Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Why is the virus information "joke.win32.agent.fjk" reported by Rising Antivirus deleted when the MFC.exe file compiled by VC++ runs?

Why is the virus information "joke.win32.agent.fjk" reported by Rising Antivirus deleted when the MFC.exe file compiled by VC++ runs?

Baidu has increased the word limit for questions, so I just need to cancel and make a supplementary question (from: yblzhua).

Maybe when I was building a project, the third step was "Do you want to use MFC library?" The reason for choosing "as a static DLL" is.

I tried to put the menu "project"->; "Microsoft Basic Class [M]" in "Settings" is set to "Use MFC as a DLL for * * *", and then compiled and run, so there is no virus warning. Then I set "Microsoft Basic Class [M]" to "Use MFC as a static link library", and then compile and run, and the antivirus software will not report an error.

Similarly, if I start from step 3, "Do you want to use MFC libraries?" Select "DLL for * * *", compile and run it again, and then in the menu "Project"->; "Microsoft basic class [M]" in "Settings" is set to "Use MFC as a static link library", and no virus will be reported after compilation and operation.

In short, you need to set "Microsoft Basic Class [M]" to "Use MFC as * * *" DLL, compile and run it once, and then compile and run the program after any modification, so Rising antivirus software will not report the virus.

Through your answers and continuous experiments, the above results and solutions have been obtained. Thank you! Only with your answers can there be a good solution, but everyone's answers are different. Baidu knows that it can only give one reward.

In addition, the fundamental problem is still unclear, that is, what is the cause of the above problems? What the hell is "joke.win32.agent.fjk"? Whoever can answer this question clearly will be rewarded!