Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Reflections on reading the poor

Reflections on reading the poor

After reading a book carefully, everyone will have a new understanding and view of life, so it is necessary to write a book review carefully. But what are the requirements for reading? Here are some of my thoughts on reading the poor. Welcome to read the collection.

Reading the poor has a feeling of 1. I read the article "The Poor" again these days, and I was deeply moved by the kindness of the fisherman and the sauna, and I still have deep feelings.

The text The Poor Man was written by Russian writer lev tolstoy. This article writes that Sang Na, the wife of a fisherman who used to live in poverty, was anxiously waiting for the fisherman to come back from fishing on a cold night. At this moment, it suddenly occurred to me that she was going to visit her sick neighbor Simon in the evening, but she hadn't left yet, so she hurried to see Simon. When Sang Na arrived at Simon's house, he found Simon dead. But Sang Na saw two children lying beside her. So he took the child home and put it with his five children. When the fisherman came back, he learned that his female neighbor Simon had died, so he offered to take Simon's two children. Later, his wife Sang Na told the fisherman that she had brought two children.

After reading this article, I really feel that the fisherman and his wife Sang Na, in such a poor situation, have to take in two children from their neighbors. My five children are enough for them, and now there are two more, which adds a lot of burden to their lives. But the fisherman insisted that his wife take two children. It can be seen how kind, honest and upright the fisherman and his wife Sang Na are. They would rather suffer more than adopt their neighbors' children and help others. Reading the article "The Poor" made me understand that being a man must be a moral person, a person who is beneficial to society and a person who helps others.

Everyone will say that it is easy to help others, but how many people can do good things? So I must learn from the fisherman and sauna, set up a kind heart, do more good things and not do bad things. Really be an excellent student.

After reading the poor, I feel that two books are like a red sun, shining and warming everything on the earth every day, so that everything can thrive. The book is like a lively and lovely bird, which lets us soar freely in the blue sky every day. Books, like a boat, let us swim freely in the vast sea, flowing to every corner of the sea and to the north and south of the river. Traveling in the book has gained a lot. Today, I read the poor again.

Lev tolstoy, the author of The Poor (1828- 19 10). 1At the end of the 9th century and the beginning of the 20th century, he was a great Russian writer and one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature. He entered Kazan University in 1844, dropped out of school in 1847 and returned to his hometown, where he tried to reform serfdom. 1851-1854 served in the Caucasian army and began to write. It also laid a solid foundation for the realistic description of war scenes in the creation of War and Peace in the future. His representative works include anna karenine, War and Peace, Resurrection and the autobiographical novel trilogy Childhood, Teenager and Youth. The works selected for China primary school Chinese textbooks include Diving, The Poor, Seven Diamonds, Plum Kernel and so on. In writing this article, he made full use of environmental descriptions, such as the cold wind whistling outside the house, the surging waves hitting the coast and splashing waves. There is a storm on the sea, and it is dark and cold outside, but this fisherman's hut is warm and comfortable. The ground has been swept clean, the fire in the stove has not been extinguished, and the tableware is shining on the shelf. This description of the environment fully shows that the hostess Sang Na is very capable. The description of psychological activities is also wonderful: Sang Na is pale and emotional. She thought nervously, "What will he say? Is this a joke? His five children are enough for him ... is he here? ..... No, not yet! ..... Why did you bring them here? ..... He will hit me! That's what I deserve, I deserve it ... well, beat me up! " This description of psychological activities shows that Sang Na's inner contradictions and struggles were very complicated at that time, thus highlighting that all poor people had a kind heart.

"The Poor Man" mainly tells the story that Sang Na and the fisherman take the initiative to adopt two orphans of Simon's family. It shows that a couple didn't adopt these two orphans because their families were poor, but fully showed that they had good qualities and kind hearts to help others. Reading "The Poor" made me learn to help others, care for each other and help each other. Only in this way can students live in harmony, unite and be friendly, study hard, practice various skills from childhood, and serve and build the motherland when they grow up.

Reading the feelings of the poor 3 I read the article "The Poor" today, from which I feel that although the poor are poor, their hearts are pure.

The article "The Poor" was written by Russian writer lev tolstoy. At that time, the Russian working people lived in extreme poverty under the dark rule of the tsar, but they were kind-hearted. This article tells the story that Sang Na, a fisherman couple, cares for and sympathizes with her neighbor Simon and resolutely adopts her two orphans, which embodies the noble qualities of simple and kind compassion and helpfulness.

The poor lead a miserable life and lack food and clothing. In order to help others, they would rather endure hardships and sincerely help others.

When Sang Na visited Simon, he found that Simon died of illness, so he took the two children to the home beside Simon. At the same time, his family is poor.

When the fisherman came back, Sang Na told him everything about Simon, so the fisherman was anxious for Sang Na to hold the baby, but Sang Na had already taken the baby home.

A poor couple, with the same kind heart, did not hesitate to lend a helping hand when others needed it most.

They explained what is "truth, goodness and beauty" with actions. Let's warm the world with love like fishermen and Sang Na, because the world will become more harmonious if everyone gives a little love.

"A kind heart is worth a thousand dollars, and there is greatness in the ordinary."

Read the feelings of the poor 4. I looked at the poor people and couldn't help but curl up and meditate.

Not to mention that the fisherman and Sang Na have five children, and their family lives in poverty. Let me talk about her attitude towards neighbors and our attitude towards neighbors first!

The article said that Sang Na's husband came late. At this time, she was very worried about him, but when she left home, she went to see her neighbors-a widow and two children. From her actions, we can see her good qualities of caring for others. Now, most of us have no time to sweep the snow in front of us. Who will pay attention to other people's frosting?

When Sang Na found that his neighbor Seaman had died and two sleeping children would be left unattended, Sang Na risked being beaten by her husband, and under the pressure of life, he took the two children home and raised them with his five children. After reading these, I deeply feel that our life is very good now, but sometimes we have to shirk our responsibility to help our neighbors and care about our own gains and losses. Compared with Sang Na, it is too obvious.

When I read the fisherman's words, "We, we can always get through it." How touched I am: what a beautiful heart this is for the poor! Looking back at us today, life is much better than Sana's, and there should be more Sang Na, but why do I often see such news as "XXX came out of the ruins" and "XXX stood by"?

Nowadays, most people live in wealth and happiness. But high-rise buildings seem to be a thick fog between people, separating the hearts of one person in trouble and everyone helping each other. Now some neighbors don't even say hello when they meet. Does this mean that their new ones have been separated? Do you want to learn from Sang Na to save that heart? The answer is yes. If we can start from me, we can actively get rid of the barrier between people, find that passion and love, and make the neighborhood full of deep affection and friendship.

Students, please use our hands to create a real society!

Reading "The Poor" makes me feel that the study of "the poor" in Lesson 9 has deepened my view. They are so poor that even fishermen fish in the sea at night when the waves are roaring and the wind is howling. However, the family can barely fill their stomachs. The helpless Simon is even worse. No one knows about his death, and there are two ignorant children sleeping next to him. But in such a poor man, he has a heart full of love, compassion and helpfulness! They have the good quality that they would rather suffer than help others.

What moved me most was this place: "Oh, we can finally get through it!"! Let's go Don't wait for them to wake up. " Although the fisherman realizes that raising two more children will increase his burden, I can strongly understand from the word "forbearance" in his words that he is prepared for a harder life and harder work in order to raise his neighbor's children. Like his wife Sang Na, he has a heart that is willing to endure hardships and help others.

Although the couple are poor materially, they are absolutely rich spiritually. They have love, the most essential and pure emotion in human heart. They use love to infect and help everyone around them and do their best.

Everyone can't live without love, and everyone needs love. Love is not an occasional effort, but the crystallization of eternity. I think of others all the time, day and night. Love is a bright light that illuminates our way forward; Love is a pair of warm hands that help and encourage us when we are helpless; Love is an inexhaustible river, which makes the boat of our life sail to the beautiful other shore. Only by giving will you have it, and only by caring about others will someone care about you. This reminds me of a program on the Spring Festival Evening in 2005, Guanyin-love, which is our same language. It is love that ties everyone's heart together; It is love that makes society more harmonious. As long as we extend a hand to help others, everyone will extend thousands of hands to help you. Let's turn two hands into a thousand hands to help others, spread the seeds of love all over the world, and let people be filled with the fragrance of love everywhere.

At this moment, a song rang out in my ear: gently lift your face/dry your tears/this heart will always belong to you/tell me that I am no longer lonely. ...

Reading "The Poor" has a feeling that a person's life may depend on poverty and wealth, but there is one thing that money can't buy, that is, people's quality.

Even if a person is rich and poor in quality, people will not love him; No matter how poor and noble a person is, people will always remember him. On a dark and cold night, there was a storm at sea. Fishermen don't care about their health for the sake of a family of seven. Sauna also worked from morning till night, barely filling her stomach.

That night, Simon died on a straw bed, and two helpless children slept next to their mother. Sang Na took them back to their home and slept with the children. After reading this article, I can't help thinking that today's society lacks such noble people as fishermen and sauna. In the street, you can see some poor beggars in rags everywhere. Beggars beg people to give him some money to make a living. Those people either run away impatiently, or they are ignored and unsympathetic. As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world; As long as you all contribute a little money, you 1 yuan, and I give 50 cents, then those beggars will not be hungry and cold in cold days.

Once, I was walking in the street when suddenly a beggar came along. He wanted to take 1 yuan, and I thought to myself, I won't give it, they will. I walked over and didn't seem to see it. I walked for a while and turned around. A child gave the beggar 5 yuan. I thought to myself that it would be very unpleasant for me to ignore him. Isn't there a shortage of people like Sang Na in today's society? Let the world have more fishermen and people like Sang Na, and less people who only consider their own interests! In this way, the world will be full of love.

Reading The Poor reminds me of the following sentence: "As long as you can pay, you will not be poor." Yes, poverty is not terrible. What is terrible is mental poverty. People who can give love to others and help others will always be rich in spirit. I read an article "The Poor" by the famous Russian writer lev tolstoy today. The article is about a fisherman and his wife Sang Na, and. Every day, they only make a living by fishing. Their neighbor Simon died, leaving two children. Simon didn't entrust the children to Sana's house before he left, but kind Sang Na resolutely took up raising Simon's two children regardless of poverty!

This story moved me very much. The poor couple took the initiative to adopt two orphans regardless of their living difficulties. Although their life is not rich, their spirit is rich. They have love, a simple and kind heart and compassion! That's enough.

We don't need to take in poor orphans like them. Start with small things and be rich in spirit!

For example, we can give our seats to the elderly on the bus; Help the blind cross the road by the roadside; See a piece of waste paper, take the initiative to pick it up; Turn off the dripping faucet ... these trivial things are enough to reflect a person's spiritual wealth and excellent quality.

I think everyone will have sympathy and admiration for the poor couple as long as they do this. With this idea, your spiritual flower will begin to bloom! I believe you can do better!

Reading "The Poor" has a feeling that whether a person's life is good or not may be determined by poverty and wealth, but there is one thing that money can't buy, and that is the quality of people. Even if a person is rich and poor in quality, people will not love him; No matter how poor and noble a person is, people will always remember him.

On a dark and cold night, there was a storm at sea. Fishermen don't care about their health for the sake of a family of seven. Sauna also worked from morning till night, barely filling her stomach. On this night,

Simon died on a straw bed, and two helpless children slept beside their mother. Sang Na took them back to their home and slept with the children. After reading the article "The Poor", I can't help but feel that there is a lack of such noble people as fishermen and sauna in today's society. In the street, you can see some poor beggars in rags everywhere. Beggars beg people to give him some money to make a living. Those people either run away impatiently, or they are ignored and unsympathetic. As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world; As long as you all contribute a little money, you 1 yuan, and I give 50 cents, then those beggars will not be hungry and cold in cold days.

Once, I was walking in the street when suddenly a beggar came along. He wanted to take 1 yuan, and I thought to myself, I won't give it, they will. I walked over and didn't seem to see it. I walked for a while and turned around. A child gave the beggar 5 yuan. I thought to myself that it would be very unpleasant for me to ignore him. Isn't there a shortage of people like Sang Na in today's society? Let the world have more fishermen and people like Sang Na, and less people who only consider their own interests! In this way, the world will be full of love.

I benefited a lot from seeing the poor. This article is very touching, and I have learned a lot about being a man.

Sang Na and the fisherman have five children, and life is still just getting by, which is very hard. Fishermen get up before dawn and go fishing; Sang Na, who takes care of the children at home every day, relies on fishermen to fish alone to maintain the family's life. The money earned is not even enough for the family's living expenses, let alone food, clothing and use. Children can't read without money.

Then one night, Simon, a neighbor of Sang Na, died, leaving two children who could not speak or walk, and left with regret. Compassionate Sang Na saw these two poor children, risked being scolded by her husband, and took them home without a father or mother, and decided to bring them up and take good care of them. Sang Na didn't expect the fisherman to agree, but they knew that life would get harder and harder, but the fisherman insisted on raising children. We can support seven children by working hard. The fisherman carried it alone, and the hard days passed. There's nothing wrong with trying.

This story made me understand that fishermen's families are kind. They are not afraid of hardship or fatigue. They are willing to help people in trouble, try their best to help them and feel the joy of helping others. Unlike some rich people, who drink red wine at home in winter, open a fireplace for social dancing and live happily, they simply can't understand the hunger of the poor, and they often oppress and exploit us. We should learn from fishermen and Sang Na, have a kind heart together, help people in trouble together and tide over the difficulties together, then the world will be better. Because I always believe that good people are rewarded. Let's work together to make the world a better place.

Reading "The Poor" has a feeling that there is a text "The Poor" in the primary school Chinese textbook of 10, which is the work of the great Russian writer lev tolstoy. The author depicts the fisherman and his wife Sang Na with delicate brushstrokes, revealing that they have good qualities and beautiful hearts despite their poor family background. Almost everyone who has received primary education has been baptized by the soul and left a deep impression. As a sixth-grade Chinese teacher, the author had the honor to teach this article last semester.

I stood on the platform and tried to learn the way of making up stories in order to obtain good teaching results. Sure enough, once my idea was put forward, the classroom atmosphere was very active and students' enthusiasm for answering questions was unprecedented. Unexpectedly, their answer was surprising. A classmate said: "In order to make a living, their family got up early and went fishing in the dark. As soon as the net was closed, a vase was pulled up, filled with countless treasures of gold and silver, and they became rich from then on! " He actually extended his critical realism works into absurd fairy tales. If this is a child's innocence, then the next situation is thought-provoking. Only one female classmate explained, "After 20 years, Simon's children learned about their own lives. Soon, Sang Na's three sons fell in love with Simon's daughter at the same time ... "Another boy was not to be outdone:" Sang Na's eldest son fell in love with Simon's daughter hopelessly, but Simon's daughter met the prince at the seaside and they fell in love. She was taken back to the palace by the prince ... "Alas! This is like the routine of Qiong Yao's romance novels. I can't imagine this coming from a teenager! In my opinion, quality education encourages students to imagine and innovate boldly, but it is by no means "imagination" and "innovation"!

There is another thing that makes the author feel deeply. I have a cousin who is in Grade One. When we were having dinner together this winter vacation, she suddenly said, "Why am I not Manchu?" It made everyone puzzled. It turned out that influenced by TV series, she dreamed of becoming Gege, full of "Wei Zi" and "Little Swallow", and even wanted to change her surname "Aisinggioro".

As an educator, I feel deeply sorry for these children. The reason is that a large number of romantic films and some irresponsible jokes and costume dramas are hard to blame. Recently, irresponsible costume dramas have flooded the screen, especially. Have you noticed that when you turn on the TV, a group of braided ministers on Channel A are kneeling on the ground and shouting "Long live"; On stage B, a eunuch begged for mercy in a strange way: "I should die." There are even so-and-so emperors who visit incognito and fight with each other ... It is in these TV dramas that the emperor is indifferent to state affairs, but is keen on molesting his mother-in-law; Feudal rulers were beautified as benevolent, kind and understanding monarchs. At present, the TV series "Thirteen Gege" starring famous actors is even more ridiculous. It depicts the society in the late Qing Dynasty in an extremely ideal way. Empress Dowager Cixi has become a politician who is good at making suggestions and is determined to innovate. It's amazing! As a result, many children are seriously misled and it is difficult to distinguish the true colors of history.

Indeed, children have no responsibility, but it deserves our serious reflection as adults. How to create a good humanistic environment for children, especially to produce healthy spiritual food, meet their needs and guide them to establish a scientific and correct world outlook and outlook on life, is the time for us to think and act.

Seeing the poor, I feel that poverty cannot deprive me of my ability to love. I recently read Tolstoy's short story The Poor Man, which made me deeply realize this point.

The story mainly tells that on a dark and cold night, the fisherman's wife Jenny found that her neighbor with two children died of illness and overwork. Jenny, who has five children, decided to adopt the two children of this poor female neighbor after discussing with her husband in extreme poverty.

Although the story doesn't have much plot, it still touches me. Fishermen live in a harsh era, the gap between the rich and the poor is huge, and the poor struggle to survive. Out of kindness and pity, Jenny's family, living in poverty, is willing to adopt two infant babies who lost their mothers in their neighbor's house.

Now, most of us have better living conditions than the Jenny family, but some people have lost one of the most important things, that is, compassion. I remember it was reported in the newspaper that the baby Xiaoyueyue was knocked down by a car on the road. 18 Passers-by found Xiaoyueyue, but no one moved Xiaoyueyue away from the road, which caused her to suffer more damage. Some people may say that our living conditions are not good, and we are unable to help and support. However, the living conditions of Jenny's family at that time could hardly be compared with ours. Her simple and great love and compassion make us sincerely admire and reflect. She can do it, but what are our difficulties?

We are still young and limited, and we may not be able to do earth-shattering things. However, we can learn from Jenny's spirit, and we can start from bit by bit. Help disabled students walk; Help clean the classroom; Help the elderly to cross the road ... We sympathize with others and help others, which may not be remembered by others, but every good thing we do can be turned into a drop of water, formed by love, and will eventually merge into rivers and lakes, making our world a river of love and a lake of love!

Thoughts on Reading The Poor 12 The Poor is the work of the famous Russian writer lev tolstoy. I saw this work recently, and it is still fresh in my memory.

The work tells that the fisherman and his wife Sang Na care about and sympathize with their neighbor Simon, who is a poor man. After Simon's death, the fisherman and his wife resolutely adopted her two children.

One night, the cold wind roared outside the house, and the rough waves beat against the coast. Sang Na, the fisherman's wife, stood by the fire and wrapped a thick scarf around her head, ready to meet Simon next door.

Sang Na knocked on the door again and again, but no one answered. She was worried about Simon's accident and suddenly pushed the door in. The room is wet and cold. She covered her mouth in surprise and murmured, "How is that possible?"

There is truth everywhere in life. True feelings are the warm sun that warms your wet heart; True feelings are a fire in the dark, illuminating your life path; True love is a tree in heaven, sheltering you from wind and rain.

Beethoven once said, "My art should only benefit the poor. Ah, what a happy moment! How happy I am to be close to this! "

Always help and care for others, and others will help you. That's what the so-called "charity" means!

Thoughts on reading the poor; After reading The Bow of Tibetan Belly Sheep, I feel that if you give me three days of light, I will feel about 900 words.

After reading "The Poor", I feel that I have read many articles this semester, but the article "The Poor" impressed me the most. The author of this paper is Russian writer lev tolstoy, which reflects the true portrayal of the miserable life of Russian fishermen in the Russian period. The story is about two kind but poor people. They would rather suffer for themselves than help others.

There are many beautiful sentences in the text. "The cold wind is whistling outside, and the rough waves are beating against the coast and splashing. There is a storm on the sea, and it is dark and cold outside, but this fisherman's hut is warm and comfortable. " This comparative description of the environment shows Sang Na's diligence. "Sang Na pale, excited. She thought nervously, "What will he say? Is this a joke? His five children are enough for him ... is he here? ..... No, not yet! ..... Why did you bring them here? ..... He will hit me! I deserve it, I deserve it ... All right, beat me up! "This psychological description shows that Sang Na is uneasy.

I really envy Simon, who has such a good neighbor. If Sang Na is too cold to even go in Simon's house, how can we find two poor children who have lost their mothers? How could they be adopted? Won't they starve to death? Thinking of this, I can't help but feel glad for my two children. They were lucky to be discovered by kind Sang Na.

Sauna family is very poor. The poor will worry about food tomorrow. If I were a fisherman, I would always hesitate, but the fisherman only hesitated for a while and made up his mind to adopt two orphans of Simon's family. I really admire the fishermen, who bear all the food at home. What will happen if fishermen are unlucky? Now that they have adopted two orphans, life has become more difficult.

Their homes are all good! Although they are poor, they have a heart of gold. I believe that God will help the sauna family so that fishermen can catch a lot of fish every day, which is also a kind of gratitude to good people!

Love is infinite, as long as we are sincere and sincere!