Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Is the American Apollo program true or false?

Is the American Apollo program true or false?

The American landing on the moon is absolutely fake.

One of the most famous doubts mentioned by the European Space Agency at the press conference is the American flag planted on the moon after the astronauts landed on the moon. The photo shows that the flag is still "flying"-this is an incredible scene, because the moon has no atmosphere and is almost in a vacuum, so there can be no wind.

Others pointed out that other moon landing photos "also have problems." In another photo, the astronauts have different shadows, showing that there is more than one light source at the scene. On the surface of the moon, there is only one light source, the sun, and it is not illuminated at close range, so the other light source must take a spotlight to take a selfie! In addition, in this photo, two astronauts who landed on the moon are both in the photo, but only two people landed on the moon at that time. From the point of view of photo shooting, it is hard to imagine that it was taken by an automatic camera. And the spacecraft that landed on the moon didn't have an automatic camera, so who took the "photo"? The questioner joked that it was taken by "God" or "aliens".

Recently, BillKaysing, known as the "father of the moon landing scam", and British photographer DavidPercy co-wrote "We have never landed on the moon". BillKaysing has a good background. He used to be one of the "designers" of the lunar module manufacturer Rocketdyne, claiming to be familiar with the "details" of the "moon landing" scam. In order to strengthen the credibility of his works, he claimed to have invited a number of "anonymous" experts to help.

One of the biggest loopholes in the US moon landing fraud is that he conducted a live broadcast! The purpose of American live broadcast is to convince the world that his landing on the moon is real, but it is self-defeating. shattered glass has shown his fox's tail! The first American landing on the moon was in 1969, which was said to be broadcast live all over the world. You can use your own brains to think about it. Aerospace industry is an industry with a very high failure rate. No one knows whether man will successfully land on the moon for the first time. The experiment before the American landing on the moon also had an accident, and people died (I know better). If the United States fails to land on the moon this time, the United States will not lose its adult in front of the people all over the world, the reputation and prestige of the American government will be hit, and the pride of the American people, Lao Tzu, will also be hit, and it will fail again in the confrontation of the Soviet Union. Besides, no one knows what is on the moon. Before the United States and the Soviet Union, only a few artificial satellites were launched around the moon. At that time, satellites could only make a rough observation on the topography of the moon, but they didn't know what gold, silver and jewels were on the moon, whether uranium 235 was everywhere, and whether there were any animal and plant gods. It should be said that for the United States, every dust on the moon is the top secret of the United States. It is absolutely impossible for the United States to disclose it to the outside world.

If we connect with the political situation at that time, we can see that the American landing on the moon was simply a scam. At that time, Soviet morale was high and aggressive. First the satellite was launched, and then Gagarin was sent into space for the first time. The United States has been greatly challenged and the self-confidence of the American people has been dealt an unprecedented blow. In order to restore the self-confidence of the American people, it is entirely possible for the United States to formulate this festival. The Soviet Union and the United States have the same high space technology (even at that time, the Soviet Union was even ahead of the United States). Why did the Soviet Union know that it had not landed on the moon? The Soviet Union spent a lot of money on the space station. Doesn't he doubt that America hides many secrets about the moon? Because the Soviet Union knew that the US landing on the moon was deceptive, and now neither Russia nor the United States has the strength to land on the moon, it is already very good for the space station to do well (even cooperate). Then why didn't the Soviet Union at that time and Russia now expose it? Because the purpose of the United States is only to restore the self-confidence of the American people and scare developing countries like China, it will not do much harm to the Soviet Union, and it is entirely possible for the United States and the Soviet Union to reach some kind of agreement. Only the two of them know what the agreement is.


Is "Apollo Landing on the Moon" True or False?

Source: [Knowledge Online]

The cold war era between the United States and the Soviet Union, which lasted for half a century, produced many great scientific and technological achievements, which have been worshipped by people for decades. However, with the cold war drifting away, the authenticity of these epoch-making achievements in the history of human civilization is increasingly doubted by the scientific community and the public. After the Star Wars program in the Reagan era proved to be an out-and-out competitive scam, the Apollo manned spacecraft, which Americans have always been proud of, landed on the moon for the first time, but recently it has fallen into the whirlpool of true and false disputes. Not long ago, Russian researcher Alexander Goldov published an article entitled "The Biggest Forgery of the Century", which raised many questions about the photos taken by American astronauts on the moon in 1979. He believes that all the photos and documentaries taken by American astronauts on the moon were forged in Hollywood studios. Goldov also stressed that he reached this conclusion after long-term and serious scientific analysis and certification of all moon landing photos. Coincidentally, Bill Kane, an American scientist who once participated in the Apollo program, threw a blockbuster a few days ago. In his book "I have never landed on the moon", he pointed out that the Apollo program deceived the whole world, and all the images were only taken at the simulated lunar test site on the Antarctic continent, and American astronauts never landed on the moon. When this statement came out, it shocked the world and stirred up a thousand waves with one stone. The American public's doubts about the Apollo program have also reached the peak in decades. According to an authoritative opinion poll, nearly 25 million Americans said they didn't believe the Apollo action was real. What is even more intriguing is that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has always remained silent on this storm, which is even more puzzling. Not to mention that if the Apollo program is indeed forged, it will be a devastating blow to the credibility of the American government and the media. In view of the current situation of different opinions and false clamor, people have to ask: how much have the American government and the press, which have always boasted of being absolutely honest and open to the public, concealed? How many controversial achievements of human civilization, such as the Apollo program, will once again enter people's field of vision and be re-examined?

In the 1960s, when the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was in full swing, manned space activities in the United States were particularly frequent, and the most striking achievement was Apollo's manned landing on the moon. As early as the early 1960s, NASA put forward the Apollo moon landing plan. So there is such a classic version that goes down in history: after eight years of hard work, Apollo 1 to 10 successively conducted many low-earth orbit flight tests and lunar previews. On July 1969 and 16, Apollo-1/spacecraft entered the lunar orbit. After the successful landing, Captain Armstrong first stepped onto the hatch platform and climbed down the 9-level 5-meter-high steps. Then, his left foot carefully set foot on the surface of the moon, from which the first human footprint that shocked the world landed on the moon. Armstrong was filled with emotion: "This is a small step for a person, but it is a leap for mankind!" " "18 minutes later, another astronaut Aldrin also set foot on the moon. They photographed the lunar landscape, collected lunar rocks and soil, conducted experiments, and sent the detection information back to the ground control center. After that, Armstrong and Aldrin flew off the surface of the moon in the lunar module, rose to the lunar orbit, joined Collins' command module and waited in the lunar orbit. Three astronauts returned to Earth in the command module and splashed down in the Pacific Ocean. The whole flight lasted 8 days and 3 hours 18 minutes, and stayed on the moon for 2 1 hour 18 minutes, which made a historic feat.

For decades, people have always doubted the authenticity of the Apollo program in Never Fade. In the 1980s, the American film Capricorn I alluded that the Apollo program might be a scam. But the voice of doubt has never been so high as it is today. The most representative is Bill Kane's questioning of the moon landing photos in his works:

1. The moon has no atmosphere, so there is no problem of air refraction, so you should clearly see the picture of stars shining in the moon sky, but there are no stars in the photos provided by NASA;

2. When the spacecraft landed on the surface of the moon, there should be huge dust blown by the propeller, but the land surface of the moon shown in photos and documentaries was calm as usual;

3. Some photos of the moon landing have obvious puncture marks, and there is a very hidden line between the foreground and the close shot, which makes people wonder whether the "fade-in scanning method" in movie stunts is adopted, that is, the foreground is drawn first, and then covered with light and shadow.

Some astronomy enthusiasts also pointed out that even on earth, jet engines can blow stones as big as eggs to tens of meters away, but on the moon with much weaker gravity, the lunar module will at least spew out extremely spectacular smoke when landing, which is bound to fly sand and stones, but the video provided is just the opposite. #S#

After the works of Goldov and Kane came out, there was a debate about the Apollo program on the Internet. Proponents of Apollo program fraud theory mainly put forward the following viewpoints and evidence:

First, the photos of Apollo landing on the moon were forged. Comparing the incident angle of the sun calculated according to the shadows on the photos taken on the lunar surface with the time, coordinate points and moon phase period of astronauts' activities on the lunar surface announced by NASA, it is found that there are obvious contradictions. Opponents point out: Take Apollo 1 1 as an example, the moon landing point is Jinghai on the moon, 23.5 degrees east longitude and 0.6 degrees north latitude, and the launch time from the earth is1July 969 16 GMT 13: 32, which is on the moon. According to calculation, the incident angle between the sun and the moon is only 6 to 7 degrees, almost close to the horizon. But the photos of Apollo 1 1 planting the American flag on the moon show that the incident angle of sunlight is about 30 degrees, which is obviously illogical.

Second, the moon landing video is also forged. After analyzing the video of Apollo landing on the moon, it is proposed that the astronauts' jumping action and height on the moon surface in the video are the same as those on the ground. The gravity on the moon is one-sixth that on the earth, so it should jump six times higher and six times farther than on the earth. But from the video, the astronauts jumped less than one meter from the ground.

Third, the progress of the moon landing program is contrary to common sense. 1967 65438+ 10, Apollo 1 has just been developed, and its technology is extremely immature. During the experiment of filling the lunar module with pure oxygen, wires collided and caused a fire, resulting in three astronauts being smoked to death. Subsequently, many major improvements were made, and the development of hardware technology for the moon landing program was forced to be postponed for more than a year. However, it was only in July of 1969 that the successful landing on the moon was realized in such a short time, which is unconvincing from the technical point of view.

Fourth, why was Saturn V, the rocket used to carry Apollo spacecraft to the moon, abandoned? Saturn V carrier rocket is powerful, and its technical achievements surpass all kinds of rockets and space shuttles, but it has been abandoned, and even the drawings have not been kept. What's even more surprising is that there is no suitable launch vehicle in the United States to put the space station into earth orbit until today, because there is no powerful launch vehicle, and the modern space shuttle only sends a small load of no more than 20 tons into low-earth orbit at a time, while Saturn V, developed in the 1960s, is said to be able to easily send a load of 100 tons into earth orbit and push dozens of tons of objects out of the earth's gravitational circle, which should be easily used to launch the space station. Five years before and after the moon landing, the United States * * * launched 17 Saturn V spacecraft with Apollo spacecraft, with a success rate of 100%! It is really puzzling that he should quit the Jianghu with such an excellent performance record. So far, NASA has only replied that Saturn V is too expensive to manufacture.

Fifth, how to explain the influence of space radiation on astronauts? Today, people know that there are all kinds of cosmic radiation in outer space, some of which may be fatal. In general nuclear power plants, lead blocks and concrete layers with a thickness of several meters are used to block possible nuclear radiation leakage. It is obviously unrealistic for spacecraft to block radiation with a metal layer several meters thick, and the spacesuit worn by astronauts with a thickness of more than ten millimeters has no effect on blocking high-energy rays at all. How was this fatal problem estimated and solved when landing on the moon?

Sixth, is Armstrong's footprint possible? As Kane pointed out, when the lunar module lands on the surface of the moon, it will inevitably blow up huge dust. So how did Armstrong's first footprint appear so clearly in the photo? In order to avoid the huge dust, landing on the rocky plane of the moon is the best choice. If so, where did the footprints come from? The us government has never given a clear answer to this.

Skeptics also raised many other questions, such as the influence of temperature on camera equipment: the temperature on the surface of the moon is as high as 250 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and photos show that the camera used by astronauts is exposed outside the spacesuit without any heat preservation facilities. How can the film be photographed when it is heated and curled at 150 degrees?

Of course, the voices defending the authenticity of Apollo's landing on the moon also resolutely fought back. In response to Kane's claim that there is no starlight in the photo, China photographer Bao Kun pointed out that when shooting the clear moon at night, the approximate exposure combination is F5.6/ 1/2- 1 sec /ISO 100℃ (depending on the atmospheric visibility), and the stars in the night sky are all on the negative. Even the brightest star in the night sky, such as Sirius in Orion, needs to be exposed for more than 2-3 seconds, and the rest is the trajectory of the star. The photographic environment of the #S# lunar surface is actually to put the day and night of the earth together in front of the camera, which are two completely different opposing choices, and it is impossible to shoot conventional effects. The two can only be one of them, so the theory of moon landing photo fraud cannot be established. As for the disharmony between brightness and contrast in photos, Bao Kun thinks it can't be caused by using artificial light sources during counterfeiting. The most direct reason is that the surface of the lunar module itself is a huge reflective light source, which reflects sunlight to the surface of the moon, resulting in uneven light and contrast.

Mr. Fang Zizhou, who is studying for a doctorate in chemistry in the United States, refutes fraud from the perspective of the humanistic environment of Apollo's landing on the moon. His reasoning is: first, the fraud risk of the US government is too high. The process of landing on the moon was broadcast live to the whole world. Once the fraud is exposed, the loss of credibility is unimaginable. In addition, the Apollo program involved thousands of engineers and technicians. How easy is it to shut them up? So many scientists don't make fun of their personalities. Secondly, the American press has an outstanding reputation, and its powerful public opinion supervision ability will never allow such a big lie to be staged. Moreover, the evidence provided by the supporters of forgery theory is only a technical analysis of some photos and video materials, which does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that the Apollo program is a bluff.

The dispute between truth and falsehood has not subsided, and the outcome, whether Apollo's landing on the moon was rehabilitated or destroyed, has not been clarified. However, it seems inevitable to re-evaluate the Apollo program and all similar government actions related to science and technology projects. The debate itself shows that the glorious memory of human civilization left by the cold war era of the United States and the Soviet Union in the new century is attributed to the excessive display of the government to some extent, and NASA also admitted under pressure that some photos of the moon landing program do contain pretentious and forged elements. At the same time, the debate on the authenticity of Apollo program directly brought about the problem of government credit. Recently, Dr. James Harder of the University of California presented evidence that NASA deliberately concealed its observation and research on so-called UFOs from the public. Under his protest and demand, NASA argued that the evidence of astronauts witnessing UFOs was concealed because they were worried that these facts would cause "public panic", which could not convince the public. Is the Apollo program true or false? Perhaps the original intention of the US government to implement the Apollo program was to overwhelm the Soviet Union's psychological advantage of hegemonic competition, or to drag the Soviet Union into the trap of an arms race in space, squandering a lot of money in space and dragging down the Soviet economy. But whether Apollo landed on the moon is true or not, America's goal seems to have been achieved. The Soviet Union did go further and further on the track of economic militarization until the whole national economy collapsed. However, for the public, the possible deception of the government is unforgivable. So far, NASA has kept silent about the debate about the authenticity of the Apollo program, so it is not surprising that 25 million Americans said they did not believe that the feat of landing on the moon really happened.

Support the statement of "moon landing scam"

1. After the astronauts let go, the national flagpole still swayed for a long time.

2. In the TV transmission picture of Apollo 17, two astronauts entered the camera at the same time, but the two shadows were different in length and orientation, which proved that there were different light sources at the scene.

3. When Apollo 16 astronaut john young stood on the moon and saluted the national flag, he couldn't photograph the stars in the background, and he had no shadow.

There seems to be a C on a stone in the close-up of the photo, which is obviously a movie prop.

5. In the transmission images of Helios 14 and 17, the astronaut's visor reflects strong light, which is the reflection of spotlight, proving that the scene is just a set.