Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Kindergarten & gt speech

Kindergarten & gt speech

Good afternoon, leaders and teachers. I remember the first day when eight of our teachers were transferred to Lijiahu Primary School three years ago, Li Yunfang, secretary of the Party branch of the school, said: "Teachers' morality is the soul of teachers. You must pay attention to teachers' morality and strive to be teachers that parents are satisfied with and students like." This sentence is deeply imprinted in my heart. At that time, I thought, at a new starting point, I would try to be a respected and upright teacher.

That year, I became a first-year Chinese teacher and a class teacher, which was undoubtedly a great challenge for me as an art teacher. In order to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible and do my job well, I often learn from experienced teachers and actively explore the teaching methods of lower grades. Often in the face of childish and lovely faces, I will secretly promise: no matter what, I will not give up, dislike or dislike my 43 children, and I will try my best to let every child enjoy the careful care and education of the teacher.

I remember such a thing clearly once. In a Chinese class, two particularly active children, Xiao Yu and Xiang Rui, hardly listened quietly. Whether I praise, reward or criticize education, they are indifferent. After class, I'm worried that they can't master the learning content well. After school in the afternoon, I taught them to read pinyin, talked about classroom discipline for a while, and sent them home. As soon as I got to the playground, Grandma Xiangrui came. Her face was full of anger. She shouted his name and shouted fiercely why he didn't go back. I greeted him with a smile and said, "He is playful in class. . . . . . "Before the words were finished, grandma pulled him up and slapped him hard while swearing. Everyone with a discerning eye doesn't know that she is actually angry with me, because I hit the child and scold the child. I am embarrassed, angry and wronged. I have never seen such a parent and such a scene since I taught for eight years. I really want to turn and leave. But a teacher's sense of responsibility made me give up this idea, put up with those harsh words, pulled away the frightened Xiangrui to comfort him, and quickly explained the reason to grandma and apologized for waiting for her for so long. After listening to the reason clearly, the calm grandmother left with her grandson without saying anything.

Back in the office, tears of sadness and injustice flowed like talk. I really can't figure out why we used to be respected by our parents now. Why do we really give and get a scolding? ! However, when the mood slowly returns to calm, I think I will still love their children. I believe that time will tell!

In the days to come, I will actively explore effective and interesting teaching methods and pay more attention to the study and life of Xiangrui and Xiaoyu. These two children are a real headache. Xiangrui can walk around for a class, and even get under the table when sitting on it. Xiaoyu can play alone for 40 minutes and tear up small pieces of paper with great interest ... In every class, I have to remind them to sit still countless times, and I have walked off the podium countless times to hint that they should not play with pencils, erasers and pieces of paper. Numerous times "creating opportunities" and classmates loudly praised their little progress; Holding their hands and chatting countless times, telling Qiu's story, telling them to control themselves and listen attentively with tenacious will. ...

In order to help them study, at noon, I endured intermittent sleepiness and helped them revise their homework; After school, I make up lessons for them and help them with their studies ... Two months later, Xiangrui and Xiaoyu haven't changed much, but I have become haggard and tired. I'm so tired, I really want to give up, give up ... but every time they hold my hand and talk to me affectionately, the trusting and intimate eyes remind me of my son. They are still such small children. If my son does this, I will. So much so that you want to see his teacher snubbing him? Give him up? Don't let them lose at the starting line of life like this! Reminds me of my principles of teaching and educating people. I don't give up, I don't abandon, I don't abandon. Yes, although they are more active and naughty, although I take great pains, I accept that they are responsible for them! At this time, patience and love are so important to them! I thought about it for a long time. I think the teacher's attitude determines the result. I can't give up easily!

Heaven rewards diligence. In the final exam of the first semester, all 43 children in the class got more than 80 points, and Xiangrui also got 99 points! I am very satisfied! What I didn't expect was that Grandma Xiangrui entrusted someone to bring me a sincere letter of apology! Holding that letter, I have mixed feelings: I am sincere and I have won the understanding and respect of my parents! With my parents' understanding and support, my confidence is even stronger. In the final exam of the second semester, all the 49 children in the class scored above 90%. The behavior habits of these two children have changed greatly. They can "sit" in class or "sit" in writing! Their changes have condensed my heart and countless educational wisdom, and these changes have made my heart feel extremely gratified.

As a class teacher, I feel that as a modern teacher, I must also be a qualified "psychologist", good at psychological consultation, and lead students out of the quagmire of psychological obstacles under careful care and scientific guidance. Thanks to books such as How to Be a Good Teacher, Where Does the Wisdom of Education Come from, and Bi Shumin's Eye of the Mind, these books have given me a pair of eyes that can penetrate students' minds and enable me to calmly deal with children's various problems.

Once upon a time, Xiaojun was a child who lied, didn't like studying, and loved stealing. In the face of the evidence, he will still lie innocently and sincerely until the end, and he is nicknamed "the little devil on earth" by his classmates. Once, when the office was empty, he took all the change from 200 yuan in the teacher's drawer to buy food and drink. After being discovered, his mother hated iron and beat him up in despair. Xiaojun's finger was bitten, his face was covered with bruises that could bear the skin, and his arms and back were all red and swollen with blood pulled down by a belt. But at school, he still looked as if nothing had happened. Once I passed him head-on, his eyes met, and he glanced at me quickly with a kind of hatred and dissatisfaction. I thought that when his mother said Xiaojun didn't write a composition and that he didn't have maternal love, I found that the child had a big problem in his heart. He blamed the beating on the teacher's report, hated his mother's beating, and was not sorry or guilty about stealing money. This has aroused my great concern. So, I had a long talk with his mother several times and found that Xiaojun had been living in a family environment where his mother's "stick" education was strict and his father was extremely fond of him. No wonder children always teach and never change their likes and dislikes! Is such a child really hopeless? In fact, he is not bad in nature. He is kind, loves his work, is polite and loves to help others. Since then, I have paid great attention to Xiaojun, and often exchanged parenting experiences with his parents, persuading them to change their educational concepts and methods. I sent a message to his mother: be nice to the child, sleep with him at night, talk with him more, understand his inner thoughts and let him know your difficulties ... Send a message to his father: when the child makes a mistake, parents should have the same attitude towards education, and there is nothing wrong with caring for the child, but if he makes a mistake, he doesn't take a clear stand and doesn't protect the child, it will harm his life ... I will try my best to show him opportunities in class. Write down his appreciation and affirmation in the exercise book, touch his little face after class and chat with him with a smile. Gradually, he felt the teacher's closeness, trust and love, and he liked learning and talking to me. It seems that children are also eager for praise and care. It makes me feel gratified that everything is the same as Xiaojun every day. In order to consolidate the educational achievements, I have been talking to him, talking to him as a friend and mother, and teaching him to put himself in the other's shoes. Teach him self-esteem and self-improvement; Teach him to be grateful ... Now, Xiaojun has become a smart and sensible student in his class. On Mother's Day, he made a card for his mother. He wrote: Mom, I have done many things wrong before, and I am sorry for you. This card made his mother burst into tears ... which made me deeply feel that teachers not only have heavy teaching tasks, but also have a heavy burden of educating people.

It is often said that a teacher should have a bucket of water if he gives a student a glass of water. Give the students a bucket of water, and the teacher should have a jar of water; And I think teachers in the new era need a stream of water and a steady stream of new springs to adapt to the new requirements put forward by the continuous progress of society. Therefore, in addition to constantly honing the basic skills of classroom teaching, I also constantly enrich my personal cultural heritage: I insist on recording my own experiences in education in my blog, discussing teaching puzzles in online education forums, and sharing teaching experiences with my peers. The charming and beautiful prose and recitation in the column of Meridian Liuzhu on CCTV 10, as well as the lectures by the masters of Lecture Room, have become an indispensable spiritual feast in my life. The downloaded series of lectures by Professor Yu Dan has become a must-listen content for me to commute by bus. Educational books, the famous teacher classroom has become the teaching beacon for me to improve my theory and study classroom; Other people's wonderful narrative stories and case reflections have become my treasures when I concentrate on studying meditation and reflection.

In order to enhance the artistry of Chinese classroom teaching, I apply art professional knowledge to Chinese teaching, transform the feelings of language and characters into vivid and interesting pictures, and create one vivid scene after another to guide teaching; Or after learning the text, guide students to understand the text by hand, or continue to write the text in an illustrated way. , form their own unique teaching style, make Chinese classroom teaching more artistic and interesting. A student's parents called me and said, "Teacher Qu said that your Chinese class is very interesting, and you paint very well. I want to learn from you! " So, I became a part-time art tutor.

Teachers, the above is all the work I do every day. Day after day, year after year, I have experienced burnout: Is this the life I want? Can my life value be reflected in this step-by-step work? Five o'clock. In the 12 earthquake, many teachers, such as Tan Qianqiu, China, Wu and Du Zhengxiang, left the hope of life to their students and the danger of death to themselves at the moment of disaster arrival, and interpreted the connotation of boundless morality and silent love that touched the people of with actions, and my heart was also greatly baptized: these heroic teachers were alive every day. Through this incident, I repositioned myself: take root in ordinary posts and write an extraordinary life seriously! I firmly believe that I will do better in the new century and the future!