Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Basic knowledge of roller skates

Basic knowledge of roller skates

1. What should beginners pay attention to?

Points for attention and skills in skating 1. Dress flexibly when skating, and beginners should wear long-sleeved underwear to avoid scratching their skin when they fall.

Don't wear too much and too thick, it will hinder exercise. 2. Beginners should also pay attention to rest, because skating is the hardest of lower limbs and ankles. When you are tired, it is not easy to keep your balance, and it is easy to fall and hurt your ankles.

You can take a rest every 15 to 30 minutes, depending on your own situation. Take off your shoelaces when you are resting, so that the blood on your feet can be unblocked and fatigue can be relieved quickly.

Don't bring hard objects, such as keys, knives, mobile phones, etc. When skating, avoid hurting yourself when you fall. When you fall, don't struggle, go with nature and try to let your hips land on one side.

Skills: The correct standing posture is that your feet are slightly apart about shoulder width, your toes are slightly turned out into a small figure-eight, your legs are slightly bent, your upper body is slightly leaned forward, your arms are extended to the side and waist height, and you can look ahead. Note: the center of gravity of the body should be pressed smoothly to the blade through two feet.

It is not correct to stand with your ankles tilted inward or outward.

2. Use skills of roller skates

If you are a beginner, I suggest you walk five times with your hands on the handrail in the venue, and then walk alone.

If you know better, you can find someone who can skate better to take you there. But most of it depends on you.

Above all, you can't be afraid of wrestling. Look at the masters in the stadium, such as forward sliding, backward sliding, side sliding, solitaire, fancy and so on. In fact, they have all experienced hundreds of wrestling and become masters today.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to start backwards. 1 Push back with both hands on the railing and lean back. Many people have regressed when they are novices.

The second is to suddenly turn around on the way to taxiing and become an anti-sliding posture. Master used this second kind.

It is important to observe how the masters play in the field. You can also ask and discuss their experiences and experiences. But it has to be pointed out that most experts are impatient, because they have given priority to socializing and making girlfriends, and they are mainly in love, and they have no mind to waste their feelings on "the low hand in his mind".

Fortunately, you'd better ask the master who walks alone, because he is worried that no one will teach him! Starting from skating, you can do some related land exercises. The simplest is one-leg balance: one-leg support, flat hands, leaning forward and flat hind legs. This action is actually leaning on the goose in the goose balance to be practiced in the future.

The biggest advantage of practicing this movement on land is that it can help us find the feeling of balance on one leg faster and lay a good foundation for future practice on ice (the venue is temporarily called ice). The appreciation of ice dance depends largely on the level of the performer's movements. Without good ligaments, it is impossible to take movements as the standard. Therefore, it is very necessary to press and pull the ligament in the leg.

There are many methods of leg press and ligament pulling, and I know less than everyone, so I won't go into details here. I just want to emphasize that this thing focuses on persistence. If you relax for a while and don't practice for two days a day, it's probably ten days' work, hehe.

After sliding smoothly forward, the most important thing is to turn, because everyone doesn't want to slide without hitting the south wall and looking back. The most standard curve skating technique is stepping, which I believe you have seen in all kinds of water ice, roller skating competitions and performances.

The most important thing to practice stepping is to have the courage to press the center of gravity to the center of the circle. The method is as follows: in the slide, first turn your body to the side you want to turn, face the center of the circle, open the circle with both hands (this will help keep your body balanced), turn your center of gravity to the center of the circle, press the inner foot outside and put the outer foot inside. If shoes allow, you'd better take an arc. If the quality of shoes is not good (such as simple shoes), you can only take tangent. You can also do related land exercises, and the method is roughly the same as taking the cross step (hehe, actually I can't say clearly: P). It is very beneficial to practice more. Similarly, it is neither fun nor convenient to practice pressing steps on both sides.

By the way, walking on skates is also a good way to practice balance, but you must be careful, because it is easy to wrestle at first.

3. How to skate on roller skates? Tell me something in detail.

Some enlighteners said, let me say a few things that are usually used: bend your knees before jumping and lower your center of gravity. When you take off, your knees will straighten out instantly and your body will be pulled up. When your feet leave the ground, raise your knees as high as possible and get as close to your chest as possible. When you fall, your feet touch the ground in tandem and your center of gravity is stable! Downstairs: There are two kinds: sliding down stairs before and sliding down stairs after. Don't think it's a staircase, it just slides past like a flat ground.

Feet apart, center of gravity in the middle! If you slide forward, you will usually hit the stairs in three or four laps, with the center of gravity at the heel, but in the middle of your feet, remember to squat down and open your feet back and forth! ! Beginners should start with 1.2. The wider the ladder, the better (don't exaggerate). Practice at 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees and 75 degrees. Pay attention to the speed, or you will get stuck. A) Slide forward: first accelerate to a suitable speed, and when you get to the stairs, you will be in a high kneeling position and your body will be straight. Don't lean forward or backward, slide with the trend.

Knee squat, feet apart from toes to heels, then tilt down at an angle of about 45 degrees, keep a certain speed, relax your knees and keep a certain distance between your feet, starting from the first order, then the second, third and fourth order, and correct the angle by 60 degrees if there is an opportunity. If you are not sure about 75 degrees, don't try 90 degrees easily. Pay attention to the softness of your knees to avoid sports injuries. Beginners must wear protective gear ... b) Backward slide: practice first and then slide. Generally speaking, it is more stable to slide down after the previous one. Remember to wear protective gear.

Accelerate to the right speed, turn around when you get to the stairs, sprint with your feet in tandem and slide down. Focus on your hind feet, and the most important thing is to overcome your fears. The key point is to support your feet and don't deform as soon as you reach the foot of the stairs. Don't put your feet together no matter what happens. Don't go forward or backward. Standing 1)t-stand method: stand with the heel of your left foot against the inside of your right foot in a T-shape, and the upper body leans forward slightly. 2) legislation of parallel standing posture: standing with two feet parallel to shoulder width and the upper body leaning forward slightly.

Note: When standing, don't fold inward or spread out the corners, keep the knife rest vertical to the ground, and exercise at ordinary times to develop a good standing posture. 3) Squatting posture: the upper body leans forward, the shoulders are slightly higher than the hips, the hands are clenched or naturally swung, the legs are bent, the upper body and the ground form an angle of 15-20 degrees, and the knee joint forms an angle of 90- 1 10. Pay attention to the squat posture practice of each movement during practice.

2. Exercise of moving the center of gravity 1) Stand on your feet and put on roller skates. Stand with your feet shoulder-width parallel, your legs slightly bent, your upper body slightly leaned forward, your arms naturally drooped, your body center of gravity moved to your left leg, and your right leg was slightly lifted and put down; Move the center of gravity to the right leg, lift the left leg slightly and then put it down, and so on, gradually speed up. 2) One-leg support balance On the basis of mastering the marking time, keep the original posture, hold the railing or companion, shift the center of gravity to one leg, then take the other leg back to the starting posture, and change feet to repeat the above actions.

3) Practice standing with your feet in figure eight, with your center of gravity moving to your left foot, your right foot taking a step forward, then your left foot moving forward, your center of gravity moving to your left leg, then your right foot moving forward, your center of gravity moving to your right leg, and so on. 3) Step and stand in the same place, first move the center of gravity to the left leg, retract the right leg, move to the anterolateral side of the left leg in a cross posture, and then move the center of gravity to. Meanwhile, practice taking a step to the right. 3, straight line sliding 1) single pedal two feet sliding practice the inner edge of the right foot to push the ground, push the center of gravity to the left leg that slides forward, then quickly slide with the left foot to form two feet, then do the left foot pedal to touch the ground and move together, alternately and repeatedly practice sliding forward.

2) When sliding with one foot and one pedal, the upper body leans forward, the arms naturally droop, the feet are slightly separated, the center of gravity moves to the right leg, the inner edge of the right foot is used to push the ground, and the left foot slides forward forcibly. After the kick, push the center of gravity to the left leg, slide with half squat support inertia, and then retract the right leg. At the same time, put your left foot on the ground, and push your center of gravity to your right leg, which slides with half squat support inertia. Try to lengthen the time of one-legged support gradually. Pay attention to the essentials of one-legged support when practicing. Pay attention to put the nose, knees and toes of the supporting leg on the same vertical line. During the supporting process, it is not allowed to slide with the inner blade bracket. Novices suggest keeping the tool rest vertical to the ground.

3) Swing arm and practice natural swing arm. Be careful not to swing too far. 4. The characteristic of curve gliding is that due to the centripetal force, the body not only needs to lean forward, but also needs to lean to the inside of the steering wheel.

Note that the main exercise turns to the left. Try not to slide in the opposite direction. When sliding in the opposite direction, please slow down and choose outer smooth motion.

1) One foot is supported, and the other foot slides on the ground continuously from the standing posture. After the right foot pushes the ground with the inner edge, it quickly crosses with the left foot, and then the right foot pushes the ground again, and the left foot continues to slide on the front-outer curve. Pay attention to the steering side of the front foot, and put your toes in the middle of the support foot.

Then support and push the ground to practice. 5.Stop 1) Slide to the wall or any reasonably fixed object with the help of fixed objects, and use your arm to buffer them while touching them.

Suitable for low-speed situations (remember to turn your head when you hit the wall to avoid hitting your face against the wall). Pay attention to learn to use your arms as a buffer (just like doing push-ups standing up). You can practice like this: put on your shoes and stand 2 feet away from the wall 1. Now, fall to the wall and hold it with your hands.

You should bounce back a little, provided that you avoid hitting your head against the wall. The faster you hit the wall, the smaller the rebound.

Manual braking will be more effective. Pay attention to choose a familiar and skilled companion and give you a warning when approaching him. 2) Brake pads are also good for beginners, but after the level is improved, brake pads may become obstacles. For example, when crossing steps, you may stumble ... take your right leg first, while your toes are off the ground and your heels are pressed down. The center of gravity should be between the legs.

At first, it may be a little behind your feet. The point here is to keep your back straight and your knees bent. 3) In the process of T-stop taxiing, focus on your right foot, bend your right knee and lift your left foot horizontally.

4. Skating skills

Stand upright: stand with your feet in a T-shape or your heels together in a V-shape.

Start: Start from the T-stance, keep your front foot forward and your back foot outward, so that you will have the power to move forward. Slide: In order to keep a good balance when sliding, put one foot slightly in front of the other and bend your knees.

Body swing: put the center of gravity on the left foot, and push the bridle with the right foot and slide outward; Then your feet are parallel. Next, focus on the right foot, push the left foot outward, stretch, slide, and so on.

Body posture: the body squats slightly, as if to sit. Stretch your feet forward, bend your knees and ankles, and relax the weight of the whole pair of shoes.

Stop: slide in the above posture, with your feet together and parallel. Slide the foot on the brake forward slightly, so that the distance between your feet is about half a foot. Lift your toes until the brake touches the ground, then slowly move the weight to the brake and increase the pressure until it stops. Smart common sense of roller skating You should know where your "limit" is anytime and anywhere, and keep it within the range.

Practice new skills on flat ground, not on slopes. Be sure to wear a helmet and protective gear.

Stay away from the dangerous areas of sliding: sand, branches, leaves, gravel, oil pollution, beaches, and squares that eat wheels. If the danger zone is inevitably low, try to focus on the heel and keep sliding or crossing in a straight line.

Find the taxiing direction. When you meet a low wall: stop completely first, and then cross it with horizontal steps.

Be especially careful when you slide on the highway! Sometimes cars, taxis and bicycles are unpredictable. Leave enough space for yourself.

Pay attention to the driver's movements and judge his route to prevent the door from suddenly opening. People are forbidden to wear skates on the roads of big cities in China, so you should be careful. The police are always in front of you.

To understand the traffic situation before and after, make sure they notice you. Of course, eye-catching clothes are essential. Wear reflective protective gear and small lights in places with insufficient light.

Don't wear headphones when skating. Although it's cool, it will affect your concentration. How to ensure the safety of roller skating? In order to make roller skating more fun, it is necessary to prepare for safety. Only by completely lifting the concerns about safety can we really play roller skating with confidence, give full play to its potential, make greater progress or give the best performance.

Here are some things to pay attention to before going on the road: 1. Do warm-up activities. Just like taking part in any sports, you should warm up before each practice, and roller skating is the same.

Let the main joints of the whole body move and pull the tendons, especially the ankles, knees, thigh joints and waist. 2. Wear protective equipment.

A complete set of protective gear should include: helmet, elbow pads, knee pads and palm pads. 3. Use common sense to choose safe occasions.

Don't play roller skating on the driveway, slope, oily or stagnant ground; Use common sense to judge and put safety first. 4. Know your own level and know your own limits.

When you play roller skating, you should be guided and be especially careful when you want to learn new skills or movements according to your own situation. 5. attend class.

Find a good coach to come to class, accumulate professional knowledge and roller skating skills, and get the safety knowledge of roller skating from the coach. Due to the late development of extreme sports in China, there are almost no professional coaches in this field, but some extreme roller skaters watch and teach themselves through video, TV and other media.

If you have expert guidance, you can get twice the result with half the effort and correct your mistakes easily.

5. What are the things to buy roller skates?

The items to buy roller skates are as follows: 1.

First of all, look at whether the quality of roller skates is excellent: roller skates are different from personal general shoes. Under special circumstances, the utilization rate of 8 hours a day is several times higher than that of personal shoes, so that irreversible damage will not occur under high frequency use.

Low-grade roller skates (skates) generally use inferior bearings, which can only be used for 10 days-1 month. Generally, the wheels are made of PVC, and the service time is 1-3 months. A few wheels are made of domestic PU, but the wheels slip slowly.

The inferior recycled material used for the bottom plate of the bracket is easy to deform, the fit gap is too large, the design is unreasonable, and it feels laborious and unstable when skating. Skateboard brakes are particularly durable and often replaced.

The leather of the upper is very poor. Shoes with easily torn soles.

Maintenance costs are higher than the price of shoes. 2。

Secondly, the skating effect of skates is very important: only when the skates are easy to use can you experience the fun of skating. The skating effect mainly depends on the angle design of the chassis structure and the design of the force point.

Secondly, it is also related to the wheel hardness (the hardness of domestic PU raw materials is generally 5 degrees lower and the speed is slightly worse) and whether the bearings are made of high-grade chrome steel and high-speed GB608. 3。

Thirdly, the thickness of the inner sleeve and whether it is comfortable to wear are the keys to choosing shoes: the thicker the inner sleeve, the more it covers the feet and the softer the tongue, the better. Proper foot-binding shoes can protect ankles and make sports more flexible.

A good shoe body should be strong enough, the sponge should be thick enough and the density should be high enough.

6. What should I pay attention to when buying roller skates?

How to choose roller skates 1?

Body: The shell of roller skates can prevent external impact and protect feet. Generally, the shoes with buckles are more convenient to wear; The edge of the shoelace will be closer to the foot, but it will be more troublesome to put on and take off.

Generally, better roller skates are designed with straps and buckles. Ordinary roller skates have inner boots, which can cushion the friction between the foot and the shoe shell, thus protecting the foot and making the skin not easy to scratch and blister.

A good shoe body should be strong enough, the sponge should be thick enough and the density should be enough. Comfortable shoes can make you more comfortable to step on.

2。 Frame: The frame is the structure connecting the wheel and the shoe shell. The toughness of the frame system is the main factor that determines the service life of roller skates.

There are usually different types of underframe designs, some thicker and some thinner. The underframe is usually equipped with four wheels, but there are also small underframes with three wheels and speed shoes with five wheels.

3。 Aluminum chassis is better, because aluminum chassis is hard and not easy to deform, but it is more expensive.

And pay attention to how many mm wheels can be installed in the underframe of shoes, generally 76mm, and it is best to install 80mm wheels. There are more choices when you want to change the wheels in the future. 4。

Wheels: Wheels must be highly resilient and must not be plastic wheels. Generally, high-elastic wheels are soft and elastic, while plastic wheels are hard. You can try knocking on the ground to listen to the sound, and you will find that the sound of plastic wheels is much sharper.

. Wheel size: the smaller wheel accelerates faster, and the larger wheel accelerates slower, but it is more stable at high speed and can maintain a higher speed than the smaller wheel).

The size of the wheel is generally between 47mm (anti-shake of fancy shoes) and 80mm (speed shoes). 5。

Wheel hardness: Soft wheels usually have better grip, smooth sliding and better shock absorption; The hard wheel is slippery and has excellent durability, but it has only general resilience. Generally, the wheel hardness ranges from 74A (soft) to 100A (hard), so it is generally durable.

Extremely durable and high grip.

.. general grip and high elasticity.

General rebound wheel diameter hardness (the higher the value, the harder it is) 72mm-76mm 78A-80A for leisure use. The speed of softer wheels is above 76mm, and 80mm is more common, depending on the site and road conditions. Generally speaking, the limit is 78A-85A. The use of small wheels (88A- 100A) and hard wheels (72mm-76mm 78A-85A) below 65mm in hockey shows that large wheels are suitable for long-distance skating, while small wheels are more flexible, usually with higher hardness and poor grip. Wheel profile: The thinner the profile, the faster the speed and the moderate stability.

The wider the cross section, the larger the friction area with the ground and the higher the stability. 5。

Orientation: Hong Kong people often call it Beer Bell, Taiwan Province people call it Pei Lin, and domestic people call it Orientation. Actually, it refers to tolerance. Bearings are metal objects placed in the middle of wheels to help them rotate. A bearing should be placed on both sides of each wheel, and the middle is separated by a sleeve.

Generally, single-row shoes adopt aluminum/brass spacer sleeves, and the plastic sleeves are higher; The friction of metal is small, which can give the bearing the maximum continuous rotation ability, so the wheel rotates at a higher speed. Generally, the bearing for roller skates is 608, and the bearing for roller skates is classified as abec 1 ~ 5. The higher the grade, the more accurate it is.

The quality of bearing can't be determined only by abec index. The difference of products from different manufacturers is often greater than these indicators. Most bearings for casual shoes are abec3 ~ 5.