Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Christ comes again.

Christ comes again.

When Christ will come again and the omen of his return.

There are 260 chapters in the New Testament, among which the second coming of Christ is mentioned 3 18 times, once every 25 verses on average. This shows the importance of Christ's second coming and its position in the Bible.

In the prophecy recorded in the Bible, there are three main conditions that Christ must meet when he comes again:

(1) "The gospel of the kingdom of heaven will be spread all over the world as a witness for all the people, and then the end will come." (Mt.24 14)

(2) "In anger, fury and great indignation, I drove the Israelites to various countries, and I will gather them back from there in the future and bring them back to this place so that they can live in safety" (Jer. 32: 37);

(3) "/kloc-within 0/7 days, he will make firm agreements with many people; 17 and a half, he will stop the sacrifices and offerings. Damn destroying flies "(Dan. 9: 27);

Jacob also quoted the prophet at the Jerusalem assembly: "I will come back and rebuild David's collapsed tent and rebuild what was destroyed." (Act XV 16)

Christ Christ will come again and make the final decisive battle with the enemy Christ, and he will win completely, because the lamb is the king of kings and the Lord of lords; He who is with the lamb will also win (Rev. 16: 14- 16, Rev. 17: 14).

At that time, the sky opened, and the king of kings, Jesus Christ, the Lord who is called the word of God, came down from heaven, and all the armies in the sky followed him on white horses and white linen. The sword in his mouth can attack nations, and he will rule them with an iron rod (Rev.19:1-16).

First, the gospel of heaven should spread all over the world.

Among the above three conditions, the first gospel of the kingdom of heaven, although persecuted by the ten kings of Rome, was not put out, but spread more and more widely, and finally even the Roman emperor believed in Jesus. Now it has spread all over the world. Whether it is a democratic country, an atheistic country with strong GCJQ, an uncivilized and barbaric country, a deep forest, the ends of the earth, a desert wilderness, or a world of ice and snow, people can hear the gospel wherever they go, and some people believe in Jesus. Therefore, the requirements of this condition have been met.

Second, Zionism in Israel.

Israel declared its independence on 1948. At present, its population has exceeded 7 million, mainly from the Jewish nation, and it is also the only country in the world with Jews as the main body. Therefore, Christ will come around the Second World War. )

Third, conclude a peace treaty and rebuild the temple.

Mehbaba: I am not here to create any sect, community or organization; Or create a new religion. The knowledge of religious teachings I want to talk about is the last one. The book I will let people read is the book of the mind, which holds the key to the mystery of life. I will bring the perfect integration of mind and heart. I will revitalize religions and sects and string them together like pearls.

The only modern spiritual teacher who meets the above conditions is Mehbaba.

Avata Mehbaba (1894- 1969)