Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Why are there so many painters and painters in Essien Cholo's family?

Why are there so many painters and painters in Essien Cholo's family?

There are three reasons:

1. After the Manchu entered the customs, from the emperor down to officials at all levels, they were all open-minded about Chinese culture. The emperor set an example for his ministers, and all the princes and nobles attached importance to and led their children to learn China culture. Therefore, as early as the early Qing Dynasty, the Ministry of Interior opened the "Ruyi Pavilion" to cultivate talents in painting and calligraphy, and the art of painting and calligraphy became a royal family heirloom. For hundreds of years, the "court painting school" has formed a unique style of appealing to both refined and popular tastes.

2. The influence of such social and family atmosphere on future generations is obvious. For example, the youngest painter in the Essien Choro family, Essien Choro Yugou, Wei Ziren, is the daughter of Pu Zuo, a famous contemporary painter in China and a professor at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. She studied traditional calligraphy and painting with her father, Pu Zuo, since childhood, and taught herself. She became a professional painter after graduating from high school.

3. Calligraphy and painting art is an elegant art, which needs a certain material foundation to some extent. Even if the Essien Choro family later became a declining royal family, this art still has a soil for existence. Moreover, once you are addicted to painting and calligraphy, you will not give up easily.