Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - The company will punish the game early.

The company will punish the game early.

In the first half of the working day, the company will hold small games similar to warm-up morning meetings and morning meetings to create an active atmosphere. Then through the pk of the game, give the partner who lost in the game a small punishment. This can enliven the company atmosphere and bring us closer. Here is a little game I arranged for you, hoping to help you!

The company has long punished the game 1 and 1: imitating animals.

Walk like a monkey and walk through the door.

Punishment 2. I love you

The loser, facing the tree or wall, shouted three times: "I love you!" " "

Punishment three, everything turns.

The loser closes his eyes, turns left three times, turns right three times, opens his eyes again and walks back to his seat.

Punishment 4, imitation show

A loser imitates the actions, songs or ways of speaking of a star, singer or animal he is familiar with.

Punishment five, totally embarassed.

Prepare a plate of flour and table tennis, and let the loser blow away the ball on the flour plate.

Punishment 6. I am a lady.

The winner puts 3-5 books on the loser's head and asks him (her) to follow the model back. If you drop the book, you have to start over.

Punishment 7, sharpshooter

Hang some balloons on the loser, keep the winner 3 meters away from him, and shoot at the balloons with toothpicks until all the balloons burst. (You can use plastic bags instead of balloons) Then do hula dancing.

Punishment 8, no wry smile

The loser laughs for 5 seconds, then suddenly cries for 5 seconds, and repeats 2-3 times.

Punishment 9, butt writing

I am a lady, and I have great dignity.

Punishment 10, learning advertising

Learn the actions of animated characters (or other advertising tasks) in melatonin advertisements.

Penalty 1 1, performance

Pretend to be an idiot, pretend to be pure, pretend to be gay.

Punishment 12, reading aloud+acting (eyes and movements)-Little Shenyang

As soon as the dormitory comes out and enters, the day passes, howling ~?

As soon as the dormitory came out, a semester passed, howling ~

Do you know what is the most painful thing on the day of school?

I went to class, and the teacher didn't call the roll!

Do you know what is the most painful thing on the day of school?

Didn't go to class, the teacher called the roll!

Do you know what is the most painful thing on the day of school?

"The first class didn't call the roll, and the second class left the teacher to call the roll!"

The class days are actually very short.

As soon as you close your eyes and open them, a while passes, howling ~?

Head up and down again, another day has passed, howling ~?

Do you know what is the most painful thing on the day of class? It means "class is over, I feel that I haven't finished sleeping!"

Do you know what is the most painful thing on the day of class? It means "I feel asleep before class is over."

"The most painful thing is that I didn't sleep in class, and the class is almost over. I feel it."

Are there any good girls in our school? Introduce some to me ~

B: No.

A: You can take this.

B: this is really not available. I am a pig. "

Hehe, let him read it out loud, and you can also ask for action in it.

Punishment 13, dialect

Learn Shandong steamed bread or repair pressure cooker with a certain accent.

Penalty 14, sales

Go to the service desk to sell peanuts.

Punishment 15, dialect (learn the following words)

Shout at the window with a microphone, An Hong An Hong I miss you!

Penalty 16, performance

Play the four classic moves of Pig Eight Rings.

Penalty 17, performance

Say to five students with different expressions and tones: I am the boss, who am I afraid of, and then let the director touch your head.

Punishment 18, funny performance

Take off your shoes, sing to them affectionately: "I haven't worn shoes for many years, I am a cold classic", and then throw it back smartly.

Punishment 19, pro-table (paste)

The punished person should kiss the designated table 5 times.

The company will punish the game 2 1. Learn to walk like a duck.

2. Walk like a model.

3. Hit him with a balloon.

4. Sing.

5. Graffiti on your face (preferably with a brush).

6. Sing the national anthem.

7. Choose one honestly and bravely. I don't know if you've played, but choose honesty and answer whatever you ask. Be brave. You must do everything you say. )

8. Drink a glass of water.

9. Corporal punishment. (such as push-ups, squats, jumps. )

10. Imitation embroidery.

1 1. Dance.

12. Sharp performance. (It is best to draw lots)

13. Learn to be a fool.

14. Cover your head with clothes and hit him with a balloon. )

15, prepare a plate of flour and table tennis, top-heavy, and let the loser blow away the ball on the flour plate.

16, I was won by a lady' I put 3-5 books on the loser's head and asked him (her) to follow the model back. If you drop the book, you have to start over.

17. The sharpshooter hung several balloons on the loser, kept the winner 3 meters away from him, and shot at the balloons with a toothpick until all the balloons burst.

The company will punish the game 3 1. Back-to-back, hook and walk on your back, because it is difficult to master the balance from spine to spine, so it is difficult for a group to walk completely 1.

Onlookers are standing on the table with food in their hands, but they can't shake it from side to side. The two punished people tried to eat food, but they couldn't hold it and touch it with their hands. (you can use pyramids and other methods. )


(1) Two people face to face, bite an apple (or put playing cards and paper towels in your mouth ...), put your hands behind your back, and don't touch anything, then walk around.

(2) Or there is something on the face except the mouth, but the mouth must contain a mouthful of water.


(1) Two people cross their wrists and take a sedan chair. The third man sat on it. After sitting firmly, the sedan chair bearer must be independent of the golden rooster for x seconds.

(2) Or they stand face to face. A person wraps his feet around the waist of a standing person like a koala and stands in a golden rooster for x seconds.

5. Safe kissing, mouth to mouth, no need to separate playing cards, paper towels, etc. Things between the same sex and the opposite sex can be separated. (If there are three people, they will kiss each other in cycles, such as 1, 2, 3. 1 Pro 2,Pro 2,Pro 3,Pro 3 1)

6. One person leans back against the sofa, and the other person elbows on both sides of the sofa backrest, with water in his mouth. Hold for x seconds. (At this time, the distance between them is only about 1 fist. There is no point without water.

7. One person holds a disposable paper cup filled with edible liquid, and the other person drinks it with his mouth open. (3 people can also play, the first 2 people hold the cup, and the last one holds it in his mouth. )


(1) One person is sitting in a tweeter chair, and the other person has his arms crossed. Both of them took a mouthful of saliva and looked at each other. The third person is in charge of making handicrafts and helping them turn chairs.

(2) Or the person being hugged took a sip of water, and the person holding the person looked at it affectionately, didn't even dare to blink, and whispered disgusting words like "I love you".

9. Two people's shoelaces are tied together (not quite the same as the ordinary tying method). Two people stand back and forth, and the person behind puts one foot from the other's crotch to the front, and binds it to form a left foot, a left foot, a right foot and a right foot. Walk around.

10. The game we played when we were young was walking around on the instep of adults. (3 people can also play. Two people are tied together, the shoelaces of one adjacent foot are tied together, and the other person stands on two feet tied with his back.

1 1. One is lying on the sofa, one is climbing on it and doing push-ups, or one is lying on his stomach and the other is doing sit-ups.

12.ktv has a bar and a table. Two people who were drawn, one of whose shoes were tied together, got into the table. The threshold is too high and it is easy to cross. The table is short, so it is difficult for tall people.

13. One of them covered his eyes and turned three times. Onlookers put stickers on each other's back wounds (usually just tear off the small stickers on the paper towel package and use them, and then the blindfolded person starts looking for them on each other's back).