipped a branch in mud and threw it on the ground. Numerous small mud spots formed many humans.

Japanese mythology: the earth is an island.

God created two brothers and sisters: my brother Elozun and my sister Eloranzun. They stood on a pontoon bridge in the primitive ocean and stirred it with God's gem spear, forming the first island, Onogoro. On this island, their brothers and sisters got married. The gods blamed them for breaking the agreement, and the couple began to form a Japanese island and many gods in the primitive ocean with jewels and spears. However, when Vulcan was born, Izumi Sezun died, and Izumi Sezun sadly followed Izumi's soul to the hell run by Yomi. Quan Ranzun ate golden and beautiful food and could not be born again. When Elonozun suddenly saw Elonozun's rotting body, he was very scared and began to run away. Elonozun's soul was very angry and kept chasing Elonozun. In the end, Elonozun escaped from the cave of hell. He tied himself to a boulder and was separated from death forever. He doesn't want to go to hell again.

Indian mythology: cosmology and Brahma

Ancient Indian mythology is described in the earliest Vedas in Vedic Sanskrit. Prussa, a huge god, has thousands of heads, eyes and feet. He covers the whole ground, and his ten fingers can expand the space. When the gods offered sacrifices to Prussa that day, Prussa produced clear butter and formed birds and animals. Later, Prussa's body became the foundation of all things in the world, forming Agni, the god of fire, Indra, the god in charge of thunderstorms and wars, and so on. At the same time, he established four levels of Indian society: priest, warrior, civilian and servant. According to the later historical development, Brahma, the highest eternal entity in the universe, appeared. He is the father of all beings. In addition, the Trinity God also includes Vishnu, the patron saint, and Shiva, the destroyer. Brahma created everything in the universe, which lasted 4.32 billion years. Then Shiva, the god of destruction, destroyed the order of the universe and started a new cycle, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. The current state of the cosmic cycle will not end for billions of years.

Greek mythology and the dispute between the gods

In the mythical epic described by the Greek poet hesiod in the 8th century BC, the chaotic state of the primitive universe began with the earliest gods, including Gaia, the goddess of the earth. Gaia created Julius (the earliest supreme god, the incarnation of heaven, the son and spouse of the goddess of the earth) to take charge of the sky and protect Gaia. He and Gaia gave birth to many gods and monsters, including Heka with 50 heads and 100 hands and Iris with eyes. Gaia and Yunus had six sons and six daughters. Julius disliked several strange-looking children very much, so he imprisoned them in Tal talos (the dark abyss of hell). Gaia, the goddess of the earth, was very angry She gave a huge sickle to her youngest son, kronos, and told him the corresponding plan to murder Yunus. When Yunus approached Gaia and tried to make out, his youngest son kronos suddenly rushed out and cut off Yunus' genitals. When Yunus' blood flowed on the ground, a huge monster and nemesis were formed.

Myths of Judaism and Christianity: Adam and Eve

There are two stories about the origin of myths in the Old Testament of Judaism and the Bible of Christianity, which are accepted by Judaism and Christianity today. In the first fairy tale, God said, "Let there be light here!" "Then the light appeared. In six days, God created the sky, the land, the planets, the sun and the moon, including all human animals. On the seventh day, God rested and stared at his achievements, feeling very gratified. In the second fairy tale, God created the first man on the earth-Adam. God created a Garden of Eden to let Adam live carefree, but he was forbidden to eat the fruits of the Garden of Eden, which came from the tree of good and evil consciousness. Adam's life was very lonely. God took a rib from Adam and created the first woman Eve. A talking snake lured Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and then Eve persuaded Adam to eat it. When God discovered this, he expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and made them mortal.

Norwegian myth: the body of the giant ancestor created everything.

In Norwegian mythology, before the appearance of the earth, there were two worlds: "M u s p e l l" was a continent burning with blazing flames; "N i f l h e i m" is a frozen continent. When the cold of N i f l h e i m came into contact with the blazing fire of M u s p e L L L L the giant ancestor and the giant sacred cow Olhumala thawed and revived. The sacred cow Orr Humala fed the Bauer couple with milk and gave birth to Bree, who had three sons. Later Bree rebelled and killed the giant ancestor. After the death of the giant's ancestors, his flesh formed the land; Bones form mountains; Hair forms a tree; Blood formed rivers and lakes, and the hollowed-out skulls of giant ancestors formed stars all over the sky.

Among the above-mentioned creation myths, the most dramatic one is the Norse apotheosis spread in Norway and other places.

The ancient Norse believed that at first, there was no land, no sea, no air, and everything was wrapped in darkness. There was a force called "Orlogue". It is invisible, I don't know where it comes from, but it exists. [Orlaug is actually equivalent to China's chaotic god. The book says: At the beginning of Gankun, chaos was mysterious, and the so-called universe was like an egg. I don't know what year and month, the first creature was born, Chaos God. He can get the vitality of survival from the universe and nature. ]

Then came the distant flood era. The world was in chaos, with no sand, no sea, no sky and no land. In the middle of this chaos, there is only a deeply cracked and extremely huge gap, which is called Ginnungagap. The whole gap is empty, with no trees and no weeds.

In the north of Jin 'onge Gully, there is a world of ice and snow-Neverheim, a country of dense fog and darkness; In the south of Jinenga Gorge, there is a land of fire-Muspelheim, a land of true fire. The flaming flame from the real fire place, splashing sparks fell on both sides of the gap in Jinenga and also on the ice mound piled up next to the gap. When the ice meets the hot Mars, it melts into water vapor and is frozen again by the strong cold wind from Nivelheim. In this way, the cycle goes back and forth. For thousands of years, under the constant action of the heat wave in the country of fire and the cold in the country of ice and snow, the first two lives were born in these ice mounds-Niuaode Humla and the origin giant Ymir, or ogle Mill. Giant cows feed on ice and snow and some salt frost on the ice. Four streams of milk flow under the cows and form four endless white rivers. Therefore, the great Imil feeds on Audenbra's milk.

Countless years later, Imil became very strong because she drank nutritious milk every day. Once, he fell asleep after drinking milk, and two giants, a man and a woman, suddenly emerged from his armpit. Then, one of his sons was born at his feet. The pair of giants born under him later became a couple and gave birth to many descendants of giants. Among these giants, one is called Mimir. He is very clever. Six evil giants Thrudgelmir were born from Imil's feet, and there were many descendants later. However, most of his descendants are huge and stupid giants, some with many heads and some with wild animals. Imil, the father of giants, gave birth to other giants himself. Because Imil is extracted from frost, it is also called "Jerim tours". And all the giants from Imil are called frost giants. They are the masters of the giant world, the destroyers of the world order and the enemies of God.

Cow Blaj licked the ice and snow day and night, constantly looking for salt frost. One day, when he was licking some salt grains on a stone, he suddenly licked some hair under his tongue. It continued to lick, and the next day, a complete head appeared; On the third day, it licked out a living human figure. This is the ancestor Bligh (producer). Bree is a tall and handsome man, strong and gentle. He also gave birth to an equally tall and strong son Borr (meaning to give birth, that is, Boli was born immediately after birth). When Bohr grew up, he married the giant Petra (Bestla, the daughter of the giant Bohr Si Long). Petra is the daughter of a pair of giants who grew up in Imil's arms, and also the sister of the clever giant Mimir. Bor and Pestra soon gave birth to Odin, Willy and ve, which symbolized spirit, will and sacredness. There is no language under heaven and earth to describe their height and strength. They are three great gods and will be the masters of all the worlds.

When the giant realized that there were wave gods and his son Bohr around them, they fought with the two gods. God stands for good, and giants stand for evil. In the Nordic concept, they can never live in peace. The fighting was prolonged many times and the two sides were evenly matched.

Bor's sons grew up to be powerful. Odin and others immediately supported their father's struggle after their birth, and finally killed the most powerful frost giant Ymer. When Ymer died, a lot of blood gushed from his wound and turned into a torrent, which drowned all his own people, leaving only bulger Mill and his wife to escape by boat. He fled to the edge of the world, settled down, named his place Jotunheim (the country of giants), and gave birth to a large group of frost trolls, always trying to break into the world ruled by the gods to do evil.

The God who defeated the giant became the master of the world. They call themselves Aesir (pillar and supporter of the world), and they also have time to do construction work. They want to create a habitable world in this desolate space.

They created a comfortable and beautiful world with Imil's body. They rolled Ymer's huge body into the bottomless abyss and molded his body into mud. Nordic people call it Midgard, which is placed in the middle of a bottomless gap, surrounded by Ymer's eyebrows, and regarded as the boundary wall between the earth and infinite space. Ymer's blood and sweat turned into an ocean, which surrounded his hard soil in body form. His bones turned into mountains, his teeth into stones and his hair into trees. In this arrangement, the gods took Ymer's head and skillfully hung it on the ground and at sea for celestial use; Turn Ymer's brain into a cloud. However, something will hold the bluestone sky and prevent it from falling. Therefore, the gods named four able-bodied dwarves Nordri (North), Soudry (South), Aostri (East) and Vestri (West), making them stand in the four corners of the earth and shoulder the sky. [Imil is equivalent to Pangu in China. ]

Such a world is still bright: so the gods took fire from Muspaheim and scattered it into the sky at will, that is, the stars. The biggest fire block is reserved for creating the sun and the moon. It is packed in a golden car. The gods found two horses, Alvak (Alvaker) and Alsvi (Alsvin), and dragged the golden cart with the sun. But I was afraid that the heat of the sun would hurt two horses, so I specially added a big skin full of gas under the horse's shoulder. They also built a huge shield, Svalin (the cold one), in front of the car, so that the car would not be burned by the heat of the sun, so that the ground would not be scorched by the sun. The car holding the moon is driven by a horse named Alsvid, but it has no horse's defense and shield, because the light and heat of the moon are mild.

But it takes two riders to drive the car of the sun and the moon; The gods took a fancy to a pair of beautiful children of giant Mundilfari: the man named Mani (the moon) and the woman named Sol (the sun); Sur is the wife of grauer, the son of grauer or Steyr, and is called the Flame Giant. The gods took the two men to heaven, so Marni drove the moon car and Sur drove the Japanese car.

So the gods ordered Knott, the daughter of the giant Novi (time), to drive a black car (night), which was dragged by a dark horse (a frosted horse), and dew and frost fell on the horse's mane. Nott is the goddess of the night. She was married three times, and gave birth to a son Aud with her first husband, a daughter Jord with her second husband, and a very dazzling and handsome son named Dag with her third husband, the beautiful Delling. The gods also prepared a car for this son, driving an extremely white Skinfaxi (Horse of Light). Its mane shines brightly everywhere, bringing light and joy to the world.

However, because the Nordic people always think that evil always follows the good forces and wants to destroy them, they also say that there are terrible Sirius Skoll (taboo) and Hattie (hatred). They are always chasing the sun and the moon (two wolves chase the sun and the moon respectively), trying to devour them and return the world to darkness. Sometimes, Sirius almost caught up with the sun and the moon and bit it, that is, solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. At that time, people on the ground had to blow trumpets and drums to scare off the wolves that day. But Sirius will never give up, and one day they will swallow the sun and the moon. This is the moment of "Twilight of the Gods".

The gods not only assigned four gods, the sun, the moon, the day and the night, to drive in the sky, but also assigned gods at dusk, midnight, morning, morning, noon and afternoon to share their work. In addition, Xia Shen and Dong Shen were appointed: Xia Shen is the son of Swasud (gentle and personalized in summer) and as amiable as his father; The father of Winter God is Vindsual (cold, the embodiment of winter), and he is the sworn enemy of Summer God. In addition, the Nordic people imagine that at the northernmost part of the sky, there is a huge Oarga (,devouring the corpse), dressed in eagle feathers. When he raised his arms or wings, the cold wind swept the ground.

While the gods were busy creating and decorating heaven and earth, a large group of things like maggots emerged from Ymer's body. These maggots grab the essence of the ancestors of giants. They are all spiritual creatures. Under the judgment of Odin and other gods, they all have human-like bodies and wisdom. Maggots that grow from the bright side of the corpse become elves or fairies. They are smart, bright and beautiful, usually gentle, cheerful and enthusiastic, and can communicate with trees, flowers, fish and birds. Elves live in the air of Alfheim. They can fly around at will, take care of flowers and plants, play with birds and butterflies, or dance on the grass on a moonlit night. The gods regard them as friends and often help them manage the world, especially the affairs of the sun, the moon and the stars.

Those born from the back of the corpse become dwarf elves, and people generally call these guys dwarves, dwarfs, trolls or kobolds. Although it is the same as an elf, its appearance and temperament are diametrically opposite. They are short, ugly, dark, lustful, cunning and lying. The gods banished them to the underground Svartalfaheim, forbidding them to come to the ground during the day. If they violated it, they would turn to stone. Their task is to collect treasures hidden underground. When they found it, they hid all the gold, silver and precious stones in secret places, so that humans could not find them casually. The four dwarfs who support the sky in the southeast and northwest are all born from Imil's body. )

In this way, everything is arranged. Odin, the head of the gods, led the gods to live on the plains far away from the earth. This plain was named Idawar across the Yvonne River. The place where the gods lived was Asgard, and Odin was assisted by twelve male gods (Aesir) and twenty-four goddesses (Asynjur). So they held a grand meeting, and Odin issued an order that there should be no bloodshed in the domain of the gods. Another result of this meeting was that the gods built a huge melting pot and cast all kinds of weapons and tools needed to build the temple. The gods lived happily for many years; For the golden age of the gods.

Although the gods created the earth and prepared to make it the home of human beings, in fact, there are no human beings on the earth. One day, while Odin, Willie and Wei were walking on the beach, two pieces of wood were washed away by the waves, one was an ash tree (Ask) and the other was an elm tree (Embla). After picking them up, the gods thought they could be used as materials to create a perfect creature, so they began to carve them into two figures with knives. Thanks to the careful carving of the gods, the ash became a lifelike man, while the elm was a woman.

After the trees were formed, the three gods breathed life into them.

Odin first held the human figure in his hand and gave them life and breath;

Willie then gave them soul and wisdom;

Finally, Wei gave them a sense of body temperature and five senses. Man was born.

According to their origin, the ancestors of God named men Asker (ask means ash tree) and women Aibola (Embla means elm tree). [Nu Wa made a clay figurine out of loess according to her own image with the God of Chaos. The aura she drew from heaven and earth was mixed on this loess, and the clay figurine immediately came to life, having the same speaking and thinking ability as Nu Wa. ]

The composition of the world:

The whole universe in Nordic mythology consists of nine worlds and is divided into three layers.

The upper level is: Elf Heim, Asha Garden, Kingdom of the Gods, mosby Heim, Fire Country;

The middle layer is: the atrium of the human kingdom, the kingdom of the giant Jotunheim, and the home of Warner Protoss;

The lower level is: Sevenheim, the land of goblins, the land of Hella's death and Nefheim, the world of ice and snow.

Running through these nine worlds is a huge ash tree created by Odin. It originated in the past, flourished in the present and extended to the infinite future. Leaves are always green, its branches support the weight of the whole universe, and its roots run through the whole world. Its name is "Yujia Tracy".

This huge ash tree is the origin and carrier of all things in the universe. It is full of vitality, and its dense branches and leaves cover the whole world. There are three huge roots supporting Yujia Tracy, the tree of the world, and making it stand upright. These three roots lead to the kingdom of God, the kingdom of giants and the world of ice and snow in Nivelheim. At the ends of these roots, there are three springs that provide water for the tree of the universe.

The spring leading to the northernmost Nivelheim is called Herwig Lema. In a world of ice and snow, the spring is freezing and the cold fog is transpiration. Nidhogg, a fierce black dragon, stood there, gnawing at the huge roots of the spring day and night. The black dragon was born a demon and wanted to kill the tree of life. When the tree of life died, the end of the gods came.

The spring leading to the country of giants is guarded by the clever giant Mimir, so this spring is called the Spring of Mimir. Mimi, the son of a pair of giants born under Imil, the father of giants, was very clever at an early age. He became an old giant while guarding the spring. The spring of Mimir Spring is full of knowledge and wisdom, and all the knowledge about the whole world and nine worlds is melted in this clear and transparent spring. Therefore, no matter who they are, whether they are gods, elves, giants, dwarfs or human beings, as long as they drink the spring water from Mimir Spring, they will become knowledgeable and wise.

The huge roots leading to the kingdom of the gods are also connected to a spring. This spring is called Urdar brunnr, but it is much bigger than the other two eyes and looks like a lake. Uda Spring is always picturesque and beautiful, and its surface is like a mirror. The spring water of Uda Spring can shine pleasing to the eye, illuminating the kingdom of God and the whole universe tree. Its spring water is also holy and incomparable, and the animals living on the water are all white. At the beginning of the world, two mountain birds came, stopped by the spring and swam in the water. The holy spring makes their feathers as white as snow. Now we call this animal swan.

There are three fates living next to Yutian Spring. Their names are Ould (past), Danti (present) and Sikh Kurd (future). They give life to human beings and designate the luck of all beings. The three sisters of fate are the guardians of the cosmic tree. Every day, they irrigate the roots of the world trees with St. Yuda spring water to make them last forever. When cracks appeared in the world tree, they repaired it with clay beside Yutian Spring. Thanks to the hard irrigation and careful care of the three fates, Yujia, a tree of the world, is flourishing and evergreen all the year round.

At the top of Yujia Tracy, the tree of the world, stands a rooster with white feathers named Gyllenkama. This white cock was ordered by the three goddesses of fate to calculate the time for everything in the world. When all living things between heaven and earth need sleep, the white cock begins to count. When it counts to sixty times sixty times twelve, it sings loudly at the top of the world tree. At the same time, the day and the sun also flew into the sky from the dawn palace and the dusk palace respectively.

Besides Gyllenkama, a white rooster, a giant eagle named Vader fournier lives on the highest branch of the world tree. This is a very strong giant eagle. When it flaps its wings, it is also the time when the world blows. This giant eagle and the dragon that lives under the roots of the ice and snow are a pair of old enemies, especially because Ratatosk, a squirrel, jumps from branch to branch, constantly sowing seeds of discord between them and gossiping. In addition, there are four beautiful deer running in the Woods by Uda Spring. Their names are Dane, Devalin, Dooner and Dulaser, which symbolize the wind in all directions. Honey dew will drop from the horns of these deer, and all the rivers in the world come from here. The evergreen leaves cultivated by Igdera are also the food of the sheep god Hedron.

On the height of the earth, across the two areas of Heim, Naawer, there is a sacred bridge composed of fire, water and air-Rainbow Bridge (Rainbow), from which the gods descend to the ground, or to the Urda Spring next to the root of the tree of life, and they hold meetings next to this holy spring every day. Among the gods, Thor is the only one who doesn't walk on this Hongqiao, lest his heavy footsteps, thunder and fire damage the bridge. The god who guards Hongqiao is Heimdahl, who guards here day and night; Its weapons are a sharp knife and a silver horn. Whenever the gods pass the bridge, he blows his silver horn as a soft tune, but if this horn blows a loud and exciting sound, it is an alarm, that is the dusk of the gods, and it is time for the frost giant and the flame giant Steyr to unite to destroy the world.

Although the Asa protoss is the first god in the sky, the Nordic people also have another god, Vanas, who lives in Vanahem. Earlier, before Odin built their Asgard Temple, there was a war between Assa protoss and Wana protoss, and they each used rocks and icebergs as weapons. Later, the two sides made peace, so Njord, one of the protoss of Varna, took his two children Frey and Freya to live in Arthur Gard in the sky, which was the guarantee of peace, while Heiner, one of the protoss of Asa, Odin's own brother, lived in Varnaheim.