Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to take a bus from Eco-city to Tianjin West Railway Station?

How to take a bus from Eco-city to Tianjin West Railway Station?

You can take bus No.462, 176 /65 1.

According to Baidu map query, you can take bus No.462, 176 /65 1 from Eco-city to Tianjin West Railway Station. The whole journey takes about 2 hours and 55 minutes. You can walk 2.7 kilometers in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city, get on the bus at Shuangwei Yuexinyuan Station, take bus No.462 and 16, then get off at Tianjin Railway Station Bus Station, and walk 330 meters to get on the bus at Haihe Square Station of Tianjin Railway Station.