Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What measures do bonsai need for wintering? Many people say that it is not good to move around bonsai, but is it ok to spend the winter outdoors?

What measures do bonsai need for wintering? Many people say that it is not good to move around bonsai, but is it ok to spend the winter outdoors?

This year is a cold winter. Although we are in the south, the coldest time is-12, and it seems that it has never been so cold in memory. In addition, there has been no precipitation for a long time recently, which has brought a lot of trouble to the maintenance of some flower bonsai at home. Maintaining these bonsai in winter is also very important for the growth and development of the next year. Except some pine and cypress bonsai, most friends will put some hammers at home.

For a long time, although the south is cold, most miscellaneous wood bonsai can still spend the winter outdoors. There are still many people who move bonsai indoors to keep out the cold before cooling down at night, and then move it outdoors or on balconies and windowsills with good light in the morning. Don't be lazy. Many bonsai will have yellow leaves in winter because of insufficient light. In sunny noon, when the temperature is high, we should pay attention to proper shading. Excessive temperature may affect the dormancy of bonsai, which is not conducive to growth. According to the growth habits of bonsai trees, we should control the environmental temperature. Of course, this is done in extreme weather, just like this cold winter.

My town is near Shanghai, and it is windy every day now. There is no precipitation for a long time, and the air is very dry. The seedlings that have just been planted outdoors can dry the leaves in one day, and so can the bonsai we cultivate. If we don't pay attention, bonsai trees will wrinkle their bark and branches and curl their branches because of lack of water. For example, some ornamental bonsai, such as golden marbles, persimmons and pyracantha, will wrinkle the fruit due to lack of water. This is very important for the observation of soil in the basin. In sunny mornings and at noon, water should be watered once, never several times. In view of the current weather, it is necessary to spray water on trunks, branches and leaves to keep them moist, which can play a certain role in alleviating it.

Bonsai should be maintained in winter, and it is not easy to make big moves, such as pruning and changing pots. Generally speaking, miscellaneous bonsai will be pruned in early autumn, and the newly sprouted branches and leaves will not fall in winter, but it is necessary to observe the tree body before pruning. If the growth is too weak, it should be pruned in early spring; It is not recommended to turn over the pot in winter. At this time, turning over pots and changing soil has a great influence on the root system, which weakens the cold resistance and is easy to die.

There are also many kinds of miscellaneous bonsai that are not cold-tolerant, such as cycads, banyan trees, murraya, Fujian tea and so on. After winter, these southern tree bonsai need to be moved indoors for maintenance and wintering, especially this year. If the room doesn't move, it is estimated that it has been reimbursed. Pay attention to water control, heat preservation, lighting and other maintenance measures, and it is not difficult to overwinter safely. I'm Juanzi, the girl in the greenhouse. I said this today because I went to see some seedlings planted some time ago during the day. After several days of severe hypothermia, I feel I am still alive. I don't know. I got closer. When I pinched it with my hand, all the leaves were broken and almost half of them were killed. Oh, it's cold. Off topic, remember to pay attention and praise, thank you!