Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Liang Fei's background

Liang Fei's background

For various reasons, many people think that Xin Zhe Ku had only one good concubine in Qing Dynasty, and she was the lowest concubine in Qing Dynasty. This statement is wrong. First of all, we must understand what is the innovator's library: the innovator's library is the inner pipe hoop and the pipe hoop. The coated collar is the Chinese name of Ku in Xin Zhe, which is mentioned many times in the Laws of Qing Dynasty: the inner collar is Ku in Xin Zhe; The new Zheku, that is, the tube collar. Xinzheku is also called Huntuo River, which is the Manchu name of Xinzheku, and Huntuo River means semi-auxiliary collar.

The new Zheku is a kind of coating, which serves the royal family just like a coated collar. Palace steward is the position of Qing dynasty, and it is a civil servant. His duty is to manage the lover's library and handle the logistics of the royal family. The inner tube collar is a three-flag library; The maharaja also has his own government, the Xiawuqi Library, which serves the maharaja's residence. The position of Xin Zhe Library in the next five flags is lower than the first three flags. Some new Zheku people are guilty books, while most new Zheku people are normal coated books. Normal new Zheku people who don't commit crimes become new Zheku people because they have few family members and weave into a half-collar (the new Zheku is also called Huntuo River, which means half-collar). Most concubines from Xinzhe Library are normal semi-auxiliary Xinzhe Library.

According to the Eight Banners Manchu Genealogy, Liang Fei's family "went home every day", which shows that after her family took refuge in the Qing government in the early Qing Dynasty, it was not because she had no relatives that she was normally incorporated into Huntuo and Ku. Therefore, just like those queens who were born with coats and auxiliary collars, Xin Zhe Ku (big collar) is also a normal way for the emperor to accept the princess. The concubines born in Kangxi Dynasty were not only good concubines, but also Duan Qirui, Qi Yi, De Qi, Qi Min, Ding Qi and Chyi Chin. In addition, many princes also have side concubines, who are selected from Xin Zhe Library.

Please refer to Du Jiaji's A Study of New Zheku for clarification of other viewpoints of New Zheku. It is clearly stated that the vast majority of the new Zheku people are innocent and can enter the DPRK as officials. Their positions are also varied, such as: the letter and philosophy library with a bachelor's background (such as Bailing), the head of the internal affairs office (such as Tathagata), the commander-in-chief (such as Tuotu), Hangzhi (such as Sun Wencheng), and the assistant minister of the cabinet bachelor (such as Xu who was once admitted to the letter and philosophy library by Emperor Kangxi).

As for the statement that "an example is not allowed to be an official", Mr. Du Jiaji made it clear that it refers to the new Zheku people who were confiscated for crimes, not to the new Zheku people who were normally listed as non-criminal books. (In the Kangxi Dynasty, crimes committed by the new Zheku people could also be officials. For example, Emperor Qianlong ordered Princess Wei's family to be the leader of the Han flag in the early Qing Dynasty, and later retired to the new Zheku. However, during the reign of Emperor Wei Fifty-one, the princess's grandfather, this right was abolished, and her family could not. During the Qianlong period, criminals were not allowed to participate in the imperial examination and became officials themselves, and the scope of punishment was narrowed. See Du Jiaji's article for details).

As for the post of Juechan family recorded by Liang Fei family in Manchu genealogy of the Eight Banners, there are such posts as canteen manager and second-class bodyguard commander. In the fifty-second year of Kangxi, Liang Fei's brother Gadahun was promoted to Zuo Ling in Shengjing, and Zuo Ling in Shengjing was the fourth grade official. The duties of the Liang Fei family are the same as those of many concubines of Emperor Kangxi. For example, the families of De Fei and Min Fei also hold the positions of kitchen and bodyguard. The following is a record of Juechan:

Hu Zhu, the flag bearer of Huang Zheng, lives in Fuala and comes back when the weather is fine. He is the chef of the restaurant. His sons were stunned. They were the masters. Sun Du Er Bai and Abu Nai are in charge of internal management, and he is in charge of catering. Roberg, the great-grandson of the former manager. Tahan and Alin, they are both in charge. Ga Hachan, second-class bodyguard of former headquarters. Tao Ge used to be a doctor. Great-grandson Gadahun was the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Suowu, former treasurer. Sun Yuan Suozhu, former Blue Ridge bodyguard. Zhang Ming and Tao Zhu are both front inner tube collars. Former Governor Asari. Xihana, original style.

Then let's take a look. In fact, many queens in the Qing Dynasty were born in Xinzheku (coated tube collar):

1. Kangxi dynasty:

Liang Fei, Wei, Abu Nai, the female leader of Neiguan, and Yin Gui, the biological mother in May, went to the library of Sanqi.

Ding Ai, Wan Liuha, Dr. Tolby, Brother Twelve, Yin Jia's biological mother, went to the Three Flags Library.

2. Yongzheng Dynasty: (After Yongzheng Dynasty, the status of coating auxiliary collar and coating tube collar rose, because Yongzheng's biological mother was also from coating)

Daughter of Liu, Guan Ling and Liu Man, biological mother of Liu Ge and Hong Kun. (It should still be painted with the Han surname, and the status of Han people is lower than that of Manchu.)

, Geng Shi, the daughter of Guan Ling, Geng Dejin, the mother of Wu Mei, Hongzhou, and the library covered with yellow flags.

3. Qianlong dynasty:

Empress Xiaoyi Chun (the imperial concubine), Wei Jiashi, the daughter of Wei Qingtai, was originally the main assistant of the flag of the Han army in the early Qing Dynasty, and was later demoted to Xin Zheku, the flag of Shangsanqi. She was also a man with a Han surname. After her son succeeded to the throne, she was carried into Manchuria with a yellow flag. Jiaqing emperor's biological mother.

Yi Jian, Huangshi and Gan Long lived in Gege, Yongwangfu, and were also born in Xinzheku.

Rui Guiren, Suo Chuo Roche, was also born in Xin Zheku.

4. Jiaqing Dynasty:

Xiao Shurui, Queen of Xitala, is also the storage place of Xin Zhe of Shangsanqi, which was later put on hold by Yongzheng for painting. Lai Bao, a famous minister, is the great-uncle of Empress Xiao Shurui.

Hua Jia, the daughter of a merchant, wore a yellow flag and a robe.

Other concubines from Xinzheku are still unknown. The above are concubines who have been identified as Xin Zheku.

It can be seen that it is the normal way for the emperor to accept the princess, just like the empresses who were born with collars. It is not the lowest birth in the Qing Dynasty, let alone the lowest in history, and its birth is not the base. Xin Zheku was born with a bachelor's degree (such as Bailing), a general manager of the interior office (such as Tathagata), a commander-in-chief (such as a map), and an assistant minister of the bachelor's department of the cabinet (such as Xu who was admitted to Xin Zheku by Emperor Kangxi). Not all the origins of Xin Zheku are humble. According to the textual research in the article Maid Class in Qing Dynasty, the selection of maids in Qing Dynasty was first scheduled for the eighteenth year of Shunzhi (166 1). "All women aged 13 to 13 under the leadership of the inner government (that is, Yi Fu) and the inner government (that is, Xin Zhe Ku) are sent to the accounting department for lectures and read by the eunuchs in charge." That is to say, when selecting maids in the Qing Dynasty, they must be the coated daughters of Huang Zheng in the Qing Dynasty, and they should be in charge of various positions in the office of internal affairs, so as to be eligible for selection. Maid-in-waiting comes not only from women in coats assisted and managed by the Three Flags of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also from the families of officials.

After being selected, in addition to studying palace rules, you should also assess skills such as embroidery and cleaning. Those who pass the examination will stay, and those who choose the best will give an hour to write and study every day. "The imperial secretary will be examined the next day." Among the ladies-in-waiting, those with beautiful faces and smart faces were sent to serve the Lord, and almost all of them did rough work.

This shows that the official assistant collar, the official collar and the maid-in-waiting of noble birth all have equal opportunities to get the jobs they are engaged in. The reason why maids are assigned different jobs is based on their own conditions, not family background. Therefore, it is not true that a maid-in-waiting born in the inner tube must be engaged in menial jobs such as menial work. Liang Fei can be chosen as the emperor's queen, which shows that her appearance and qualifications must be extremely outstanding; According to historical records, all the elected ladies-in-waiting should learn to write and read in the palace, so Liang Fei has a certain cultural accomplishment. There are several statements about Liang Fei's surname:

Eight Banners Manchu Genealogy Volume 49 Juechan contains:

"Hu Zhu, a man with a yellow flag, lives in a pony and comes back when the weather is fine. He is a former chef. His sons were stunned. They were the masters. Sun Du Er Bai and Abu Nai are in charge of internal management, and he is in charge of catering. Roberg, the great-grandson of the former manager. Tahan and Alin, they are both in charge. Ga Hachan, second-class bodyguard of former headquarters. Tao Ge used to be a doctor. Great-grandson Gadahun was the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Suowu, former treasurer. Sun Yuan Suozhu, former Blue Ridge bodyguard. Zhang Ming and Tao Zhu are both front inner tube collars. Former Governor Asari. Xihana, the original pen and paste style. "

"Biography of Empresses in Qing Dynasty" contains:

"Liang Feiwei's, Manchuria is a yellow flag, and Abu Nai's daughter is in charge of Tu. According to the Eight Banners Tongzhi, the seventh collar of the third collar of Huangzheng Banner in Manchu Dynasty was divided in the second year of Kangxi. At the beginning, the management right of Yi Tong was passed to Master Tong. When he died, it was managed by Tu Abu Dhabi. Abu died and was managed by other Han Chinese. "

It is mentioned here that Abu Nai, the father of the good princess, wore a yellow flag and used to be the inner tube collar; After Abu Nai's death, he (Tahan) succeeded as the leader of the internal management. This is consistent with the fact that Abu Nai, the grandson of Hu Zhu of Juechan, and Tahan, the great grandson of Hu Zhu of Juechan, successively served as the leader of the inner tube, and the flag registration is also consistent, which seems to prove that Liang Fei is indeed a conscious Zen family.

According to Article 62 of the Full Translation of Zhu Pi's Memorial in Manchu in Yongzheng Dynasty, uncles and other clans were invited to carry the flag by the collar, and Wang Lian Gada Hunshu and other clans were carried out of the big collar in the first year of Yongzheng, and may be moved to the Manchu Zhenglan Banner (because it was played by the Zhenglan Banner when it was put under the coat four years later, see below). This fold also proves that Gadahun people are indeed Huangqi people.

Let's take another look at an imperial edict from Yong Zhengdi: "On October 16th, the fourth year of Yongzheng, Emperor Yinde and others in Manzhouli, the official capital of Zhenglan Banner, proposed that Akina's mother-in-law, Gadahun, should play a role in changing clothes. The imperial edict said: "Gadahun was originally a humble slave under the command of Assistant Tu. I was graciously removed from Assistant Tu and moved to his subordinate to be used as the general manager of the internal affairs office. Don't you know this kindness? "In this imperial edict, it is said that Gada Hun was a slave of Peizuo and once served as the manager of the Office of Internal Affairs, which is consistent with the fact that Gada Hun of the Juechan family once served as the manager of the Office of Internal Affairs. The imperial edict also pointed out that Gadahun was the servant of Peizuo in the Kangxi Dynasty, which shows that the Liang Fei family should have left Xinzheku in the Kangxi Dynasty and was led by Peizuo, and Gadahun seemed to be the slave of Shengjing in the Kangxi Dynasty, which can also prove this point.

To sum up, the names, flags and resumes of Liang Fei's father and brother are consistent with those of the barren family in Genealogy, so Liang Fei is indeed an barren surname of Manchu.

Summary: Wei's surname is Juechan. The general situation of this family is that he lived in Komako (now Yongling area of Xinbin County, Liaoning Province) for generations, and Huang Taiji took refuge in Tiancong's reign as a coat, and served as the chef and head of the inner tube for generations, becoming the servant of the emperor. In the second year of Kangxi, it was officially placed under the third collar and the seventh collar of Manchu Huangzheng Banner. According to the imperial edict of Yongzheng, Gada was assigned to the big collar (Gada mixed with Kangxi as Shengjing collar). In the first year of Yongzheng, the flag was loaded and received by several times (due to lack of manpower, it was compiled by half a time). As for why the swan song is called Wei's, whether the family was included in the coat collar during the Kangxi period remains to be verified. In a hierarchical palace, it is normal for a good princess to become a empresses, and it is absolutely impossible to have anything planned to take the initiative to seduce the emperor. The emperor didn't have a maid-in-waiting at close range, which came from Emperor Kangxi's Courtyard Motto: "The maid-in-waiting in the Ming Dynasty will be thousands and millions. There are 300 maids in my palace today, but I haven't approached them yet. I am going to marry my parents when I am almost 30 years old. " This shows that there are no maids around Emperor Kangxi, but eunuchs serve him. It is mentioned in "A Talk about Maids" that the harem system in Qing Dynasty was very strict. Maids are not allowed to leave the palace where they work at will. To leave the palace, two people must go together. Besides, the emperor will not go to the Empress Palace except the Queen Palace. When the emperor wants to see his queens, he always calls them to the emperor's bedroom to meet him. In the Qing dynasty, when the rules and regulations were strict, it was basically a guess of modern people that those maids could hook up with the emperor at will.

The emperor was also very affectionate to Liang Fei. Liang Fei was promoted until his death. Of the concubines in the early and middle period of Kangxi Dynasty, only five were made princesses during their lifetime, of which Liang Fei occupied one seat. After his death, he was personally commemorated by the emperor, and the only concubines recorded in the daily life register of Emperor Kangxi (except high-ranking empresses such as the imperial concubine) were Hui Fei and Liang Fei. (The emperor paid homage to Hui Fei because the mausoleum of Emperor Kangxi was built in the twentieth year of Kangxi. Empress Renxiao and Empress Xiao Zhao entered the underground palace of the mausoleum together, and the golden coffin of Hui Fei entered the palace of Emperor Kangxi's mausoleum. Hui Fei was the first queen to be buried in the tomb of Emperor Kangxi, so the emperor and Hui Fei paid homage to the queen together. The reason why the emperor paid homage to Hui Fei was slightly different from that of Liang Fei. )

Generally, it is the Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager and Empress. Will attend in person, and concubines and other ministers rarely attend. Liang Fei was honored to be personally attended by Emperor Kangxi. The statement that Liang Fei is a "bitch of Ku in Xin Zhe" comes from the imperial edict compiled by Yongzheng Dynasty and A Record of the Holy Father of Qing Dynasty, which was not written by Emperor Kangxi himself, and there is no record in the literature of Kangxi Dynasty. So did Emperor Kangxi ever say that it is doubtful.