Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Emergency plan for epidemic prevention and control in sub-district offices

Emergency plan for epidemic prevention and control in sub-district offices

Emergency plan for epidemic prevention and control in sub-district offices

In our daily study, work and life, we sometimes face unexpected events such as natural disasters, serious accidents, environmental hazards and man-made destruction. In order to control the development of accidents, we often need to prepare emergency plans in advance. So, do you know how to write an emergency plan? The following is the emergency plan for epidemic prevention and control in my sub-district office. I hope it will help you.

Emergency Plan for Epidemic Prevention and Control in Sub-district Office 1 This emergency plan is formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the Emergency Regulations for Public Health Emergencies, and in combination with the actual situation of our company. The contents of the plan are as follows:

First, set up an emergency team.

The company has set up a leading group for epidemic emergency work (hereinafter referred to as the leading group), formulated a scientific and feasible work plan and emergency plan, and defined the handling steps, methods and specific responsibilities of each operation link. The team members are as follows:

Team leader:

Deputy team leader:


The company's leading group and all employees should cooperate closely to form a joint force to ensure that all work is implemented.

The leading group should strengthen the education of infectious disease prevention and other popular knowledge for all employees, strengthen health protection and knowledge education, and improve employees' awareness of self-prevention. Employees are required to pay attention to personal health protection while doing their daily work seriously. For employees with fever and cough, find out and advise them to diagnose the cause in time, rest and treat them, and then go to work after recovery.

All offices of the Company shall do a good job in health and epidemic prevention according to the relevant preventive measures and requirements announced by the leading group and the health and epidemic prevention department.

Second, the main responsibilities

1. General Management Department: Do a good job of disinfection drugs, protective equipment and other materials needed for on-site treatment.

2. Finance Department: Guarantee the funds for purchasing emergency materials and necessities.

3. Business department xxx is responsible for accurately and timely releasing epidemic information and the company's disease prevention and control measures to employees, publicizing their knowledge of disease prevention and improving their self-prevention ability; Seriously understand the epidemic situation in different periods of society and do a good job in epidemic propaganda.

4. Sales department and other departments: protect susceptible people, coordinate the comprehensive management department of the company and other relevant departments to carry out emergency treatment, and ensure that health and disease prevention and medical rescue work are carried out efficiently and orderly under the unified command of the leading group.

5.xx yard, xx yard: Do a good job in disinfection drugs, protective equipment and other materials needed for on-site treatment. According to the information released by the development company, accurately and timely release epidemic information and the company's disease prevention and control measures to employees, publicize their knowledge of disease prevention, and improve their self-prevention ability. Seriously understand the epidemic situation in different periods of society and do a good job in epidemic propaganda.

Third, prevent the epidemic.

All departments of the company should focus on preventing possible epidemic situations, and mainly do the following two tasks:

1. ventilation: every morning and afternoon when going to work, all departments and windows must be ventilated; Try not to use air conditioning. If you want to use air conditioning, you must take a breath regularly.

2. Disinfection: Employees should pay attention to personal hygiene besides daily hygiene and cleaning.

Fourth, emergency countermeasures

1. Once an epidemic occurs, employees should immediately report to the leading group for epidemic emergency work, and the emergency group should report the epidemic situation of the unit to the health department in time, and deploy and carry out epidemic treatment and further prevention and control work.

2. The emergency team should send the sick employees to the health department for treatment in time, and control the epidemic situation according to the deployment of the epidemic prevention department.

3. Disinfect the places where the epidemic occurred, and suggest or force employees who come into contact with the disease to go to hospitals and other health departments for inspection according to the epidemic situation to avoid the expansion of the epidemic.

4. When the epidemic occurs, the company should focus on the prevention and control of the epidemic. As the centralized safety department, the safety operation department should carefully coordinate the emergency team to disinfect and eliminate pathogens, and the comprehensive management department should do the logistics support for the prevention and control of the epidemic.

5. When the epidemic occurs, the emergency team should set up a special team to do a good job in employee education, eliminating psychological pressure and correct guidance together with the trade union department to ensure that the epidemic period passes as soon as possible.

The emergency plan for epidemic prevention and control of street offices should be scientific, standardized and effective to deal with the possible novel coronavirus epidemic, so as to achieve early prevention, early detection, early reporting, early isolation and early treatment, and ensure people's life safety and health. Combined with the actual situation of our town, this emergency plan is formulated.

First, the scope of application of the emergency plan

This plan is applicable to the emergency treatment of novel coronavirus epidemic in the administrative area of xx town.

Second, the principle of disposal

1. People-oriented, sound mechanism. Medical and health institutions should earnestly perform their public service functions, take the protection of public health and life safety as the primary task, minimize the occurrence of sudden epidemic and the casualties and harm caused by it, and closely combine the emergency work of sudden epidemic with public health work. Through the establishment and improvement of emergency mechanism, it provides a guarantee for dealing with sudden epidemic situation.

2. Standardize according to law and take decisive measures. Medical and health institutions shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, improve the emergency response system for sudden epidemic, establish and improve the emergency response system for sudden epidemic, quickly respond to sudden epidemic and possible epidemic, and carry out monitoring, reporting and handling in a timely and effective manner.

3. Unified leadership, joint prevention and control According to the scope, nature and harm degree of the sudden epidemic, the government should unify leadership, coordinate all units and departments, conduct joint prevention and control, standardize deployment, actively respond, keep pace, and take effective actions to effectively prevent and control the spread of the epidemic in novel coronavirus.

4. Prevent and control according to law, respond scientifically according to relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of this plan, standardize the emergency work of novel coronavirus epidemic, make full use of advanced science and technology, and improve the level of prevention and control.

5. Give priority to prevention, constantly improve the awareness of epidemic prevention, improve the emergency system and prevention and control mechanism of novel coronavirus epidemic in the town, make emergency preparations for personnel, technology, equipment and materials, and implement various prevention and control measures. Strengthen monitoring, timely judge the risk assessment in novel coronavirus, timely analyze the epidemic situation in novel coronavirus, and make early warning, early response and rapid disposal, so as to achieve early detection, early reporting and early treatment.

6. Strengthen publicity and social participation, strengthen publicity and education, and improve the public's self-protection ability and social responsibility awareness. Actively organize and mobilize the public to participate in novel coronavirus epidemic prevention and emergency response activities. Actively guide public opinion in a timely manner and maintain social stability.

Third, the leading body.

The leading group consists of the office of the prevention and control headquarters, the epidemic reporting group, the epidemic disposal group, the propaganda group and the logistics support group.

1. prevention and control headquarters office

Responsible for the coordination, command and reporting of emergency work; Collect and summarize the investigation information of each prevention and control disposal group, and make a comprehensive analysis and report, including the dynamics and trends of novel coronavirus epidemic situation in this town, prevention and control measures, evaluation of prevention and control effect, existing problems in prevention and control work and suggestions for the next stage; Responsible for business guidance, prevention and control knowledge and medical business knowledge training in novel coronavirus; Make overall arrangements for on-site epidemiological investigation and treatment, sample collection of close contacts, sanitary treatment of environment and articles, laboratory testing and packaging and transportation of sample transportation. Responsible for novel coronavirus epidemic situation and emergency decision-making, responsible for the overall leadership, organization and coordination of the prevention and control team members, the deployment of prevention and control work.

2. Epidemiology Report Team

Be responsible for reporting and auditing, implement a 24-hour duty system, make statistical analysis of information, report the progress of work to the office of the prevention and control headquarters in time, and report the information dynamics of novel coronavirus epidemic situation to the county health bureau and other higher authorities.

3. Epidemic Disposal Team

Take timely and effective measures against the epidemic situation in novel coronavirus, disinfect at any time or at the end of the epidemic area, check the disinfection technology of medical institutions, train village clinics for disinfection, and control the further spread of the epidemic. Responsible for epidemiological investigation and hazard assessment; According to the needs of the prevention and control work, responsible for timely put forward the need to reserve drugs, disinfection supplies and other emergency materials projects; For patients who do not cooperate with isolation treatment, our town police station will assist in taking compulsory measures according to law when necessary.

4. Stability Advocacy Group

Responsible for formulating news reports and public opinion guidance plans during the novel coronavirus epidemic in conjunction with relevant departments, and guiding radio, television, newspapers, networks and relevant departments to do a good job in epidemic information release and prevention and control knowledge publicity and education; Responsible for the popularization of emergency knowledge, psychological crisis intervention and technical support for epidemic prevention and control in novel coronavirus; Assisting the Autonomous County Health Bureau and the town health center to carry out the tracking, investigation and education of cases and close contacts, eliminating public panic, maintaining social stability and helping to control the epidemic situation.

5. Logistics Support Team

Responsible for the storage and transportation of facilities, equipment, medicines, inspection reagents, protective equipment for field staff and other materials needed for epidemic control in novel coronavirus, so as to ensure the normal operation of transport vehicles and meet the needs of epidemic disposal; Apply to the finance department in time according to the fund demand put forward by each working group.

Fourth, the job requirements

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. Strengthen joint prevention and control, do a good job in guiding relevant public opinion, and improve the public's awareness and ability to prevent. All village committees and units directly under the town should strengthen organizational leadership, implement the overall responsibility of the "number one", personally grasp the epidemic prevention and control, subdivide tasks, arrange timetables, clarify the responsible persons, and implement the prevention and control work one by one. Strict duty, daily newspaper and zero reporting system to ensure that the prevention and control work is implemented and achieved practical results.

(2) improve political status. Fully understand the importance of prevention and control of novel coronavirus infection. Villagers' committees and units directly under the town should improve their political positions, fully understand the urgency and importance of preventing and controlling the novel coronavirus epidemic, always put people's life safety and health first, enhance their sense of hardship, responsibility and bottom line, and fully implement various prevention and control measures. Strictly implement early detection, early reporting, early isolation and early treatment, and compact the responsibilities at different levels, resolutely overcome the careless thinking and ensure timely response to the epidemic.

(3) Pay close attention to business training. Town health centers should strengthen the professional training of medical staff, improve the ability of medical staff to identify cases and the level of treatment, strengthen the reserve of related materials, strictly do a good job in hospital sense and personal protection, and ensure medical safety.

(4) Strengthen the guidance of public opinion. Scientifically publicize epidemic prevention knowledge, raise public awareness of self-protection, and effectively protect people's lives, health and safety. Severely crack down on spreading rumors and creating social panic in accordance with the law, and resolutely safeguard the overall social stability.

Five, this plan shall be implemented as of the date of issuance.

Emergency Plan for Epidemic Prevention and Control in Sub-district Offices 3 I. Guiding Principles and Working Principles

Under the unified leadership of the local government and the guidance of emergency headquarters, people in the county bureau market are infected with H7N9 avian influenza. The county industrial and commercial system should conscientiously implement the policy of "strengthening leadership and close cooperation, relying on scientific and legal prevention, mass prevention and control, and decisive disposal", and follow the principle of "unified leadership, graded responsibility, and territorial management", based on functions, careful deployment, strict prevention and supervision, and close cooperation with relevant departments, rapid response and decisive.

Second, the organization and command system and responsibilities

(1) emergency organization and responsibilities

1. Market Prevention and Control emergency headquarters

The county bureau set up a market prevention and control emergency headquarters with director Zhang Buyong as commander, other bureau leaders as deputy commanders, and market contract unit, inspection brigade, consumer protection unit and office as member units to coordinate and guide the emergency response of people infected with H7N9 avian influenza in the county's industrial and commercial system.

Emergency headquarters should study the epidemic situation of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza in time, formulate emergency management measures for market prevention and control in the county, guide all branches to carry out prevention and control of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza in a timely and steady manner, and start emergency plans after the outbreak.

2. Market Prevention and Control Emergency Office

Emergency headquarters has an emergency office for prevention and control of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza in the market contract unit. Responsibilities: Under the leadership of emergency headquarters, the person in charge of the prevention and control of H7N9 avian influenza is responsible for organizing and directing, coordinating and guiding, emergency handling, briefing, work supervision, information collection and situation summary; Be responsible for the specific work of implementing emergency headquarters's instructions and deployment.

(b) Division of responsibilities among departments

1. Market contract unit

Investigate and master the epidemic situation of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza, study the emergency management measures of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza, guide the market prevention and control of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza in all branches, and check the market prevention and control work; Be responsible for informing the government and relevant departments of the market prevention and control work; After the outbreak, guide the industrial and commercial sub-bureaus of the epidemic areas under the leadership of the local government, coordinate relevant departments to close trading places, and do a good job in the aftermath of stopping trading activities of livestock and poultry products.

2. Office

Under the unified coordination of the county H7N9 avian influenza prevention and control headquarters, responsible for the county H7N9 avian influenza market prevention and control and the news propaganda work of the industrial and commercial departments to investigate and deal with major cases, undertake the comprehensive work of important written materials, and report to the county bureau system for prevention and control according to relevant requirements and methods; Responsible for the unified dispatch of prevention and control materials and vehicles.

3. Inspection team

Responsible for cracking down on illegal activities of manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy epidemic prevention products.

4. Consumer Protection Unit

Do a good job in the diversion and supervision of illegal business information of livestock and poultry products reported by the administrative law enforcement network.

5. Grass-roots branches

Supervise market players to implement market closure, waste disinfection and harmless treatment, and increase the crackdown on unlicensed and illegal operation of livestock and poultry products.

Third, emergency response measures

(A) the release of early warning information

1. After the epidemic occurred in the county, emergency headquarters and County Bureau, under the unified leadership of the county government, informed relevant branches around emergency headquarters and the epidemic area, and timely notified the epidemic according to the epidemic situation issued by the H7N9 Avian Influenza Prevention and Control Headquarters.

2. Under the unified leadership of the local government, the relevant sub-bureaus in emergency headquarters and the surrounding areas of the epidemic area issued early warning notices to the relevant industrial and commercial departments and relevant markets according to the epidemic early warning scope delineated by the local government of the epidemic area and the H7N9 avian influenza prevention and control headquarters. Once a new epidemic situation or other abnormal situation is found, it should be reported to the local government and the higher administrative department for industry and commerce immediately.

(B) County Bureau emergency response measures

1. After the outbreak in this county, the emergency headquarters of the county bureau quickly launched an emergency plan, and the emergency office for preventing and controlling human infection with H7N9 avian influenza entered an emergency state.

2. emergency headquarters quickly convened a meeting to formulate specific measures and distribute them to all branches to guide the county's industrial and commercial system to do a good job.

3. The epidemic situation is serious, which may cause large market fluctuations, and the epidemic situation spans the administrative area at the township level. The county bureau should promptly send inspection teams to guide the local industrial and commercial departments to do a good job in market epidemic prevention and control.

(3) Emergency measures taken by the industrial and commercial departments in epidemic areas.

1. Quickly start the emergency plan, implement key prevention and control measures, and quickly carry out emergency supervision for market prevention and control.

2. Maintain the epidemic market order. Quickly investigate and understand the current situation and development trend of the epidemic, and do relevant disposal work as required.

3. Under the unified leadership of the local government, assist and cooperate with relevant departments to quickly close the epidemic market or the sales area of livestock and poultry products in the whole market, and do a good job in the aftermath according to the requirements of the local government.

4. Intensify the market inspection, especially the inspection of the market in the junction of epidemic areas and non-epidemic areas and the market in the junction of urban and rural areas, and report the market inspection and supervision in a timely manner. Strictly prevent livestock and poultry and their products from flowing into the epidemic market.

5. Severely crack down on illegal trading of dead livestock and poultry products and dead livestock and poultry products without quarantine; Severely crack down on manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy epidemic prevention supplies and materials, as well as taking the opportunity to drive up prices and disrupt the market and circulation order.

6. Implement the responsibilities of market organizers and floor operators to prevent and control the spread of livestock and poultry.

(4) Emergency measures taken by market organizers in epidemic areas

1. Quickly control the scene of the epidemic, prevent the spread of the epidemic, and order operators to immediately stop selling livestock and poultry products.

2 immediately notify the local supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention, health departments and industrial and commercial departments.

3. Evacuate onlookers, and control irrelevant personnel to enter epidemic spots and epidemic areas.

4. Cooperate with relevant government departments to do a good job of on-site disposal.

(five) emergency measures of the industrial and commercial departments around the epidemic area

1. The industrial and commercial departments around the epidemic area should make all preparations for market prevention and control, improve emergency plans, closely monitor the trading dynamics of livestock and poultry and their products, and give early warning in time.

2. Comprehensively clean up and inspect the market, especially strengthen the inspection and supervision of key parts such as the surrounding areas of epidemic areas, the junction of epidemic areas and non-epidemic areas, and the trading markets of key producing areas. The daily inspection density of each market shall not be less than two times to prevent livestock and poultry and their products from entering the local market in epidemic areas.

Fourth, emergency reporting mechanism.

(1) Outbreak Report

When there is an epidemic or a major case in the market, the zero reporting system should be implemented, and the industrial and commercial department where the incident occurred must report the relevant situation to the local party Committee, government and the superior industrial and commercial bureau in a timely manner.

(2) Emergency handling report.

The industrial and commercial department of the epidemic area must report the cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza in the market once a day, and report it at any time in case of special emergency; Within 5 days after the emergency state is lifted, submit a complete report to the emergency office of market prevention and control of county bureau.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) emergency response guarantee

(a) to ensure smooth communication.

County bureaus and sub-bureaus should strengthen their duty. During the start of the emergency plan, the mobile phones of emergency headquarters of the county bureau and all the staff in his office, emergency headquarters of each branch and his office staff, the main leaders of the industrial and commercial departments where the epidemic area is located and relevant staff shall be kept open for 24 hours, and it is strictly forbidden to turn them off or no one answers.

(2) Stand by for work on duty

County Bureau of prevention and control headquarters and its office staff should all be on duty on weekdays, and more than 50% of cadres should be on standby on rest days. In case of emergency, the relevant personnel guarantee to complete the assembly within 2 hours.

Each branch shall be on duty on working days, and shall not leave without authorization; On rest days, more than 70% of cadres are on standby at any time. In case of emergency, they must be able to assemble more than 5 people within 2 hours and quickly rush to the scene for emergency treatment.

(3) Material guarantee

Industrial and commercial cadres who enter epidemic areas to participate in epidemic prevention command must be equipped with necessary protective articles, including gloves, masks, protective clothing, disposable hats or headgear, rubber boots, protective glasses, disinfectant for human use, etc.

The county bureau office is responsible for the unified dispatch of prevention and control materials. Prevention and control facilities, equipment and emergency supplies should be in normal state, and related materials and equipment, including law enforcement vehicles, communication equipment and testing equipment, should be on standby at any time to ensure emergency and use at any time.

Sixth, propaganda and guidance.

The industrial and commercial departments at the bureau and sub-bureau levels should actively publicize the popular science knowledge of prevention and control of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza through market channels, so that operators and consumers can understand the transmission characteristics and prevention knowledge of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza, enhance scientific prevention awareness, improve prevention and protection capabilities, and actively cooperate with the administrative department for industry and commerce to do a good job in market prevention and control.

Bureau-level and sub-bureau-level industrial and commercial authorities should strictly abide by the work discipline of publishing information on H7N9 avian influenza epidemic. Without the consent of the county bureau and the local H7N9 avian influenza prevention and control headquarters, information about human infection with H7N9 avian influenza shall not be released.

Seven, the aftermath of emergencies

(a) to guide the market organizers to further clean up the site under the unified deployment of the government to ensure the non-proliferation and spread of the epidemic.

(two) to guide the market organizers to actively organize the supply of goods, strictly control the quality of incoming goods, and ensure the prosperity and stability of the market.

(three) to maintain the order of market operation, and severely punish illegal acts such as bullying the market, driving up prices, hoarding, doping and adulteration.

(four) summarize the report and handling, analyze the reasons, and sum up the experience and lessons.

VIII. Accountability and Reward

(a) strictly investigate the responsibility of information concealment, late reporting and omission.

If each sub-bureau fails to perform its reporting duties in accordance with the provisions, and conceals, delays reporting or makes false reports on market epidemic information, it shall give administrative sanctions to the principal responsible person according to law.

(2) Strictly investigate the responsibility of "inaction" of relevant personnel.

Those who fail to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of the county bureau and its local government's emergency plan, pass the buck, seriously damage the image of the administrative department for industry and commerce, and have a bad influence and serious consequences shall be given administrative sanctions according to law.

(3) Strictly investigate the responsibility of cadres who are ineffective in their work.

Due to poor supervision, dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty, resulting in the spread of H7N9 avian influenza through market channels, administrative sanctions of demotion and dismissal shall be given according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
