Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Grafting time and method of golden marble

Grafting time and method of golden marble

Golden marbles are usually grafted in spring and autumn, and the grafting methods can start from the aspects of selecting rootstocks, treating scions and grafting.

First, the grafting time

The grafting of golden marbles is generally carried out in late spring, and the specific time is probably between April and May. At this time, the temperature is more suitable, plants have begun to grow, and there are more juices. After grafting, it can heal faster and restore growth, and the survival rate is higher.

Grafting can also be carried out in autumn, but in comparison, the effect of grafting in spring is better, because if it is grafted in a high temperature and high humidity environment, the wound is often difficult to heal and lead to decay.

Second, the grafting method

Selection of rootstock: Generally, golden marbles are grafted with rootstock. Because it is dioecious, we should pay attention to the scion, one female and one male, so as to complete pollination at flowering stage. After selecting the rootstock, cut off most branches and keep only 3 to 5, which can reduce the water loss caused by transpiration.

Scion treatment: branches are generally selected for golden marble scions. Find a strong plant without pests and diseases, cut off branches, and the buds on it should be full, which is more conducive to growth and flowering. The bottom of the cut branches should be cut into inclined planes, which is convenient to fit the rootstock and helpful to wound healing and subsequent growth.

Grafting: Cross-cut a section on the branch of golden marble rootstock, then cut a knife along the joint between bark and xylem, insert scion along this place, make the inclined plane stick to one side of xylem, tie it with rope, and cover it with a bag to prevent rain or water. After grafting, put it in the shade, and you can see the light normally after half a month.

Matters needing attention in planting gold marbles

Golden marble is a dioecious plant. Pay attention to the collocation of female plants and male plants when planting, so as to pollinate and bear fruit. Although the male plants do not bear fruit, their roots are colorful, their leaves are dark green and their colors are elegant. They are also often used to make bonsai.

Golden marbles like warm, humid and sunny environment, slightly resistant to semi-shade and drought, and have certain cold resistance. Therefore, in the growing period, the gold marbles should be maintained in a sunny and well-ventilated place outdoors. Insufficient light will affect fruit setting and keep the soil in the basin moist, but it is not suitable for long-term water accumulation. Water should also be sprayed on the leaves at high temperature or when the air is dry to increase the air humidity, which is beneficial to growth.