Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to shape the bonsai with golden branches and jade leaves? What are the correct pruning methods?

How to shape the bonsai with golden branches and jade leaves? What are the correct pruning methods?

The leaves of the golden branches and jade leaves are green all year round, round and thick, like copper coins, so they also have the beautiful meaning of making money into treasure. There are noble, eternal together, family and many other beautiful meanings. After we make the golden branches and jade leaves into bonsai, it looks more elegant and heavy at home, making the home more noble and elegant. How to make a bonsai model by raising golden branches and jade leaves? What are the pruning methods?

How to carry out bonsai modeling with golden branches and jade leaves? If we want to shape the bonsai with golden branches and jade leaves, we should first shape it according to the growth state of the golden branches and jade leaves, which is what we often say. Because the fleshy stems of golden branches and jade leaves are brittle, which is different from wooden bonsai.

Moreover, when modeling, the bonsai with golden branches and jade leaves needs to be done at the young stage of the golden branches and jade leaves, so that according to the tree shape of the golden branches and jade leaves, it will be pruned continuously during its growth period until the bonsai we want is pruned.

It was not a day's work to shape the golden branches and jade leaves. After we choose the shape, we need to trim it according to the shape we want until we achieve the desired effect. Generally, according to the tree shape of golden branches and jade leaves, we can trim them into the following bonsai shapes. Moreover, it is best to prune the golden branches and jade leaves in spring, because they grow vigorously and the wounds are easy to dry.

Pruning methods of bonsai with golden branches and jade leaves Now Sister Rong talks about several common modeling and pruning methods of golden branches and jade leaves. The specific method is as follows:

(1) direct dry type

Straight-stem bonsai is generally shaped with trunk. This kind of bonsai is mainly characterized by straight trunk and pruning branches and leaves layer by layer. No matter the size of the plant, it gives people an indomitable momentum. From a distance, it gives people a towering momentum, and it is refreshing after reading it. This shape is usually used as the shape of pine, cypress and other trees. Golden branches and jade leaves can also adopt this shape.

Pruning method of direct-dried bonsai: If you want to prune a dry bonsai, we can prune it after the golden branches and jade leaves grow side branches. Usually, there are many side branches on the leaves of the golden branches and jade leaves. We can selectively prune them, that is, remove some over-planted side branches. Cut the lower branch short, the middle branch slightly longer, and the upper branch slightly shorter.

(2) Bending dry type

The curved and dry shape can be used as a golden branch and jade leaf. The characteristic of this model is that the trunk is curved, and the branches and leaves on the trunk are divided into left and right branches, which looks like a winding dragon. The director of the song can use the shape of pine and cypress, and the shape of golden branches and jade leaves is also very good. Only when modeling, you need to scroll to achieve the effect of doing things.

Push-and-cut method of bending dry bonsai: In order to trim the bending dry bonsai, firstly, the branches of golden branches and jade leaves are bent, and of course, the trunk of golden branches and jade leaves can also be bent by Pinza's method. Then, the pruning method is basically the same as the straight stem pruning method, that is, when pruning the side branches, the hierarchical state is pruned.

(3) Cliff style

Cliff piles are divided into big cliff, middle cliff and small cliff due to different degrees of trunk drooping. Cliff bonsai gives people a sense of perseverance and infinite vitality, which can make people work hard. Moreover, cliff bonsai is also a very popular bonsai, and there are many kinds of bonsai shapes for golden branches and jade leaves.

Cliff-style bonsai modeling: Cliff-style bonsai needs to keep one side branch, cut off the other side branch, keep the main body short and stout, and only let one side branch grow. After this side branch grows again, it will be trimmed in layers, and finally the desired cliff pile will be trimmed.

(4) flower basket type

The flower basket bonsai looks more agile and dancing, and its shape is relatively simple, which adds a bit of childlike interest to the simple and heavy bonsai.

Pruning method of flower basket bonsai: The flower basket bonsai mainly grows two side branches at the top when the trunk of golden branches and jade leaves is short, and then the two side branches grow to a certain height, and then the top is tied up to make a circle, which looks like a flower basket.

Conclusion Golden branches and jade leaves are usually raised as bonsai. As long as they are raised in tree form, they are made into straight-stem, curved-stem, cliff-shaped and basket-shaped. Of course, you can also be creative and make your favorite bonsai. Which of the above bonsai shapes of golden branches and jade leaves do you like? (Some pictures are from the Internet. If there is rights protection, it must be deleted. Thank you. )