Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Ma Weizi sang.

Ma Weizi sang.

They always look forward to the future with the past, but forget the present.

Songs on the Wang Sheng Tower

Gu Shuli

Our hearts

In the abstract art exhibition, a work attracts the viewer's attention.

Someone said, "This is a messy and clear footprint left by a wandering wanderer when he trudged in the desert."

Someone said, "This is the mother's hand, stroking a young life gently and proudly."

Someone said, "These are the tears that E Huang and Nv Ying shed when they returned. They are so beautiful, but they are so sad."

No matter when we look at the painting, we are sad because of joy or because we moved the scene; Painting or painting, the difference is only our hearts.

Singing crow

A friend keeps a crow at home.

When I visited him, he complained to me that crows sang from morning till night and were not ashamed of their hoarse voices.

I told him that crows can't sing well, but they still have the ability to sing. At least it knows that its singing skills need to be improved, so it has been practicing. Many people in this city have no skills at all. Not only do they not try to "sing", but they also belittle those who "sing" well. They haven't blushed yet, let alone your crow?

Tamp mule

There is a mule named "I" who pulls a stone mill called "the past" in the mill all day, day after day, year after year, circling around the "past".

Finally one day, "I" can't pull the "past". So "I" was tied to a tree and told that I could eat young grass, sleep, breathe fresh air or enjoy the scenery here. But I can't go on like this, so I still turn around the tree, day after day, year after year.

This tree is called Memory.

Loneliness is like wine.

I paint, I paint loneliness; I write, I write loneliness; I play the piano and loneliness; I blow, and it blows out loneliness.

I wanted to get rid of loneliness, so I found several jars and gently put loneliness in them. When I carefully sealed the jar with red mud, I sealed a loneliness. I hid the jar and loneliness. A few years later, I was convinced that my loneliness had disappeared, so I opened the cans one by one. I couldn't wait to give him a look. There was nothing in the altar. However, when I looked up, I was surprised to find that heaven and earth were lonely.

I really regret sealing loneliness with a jar. At first, I didn't think loneliness was like wine. The longer you hide, the stronger it becomes.

Talk less and talk more.

Mozi once said to his students: Frogs bark nonstop every day, which is boring; The cock crows in the morning, inspiring people. So, what you said is not how much, but whether it is useful or not.

In fact, he will be wrong. The rooster chooses dawn because he has knowledge and understands people's hearts; The frog's chatter is to cover up its inner ignorance. "Wei" is less, let alone "knowledge"; "People" are long, and if they are long, they are "sloppy" and derailed.

The same is true of people, and truly learned people are few words; Most people who talk big are people who have little ink in their hearts, but they are deceiving others and themselves at the same time.

Think and act

Sometimes I want to engage in art, but I am afraid of boredom; Sometimes I want to do research, but I am afraid of hard work; Sometimes I want to climb Mount Tai, but I'm afraid it's too high. Sometimes I want to flood the East China Sea, but I'm afraid of the wind and waves. Sometimes I want to learn skating, but I'm afraid of wrestling. Sometimes I want to go swimming in winter, but I'm afraid of catching a cold. Sometimes I miss Doby dogs, but I am afraid of being bitten; Sometimes I want to keep a cat, but I'm afraid of fleas.

People are always like this, thinking more and doing less.

Tickets for 80 years

In my dream, I got on the train and met an old man with a white beard.

I asked the old man, "Where does this train go?"

The old man said, "The terminal."

I asked again, "How long will it take to reach the finish line?"

The old man said, "I'm almost there." You still have more than 60 years. "

"More than sixty years?" I asked in surprise.

The old man said, "Everyone has a train ticket, and the period is 80 years."

"Then can I get off halfway?" I asked.

The old man smiled and said, "Yes. There are countless stops on the road. You can get off at any stop, get on at any stop, or change cars, but all these cars go to the same destination. "

I asked curiously, "How many stops have you been to? Which stops do you want to go to? "

The old man smiled: "I have never thought about this question. When I ride, I always see many passengers thinking about this problem. I didn't notice that time passed like this, and it reached the end in the blink of an eye. They always take the past and look forward to the future, but forget the present. "

"You always say that you don't ask about the future by bus, just ask if you lived at that time?" I asked.

The old man smiled and nodded.

I'm going to get off at the first stop. The old man stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Remember, don't look back and forth on the platform with a ticket, get on a train you think you should get on." Otherwise, you will miss a lot of beautiful scenery along the way. "


Although the philosophy contained in plain language is small, it is valuable in itself.

Tie Ning (writer)

Small fragments, quite philosophical, but also quite unique imagination. Loneliness like wine is especially good.

Fangfang (writer)

The style of writing is pure and rare.

Ye (writer)

Quite a modern fable. Especially the last one, impressive.

Ye Xin (writer)


Seven fabled stories inspired me a lot:

First, different people have different views on abstract painting, and the answers are varied.

Second, satirize people who have no real talent and knowledge, but point fingers instead;

Third, there are people in the world who recall the past all day. They never plan the future, let alone innovate.

Fourth, the way to get rid of loneliness is not to be closed, but to walk out of the jar, into the world and into the sunshine;

Fifth, we should learn from the rooster, sing in the daytime, strengthen our own quality and improve our own skills; Barking like a frog, there is no ink on my chest, which is very boring;

Sixth, dare to think and do, don't just be a "thinker", you should be a doer more;

Seventh, the past and the future are far away from themselves. The key is to seize the present, seize the present.

Wang Yuqiang

This only makes us more open-minded, more indifferent to selfish desires and live more freely and happily.

Songs on the Wang Sheng Tower (Continued 3)

Gu Shuli

Come and go as you please.

There is a story: a hungry fox suddenly found a garden full of grapes one day and wanted to enter it for a full meal. But the fence around the garden was so high and narrow that the fox couldn't get in. He had to eat and drink for three days and finally managed to get in. After a hearty meal, he felt very comfortable and wanted to go out of the garden happily, but forgot that he was too full and had to go out without drinking or eating for three days. The result is like going into the garden and still hungry.

-how to come, how to go.

More than foxes stealing grapes from the garden?

Fishermen used to sunbathe on the beach, but if they work, make money, achieve a career and buy a car or a house according to the rich, they will still come to the beach in Hawaii to sunbathe. Come and go as you please. It is strikingly similar to the story above.

Nu Wa made man out of clay, and we were buried in the soil after death-from the soil, back to the soil; We came into this world naked, and then died decades later-naked, naked.

How do people come and go?

We came and went like this, perhaps like snow and mud, without a trace. No one can take away the fame and fortune of his life.

This is not a kind of negativity, but makes us more open-minded, more indifferent to selfish desires and live more freely and happily.

You choose you, I choose me

Or a story: there is such a group of vegetable ducks, most of whom live a leisurely life in spring. However, one of them named "Gray" didn't want to be so mediocre. Besides running and doing morning exercises, I also study computer, foreign languages and literature every morning. Many things grind, and one day, he learned. -It's autumn. Other vegetables and ducks were put into cages and sent to slaughterhouses. Although Gray tried his best to escape, he was still born to die. When it was served on the table, the owner of the slaughterhouse said, "Vegetable duck is vegetable duck, and this is your fate!" " "After going to heaven, Gray was indignant at his experience of studying hard all his life but still achieving the same goal with other ducks who wasted their lives. An old duck told it, "Everyone has different choices about how to spend his life, but there is no right or wrong. "It is right to live a leisurely life, and it is also right to live a diligent life. "

-you choose your life, I choose my life, you are not wrong, and I am not wrong.

Fishermen choose a leisurely life, while the rich choose a struggling life. There is nothing wrong with fishermen and rich people.

Everyone has a ticket for 80 years. You can take this train, take that train, or even rest in place. In eighty years, all the tickets will be invalid, and we will all return to the dust. Even if the brilliant light is drawn in the long river of history, it is difficult to shine through the ages.

Choosing a quiet and comfortable life or a magnificent life is our own pursuit and our own preference. We don't have to regret it, because we live our own life.

If it is a bird, it will soar in the sky; If it is a fish, swim in the shallow bottom; If it is an anvil, it will stand still; If it's a hammer, hit it hard. We should live as happily as possible!

Poverty is wealth, and wealth is poverty.

A writer in Taiwan Province Province once recorded such a thing: One night he was walking on a street in Taipei and put a few dollars in a bowl in front of a beggar. A passerby said, "Don't give it to him. The beggars in this area are all fake. They beg along the street at night and enter luxury hotels during the day. " He said: "beggars are not true or false, even if they are rich, but the moment he reaches out, he is poor and deserves sympathy and pity;" On the contrary, if a poor person has a' rich' mood, he is a rich person. "

Sometimes, poverty is wealth, and wealth is poverty. It depends on your mood.

A person can be called poor, not because of his hardship, but because he lost his dignity in the face of hardship; A person can be called a rich man, not because he has accumulated wealth, but because he can maintain people's feelings in front of property.

Although the fisherman's family is poor, he can still live a leisurely life, so he is not poor; Rich people are rich, but they still care about encouraging others, so they are not poor. Shouldn't two people who are not poor lie on the same beach and bask in the sun?

Most of us think of ourselves as a birdcage, and we will catch all kinds of birds we want in our life. In fact, we are all birds, flying into one cage after another that we want to use to close ourselves. Some of these birdcages are called names, some are called profits, some are called wealth, some are called rights, some are called titles and so on. Sometimes we run out of life, win the whole world, but lose ourselves. Are we still lost, poor or rich?

Life is like a ring, it is hollow and incomplete, but it is complete from beginning to end. We have chosen our own way, our own way of life, rich or poor, and kept a free mood, live high, live high.

The songs on the Wang Sheng Tower are still singing, getting closer and more real. ......


Song on the Hope Tower of Life is the topic of my initial evaluation, which consists of seven short words. Some people say: "The singer's song, the dancer's dance, the swordsman's sword, the literati's pen and the hero's fighting spirit can't be abandoned as long as they are immortal." And I thought it was appropriate, so I added three more and continued to do ten, which was considered "complete".