Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Have you finished writing?

Have you finished writing?

Meng Po: I don't want to do it.

Yan: Impossible.

Meng Po: I really don't want to do it!

Yan: ok, drink this bowl of Meng po soup and go to reborn.

Meng Po: (grunting) Who am I and where am I?

Yan: Your name is Meng Po, and you are serving soup at Naihe Bridge. Go out and turn left.

Scholar watched, always feel that this scene is very familiar.

Hades: You're quitting, too? Come on, drink this bowl of Meng Po soup and go to reborn.

Scholar: No, no,no. Young people love their work and work hard to take root at the grassroots level.

Rebecca: Children are very sensible.

The scholar can't remember how long he stayed in this hell, so long that he can't even remember his own name. Yan gave him a new name, Judge.

Yan: In the future, you will call the judge, who will be responsible for leading people to be reborn, and the humane beast will have the final say.

This is the farthest thing a scholar can remember. Speaking of it, it is a hard job to lead people to be reborn. There are always a few Tatars who don't obey the distribution. A gentle scholar has developed a tendon, and people in hell are called the devil wears Prada.

Butcher: No, no, I'm not an animal.

Scholar: The book of life and death is written in black and white. You have killed too many evils, and now your reincarnation is a cruel way.

Butcher: That won't do. Just because someone doesn't kill pigs for the New Year doesn't mean I'm an animal.

Scholar: Yes, you have a point. Let me help you.

Butcher: Hey, that's right.

The scholar rolled up his sleeves three times and five times, split in two, tied a bunch of flowers for the butcher, poured a bowl of Meng Po soup and threw it on the animal path, which was very skillful.

Scholar: Next.

Red: I don't drink Meng Po Tang.

Scholar: Good.

Tau Ma Mian:?

Scholar: Next.

Ma Mian: Brother, you can't do this. This is against the rules.

Tauren: No, no, no matter how beautiful that girl is.

Scholar: Girls don't drink Meng Po Tang, you can only take a trip to the forgotten river.

Rhett: You really don't remember me?

Scholar: The girl is joking. I have been in this place for more than ten years. If everyone remembers, I'm afraid it's a little scary.

The girl in red came to the underworld the other day. I heard it was double suicide. I have seen many silly girls and scholars, but I have never seen them make trouble every day.

Scholar: Girl, I think you may have met love rat. Before you reincarnate early, you might as well reincarnate as soon as possible and find an honest man.

Red: No way, you are him.

Scholar: I'm not the place where you fool around. Go there, girl.

The scholar motioned for the bull's head to take her down.

Tau Ma Mian: I dare not.


Horse face: Red is a spectre not to be taunted.

Tauren: Not to be taunted.

The scholar sighed and got up to signal the girl to go with him.

Scholar: Girl, if you don't have a good idea, you can stay in a ghost town for a few days first. The Forgotten River is not something that ordinary people can cross.

Rhett followed silently, and the scholar led Rhett along the river. With the harsh infiltration from time to time in the river, the scholar rambled all the way about forgetting the safety rules of Hechuan River. Looking back, one foot in red has stepped into the river.

Scholar: Why don't you listen to advice? Look at the stump in this river. At first, most of them were good girls like you.

Red: Then marry me.

The scholar sighed.

Scholar: This river is very cold and bitter. If you soak for a long time, you will lose your mind and lose your Qi. Be careful, girl.

Red: If you are really not him, then I must cross the river.

Scholar: Whatever. I said everything. Goodbye.

Rhett walked firmly to the river. It was obvious that the river was frozen, but the girl's steps were as light as a girl who fell in love with her lover.

The scholar was upset for a while: hey, wait.

This red dress is a little too much.

Scholar: What's your name? When you are bored, I will take you out.

Red: unpainted.

Yan: This ghost of forgetting Sichuan annoys me. Go clean it up.

Scholar: Yes.

Cow's head and horse's face and scholar, three people huddled on a small bamboo raft, paddling gently, afraid of splashing and touching.

Ma Mian: Brother, go home. Leave this small matter to us.

Tauren: That's right.

Scholar: I'm here to see the scenery. Don't worry about me.

Cattle head and horse face: … ..

The fog overflowed on the river, and the bamboo raft walked through the broken limbs. The closer you get to the center, the harsher the ghost howling becomes, the scholar's white clothes are fluttering, and the bull's head and horse's face pants salvage the residual soul.

The scholar took out a glass lamp from his bosom and said to the bull's head, go and give it to the man in red.

Tauren: Brother, go by yourself. I have no hands here.

Ma Mian: If I tell you to go, you can talk nonsense.


Ma Mian: Brother, you broke the rules.

Scholar: Keep your mouth shut, and I'll find a chance to give you a rich baby in the future.

Ma Mian: I just want to remind you that you didn't lose your soul and direction by soaking in this river. What you have done is unnecessary.

Scholar: I'll arrange for you to be reborn when you come back.

Horse face: OK.

The glazed lamp is for the officials of the underworld, and it is full of darkness. It is common to stay for a long time and lose your mind. With this glass lamp, it will be safe.

On Naihe Bridge, Ma Mian took off his landing gear and gave it back to the scholar. He drank Meng Po soup and crossed the bridge without looking back.

The scholar looked at Ma's face with a mask and left: Meng Po, why do you think people in the underworld want to leave so badly?

Meng Po: People in the underworld are all dead in their eyes, and idleness is boring.

The scholar nodded, deeply impressed.

Naihe Bridge is very long, long enough to see a lifetime, and wandering souls scattered between red beams wander on the bridge, whether they like it or not.

The scholar suddenly felt uncomfortable walking hundreds of times. In previous lives, scholars were invisible to wandering souls, nor could Yan people, so they could be guides in the underworld.

The scholar quickly came to the palace of hell and kicked the door open.

Scholar: Have I ever had Meng Po Tang?

Yan: of course ... but you volunteered.


The prince shook his sleeve and took out a piece of paper for sale: you see, you promised all this.

Scholar: Are you threatening me to make a deal?

Yan: I'm not, I'm not, I'm serious.

Scholar: This handwriting is really mine ...

Yan: Don't panic, you only signed the contract of 1800 years. Go to work.

The scholar felt a quiver in his heart and went out holding the wall.

The scholar recruited a new horse face, and provided one or two meals a month, without food and shelter. Speaking of which, all of them are temporary workers. I wonder how many people have changed under the mask. Perhaps the sense of existence is too low, and the prince has not found that the horse face has been changed.

The new horse face is a bit dull, even dumber than the cow head.

Scholar: Ma Mian, go to impermanence and ask if you have a life today.

Horse face: I don't know the way.

Also, the scholar found him in the corner of the ghost town, and the old modern life and death books couldn't turn him over, so he could get rid of a lost person and delay his reincarnation, but hell needs such a person.

Scholar: Oh, by the way, you take her to Niutou. Ahem, leave the mask.

The scholar doesn't want to use any excuses at the moment. The honest and frank bull took off his mask and handed it to the scholar. He didn't ask the scholar what to do, so he turned and left.

Scholar: Aren't you curious why I want your mask?

Tauren: Huh? What do you want to do with it?

Scholar: ... I'll fix it for you. Let's go

The scholar wears a bull's head mask and paddles a bamboo raft in front of the painting.

Scholar: Wait a minute, girl. It's time to refuel

Painting: no, the light is dim and can't illuminate the road.

Scholar: Girl, you broke the rules.

The painting didn't laugh: I stepped into the river, but I didn't obey the rules. What's the use of obeying the rules?

Scholar: I think you are so energetic that you really don't need it.

The scholar was furious and rowed back to the bamboo raft. The scholar who saw the stump all the way was thrilling and rowed back.

Scholar: Why don't we make a bet? If I win, you fill it up.

Warwick: Are you so idle?

Scholar: It's true that my heart is too soft. Go.

Warwick: Wait, I'm bored myself. Why don't you talk to me? It's never too late to refuel.

Scholar: OK, OK.

The scholar sat cross-legged, but the painting did not lie beside the bamboo raft, and the colored glass lamp flashed at hand.

Painting is not the daughter of an official's domestic slave, but she was born an official's domestic slave. She has lived in a house with her parents since she was a child, and she has a lively nature. She climbed trees to dig birds' eggs and stole eggs at home. She played the slingshot very well, like Xiong Haizi's textbook.

One day, a thin boy chased butterflies to the backyard.

"Hello, Mom."

"Who? I am not a mother. " The boy said that tears were about to fall out.

The painting didn't jump off the roof, but threw its hair and stood in front of the boy.

The boy tilted his head and his eyes were blurred, only to feel that the person in front of him was shining.

"How old are you, still playing catch butterflies! I stopped playing when I was five. " This painting is not full of pride.

"I'm nine years old, who are you? This is my home. " The boy said unconvinced, "I want to complain."

Before painting, I looked at the boy, dressed in satin, who might be the woman's only sick son.

"Are you a man? ! "

"I .. I am!" The boy's tears are still rolling and his chest is stiff.

"A gentleman's own business must be solved by himself!" Before the painting was taken out, a sugar man handed it to him "This is for you. We are even."

The boy hasn't been out of the house much since he was a child. This sugar man is the first time to see him. After hesitating for a long time, I still couldn't resist the temptation to pick him up. "Yes, but you can't talk about my mother any more."

"Well, then we will be friends in the future."

"Then what's your name?"

"You can call me Jie Jie. Dad hasn't named me yet. "

"Don't." Boys always think it is a disadvantage to call it that. "I'll ask you to draw later!" This is the name I read in the book. It's a great beauty. "

"Well, then you should come and see me more in the future."

The scholar sneered: It's so easy to cheat, my young master is worse than a beggar.

This painting doesn't raise an eyebrow: then tell it.

The scholar waved and bowed as a sign for her to continue.

Later, the young master often walked alone in the backyard, euphemistically calling it experiencing life, but in fact he searched for the people's fat and left all the delicious paintings to the young master.

Young master is holding a sweet noodle sauce bag, and his face is covered with bean paste.

"How sweet ~"

"Aren't you a young master, so happy to eat a bean paste bag?" Painting didn't squat down and look at him with a crooked head.

"The doctor always asks my mother to prescribe those bitter medicines for me." The little master is reluctant to suck his fingers.

I didn't care about the painting, but it was a cheap young master who could be bought with candy. Since then, I have taken some snacks from the market every day to coax my young master to play with me. After all, only these two children are about the same age in this compound.

Scholar: Your young master just ran to the backyard, and your wife doesn't care?

Warwick: Anyway, my wife found out later and our family was kicked out.

Scholar: Then what?

The painting didn't pull the corner of my mouth: my parents sold themselves to another official, and they sold me to study because I was too young to want me.

The scholar had a clear face and patted the unpainted shoulder with emotion.

Warwick: What are you thinking? I bought an acrobatic class.

Scholar: That's a bit wasteful, but it's a pity.

After listening to the painting, he suddenly looked up at the scholar, who looked through the mask a little nervous.

After a long silence, the candlelight of the glass lamp dimmed. Before the scholar apologized, the painting did not reach out and handed the glass lamp to the scholar, who hesitated whether to add lamp oil.

Warwick: You go ahead.

Scholar: Oh ...

The scholar paddled the bamboo raft, turned back step by step, and the water waves swung out in circles.

Not far away: will you come back?

Scholar: Ah, I can't hear you clearly.

Warwick: I still have to tell you! I'm afraid I won't remember anything in the future You have to come back!

The fog gradually thickened, and the scholar could not see the outline of the painting clearly, only vaguely heard that he would come again next time.

The days in hell are the same day after day. At first, the scholar often painted the painting, listening to the painting and not talking about the world, but talking about his past life. Tauren still talks about how his mask was broken every day. Later, the painting was not soaked in the river for a long time, and I often forgot where to start, and my expression became more and more dull. Later, when painting, I didn't talk much. The scholar changed from two to three days to six months.

Scholar: Next.

An old woman groped her way up.

The scholar frowned: What happened to your eyes?

Old woman: White-haired people send black-haired people, alas, crying blind, my son is stubborn and won't let him marry that little girl, but he won't listen ...

When the old woman opens her mouth, the scholar's secret passage is not good. Even if she can't finish talking in the dark, she is busy interrupting her: Go to the ghost town for a few days and come back when your eyes are better.

The old woman stepped off the bridge again, trembling, and the bridge turned around and went straight to the palace of hell. The scholar looked at the headache and personally helped the old woman take her to the ghost town.

The woman chattered about her son's faults all the way. She sounds like a rich dude. She has read some poetry books and thinks that a suitable marriage is a political marriage. Only a girl from a poor family is true love, and she dies of hunger strike for a little girl, and 99% is unfilial.

Old woman: You sound about my son's age. If only my son was half as obedient as you.

The scholar is thoughtful. I am at least several hundred years older than you, old woman. You are so cheap.

Scholar: Please stay here until your eyes can see, and then meet me at Naihe Bridge.

Old woman: Where do you think the flowers on the other side are? My son always said flowers and plants before he died, and maybe he will see them again.

Scholar: The flowers on the other side of Naihe Bridge. You can see them when your eyes are better.

The scholar sighed. Although he was a little numb after staying in the hell for a long time, he always had some pity for the eager old mother, so people who had never seen the flowers on the other side were actually reborn.

The scholar walked towards the bull's head.

Horse face: Niutou, your mask is going to break again.


Scholar: Your mask is broken. I'll fix it for you.

Niutou: Ma Mian, you are amazing!

The scholar paddled the bamboo raft and stopped in front of the painting again. In fact, this painting has been spinning in the same place for many years and has never moved forward. The scholar fished out the glazed lamp and added some powder to the lamp oil, and the fireworks turned blue.

Warwick: Here you are.

Scholar: Hmm.

This powder was given by Yan as an exception, at the cost that the scholar would stay in this place for another hundred years.

Warwick: Where were we last time?

Scholar: Let me see, maybe you came to Beijing to perform with the acrobatic class.

"Thank you for your support. When I first arrived at your precious place, I had nothing to respect you. My apprentice and I sold our strength and practiced kung fu for you. Please forgive me. "

"I hope that rich people will hold a money field, and those who have no money will hold a money field. No, it is a personal field. "

All the onlookers laughed, and the meeting was hot. Master called for the performance of this painting for everyone.

"Hey, give everyone a good one!"

"ok." After that, the painting didn't take off, and Thomas successfully landed for three and a half weeks with an average score of 10.0.

The floor painting didn't walk around with a gong, but a man dressed as a page came over and patted the painting, pointing to the balcony of the restaurant not far away.

"Come with me, our young master has a reward."

"Good, lead the way."

The page took the picture and didn't go through the crowd. He came to the Tianzi Hall on the second floor of the restaurant.

"Thank you for your kindness. I'll give you a compliment on behalf of my brothers."

Master chuckled, unable to see clearly in the light, and waved him down.

"Master, who are you?"

"Sit down and have a rest. I think you are too tired to turn over. "

"You should eat this, master. They are waiting for me. They won't stay long. "

"I looked at the girl's almond eyes and red lips. It's a pity to eat this meal. "The master came into the room." Don't you think so? Not painted. "

I haven't called this name for a long time, and I feel rusty. For a while, I was a little confused.

"This money will be given to your master as a redemption for you and as a reward for his parenting."


"I want to marry you. I can't let you run around with the acrobatic class, can I? "


The young master approached and touched the head of the painting with a smile. "You want to, right?"

The painting is incredibly possessed and nods.

The marriage went well, and the master left happily with a big bag of money from the young master's business, but his wife didn't forbid it. The only son is really spoiled, but he only promised to be a concubine and could not share his name with his wife. If he doesn't care about the painting, neither will the young master. If he doesn't marry his wife, concubines are the only ladies.

The young master was anxious to get married, but Hua always felt a little uneasy about getting married in such a muddle, so he asked for a trial marriage. If he didn't want to leave, it violated ethics, and the young master smiled and agreed.

Scholar: What happened later?

The painting didn't squint hard: then I seemed to put on a wedding dress, and then I came here.

Scholar: Never mind. I can't remember now. I'll talk about it next time.

The flame of the glazed lamp flickered a few times and turned yellow again. The expression of this painting gradually disappeared and moved on relentlessly.

Scholar: Give me some more of that powder.

Yan: Impossible.

Scholar: Two hundred years!

Yan: Impossible.

Scholar: Three hundred years!

Yan: Impossible.

Scholar: You have gone too far, 500 years, not more.

Yan: No, it's not that I don't give it. That powder is only a little bit in a hundred years, and it will be 50 years next time.

Scholar: What about before that?

Yan: Fireworks were set off on my birthday.

The scholar sulks, and the angrier he is, the more he works. He drove half the people in the ghost town back to life.

Old woman: There are fewer people in this ghost town recently.

Scholar: Well, you can be reborn soon. I think your eyes will be fine in three to five days.

Old woman: Alas, tigers and children don't come to play with me.

Scholar: Maybe you are busy and will leave soon. What kind of pregnancy do you want? I'll arrange it for you.

Old woman: What are you up to? Those fart children, the fireworks they stole, have come to make firecrackers to play with.

Scholar: Goodbye.

On this day, everyone in the underworld knows that the judge is a villain who grabs children's toys.

Scholar: No painting. Not painted ...

Warwick: Why haven't you left yet?

Scholar: ... I'm not busy today. Stay a little longer.

Warwick: Then I'll tell you everything.

The second month of the trial marriage was inseparable, and the painting seemed unhappy. The uneasy heart also settled down, and the young master urged his wife to set a wedding date.

"On the sixth day of next month, together with the marriage of Jia Taifu's daughter." The lady said flatly.

Master's smile froze on his face. "What did you say, Mom?"

"Miss Jia Jia, the door is right, Jie Jie is a concubine. It is a great favor to hold a wedding on the same day. "

"No, I promised Jiejie that I would only marry her in my life."

The lady frowned. "Life is important, don't fiddle around." Tell the servant to drive the young master out of the house.

If it doesn't make sense, the young master will go on a hunger strike, and the lady will let J.J. persuade him.

Master was lying in bed, glaring at the picture, instead of standing by the bed.

"You're starving. What should we do? "

"Don't worry, my mother loves me the most. If you fast for a few days, she will compromise, and then she can stay with you forever. "

I wonder if I was fed too much sugar when I was a child. Young master's words are always so sweet that the paintings can't be refuted.

"Then promise me that if mom doesn't agree, you can't really starve yourself."

"Very good."

A few days after the young master said this, he was dying. It is not too much for the emperor to send a doctor.

"Madam, the young master has caught a cold, but because he is weak, he still has a high fever. He just needs to carry it all night." "Young master is weak, but he has lost a lot of weight these days?"

"I'm afraid so. This ailment is usually not so serious. "

The lady sent the doctor away and stayed at the young master's bedside all night. The painting was not blocked by the servant because she was pregnant.

Early in the morning, the inner government was covered with white silk, and the words were pledge.

The sudden departure of young master is absolutely unacceptable to my wife. She cried day and night and had to go with him. The servant can't help it. Your house is in a panic. On the day of the funeral, the master spoke.

"Jie Jie, since you married my son, you should die with your husband, but you still have my son's only blood in your stomach, so I will give you a wedding and sleep with my son after you give birth."

The painting did not touch the stomach and nodded silently.

Scholar: So you're dead?

Warwick: Yeah.

Scholar: Are you stupid?

Have you painted it?

Scholar: What about the children? He will feel better when you are dead ... Oh, no, this turtle furnace has been reborn.

The scholar was filled with indignation, but when he didn't draw, he smiled and caressed the glass lamp.

Uwei: The color of fireworks is different from usual. You don't have to worry so much about me. If this forgetting can wash away my obsession.

The scholar was speechless, and the judge was just a bystander. On the Naihe Bridge, he took all sentient beings back to their past lives, crying or laughing all the way, happy or sad, and finally a bowl of Meng Po Tang, and everything started again. A few souls will resolutely plunge into oblivion, and scholars have not asked much, but now scholars want to know what obsession can make so many people die generously.

Before leaving, the scholar took a sip of water and drank it.

The weather is extremely cold.

In the palace of hell, the scholar took off his white clothes and presented them with his hands.

Rebecca: Resign? No, the contract is very long.

The scholar knelt before the temple and refused to get up.

Yan: Did you drink the water from Forget Sichuan?

Scholar: Yes.

Yan: Oh, it's really scary to forget Sichuan and turn it into a soul. Well, you can arrange it for a blind old woman in a ghost town, and I'll let you go.

The scholar looked up gratefully, and Yan waved and told him to go quickly.

Yan: Put on your clothes. This dress is not bad at my place

In the ghost town, the scholar looked at the old woman's eyes carefully.

Scholar: Your eyes should be better. Try this bowl of potions. If you don't burn a stick of incense for a long time, I'm afraid you'll be in trouble.

The old woman took the potion and the scholar looked at her nervously. The incense burned out bit by bit, and the old woman's turbid eyes slowly began to focus.

Old woman: Have you finished reading the book? My son is you!

The scholar felt very dizzy, and memories of past lives flooded into his mind. When he was a child, he was a sugar man, and later he was a girl in red with high spirits under the banyan tree. Before he died, what he muttered was not flowers, but paintings.

The scholar stumbled back to the palace of hell.

Yan: Do you remember?

Scholar: What's this? Obviously, I have been in this place for hundreds of years.

Yan: One day on earth, one year in hell.

The scholar was shocked, and the prince threw the contract to the scholar.

Yan: Tear it up and you will be free. It's just that your little girl is going to melt in the forgotten river.

The scholar stood up slowly with the contract.

Scholar: How many years will it take? I want to exchange her.

Yan: I admire a child like you, but I can't. If you don't drink Mengpo soup, you have to turn into residue in the forgotten river. This is a dead rule.

Scholar: I have been following you for many years. If you have something to say, you can make an offer.

Yan: After drinking Meng Po Tang for 500 years, I can let her sleep in the flowers on the other side until your contract expires. This is my bottom line.

Scholar: Good.

The scholar paddled a bamboo raft, followed the glass light and found the painting in the forgotten river, adding the last powder.

The painting didn't look up, smiled: you came.

Scholar: Hmm.

Warwick: Sorry, there is no story today.

Scholar: Never mind. I came to say goodbye. Can't come in the future. Can I hug you?

Painting can't help but nod.

The scholar embraced the painting gently. At this time, there are no scholars and judges under the mask, only one book.

The moonlight disappeared, the river was foggy, and the books were full of pictures until the lights of the glass lamps went out.

The book didn't go to the other shore with ignorant paintings, the wind rose from the ground, and white and red clothes tangled in the air among the flowers on the other shore.

Cheng Shu glared at her with her chin cupped. Go to bed and wait for me to pick you up.

Many years later, in an unknown town, there were two more children chasing and fighting, one in white is better than snow, and the other in red is like fire.