Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What are the feng shui taboos for raising flowers at home?

What are the feng shui taboos for raising flowers at home?

Many families like to keep some flowers at home, which can purify the air and relieve negative emotions in their hearts, but from the perspective of flower feng shui, not all flowers are suitable for keeping at home. It is worth mentioning that although raising flowers at home has many advantages, we must pay attention to the arrangement of flowers, because during the day, flowers release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis; At night, flowers do not carry out photosynthesis, spit out carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen.

At this time, if you put flowers in the bedroom, it will be harmful to your health. Therefore, in the bedroom, it is best to put less or no flowers at night to avoid them competing for oxygen and affecting health. Of course, if we can pay attention to cultivating one or two pots of cactus plants (such as cactus, mountain shadow roll, crab claw orchid, etc. It can absorb carbon dioxide at night and spit out fresh oxygen, which is very beneficial to purify indoor air and improve human health.

Some flowers can not only freshen the air, but also have some negative effects on people, so it is best not to put them in the bedroom. For example, Chinese rose can absorb many harmful gases, but its rich fragrance will make people feel depressed and uncomfortable, hold their breath and even have difficulty breathing; The fragrance of orchids, if smelled for too long, will make people too excited and cause insomnia; Smelling the fragrance of lily for a long time will make people's central nervous system excessively excited and cause insomnia. In addition, rosemary, oleander and tulip are not suitable for the bedroom.

It is best not to plant flowers indoors, because the soil in the flowerpot will produce fungal spores, which will spread into the indoor air, causing surface or deep infection of human body, and may also invade human skin, respiratory tract, external auditory canal, meninges and brain. This will be even worse for people who have suffered from diseases and poor health, especially for leukemia patients and organ transplant recipients.

According to geomantic omen, plants can be divided into two categories: bad luck and bad luck. There are two criteria for the division of murderers:

First, it should be divided according to whether there is poisonous gas or venom. For example, the flowers of oleander are poisonous, and the fragrance of flowers is easy to make people sleepy and reduce human function. This is a fierce tree and should not be planted.

The second is to talk about bad luck according to the shape of the tree. For example, the tree is eccentric, its name is defeated and angry, and its back is camel. Ding Caishu retreats like an ox and lives in a humble abode. All ugly, dignified and abnormally developed trees are fierce. I'm afraid this is a psychological effect or a traditional humanistic aesthetic concept at work.

Family gardening pays attention to feng shui.

Many families will plant flowers, which can purify the air and bring good luck to their families. However, family gardening feng shui is also very particular. What matters should be paid attention to in how to place family flower feng shui? Here is some information about home gardening and geomantic omen. Let's have a look! Family gardening and feng shui pay attention to healthy home furnishings.

Pay attention to the flowers in the bedroom.

Although raising flowers at home has many advantages, we should pay attention to the arrangement of flowers in the bedroom, because during the day, flowers release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis; At night, flowers do not carry out photosynthesis, spit out carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen. At this time, if you put flowers in the bedroom, it will be harmful to your health. Therefore:

1, in the bedroom, it is best to put less or no flowers at night to avoid them competing for oxygen and affecting health;

Some flowers can not only freshen the air, but also have some negative effects on people, so it is best not to put them in the bedroom. For example, although Chinese rose will produce a lot of harmful gases, its rich fragrance will make people feel depressed and uncomfortable, hold their breath and even have difficulty breathing; For example, the leaves of rhododendron, tulip, lily and poinsettia can also absorb volatile chemicals, but the flower impurities of rhododendron yellow contain a toxin, which can cause poisoning if eaten lightly, and death if eaten severely (note: it is not sold in the market). Rhododendron mostly contains some volatile oil and rhododendron, which has certain curative effect on tracheitis and asthma. Tulip flowers contain a toxic alkali, which is reported to accelerate hair gel shedding if exposed for a long time. The fragrance of lilies will make people's center excessively excited for a long time, causing insomnia.

The following plants should not be kept indoors

Cordate telosma will emit a lot of waste gas after photosynthesis stops at night. This kind of waste gas smells good, but it is not good for human health. If left indoors for a long time, it will cause dizziness, cough, even asthma and insomnia. So, put the cordate telosma indoors during the day and move it outdoors at night.

Tulip flowers contain toxic alkali. When people and animals stay in this flower cluster for 2 -3 hours, they will feel dizzy and have symptoms of poisoning. In severe cases, their hair will fall off, so it is not suitable for planting at home.

Pollen emitted by Bauhinia Bauhinia can induce asthma or aggravate cough symptoms if people are exposed to it for too long.

The fragrant smell of flowers and trees such as pine and cypress can stimulate people's stomach. If you smell it for too long, it will not only affect people's appetite, but also make pregnant women feel uncomfortable, disgusting and dizzy.

The rich fragrance of Chinese rose will make people suddenly feel chest tightness and discomfort after smelling it, making it difficult to breathe. Sensitive people should not be cultivated indoors.

The fragrance of orchids can make people overexcited and cause insomnia.

Mimosin is a very toxic organic substance, and too much contact with human body will make hair fall off. The richness of Chinese rose flowers.

The fragrance will make some people feel chest tightness and discomfort, hold their breath and have difficulty breathing.

Nerium oleander can secrete a milky white liquid, and long-term contact will cause symptoms such as drowsiness.

The geomantic display of Chlorophyte is exquisite.

Orchids are hung in the kitchen.

The proportion of plants in the kitchen is second only to the living room, because some family members spend a long time in the kitchen every day, and the ambient humidity is also very suitable for most plants. In addition, the kitchens of ordinary families are mostly decorated with white or light colors, and stainless steel sinks. Colorful plants can soften tough lines and inject vitality into the kitchen. Usually located in a room facing north, there are few windows, and some potted plants can eliminate the feeling of cold. Because of the lack of sunshine, we should choose shade-loving plants. The kitchen is a workshop, with frequent operations, fragmentary articles, much smoke and high temperature, which is not suitable for putting large potted plants, but hanging potted plants is more suitable. Among them, chlorophytum is the best. Putting a pot of chlorophytum in the room can absorb harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the room within 24 hours.

It acts as an air filter.

Hanging orchids in the bedroom

Bedrooms are usually clean, quiet and warm. Chlorophytum, lily, tuberose and calla lily are all acceptable. It can make the relationship between husband and wife harmonious, and both body and mind can rest in warmth and tranquility. Chlorophytum is one of the most traditional indoor hanging plants because it is easy to cultivate and has strong adaptability. Its leaves are slender and soft, and small plants are pulled out from the axils of leaves, which droop from the edge of the basin, stretching and drooping like flowers, and are evergreen all the year round. Chlorophytum is the king of in addition to formaldehyde among plants.

Home flowers should pay attention to the secret of feng shui.

Don't be greedy for perfection.

Family flowers should be selected according to the size of the room, with moderate plant type and beautiful appearance, which is harmless to the family. Some flowers contain toxins, such as Du Juanhua and Bauhinia. Once eaten by mistake, people may be poisoned. When daffodils, dripping Guanyin and other leaf juices and flower juices are dyed on the skin, they can cause allergic symptoms such as redness, swelling and pain. Therefore, special attention should be paid to management, and it should be kept out of the reach of children.

Avoid children playing or eating by mistake. Plants with spikes will pose a certain threat to human safety and should be kept away from family activities.

Growing flowers indoors is not as much as possible.

In a room of about 15 square meters, you only need to put 2 pots of medium and large plants and 3 ~ 4 pots of small plants. In addition, in order to build a green oxygen bar in the living room, we should not only consider the plant type and color of green plants, but also consider the way they absorb carbon dioxide. Some plants belong to the category of consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide at night, so it is best to go outdoors at night to avoid competing with others for oxygen and affecting health.

Don't plant flowers in the ward and bedroom at night.

Many flowers have the function of purifying the air and promoting health, but if some flowers are raised at home, they will become pathogenic sources or killers, leading to the recurrence and aggravation of old diseases. Therefore, experts suggest that you must know the nature of flowers before planting them to prevent mistakes.

Patients should not keep potted flowers indoors, because the soil in the flowerpot will produce fungal spores. When they diffuse into the air, they can easily invade human skin, respiratory tract, external auditory canal, meninges and brain, causing infection, which is very harmful to patients with existing diseases.

It is not suitable to put flowers in the bedroom at night because most flowers absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis during the day, but the opposite is true at night. Therefore, it is best not to put flowers in the bedroom. Flowers planted during the day will be moved out at night, at least not in the bedroom, so as not to affect the health of family members.

Disinfectant: volatile oil produced by fragrant flowers such as rose, osmanthus fragrans, violet, jasmine, lemon, rose, carnation, lily of the valley and crape myrtle. Has obvious sterilization effect. Crape myrtle, jasmine, lemon and other plants can kill diphtheria, dysentery bacteria and other protobacteria within 5 minutes. The scents of roses, carnations, lilies of the valley, violets, roses, osmanthus flowers and other plants have obvious inhibitory effects on the growth and reproduction of mycobacterium tuberculosis, pneumococcus and staphylococcus.

Natural oxygen generator: succulent plants such as cactus, which are native to tropical arid areas, have their stomata closed during the day and open at night. While absorbing carbon dioxide, they produce oxygen and increase the concentration of negative ions in indoor air. Plants such as Hupilan, Huweilan, Tequila, Palm, Kale, Sedum, Rooting and Pineapple can also purify the night air.

Air scavenger: Aloe, chlorophytum, Eupatorium odoratum, Eupatorium odoratum and Phyllostachys pubescens are natural scavengers, which can remove harmful substances in the air. Studies show that Eupatorium adenophorum and Eupatorium adenophorum can absorb more than 80% of indoor harmful gases, and their ability to absorb formaldehyde is super strong. Aloe can absorb 90% formaldehyde contained in 1 m3 air; Ivy, Cycas, Chrysanthemum, Kumquat, Pomegranate, Scutellaria barbata, Camellia, Milan, Daisy, Chimonanthus praecox and Marigold can effectively remove harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide, chlorine, ether, ethylene, carbon monoxide and nitrogen peroxide.

Natural vacuum cleaner: sweet-scented osmanthus, wintersweet, cauliflower taro, sweet-scented osmanthus, etc. They are natural dust collectors, and their cilia can intercept and absorb floating particles and smoke in the air.

Spiritual synergist: Lilac, jasmine, rose, violet, mint and other plants can make people relaxed, conducive to sleep and improve work efficiency.

Effective disease prevention: the fragrance of rose, carnation, lily of the valley, violet, rose, osmanthus and other plants has obvious inhibitory effect on the growth and reproduction of tuberculosis, pneumococcus and staphylococcus.

Air conditioning cooling competition: planting climbing plants such as Parthenocissus tricuspidata, grapes, morning glory, wisteria, roses, etc. Around the home, and let them climb along the wall or along the shelf to form a green arbor, which can effectively reduce sunlight radiation and greatly reduce the indoor temperature.

The following plants should not be kept indoors

Cordate telosma: When photosynthesis stops at night, a lot of waste gas will be discharged. This kind of waste gas smells good, but it is not good for human health. If left indoors for a long time, it will cause dizziness, cough, even asthma and insomnia. So, put the cordate telosma indoors during the day and move it outdoors at night.

Tulip: flowers contain poisonous alkali. People and animals stay in this flower for 2 -3 hours, and they will get dizzy and have symptoms of poisoning. In severe cases, their hair will fall off, so it is not suitable for planting at home.

Bauhinia: It emits pollen, which can induce asthma or aggravate cough symptoms if people contact it for too long.

Pine and cypress: The fragrant smell of this kind of flowers and trees can stimulate people's stomach. If you smell it for too long, it will not only affect people's appetite, but also make pregnant women feel uncomfortable, disgusting and dizzy.

Chinese rose: the rich fragrance will make people suddenly feel chest tightness and discomfort after smelling it, making it difficult to breathe. Sensitive people should not be cultivated indoors.

Orchid: Its fragrance will make people overexcited and cause insomnia.

Mimosa: Mimosin is a very toxic organic substance, which will make hair fall off if it comes into contact with human body too much; The rich fragrance of Chinese rose will make some people feel uncomfortable in the chest, hold their breath and have difficulty breathing.

Nerium oleander: It can secrete a milky white liquid, which will cause drowsiness and other symptoms when exposed for a long time.

Fengshui, a family flower plant.

What are the taboos of family plant feng shui? Conical geomantic plants attack spears with spears, which can ward off disasters and ward off evil spirits, while large-leaved and broad-leaved plants can make money and treasure. To sum up, they have four functions: hiding water, sheltering from the wind, accompanying sprouting, dispelling evil spirits and increasing wealth and auspiciousness. The ancient book "Ten Books of Yangzhai" holds that people don't live in barren land, while "People in the House" says: the place of residence should be lush vegetation, pine, cypress and bamboo, and there are forests around the house. It can be seen that family plant feng shui is very important. Plant geomantic omen in family living room

The varieties suitable for the living room are Fugui Bamboo, Haoyunlai, Penglai Pine, Aesculus chinensis, Fortune Tree, Cash Tree, Lucky Tree, Clivia, Orchid, Cyclamen, Orange and so on. These flowers mean good luck and good luck. Plants with spikes, such as cactus, cactus, aloe, pine bonsai, etc. It is not appropriate to place plants. Placing these plants with spikes in the living room and bedroom at home will also affect the feelings between family members, such as quarreling between husband and wife and the generation gap between parents and children. So avoid putting plants with spikes at home.

Plant geomantic omen in family bedroom

In the bedroom, you can enhance your peach blossom feelings by placing flowers. Because flowers are plants full of vitality and beauty, placing them in the bedroom will naturally give people a relaxed and happy mood, so the emotional fortune will also be improved! Remember that being single is practical, but if you don't get married, there will be a third party.

Put feng shui items in the peach blossom position to increase love luck.

Peach blossoms, friends of rats, dragons and monkeys, are located in the west, cows, snakes and chickens are located in the south, tigers, horses and dogs are located in the east, and rabbits, sheep and pigs are located in the north. Placing plants in this position can improve your love fortune.

Family plant quantity geomantic omen

Feng Shui advocates reasonable close planting. It thinks: when the surroundings are large and narrow, don't plant many kinds of trees, otherwise it will help to shade them; Only the sparse left and right behind are densely planted to block their emptiness. We agree with this view, but some of the following statements are too superstitious, so we can abandon them: the single tree is the door, the widowed mother is an orphan, the door is facing the forest, the sudden illness is fierce, there are two trees in front of the door, the livestock are injured, the left tree has no right, the lucky tree is less fierce, the left tree is three or five, the husband and wife fight, the two trees are sandwiched between houses, the surnames are not harmonious, and the left tree is heavy.

Family plant positioning feng shui

Peach poplars are planted in the east, plum dates are planted in the south, elms are planted in the west and plums are planted in the north. It's unlucky to hang willow in front of the door. There are Sophora japonica and Fu Shan III in the middle door, and there are elms behind the house, so ghosts are not close. People like to plant double dates in front of the door, the bamboo forest is green on all sides, and mulberry trees are planted in the four corners of the house. The disaster can't be stopped at the beginning, and so on. From the above conclusions, combined with modern scientific knowledge, we think that some conclusions contain natural scientific knowledge, while others are a psychological need to avoid misfortune. For example, peach trees are planted in the east because the sunrise is the first in the east, willow trees germinate earlier, and peach blossoms are one of the earliest flowering plants in spring, so it is more reasonable to plant them in the east. Elms are wet plants, and it is more appropriate to plant them in the west when the sun is not afraid. As for the saying that locust trees attract wealth and elm trees exorcise ghosts, there are probably many superstitious elements. Willow should not be planted in front of the main gate, which may refer to willow's leisure and hate work, which is psychologically unacceptable.

Family plant size geomantic omen

It is more suitable to plant big trees in the yard, and different feng shui schools have different requirements. In geomantic omen, the formal school thinks it is appropriate to plant rows of big trees around the house to stop the suffocation. In order to meet the needs of the situation, when building a house on the plain or in a wider place around it, trees and flowers can be used to create a pattern of four gods: Zuo Qinglong, Zuo Baihu, Qian Suzak and Hou Xuanwu, that is, planting big trees in the back of the house, medium trees on the left and right sides, and low shrubs or grass in front. This way is understandable from the aesthetic point of view, which meets the psychological needs of people looking for a treasure house of geomantic omen. We can participate in the application of design.

Family gate plants geomantic omen

After entering the front door of the house, you will see the entrance position of the whole house. For the entrance location, it is also called Neimingtang in Feng Shui, which symbolizes the future development potential of family members. Therefore, the entrance will be closely related to the career and wealth of family members. If a pot of vibrant plants can be placed near the entrance or at the entrance, it will be beneficial for family members to gather wealth. It is necessary to replenish water in time to prevent plants from withering due to lack of water, which is counterproductive and is not conducive to the accumulation of wealth. Make sure you water it once a week, which will make your fortune prosperous. From the perspective of geomantic omen, placing some evergreen plants with thick leaves or large leaves in the prosperous direction can achieve the prosperous effect, such as Cycas, Elephant Tree, Camptotheca acuminata, Evergreen and so on. Suitable for placing plants with thorns, such as keel, jade unicorn and various cacti. These prickly plants, placed in a declining or fierce position, have the function of turning evil into positive in geomantic omen. It can be seen that family plant geomantic omen plays an important role in regulating the harmony of 20xx house transportation fortune.

Family flower cultivation and geomantic omen

The five elements of plants are selected and released, which are divided into east, west, north and south. The east belongs to the position of benefiting the liver, and the south belongs to the fitness heart of fire. Belong to the soil, nourish the stomach, put it in the center, and put white flowers in the west as gold. Gold plants can cure the lungs, and smokers' lungs are always new. It is a vigorous water pendulum in the north, and flowers with blue leaves and black leaves can tonify the kidney. If the arrangement is not in the right position, the flowers and trees will fail and it will be difficult to flourish. 1. The characteristics of plants that like to grow in direct sunlight, once the sunlight is insufficient or in a cool environment, they will grow poorly or fail to grow. Classification of Larix gmelinii, Pinus tabulaeformis, Platycladus orientalis, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Poplar, Willow, Elm, Oak, Toona sinensis, Robinia pseudoacacia, Ubuntu, Paulownia, Torch Tree, Qiao Song, Alnus cremastogyne, Cinnamomum camphora and Zelkova schneideriana; Shrubs, such as rose, yellow rose, forsythia suspensa, ebony, Caragana, pepper, tamarisk, Lycium barbarum, Chinese rose and Spiraea; Grass flowers and lawn plants such as Dianthus caryophyllus, Dahlia, cornflower, bunch red, gladiolus, tuberose, mirabilis jalapa and Scutellaria barbata, such as weeds and Zoysia japonica, etc. This plant grows in the sun for a long time, with strong sunlight, high transpiration intensity and large soil evaporation. Therefore, the root system is large, deep and adaptable, and it is the backbone tree species in landscape construction.

2. Shade-loving plants naturally grow in a cool environment and are not suitable for full illumination. If planted in full light, they will grow poorly and even die soon. Mostly herbs and some low shrubs. Ginseng, Radix Panacis Quinquefolii, Radix Notoginseng, Rhizoma Coptidis, Saxifraga, Begonia, Saxifraga, Hosta, Eupatorium odoratum, Pyrola, Giant Bamboo, most mosses and ferns are classified as negative plants. Woody plants such as Ardisia Ardisia, Bailiangjin, Illicium verum and Lithospermum are negative plants.

In addition, Euonymus fortunei, Mahonia fortunei and Lonicera japonica Thunb. Honeysuckle. Elsholtzia japonica. Lespedeza hupehensis, Sambucus williamsii, Ivy, Ivy, Buxus macrophylla, Buxus macrophylla, Hydrangea Dongling and Rhododendron japonicum. It is a plant with poor endurance. Most negative plants grow in the lower part of the forest. Once forests are destroyed and exposed to strong light, it is difficult for them to survive. In the garden, they can be planted under the forest to form a multi-layer mixed landscape, which is closer to the natural ecology and better preserves the soil and water. It can also be potted or directly planted indoors to improve the indoor environment. 3. The characteristics of neutral plants (in the sun, in the shade and in the sun) can grow normally in full sunlight or semi-cloudy days. They like light and are resistant to shade, and only grow poorly in a very cool environment.

There are many kinds of these plants, especially in drought and high temperature. Shade-tolerant plants are not as good as negative plants. In full shade, they germinate late, shed their leaves early, and the leaves of evergreen trees turn yellow. When growing, branches and vines tend to grow in the direction of oblique light. There are also differences in the degree of liking light and shade tolerance, such as Pu Shu, beech, cherry blossom, peach, plum, plum, Acer truncatum, triangle maple, magnolia grandiflora and Pterocarya stenoptera. Shade (yin with yang) such as fir, spruce, hemlock, yew, Podocarpus, Evodia rutaecarpa, Callicarpa formosana, Coral with peach leaves, Ilex cornuta, Rhododendron, Camellia, Hydrangea, Viburnum, Lonicera japonica, Ivy, Acanthopanax Senticosus, Pittosporum, Acanthopanax Senticosus. There are also some truly neutral plants, such as Aesculus chinensis, Acer truncatum, Pinus armandii, Pinus bungeana, Cedar, Tilia amurensis, Fraxinus, Begonia, Saddle Tree, Huanghuai and so on. If exposed to sunlight or shade, it will inhibit growth.