Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to care for skin and make pores smaller? What skin care products can't be used to shrink pores?

How to care for skin and make pores smaller? What skin care products can't be used to shrink pores?

Large pores are a skin problem that bothers many young female friends, which is very annoying, because large pores on the face are a skin problem that is difficult to improve and need more energy and money to care for. So, how to care for the skin and make the pores smaller? What skin care products can't be used to shrink pores? Let's have a look.

1. Subtract pores

Subtraction 1: Use less alcoholic products.

Alcohol is a common ingredient in skin care products, which can play an anti-inflammatory and astringent role. However, alcohol itself can also stimulate the expansion of subcutaneous blood vessels. If used for a long time, it will destroy the natural barrier of the skin and make the skin dry and fragile. Bian Xiao suggested: use less alcoholic products, especially those with dry and sensitive skin; Or use denatured alcohol instead of traditional alcohol products, because denatured alcohol volatilizes faster and does less harm to the skin!

Subtraction 2: Select products containing mineral oil.

In the existing skin care products, mineral oil is often chosen as the base cream to moisturize, because it can tightly lock the pore moisture and make the skin moist and shiny. However, mineral oil can't be absorbed by the skin, and it will shrink pores. Long-term use will affect the moisturizing function of the skin itself. For oily skin, mineral oil is the enemy of the enemy. If you are not careful, you will block pores and stuffy acne. Therefore, products containing mineral oil are only suitable for short-term use when the skin is dry in autumn and winter, or products containing animal fat and plant synthetic fat are used instead. If you ignore the weather and skin condition for a long time, the pores will protest!

Subtraction 3: Use products containing preservatives with caution.

Just like food preservatives, Bian Xiao is familiar with preservatives in skin care products. If there is no preservative at all, the shelf life of the product will be discounted. However, different people may have allergic reactions to different preservatives. So when choosing a product, be sure to find out if you are allergic. For example, parabens have good antiseptic effect and strict concentration requirements, but they will cause irritation to some sensitive skin. If you are allergic to this preservative, Bian Xiao suggests that you choose a product preserved with polyol. Of course, the best way is to choose products that do not contain preservatives at all, store less goods, and use them as soon as possible after opening the lid!

Subtraction 4: Don't use products containing artificial flavors.

Who doesn't like beautiful women who walk with fragrance and wind? However, artificial perfume is actually one of the chief culprits of skin damage! Health problems such as light sensitivity and contact dermatitis are all caused by artificial spices, and some volatile spices may even damage eyes and respiratory tract. So, don't cling to this fragrance, put down the bottle with inferior fragrance in your hand. From now on, only choose products containing pure plant natural spices or products without spices, just as Erkang promised Wei Zi, will you promise me?

Subtraction 5: Use acid-containing products step by step.

Acidic products such as fruit acid and salicylic acid can penetrate deep into pores and have good acne, exfoliation and whitening effects, but their irritation can not be ignored! When trying acidic products for the first time, we must start with low-concentration products and choose less irritating acids, such as almond acid and octanoyl salicylic acid. Otherwise, it may destroy the metabolism of the stratum corneum itself and make the skin more and more fragile. After using acid, we should also pay attention to moisturizing and sun protection, so that acidic products can play the best role!

Subtraction 6: Soap-based products are occasionally used.

Soap-based products have excellent cleaning ability and become more and more popular with the arrival of the smog era. However, soap-based ingredients can also cause a large loss of oil in pores, which makes the skin lose its natural self-regulation function. Therefore, this product is not suitable for dry or sensitive skin, but for oily and stable skin. Do not use it too often, only occasionally as a deep cleaning, otherwise the skin will be thinner and more fragile!

Subtraction 7: Use products containing hormones according to the doctor's advice.

Although hormone products take effect quickly on symptoms such as skin allergies, sister papers can't buy them immediately when they see online recommendations. Be sure to consult your doctor about whether hormone products are suitable for you, usage and dosage, and precautions. If hormone products are used indiscriminately, it will lead to telangiectasia and atrophy, and even symptoms such as hirsutism and dermatitis. More seriously, it will even affect the hormonal changes in the human body, causing endocrine confusion and bringing greater disasters to the skin. Don't covet the temporary effect, it's not worth the candle!

2, detoxification and acne food

1. Macroalgae

Kelp has a good effect of lowering cholesterol and eliminating radioactive substances. It can help us effectively remove the cholesterol attached to the blood vessel wall, so as to keep the cholesterol level in people's bodies at a normal level. Moreover, because of its high water content, fucoidan in kelp can form colloidal substances after entering the intestine, thus eliminating toxic substances and preventing the human body from absorbing heavy metals such as lead and cadmium.

2. Auricularia auricula

In order to better detoxify, we should also eat more black fungus in our usual diet, which has a good effect of eliminating blood heat toxicity. Because Auricularia auricula grows in a humid and cool environment, Chinese medicine points out that it has a good effect of invigorating qi and promoting blood circulation, cooling blood and moistening dryness. In addition, it can effectively eliminate heat toxicity in blood.

3. Mung beans

Mung bean has the effect of detoxification and can effectively help the excretion of poisons in the body, thus ensuring the normal metabolism of the body. Whether it is alcoholism, wild mushroom poisoning, arsenic poisoning, organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, lead poisoning or other toxins, you can achieve the effect of detoxification by eating mung beans or drinking mung bean soup. Mung beans are a good choice for detoxification and acne removal, so people who often get acne may wish to eat more mung beans in peacetime.

4. Little carrots

Radish is an indispensable vegetable in our daily life. Although it is very common, it also has a good detoxification and acne removal effect. Through research, it is found that regular consumption of radish can effectively reduce the concentration of mercury in the body, and when combined with mercury ions in the body, it can effectively reduce the concentration of mercury ions in the blood and effectively accelerate the discharge of mercury ions in the body.