Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Diary of Wei Zi, Chairman of Android Committee

Diary of Wei Zi, Chairman of Android Committee

At present, almost all domestic manufacturers are using Android system. It can be said that Android has saved domestic mobile phone manufacturers, whether it is Huawei, Xiaomi, Meizu, ov, One Plus or Android.

Closed source Android does not affect the use of mobile phones.

If the United States shuts down the source of Android regardless of Google's life and death, it will not affect the Android phone we are using. First of all, closing the source code of Android doesn't mean that once the source code is closed, you can't use Android, because once this version of Android is open source, Google loses control of it and can only release it in a closed source way in the next version, so domestic manufacturers can still use the previous version, but they just miss the new version of Android or pay a huge patent fee.

Opportunities for the rise of domestic systems Next, if domestic manufacturers are unwilling to use the old version of Android and pay huge patent fees, then major manufacturers will take this opportunity to start making their own systems. At present, domestic systems include Alibaba's cloud OS, Xiaomi's mios, Tongzhou's 960OS, and even the system jointly developed by China Unicom and China Mobile. At present, the market share of these systems adds up to only 3%. When Android is shut down, they will take the opportunity to build their own ecosystem crazily.

Conclusion If the United States really bans Android, what should everyone's mobile phones look like? The most likely thing is to use domestic systems.

Answer at the invitation of "Little Secretary Wukong"!

Suppose the United States blocks Android, will the Android phone we are using be affected?

Both Android phones and Huawei phones have installed Android systems. Are you worried that the United States will block us and let our mobile phone with Android software crash and be unusable?

You should know that Android software has become open source software, that is, the original code has been opened. For example, electric light and penicillin are all patented products in the west. Why is cheap now "open source", that is, it can be made without paying patent fees, and it is so cheap without paying patent fees.

A product that has given up or been bought out of patents and copyrights is no longer good for disturbing users. Now technology developers have made their own changes to Android software, just like cottage products, and changed one according to their needs. Besides, if the United States wants to completely block the world, it is incompetent and unfavorable to them. Just like a 5nm chip, you can't make money without it.

Because Huawei was suppressed and banned by the United States, people at home were sober. Huawei is developing new products and gradually de-Americanizing them. In June 2020, Huawei's HarmonyOS system came out, and Alibaba Cloud system can also replace it. The U.S. crackdown is aimed at limiting China's knockoffs, because anyone can redesign the products they need based on this software. Don't be afraid, it can really be blocked, and then we can download our software again. The purpose of the American crackdown is to let users buy his apple exclusively. With the wisdom of China people, the United States will not succeed.

Thank you for reading!

There is no room for hypothesis in this question, for the simple reason that Android system corresponds to Qualcomm's cpu and some arm-based CPUs, such as Samsung's CPU and Huawei's CPU. If they block Android, the existence of CPU in Qualcomm is meaningless. Where are the customers in Qualcomm, including OPPO, vivo, Xiaomi, ZTE, 1+, Nubia, Nut, etc. These companies don't use Qualcomm's CPU, and Qualcomm is the most anxious company first, because it will bankrupt them, even if they don't go bankrupt, their profits will be greatly reduced. (The most important market in Qualcomm includes China)

At this time, Qualcomm will try to develop a new operating system based on its CPU architecture, and even they will help these vendors who use his CPU. Even companies like Huawei are developing new operating systems (such as Huawei's latest system, HarmonyOS). This is also the only way for Qualcomm to survive. Qualcomm can't afford to play without the China market. Huawei's CPU is also the same problem. Since Android is not allowed to be used, in order not to lose the China market and for their own survival, they will unite to build another ecosystem.

The survival of Android does not exist independently, it is related to all kinds of hardware. There is a trade relationship between you and me, as well as between you and me. Android is not allowed, which is equivalent to sanctioning arm cpu, Qualcomm CPU, Huawei CPU and so on.

China is the biggest purchaser of civilian high technology, and it is by no means a hollow reputation. Because China is the manufacturing center of the world, and it has a full range of industrial chains. If other countries need so many CPUs, they must be built. The industrial chain is inextricably linked with high technology. Don't think that you can make a mobile phone with CPU. He also needs additional skilled workers and various auxiliary equipment in the industrial chain. Other countries want to replace China's market, and China has spent 30 to 40 years. Guess them?

If the questioner asks not to use Android, Qualcomm CPU and arm architecture, it may be a more appropriate question, but almost no one can shake China's position as the largest demand market for civilian high technology in the world, including Southeast Asia, Europe and India. The condition for becoming the largest demand market for civil high technology is that it must be a manufacturing country with a whole industrial chain system (including a gasket on a mobile phone).

Suppose the United States blocks Android, will the Android phone we are using be affected? You can definitely answer: Our Android phones will not be affected. Android phones are different from Apple phones. Apple's mobile phone is completely American technology, and the installed phones we use in our hands are basically domestic mobile phones. Although some American technologies are among them, they have little influence.

First, Android is open source, so shielding is useless. Android is open source, which means anyone can use and modify it. It's like a book, published and in the hands of others. Can you take back the contents of the book? No, how can we recover the spilled water? Of course, Google can shut down Android and prevent others from using new Android systems, such as future versions of Android 12. However, the previously released versions of Android (Android 1 1, Android 10, Android 9) will not be affected, because these versions of Android have reached other people's hands and cannot be recovered.

Second, the Android system of domestic mobile phones is handled. If Google uses this trick to deal with European countries, it may be really effective, because users in European countries rely heavily on Google family barrels (Google App Store, Google Maps, Google play, etc.). ) Android system. Once they are not allowed to use Google Home Bucket, they don't know how to use their mobile phones. Domestic mobile phones do not have this problem. The Android system of domestic mobile phones has been processed, and the function of Google's family bucket has been removed, so it will not be threatened by Google.

Third, even if the Android system really doesn't work, you can still use the HarmonyOS system. Now we don't have to worry about this kind of thing, because the domestic mobile phone system-HarmonyOS system will be officially released and tested on February 65438+ this year (2020), that is to say, we can use the mobile phone of HarmonyOS system in 20021year. According to sources, the HarmonyOS system will be first introduced to more than 40 Huawei and HONOR (Huawei mobile phones this year and last year). In addition, Huawei has officially announced the open source HarmonyOS system. Even if other domestic mobile phones really can't use Android, they can also use the domestic HarmonyOS system, which is exactly the old saying-"Don't panic when you have food at home".

In short, the domestic mobile phone has really risen now, and it is no longer a cottage mobile phone a few years ago, and there is no need to be afraid of the sanctions stick waved by the United States. Although there are still many shortcomings in many aspects, the era of being controlled is slowly leaving us. Moreover, domestic mobile phones are stepping up the pace of technology going to the United States, from core hardware (CPU, running memory, storage memory, screen) to system software, which are rapidly updated, and brand-new "domestic mobile phones" are coming to us.

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We have HarmonyOS system to replace him, and the ecology of HarmonyOS system will be more and more perfect, so it doesn't matter whether Android system is banned in the end. We can't always be passively controlled. As a big country and the largest mobile phone market in the world, we should have our own right to speak!

If the American dog really shuts down the Android system, it may be an opportunity for other countries. American dogs will not only lose many customers, but also lose the trust of the world. Who dares to associate with a country without credit for a long time? If the Android system is turned off, there will definitely be a brush system instead. Even if it is not as stable as Android, everyone will accept it silently. When the American dog turns off Android, it will definitely be the time when the American dog becomes a world of three or nine.

Think about how we escaped from prison by swiping our mobile phones when you were all using Nokia, when Apple didn't have licensed products, unless we were disconnected from the Internet. Playing win, apple and Android in the early days, where did you get so many official ones? Think about my first smart phone, the ASUS P phone I bought in 2008, and I kept swiping my card when I bought it. It can go to Beijing, road trip through the built-in gps navigation, and download 900 megabytes. Although the cracked version of Khalid is complicated, the general direction is still no problem. In the information world, it is hard to say how many people are using computer piracy.

1. Block Android, why is the United States leading? Android (or robot) for short was acquired by Google on August 7th, 2005 with a low investment of $50 million. Andy Rubin, the founder of Android system, is still in charge of related projects of Android system.

On June 5th, 2007, 165438+Google announced the establishment of a global alliance organization-Open Handheld Device Alliance. This alliance consists of 34 mobile phone manufacturers, software developers, telecom operators and chip manufacturers around the world, and allows Google to officially open the source code of Android system.

Although Google publicly stated in the early days that the Android operating system is open source, it is actually an American technology product. First of all, the traditional Internet company Google is an American technology company. In addition, after every version update of Android, if it needs to be installed in the mobile phones of third-party mobile phone manufacturers, it needs the approval and certification of FCC (Federal Communications Commission) in the United States to ensure the privacy and security of Android users.

It is not difficult to see that Google's open source Android operating system will still be officially authorized and licensed by relevant American institutions in real use.

2. For the Android system, what aspects will it really "block"? Isn't Android open source? How can we block it? Yes, Android is indeed open source now, but it doesn't mean that Google will hand over all the permissions in the operating system to system development participants and other vendors. Google, which is now mainly banned by some unruly mobile phone manufacturers and APP developers, is qualified to challenge Google.

In order to make it easier for more people to understand, I will tell them one by one with Google's restrictions on Huawei's use of GMS services in 20 19.

1. The United States hijacked Google to attack Huawei's overseas mobile phone market, not to shut down Android, but to "shut down GMS services".

In the middle and late period of 20 19, a very hot topic in China was that Huawei was constantly sanctioned by the United States, from the computer authorized to install Windows 10 operating system to the inability of mobile phones to use Google Play overseas.

Among them, Huawei's mobile phone can't use Google GMS service in Europe, which is the most deadly move released by Google under great pressure from the United States. Google GMS service is actually the background service of Google Android's mobile phone system functions such as "map navigation", "browser search" and "application store".

If the background of these functions is turned off, most Internet-related functions equivalent to mobile phones are also turned off, and users cannot continue to surf the Internet, pay and travel normally on Huawei mobile phones.

2. Even the open source operating system needs "version upgrade", so that some mobile phone manufacturers can achieve dimensionality reduction without synchronization.

In addition to Google shutting down the GMS (Google Mobile Service) service of Huawei's overseas mobile phones, many users who are concerned about Huawei's mobile phone products are also worried that even if Huawei can survive the US sanctions in the chip field, it will not escape the upgrade restrictions of Android 1 1.

Is it really important to upgrade Android system? It is really important for many mobile phone manufacturers now. Because the experience of mobile phone users now lies not in hardware, but in the operation of the system and the use of software. Before the Android 7 version, many Android phone users have been giving feedback: Android phones have been used for 1 year, which is really better than Apple's iOS operating system card. After the Android operating system is upgraded to 9.0, some Android users feel that their Android phones can continue to be used for some time. In other words, the upgrade of Google's Android operating system will generally make the old Android users' mobile phones continue to be used, and improve the operability of the system.

We are worried that if Huawei's mobile phone can't be upgraded to Android 1 1, it will widen the gap with many domestic Android mobile phone manufacturers in system performance, and of course other new functions can't be used.

Judging from the above two "blocking" methods of Google Android system, Google in the United States can indeed achieve technical containment of related mobile phone manufacturers without closing the source, which is indeed fatal to mobile phone manufacturers.

3. In the face of the risk of being banned, can we Android users really sit idly by? In fact, Google Android in the United States does not directly block our Android users, but more from mobile phone manufacturers and APP software manufacturers.

Fortunately, Huawei has not let many people down. After Google closed GMS service, based on years of research and development experience, it developed another service of Android open source system-HMS. Overseas Huawei Android mobile phone users can use Huawei HMS for normal Internet surfing, online payment and navigation even if they can't use Google GMS.

Moreover, Yu Chengdong also mentioned at Huawei Developers Conference in 2020 that Huawei HarmonyOS OS will be directly used in mobile phones in the next new version of 202 1, and it will be compatible with Android operating system, so as to realize the independence of China mobile operating system. This is actually a strong response to Huawei mobile phone users at home and abroad, so that Huawei mobile phone users don't have to worry too much about the Android operating system of their mobile phones being directly blocked by Google in the United States.

Conclusion: The United States uses Android to "block" users, mainly for some high-tech companies that threaten their fundamental interests. Through certain technical suppression, the suppressed high-tech companies will indirectly lose a large number of Android users in a short time.

Even if the United States can indeed suppress the technology of some high-tech companies in the short term, in the long run, the high-tech companies suppressed by the United States will definitely fight back efficiently and let the lost Android users return to their products. The birth of the new operating system poses an important challenge to the future of Google Android.

In fact, it is not difficult to make a single system. At present, domestic enterprises Huawei and China Software should both develop mobile phone or computer system software. It is rare to improve the application ecology of the whole system. Even if the United States does not open Android, computer systems. There are definitely substitutes in China, and the most basic applications are no problem. Everything has two sides, that is, crisis is also an opportunity! China has a large population and a large market. As long as there is a strong market to support it, it is not difficult to develop any key technologies by relying on the wisdom of China people. Many facts have been verified now. Besides, the chip was strongly supported by the state a few years ago. Many chips have been able to meet the most basic needs, and some high-end applications have also performed well. In fact, it is not absolutely dependent on foreign products as many people say.