Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Director of Civil Affairs Bureau talks about party building materials: activating the kinetic energy of party building and promoting civil affairs for the people

Director of Civil Affairs Bureau talks about party building materials: activating the kinetic energy of party building and promoting civil affairs for the people

Activating the kinetic energy of party building and boosting civil affairs for the people

In recent years, under the correct guidance of the municipal party Committee and the municipal government, the Civil Affairs Bureau has insisted on? Civil affairs for the people? Work philosophy, according to? Strengthen party building, keep the bottom line, win gold medals and create bright spots? Work ideas, in order to grasp party building? Grasp the team, lead the team and do a good job? Grasp the hand vigorously, take the party building work as the guide, combine the actual situation of civil affairs, strengthen the responsibility, activate the kinetic energy of party building, and lead and promote new progress in various civil affairs work.

First, a clear-cut political stand, convergence three? Heart? Solid foundation

There are x party branches in the Civil Affairs Bureau and x people in party member. In recent years, our bureau has insisted on taking a clear-cut stand and stressing politics in party building work, taking strengthening ideological and political construction as an important task, practicing initial intentions, rallying people's hearts and intentions, building a solid foundation of faith, building a solid battle fortress and consolidating the foundation of party building.

(A) practice the initial heart, build a solid foundation of faith

The ideals and beliefs of China and party member have never been illusory, but have always been reflected in the initial intention and mission of seeking happiness for the people of China and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. Our bureau has always been closely focused on studying and implementing Xi Jinping's Socialism with Chinese characteristics Thought in the new era, arming our minds with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, and constantly arming ourselves with the study of faith, emotion and mission? Four consciousnesses, firmness? Four confidences? , resolutely do it? Two maintenance? Build a solid foundation of faith in deep understanding, engrave the party's initial mission in the heart, and truly be loyal to the party and the people and be responsible for civil affairs. At the beginning of each year, the annual party building work plan and key points are formulated, and the theoretical study plan of the party group central group and the centralized study account of the party branch are established; Hold theme party day activities at a fixed time every month. In recent years, Party Day activities with rich contents and various forms have been held more than X times, helping the masses get rid of poverty in X village of X city, co-building with Shuangyong community in * * *, and visiting the urban planning exhibition hall and martyrs cemetery. Care for left-behind children in rural areas? Volunteer service, party member assistance and other activities. Through various learning and education activities, we will create a strong atmosphere of party building and constantly guide the broad masses of party member cadres? Learn the history of the party, know the situation of the party, follow the party and repay the party? Really practice the initial mission and build a solid foundation of faith.

(2) unite people and build a fighting fortress.

The foundation is not firm, and the ground shakes. Party branch as a party? Nerve endings are the foundation of the Party's governance. Only by strengthening the construction of the Party's organizational system can we organize and unite the masses in party member. Our bureau pays close attention to the construction of party branches, in which party branch secretaries and party workers? Selection, training, management and use? Strive to standardize the organizational life of party branches, unite people's hearts, wisdom and strength, and give play to the role of grassroots party branches as fighting fortresses. The first is to strengthen the construction of cadres. The establishment of the directly under the authority Party Committee of the Civil Affairs Bureau has strengthened the unified leadership over the party building work in the civil administration system. Have all the branch teams and party and government leaders been completed? Side by side? , to ensure that the branch personnel optimization, branch team sound. The second is to standardize organizational life. Require all the X party branches under the bureau to follow the rules? Six? In party member activity room, meeting, study and publicity are set as a whole. Require all branches of the bureau to strictly enforce it? Three sessions and one lesson? Ten organizational systems, such as democratic life meeting, ensure strict and standardized organizational life, fully activate the vitality and vitality of grass-roots party branches of civil affairs, stimulate the internal motivation of workers' work, and give play to the role of grass-roots party branches as fighting fortresses.

(3) Sincerely display the image of civil administration.

Firmly establish a sense of purpose for the people, with? Double check-in, double coverage and double service? Used to catch things and tie things? Service center, construction team? The two core tasks are to urge all branches of party member to actively report to the community, meet the needs of the masses, claim service posts, and carry out voluntary service, so as to win the hearts of the people and give play to the exemplary role of civil affairs cadres in party member. According to statistics, X Party branches under the Bureau declared and claimed X service posts to party member * * *, collected X community service demands, participated in volunteer service X times, and did practical things for the community X times, which won high praise from community residents.

Second, improve the working mechanism of party building and grasp the reality? Quantity? A strong advantage

(1) Refine the system of strictly administering the Party in an all-round way to ensure Party building? High quality?

The first is to strengthen organizational leadership. A leading group was set up to strictly manage the party's main responsibility in an all-round way, and a work conference on building a clean and honest government in the city's civil affairs system was held at the beginning of each year, further improving the work responsibility chain of pressure transfer step by step and responsibility implementation at different levels. The second is to refine the list of responsibilities. Focusing on the task of comprehensively and strictly administering the party's main responsibility by the Municipal Party Committee, the "Annual List of Comprehensively and Strictly Administering the Party's Main Responsibility" is formulated and issued every year, which lists the responsibilities of the leading group, the principal responsible persons and other members of the party group, so that the responsibilities are clear and the contents are clear. The third is to improve the institutional system. Establish a contact point system, scientifically divide the members of the leadership team, ensure that each party branch has sub-contracted team members, and effectively promote the implementation of the main responsibility layer by layer; Implement a regular meeting system, regularly listen to reports from members of the leading bodies and branches on the work of strictly administering the party in an all-round way, keep abreast of the work trends, and further compact the main responsibility of strictly administering the party in an all-round way.

(2) Improve the assessment and management mechanism of Party building and improve the work? Gold content?

Implement the target management system of party building, formulate the annual work points of party building, and both the Party branch and party member set annual work targets, and strive to build an all-round and three-dimensional target responsibility system. Party building work is planned at the beginning of the year, inspected and implemented in the middle of the year, and summarized and commended at the end of the year. Compacting grassroots party building responsibilities, strengthening the decomposition and implementation of party building responsibilities, and signing party building target responsibility letters at all levels. Soft task? Become? Hard indicators? . Hold a debriefing meeting for Party branch secretaries, and incorporate the effectiveness of Party building work into the important content of annual assessment as an important basis for evaluating grassroots Party branch secretaries, so as to guide the branch secretaries of various bureaus to lay a solid foundation? Grasping party building is the duty, not grasping party building is dereliction of duty, and not grasping party building well is incompetence? Understanding and improving the gold content of party building work.

(C) Strengthen the positive incentive mechanism to motivate employees? Positive energy?

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the need to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres and constantly improve their work spirit. To motivate employees? Positive energy? Our bureau explores the establishment of a dynamic mechanism to promote cadres' diligence, responsibility and passion, strengthen positive incentives and stimulate cadres to take responsibility. The first is the advanced tree planting model. Vigorously praise cadres who dare to act as good deeds, promote the effective link between assessment results and cadre evaluation and promotion, and guide everyone to compete? horse , refused to be? Snail? . The second is to play a leading role in demonstration. Vigorously publicize the outstanding personal deeds of model workers and advanced workers commended by the state and the province in the system, and give play to the typical demonstration and leading role around them. The third is to implement the system of leaders interviewing cadres. It is necessary to talk about post adjustment, major setbacks in work and life, signs of problems, and active interviews with cadres to ensure full coverage of heart-to-heart talks and care for cadres within the system.

Third, improve the effectiveness of party building work, based on? Li San? Promote development

(A) based on enhancing the combat effectiveness of the organization, pay attention to team building.

In recent years, the leading group of the Civil Affairs Bureau has adhered to the standard of good cadres in the new period and the principle of the Party's management of cadres, strengthened the leading and checking role of the Party organizations, comprehensively improved the quality and ability of cadres and workers in the civil affairs system of the city, and forged a team of high-quality civil affairs cadres who are loyal and clean. The first is to effectively select and employ people. After the newly revised "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Leading Cadres of the Party and Government" was issued, our bureau adhered to the policies and regulations such as "Regulations" and "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening and Improving the Selection and Appointment of Cadres", taking the implementation of the four supervision systems as the starting point, and insisted on the adjustment of the appointment and removal of department-level cadres. Six. Do you see it? Standards, strictly implement the selection and appointment conditions, and effectively select and employ people in strict accordance with the procedures and requirements such as analysis and judgment, motion, democratic recommendation, organization inspection, discussion and decision, publicity, clean government talks before appointment, and formal appointment. The second is to strictly manage and supervise cadres. Strengthen the daily ideological education of cadres. Comprehensive use of heart-to-heart, annual assessment, daily understanding and other ways. Talk with cadres in time, implement in-depth and meticulous ideological and political work in daily management education, start with problems and details, and make blushing and sweating really become the norm. At the same time, correct the atmosphere of selecting and employing people. Concentrate? Three super two disorderly eat empty pay? And special self-inspection and rectification work such as special audit of cadre files, illegal part-time jobs of leading cadres, and going abroad for private reasons, improve and implement various cadre personnel management systems, and comprehensively correct the atmosphere of selecting and employing people. By effectively selecting and appointing people, strengthening daily supervision and reminding, our bureau comprehensively rectified the atmosphere of selecting and appointing people, implemented the requirements of strict management, dare to manage strictly, and manage strictly for a long time, tightened the system cage, eliminated stubborn diseases, purified the political ecology, purified the ranks of civil affairs cadres, improved the quality and ability of cadres and workers, and enhanced the organizational combat effectiveness.

(B) based on enhancing the centripetal force of the team, pay attention to the construction of work style.

Taking the rectification of work style as the starting point, our bureau strengthened the construction of cadres' work style, enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of civil affairs staff officers' entrepreneurship, and created a new situation of high-quality and efficient development of civil affairs work. First, actively carry out clean government education. In recent years, * * * has carried out pre-holiday anti-corruption education for more than X times, and county-level cadres have taken anti-corruption party classes for more than X times, and the joint supervision office has formed an inspection team. At the important time node, the central government has focused on leading cadres in party member. Eight laws? Spirit, abide by honesty and self-discipline, and carry out unannounced visits, spot checks and special inspections for more than X times. The second is solid development? Promote reform by case? And work style. Since 20 1X? Promote reform by case? X times of special rectification activities, sorted out more than X problems, found out X risks of clean government, and revised and improved X rules and regulations such as finance, car use, seal, duty on holidays, and cancellation of leave. In recent years, lazy politics has been carried out to rectify the problem of official inaction and help the circle culture. Special rectification activities such as looking back on the spirit of the eight central regulations, formalism and bureaucracy have been carried out, and the work style of civil affairs cadres has been improved and their work efficiency has been further improved.

(three) based on improving the development of civil affairs, focusing on serving the people.

Our bureau adheres to the guidance of party building, correctly handles the relationship between party building and business, promotes the high-quality development of civil affairs with high-quality party building, and the team members are conscientious and proactive, focusing on poverty alleviation, focusing on special groups, focusing on the concerns of the masses, fully fulfilling the responsibilities of basic people's livelihood security, grassroots social governance and basic social services, and steadily advancing key tasks. The standardization construction of urban communities is in the forefront of the province. Is there a seven-heart x model? It has been fully affirmed by the Provincial Civil Affairs Department and promoted throughout the province. The construction of the old-age service system has achieved remarkable results. X county, X town, X town and X town's smart and healthy pension demonstration bases were approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and National Health Commission as the second batch of smart and healthy pension application pilot demonstration bases and the second batch of smart and healthy pension application pilot demonstration towns. The city's smart pension cloud platform project is progressing in an orderly manner according to relevant procedures. The highlights of the comprehensive upgrading and transformation of rural nursing homes are outstanding. 20 1X, the city completed the comprehensive upgrading of X rural nursing homes, among which the nursing homes in X District, X Township and X Town were set higher, creating a bright spot for the comprehensive upgrading of rural nursing homes. The division of place names has made remarkable achievements. The second national geographical names census, which lasted for four years, was successfully concluded and X County was approved. Millennium ancient county? . Steadily promote the reform of funeral and interment, carry out special rectification actions for outstanding problems in the field of funeral and interment, implement the policy of funeral and interment benefiting the people, and land-saving ecological burial has become the choice of more and more families. The care system for left-behind children and children in distress has been gradually improved, and the quality of life of left-behind children and children in distress in rural areas has been significantly improved. We must work hard to make progress, and the boundary of ten parties is the whole body. Under the strong leadership of the municipal party Committee and the municipal government, the Civil Affairs Bureau promotes business work with party building and strengthens party building with work performance. It has been successively rated as an advanced unit in government information, disaster prevention and mitigation of the province's civil affairs system, an advanced unit in the selection of the first secretary, an advanced unit in the standardization of official activities in the city, an advanced collective in tackling poverty, an excellent municipal unit in comprehensive management and safe construction, and an honorary provincial civilized unit for 12 years. Next, the Civil Affairs Bureau will? Don't forget your initial heart, remember your mission? Adhere to the guidance of party building, innovate the form of party building, improve the quality of party building, give play to the role of party building, and realize the new responsibilities, new missions and new actions of civil servants in construction. Smart and livable city? Make new and greater contributions.