Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What's the name of the episode that started at 1: 08 seconds in the funny video "The tour guide left the tourists to see the Japanese beauty cheated by Teacher Zheng's wife"?

What's the name of the episode that started at 1: 08 seconds in the funny video "The tour guide left the tourists to see the Japanese beauty cheated by Teacher Zheng's wife"?

1. Why is the penguin's belly white? Because penguins have short hands, they can only reach the front when taking a shower. 2. The rooster went on a business trip for a month, and when he came back, he heard that quail always came to the hen to play! The cock is beginning to doubt the hen! Sure enough, within two days, the hen laid a quail egg! The cock is angry! The hen hurriedly explained, "Shit, premature birth!" " 3. The centipede was accidentally bitten by a snake when going out! In order to spread the toxin, we must amputate immediately! The centipede comforted itself: "Fortunately, I have many legs!" " The doctor also comforted: "Yes, brother, relax, you will be an earthworm in the future!" " The spider found a caterpillar in the tree. It is too small to make it lose its appetite. When I went to see it again in a few days, a beautiful flower flew out. The spider said quickly, boy, do you want to lure the tiger away from the mountain with a honey trap? No way! A butterfly broke its wing, but it flew away. Why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. One day, he hung up on someone and his feet were sore when he walked. Looking down, he stepped on a lemon! 8. There was a hedgehog, rowing a rubber boat, rowing and drowning. -Tell you a funny story ~ ~ A chicken slipped down the mountain ...-9. One day, a man was watching TV at home. He heard a knock at the door, so he went to open the door and saw a snail. The snail said he could give me a glass of water to drink. The man was very angry and kicked the snail away. A few years later, when the man was watching TV at home, he heard the sound of knocking at the door. When he opened the door, he saw the snail again. The snail said, why did you kick me just now? 10. Xiao Huamei said to her mother: Mom, I don't feel well today and don't want to go to school ... What did her mother say about this? Xiao Huamei said, I don't know why I always feel sour all over. -1 1. There is a meat steamed stuffed bun. One day, it went to drink, but it was drunk, so it vomited while walking with a telephone pole, and it became a steamed bun. -Rene Liu chased Jay Chou hard. Jay Chou said: ... milk tea ... I only like Youlemei-12. Once a bird keeper teaches a parrot to speak, he must teach it to say: Good morning! After several months, the parrot still didn't speak. One day, the man was in a bad mood and didn't say hello. He just heard the parrot shout, your boy is awesome today, and he didn't even ask if he was good or not! 13. Three children chat together and say what is the most poisonous! Child A: "Mosquitoes are the most poisonous. My brother's hand was bitten by a mosquito, red and itchy. " Child b: "wasps are the most poisonous." My brother was stung by a wasp and is still swollen and painful. " Son c thought for a long time and said, "I don't know what stabbed my sister." Her belly is round and big! 14. One day, a sparrow said to the pigeon, "Dare you shoot an eagle?" "Of course, I dare." After that, the pigeon flew away. After a while, the pigeon flew back without feathers. The sparrow asked, "What's the matter? The dove said, "The boy didn't believe me, so I hit him with my bare hands." . "15. One day, a bird flew from Kaohsiung to Taipei 1 hour. But it took 2 hours to get back! Why? Because it is raining! So cover the rain with one hand and let it fly with the other. 16. There are three tadpoles. They went to a restaurant for dinner ... After a while, the first course was fried frogs ... All three tadpoles sang: I don't want to grow up ... 17. The hunter hunted, saw two birds in the tree, shot one, and found that there was no hair, wondering. . . 18. One day the hen was flying on the roof, and the owner said angrily, "If you don't come down, I'll kill all the cocks here and make your life worse than death. The hen smiled and said, "Finally, we can find the duck." 19. When I was a child, my worst dream was that I was looking for a toilet. The most terrible thing is that the toilet was discovered before people woke up. . . 20. Goose asked the goose, "Why do you call your father Emperor Ama? The goose said to the gosling, "Because I am your mother goose." "2 1. Rene Liu's courtship to Jay Chou was rejected, and Rene Liu asked Jay Chou why. Jay Chou said, milk tea, I like music and beautiful women. 22. One day, tofu wandered in the street and met with vinegar. Tofu quipped, "What a sour taste! Did you stir up other people's feelings again? "When vinegar gets angry, mix tofu! 23. A mosquito came to town and was very hungry. Seeing a young lady with a towering chest, she took a sharp bite. As a result, her mouth was full of silicone, so she sighed, "Alas, food safety is too problematic! Where can I find safe milk? "24. The hen complained to the bull," It's unfair that humans let me lay more eggs but plan my own family! " The old cow said, "What are you? People all over the world drink my wife's milk. Who the fuck calls me dad? "25. The car and the train got married, but they divorced soon. Everyone asked why, and the car said sadly, "He is worried that I will be hit every day, and I am always afraid that he will cheat. I can't stand it! "26. Q: A puppy was traveling in the desert and then died. How did he die? A: He suffocated because there was no telephone pole to pee in the desert. Q: A puppy was traveling in the desert and found a telephone pole, but it was still suffocated. Why? A: "No urinating here" is posted on the dotted bar. Q: A puppy was traveling in the desert and found a telephone pole. Nothing was posted on it, but it was still stuffy. Why? A: Many puppies are waiting in line. Q: A puppy was traveling in the desert and found a telephone pole. There is nothing posted on it, and there is a queue. The result is still suffocating. Why? A: Because there are two beautiful dogs MM behind him, he is very embarrassed. 27. The fox and kangaroo went to the supermarket empty-handed. The security guard came to the door of the supermarket to let the fox in, but he didn't let the kangaroo in anyway. The kangaroo asked, "Why?" The security guard said, "You have to deposit your bag first. "28. Once upon a time, there was a man who never washed his hair. Then there was a thick layer of ash on his head. Then a seed fell on his head and it rained. The seeds germinated and grew into a big tree. It is also good to have a big tree, which can keep out the sun and rain, but there are always many birds on the tree, which makes him very angry and pulls it out. After it was pulled out, there was a big hole in the head and it rained. 29. The leader of the cannibal suffered from a disease. The doctor said, "It's caused by eating too much meat. Eat more plants. "From then on, the cannibal leader made a decision: don't eat ordinary people, just eat vegetarians! ! 30. The young priest was walking in the forest when a big bear suddenly appeared. The priest ran away in despair, and the bear chased him closely. The priest accidentally stepped on a puddle and threw himself to the ground. In desperation, he prayed to God: "Lord, turn this fierce beast into a devout believer. "Lightning flashed, and a miracle happened. ..................... Bell knelt down before him, put his hands on his chest, bowed his head and muttered, "Thank God for a wonderful dinner. "3 1. A hen was sitting comfortably with an egg in her arms. Suddenly, an egg came out from under her ass. The hen asked in surprise, "What's the matter? Why did you run out? " Small balls said, "you ............., you ....................., you fart! "32. A little turtle blinked mysteriously:" Do you know? I work in the kitchen of a luxury hotel. " "You are talking nonsense again! "The mouse smiled." "I won't lie to you," said the tortoise seriously. My bath water was taken there to make soup. "33. Horse face:" Ye Yan, new kids, who guards the frying pan hell, is a pervert. Rebecca: "Oh? "Horse face:" Every time he pushes someone into the oil pan, he forces others to hug each other. Rebecca: "Oh, I forgot to tell you that he used to fry fried dough sticks. "34. One day, the exclamation point met a dash again and immediately smiled: Fuck! You still want to fight with people with your body? Was it knocked down? Dash is furious: Nima! I am not as tall as you! However, Lao tze's waist is thicker than the three of you! The dog was crying in the garden and the cat asked him why he was so sad. The dog said, "Archaeologists found many biological bones in the master's garden, saying that they may have been left by prehistoric creatures! Cat: What does this have to do with you? Why are you so sad? " The dog barked, "Those are my private money! "35. In the freezer, a jiaozi found a new guest. "Hi ~ Tangyuan, when did you come? What kind of stuffing are you? ""Hi, Tangyuan, is Yuanxiao your brother? ""Tangyuan, you look so white. " "Why not talk about jiaozi?" "Hey, Tangyuan, do you feel cold?" Tangyuan is finally the last straw. He glanced at jiaozi and said coldly, "Food can't talk. "36. Miss Hair fell in love with Mr. Scissors and cried," I really like you. Why don't you talk to me? " So Mr scissors ignored her.