Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to grow daylily?

How to grow daylily?

Cultivation of day lily;

First, early planting management

1. Select land, prepare soil and apply sufficient base fertilizer.

Day lily is a perennial crop, which can be harvested continuously 15~20 years after planting. In order to obtain high-yield and high-quality day lily, Sichuan, tableland, terraced fields and palm fields with deep soil layer, fertile soil, flat terrain, good drainage and slope less than 15 are the most suitable.

After selecting the plot, thaw the soil in spring, and then plough and rake the land, so that the cultivated layer is deep, fine, flat and clean, with a solid upper surface and a flat ground, which is convenient for planting.

Day lily will only be rejuvenated after 15 years, with long growth period and large fertilizer consumption. Therefore, sufficient base fertilizer should be applied before planting. The base fertilizer should be mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer. It is best to use 25~30 t/hm 2 decomposed sheep manure as organic fertilizer, and apply it to the field with deep tillage and stubble removal.

Second, variety selection

The existing varieties of day lily, such as plum, apricot, Baihua, Jingzhou, Chongli and Dawuzui, have the characteristics of strong disease resistance and high yield. Generally, the yield of early and late maturing varieties is low, and the yield of middle maturing varieties is high. However, due to its long harvest period, early, middle and late maturity varieties should be reasonably matched.

Third, cultivate strong seedlings.

3. 1 ramet propagation method

Propagation by ramets is the most commonly used propagation method of day lily, and there are generally two ways: one is to dig out some plants on one side of the mother plant cluster as seedlings and let the rest continue to grow; The second is to dig out all the mother plants and replant them. When digging seedlings, it is necessary to minimize root damage and plant while digging seedlings. After the seedlings are dug out, shake off the soil, separate every 2-3 buds into a cluster or a plant, and cut off the rotten roots, old roots and diseased roots growing at the lower part of the rhizome, leaving only 1~2 layers of new roots with a length of about 10 cm.

3.2 Short-stem Cutting Seedling Raising Method

After the day lily is harvested, dig out the root plants, separate them according to buds, remove the dead leaves and hairy leaves around the shortened stems, leave the leaves 3~5 cm long, cut off the upper end, and then cut the roots vertically into two pieces from top to bottom. If the rhizome is thick, it can be cut longitudinally. Generally, each plant can be divided into 2~6 plants, even as many as 10 plants. Note that when cutting, each seedling should have a "seedling stem" with fibrous roots under it.

The seed propagation method of day lily is fast and has a large number of propagation, which can provide seedlings needed for large-scale cultivation. Don't pick flowers during the growing period of day lily. Each capsule contains 10~50 plump and excellent seeds. When the capsule changes from milky yellow to grayish black and the upper part is cracked, it can be harvested. The fully mature seeds are black and shiny, and the weight of 100 seeds is about 2 g.

To raise seedlings by sowing seeds, we should choose fertile plots and make a small bed with a width of 1.0~ 1.2 m, and sow seedlings from mid-late April to early June. Before sowing, ditches should be dug in the border, with a depth of 3 ~ 5cm, sowing row spacing 1 5cm and plant spacing1cm. After sowing the seeds, cover them with 2~3 cm thick soil after a little suppression. It can be covered with plastic film to keep moisture and raise temperature, and promote seedling growth. After the seedlings are unearthed, the film is broken to prevent the seedlings from being burned by the wind. After the seedlings grow in the seedbed for 1 year, they can be planted in the next year.

Fourth, planting

Daylily can be planted in other periods except seedling stage and picking stage, but there are two most suitable planting seasons: one is spring (March-April), that is, the growth of spring seedlings of daylily has just begun, at this time, the survival rate of seedling propagation is high, and after 1 year growth, it can enter the picking stage in the next year; Second, the day lily planted in early autumn (September) can take root and sprout in the autumn of that year, grow a lot of leaves and new root groups, absorb a lot of nutrients, differentiate leaves and buds, and lay a good foundation for producing new tillers in the coming year.

Daylily planting in dry land generally adopts wide and narrow rows, wide rows 120~ 140 cm, narrow rows 20~30 cm, hole spacing 9~ 15 cm, and planting per hole 1 plant, which is beneficial to mechanized farming, ventilation and light transmission, and increase yield. When planting, ditch the selected plot according to the width, with the ditch depth of 12 cm and the width of 20 cm. Arrange day lily seedlings at specified intervals, cover the soil artificially and plant with a depth of 10 cm, so as to achieve "no capping on the top and no rooting on the bottom". After covering the soil, cover the soil firmly with your feet, so as to facilitate the full contact between the roots and the soil and promote rooting and germination.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) Tian Tuan management

5. 1 seedling management

In the early stage of day lily seedling raising, if the soil moisture is poor, it should be watered properly to improve the survival rate. After the seedlings survive, they should be cultivated and weeded in time to promote strong seedlings. Seedlings planted in spring should be cultivated and weeded 3~4 times a year, and seedlings planted in autumn should be cultivated and weeded 2~3 times a year.

5.2 Spring seedling management

The time from seedling germination to bolting is called spring seedling stage, which lasts from March to May. When the average temperature reached above 5℃, beginning of spring began to grow. With the increase of temperature, leaves grow rapidly, and each tiller can grow 16~20 leaves, which lays the foundation for reproductive growth. Topdressing should be carried out at the early stage of spring seedlings, and 500 ~ 600kg/hm2 urea should be applied on both sides of seedlings after the spring seedlings turn green. At the same time, timely intertillage weeding 1 time, the depth is greater than 10 cm.

5.3 bolting management in bud stage

The bolting period is from late May to mid-June, and the main flower buds are pen-shaped. Flower buds appear after growth, and gradually bloom after flower buds are formed. At this time, the appropriate topdressing is 1 time, and 400~500 kg/hm 2 of Stanley compound fertilizer is applied on both sides of seedlings. At the same time, timely intertillage weeding 1 time, loosen the soil and remove weeds.

5.4 Flowering management

The flowering period is the harvest period, which lasts from June to September. It can be harvested for 30 ~ 60 days according to different varieties. In order to prolong the picking period and increase the yield, 75 kg/hm 2 urea was topdressing within 7~ 10 d after picking. Spraying 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution on leaves every 7 days during picking period has obvious effects of strengthening buds and preventing buds from falling off.

5.5 Winter seedling management

The winter seedling growth period is from the end of flowering to the first frost, and the axillary buds at the lower part of the flower buds germinate and grow one after another, which is called winter seedling. At this time, other photosynthetic organic substances in winter seedlings and leaves are stored in fleshy roots and shortened stems for the growth of spring seedlings in the next year. Therefore, the growth of winter seedlings also affects the yield of the next year. At this time, intertillage weeding 1 time should be adopted to break the soil hardening and improve the soil water storage capacity; Protect leaves and improve photosynthetic efficiency.

5.6 dormant period management

After the first frost, all the leaves on the ground died and entered a dormant period, which lasted from 10 to March of the following year. At this time, the dead leaves should be cut off, weeds should be removed, and the soil should be ploughed or ploughed in time to make it deep, fine, flat and clean, and the ground should be flat. Combining with soil preparation, winter daylily seedlings were cultivated to improve their cold resistance.

5.7 Renewal and revival

There are many thick and fat fleshy roots in the underground part. When the local part is tillered into dense clumps, it shows that the day lily plants need to be updated. Specific practices: After harvesting, combined with intensive cultivation in autumn, the old 1/2 plant was dug up with roots on one side of each cluster, and continued to propagate as a seedling, so that new tillers and new roots appeared on the whole plant, achieving the purpose of renewal and rejuvenation, and the other side was also rejuvenated after 3-4 years.

Six, pest control

6. 1 rust

Day lily rust can occur in the whole growth period, which mainly harms leaves and stems. In the initial infection, there were blisters. With the development of the disease, scattered in yellow-brown powder. Sometimes the blister spots merge into one piece and the epidermis turns over. The periphery of blister spots often turns green and light yellow, and the whole leaves turn yellow. In severe cases, the leaves of the whole plant die, the flower stems turn reddish brown, and the buds wither or fall off.

6.2 leaf blight

Leaf blight mainly harms leaves. At the time of initial infection, there were small round pale spots on the tip of the blade. With the development of the disease, the leaves turn yellow and brown along the edge. If the humidity is high, it will produce black mold. Control method: spray 800 times of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder every 7~ 10 d/time for 2~3 times.

6.3 Starscream

Red spider infects the back of leaves with nymphs and adults, and the damaged leaves appear gray spots. In severe cases, the whole leaf is gray, which eventually leads to death. Control method: use 1500 times of 15% wettable powder or 2000 times of 73% propargite spray.

6.4 aphids

Aphids mainly occur in May, first damaging leaves, and then gradually developing into flowers and buds. After being killed, the buds are very thin and easy to fall off. Control method: spray with 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 1 000~ 1 500 times or 10% acetamiprid wettable powder1500 ~ 2,000 times.

Seven, picking

When the buds are yellow-green, full and the longitudinal grooves on the petals are obvious, it is the time to bud. Early harvest, insufficient flower bud expansion and low yield; Harvesting too late, the buds crack or open, which affects the yield and quality. The best harvesting time is 2 h before flowering and fruit cracking, usually 7: 00- 14: 00, and it is harvested first after ripening.