Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What are the top ten tortures in Daming?

What are the top ten tortures in Daming?

Ten torture in the Qing Dynasty-Introduction-During the Qing Dynasty, in order to firmly safeguard their own rule, the criminal law was made more elaborate and cruel.

fruit peel

When peeling, cut the back skin in half with a knife, slowly separate the skin from the muscle with a knife, and tear it like a butterfly spreading its wings ... The hardest thing is the fat man, because there is still a pile of oil between the skin and the muscle, which is not easy to separate.

There is also a stripping method, I don't know how credible it is. The method is to bury people in the soil, exposing only one head, making a cross on the top of the head with a knife, pulling the scalp away and filling it with silver. Because of the heavy proportion of mercury, it will pull muscles away from the skin, and people buried in the soil will writhe painfully, but they can't break free. Finally, the body will jump out of the designated mouth, leaving only a piece of skin in the soil ... After peeling off the skin, it will be made into two drums and hung at the entrance of the yamen as a warning. The earliest skinning was after death, and later it developed to live skinning.

Cut sb.' s waist in half and put him to death

Because the waist chop is to chop people from the middle, and the main organ is in the upper body, the prisoner will not die at once, but will be sober after the chop, and it will take a long time to die.

Tear a man with five chariots

That is, dismembering the victim is very simple, that is, putting a rope around the victim's head and limbs, pulling him in five directions with five fast horses and tearing him into six pieces. It takes a lot of effort to cut off a person's head and limbs, not to mention pulling them. The pain of the prisoner can be imagined. Speaking of tearing, I'm afraid the victim won't feel pain any more. The pain is when you are pulling.

All five punishments

Beheading, gouging out eyes, chopping hands, gouging out eyes, and cutting ears into one, that is, "cutting eight pieces", is generally to cut off a person's head, hands and feet after killing him, and then cut his trunk into three sections. Cut off your hands and feet, cut off your nose, ears and tongue, gouge out your eyes,

Execute by dismembering the body

First kill people, and then chop them into meat paste, which is called "sugar".

. Later, when he arrived in the Qing Dynasty, his development was more elaborate, with the aim of making prisoners suffer the greatest pain. So not only should the prisoner be punished when he is alive, but also how many knives he has to suffer before he dies. It is said that at the end of each year, two people perform, starting with their feet, and a * * * cuts a thousand knives, that is, cuts a thousand pieces of meat, before the prisoner can die. It is said that if the prisoner dies before cutting a thousand knives, the executor will also be punished. Developed into "the art of death penalty."

call out

Hanging is a common punishment abroad.

In China, hanging is carried out with a bowstring ... that is, the bow is put around the prisoner's neck, the bowstring is forward, and the executioner starts to turn the bow at the back. The tighter the bow turned, the less angry the prisoner became, and finally he died. ...


Prisoners who refuse to plead guilty are often tortured. The solution is to find a big urn, put people in it, and then heat it with firewood below. The temperature is getting higher and higher, and the prisoners are getting more and more unbearable. If they refuse to confess, they are often burned in urns. ...

Castration (as a punishment)

The castration in the Qing Dynasty was exquisite. First, tie up the little brother with a rope (including the child's bag), let the blood not circulate and die naturally, and then cut it off with a sharp knife (all! Not just a little brother). After cutting, cover it with incense ash to stop bleeding, and put a goose feather in the urethra. In a few days, take off the goose feathers. If you can pee, castration will be successful. If you can't urinate, even if that person is useless, he is likely to die of uremia in the end. So you have to castrate a eunuch. You'd better castrate him when he is still young, and it will be much more dangerous when he is old.

This punishment is often offset by the death penalty of the nobles. Relative to women, it is "claustrophobia"

Implied punishment

There are different opinions about the punishment of strangulation.

Some people say that it is to cut off all below the knee, while others say that it is to cut off the kneecap. The latter is more credible.

In short, strangulation is a kind of torture similar to amputation.

If the kneecap is cut off, there is no support between the thigh and the calf and you can't stand up.


Sew nails by hand. Often used for female prisoners.

bury alive

Burying alive is a common means in war. Because it's labor-saving and fast.

All prisoners of war buried alive in the war were told to dig their own holes. Sometimes the prisoners are killed first and then pushed down, but when time is not enough (or bullets need to be saved), they are pushed down directly and covered in the back.

It's even harder to bury people upright in the soil, showing only one head, and then start abusing them. ..

poisonous wine

Poisoning may be the only humane form of torture. ...

The most famous poison should be "pigeon", which is often used to kill people.

Stick punishment

That is, stake punishment. What I'm talking about here is stick punishment, not hitting people with sticks. The stick punishment mentioned here is to take a stick and insert it directly into a person's mouth or anus. The whole stick sank into the stomach, which made people die miserably.


Saw a person alive with an iron saw, and its horror seems to be equivalent to year-end and peeling. No wonder there is torture of sawing people alive in hell torture. However, people who see life and death not only exist in the legendary hell, but also exist in the world.

Spinal fracture

When a person hates another person, he often thinks of breaking his spine. Breaking the spine is really a Japanese behavior, because if a person's spine is broken, he will die.

Lead irrigation

In the Buddhist story about Yamaraja, Yamaraja said that Bai Xiang was the Lord of hell, and there were orders from hundreds of officials and beautiful women around him. In the dark period, that is, two hours a day, I was subjected to copper enema. Similarly, human beings are tortured by pouring tin or lead. The melting point of tin is 232 degrees Celsius and that of lead is 327.4 degrees Celsius. Whether tin or lead is poured, people can be burned to death. Moreover, molten tin or lead will solidify into lumps as soon as it enters the stomach, and the falling force of this heavy metal can also cause death.

Gouge out two eyes with a red-hot sharp knife, then cut off the meat on both sides of the thigh, and finally fill your mouth with melted lead until you die.


The grooming mentioned here is not a woman's grooming, but an extremely cruel punishment. It refers to scraping off a person's meat with an iron brush until the meat is gone and finally he dies.

During the execution of persuasion, the executioner stripped the prisoner naked, put him naked on the iron bed, poured boiling water on him several times, and then brushed off his flesh with an iron brush. It's like folk killing pigs after scalding with boiling water until the skin is brushed and the bones are exposed, and the punished person dies before it's over. The punishment of modification has the same effect as the punishment of 2008. Drag and drop it on the bamboo fork, the meat is exhausted, the bones are exposed, and then kill him with a stick.