Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How does finger sprain tendon recover quickly? What should I do if my finger sprains my tendon?

How does finger sprain tendon recover quickly? What should I do if my finger sprains my tendon?

When doing some heavy activities, it is easy to twist your fingers to your tendons. It will be very painful at this time, and the function of your fingers is almost available on the market. So how to quickly recover the sprained tendon? What should I do if my finger sprains my tendon? To master some methods, we should do a good job of nursing in time to avoid getting worse. Let's learn the solution of twisting the tendon of the finger.

1, stop hand movements.

After a sprained finger, stop using the injured finger in time to avoid aggravating the injury of the sprained finger. It is best to keep the injured finger in a stable state and don't move.

2. Raise your finger.

After the sprained tendon appears in the finger, the injured finger can be raised, which can relieve blood stasis and help relieve pain and swelling. If the sprained finger keeps drooping, it may cause blood to flow downwards, which will aggravate the swelling after sprain.

Step 3 cold compress the affected area

After tendon sprain, you can apply cold compress to the injured finger in time, and apply it to the injured part with a towel or ice pack soaked in cold water to make its blood vessels contract, reduce local congestion, lower tissue temperature, inhibit nerve sensation, and play a role in relieving pain and swelling. Note that it is generally advisable to apply cold compress within 24 hours after spraining the tendon, and it is not advisable to use cold compress for a long time.

4, hot compress relief

24 hours or 48 hours after finger sprain, towel can be soaked in hot water or hot water bag and applied to the wound for about 30 minutes each time, which can improve local blood and lymphatic circulation, promote metabolism, facilitate tissue repair, absorb metabolites and congestion, and promote healing.

5. Massage your fingers

In the late stage of finger tendon sprain, massage can be used to promote swelling and metabolism. Generally, the methods for treating tendon injuries are mainly pressing, kneading, pushing and taking, supplemented by kneading, pinching, rubbing and rolling.

Specific methods: reach out the injured hand, palm down, hold its wrist with one hand, hold the inside and outside of the injured knuckles with the other thumb and forefinger, and then gently knead. After the pain is relieved, slightly increase the intensity and knead for 2 minutes.

Pay attention to early massage of sprained tendon, which may cause bleeding and swelling. And if you can't press it, you should find a professional doctor to do it, and you must not massage at will.

6. Pressure dressing

If the sprained tendon is broken, it can be fixed with adhesive tape or elastic bandage to enhance its stability, limit the movement of muscles and ligaments beyond the normal range, and make the injured tissue rest properly, which is conducive to the healing of the injury. Be careful not to wrap it too tightly to avoid local congestion.

7. Drug therapy

Generally, after 24 hours of tendon sprain, you can use some drugs or medicinal liquor to remove blood stasis and detumescence, which is helpful for the spread of blood stasis and recovery.

8. Check with a doctor

If the pain is severe or the injury is serious after spraining the finger tendon, it is best to go to the doctor for examination and treatment in time, or use some drugs to relax muscles and promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis and relieve pain under the guidance of a doctor.

9. Have a rest

Within 1-2 weeks after the finger hurts the tendon, the injured part should be properly rested and fixed if necessary to avoid using the injured part to exert force again or make it compressed.