Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - When does Hundred Days Red sprout and blossom?

When does Hundred Days Red sprout and blossom?

Lagerstroemia speciosa, also known as Lagerstroemia speciosa, is a plant of Lysimachiaceae. The flowering period is when there are few flowers in summer and autumn. Its flowering period is very long, from June to September, lasting for 100 days, so it is called "Central Plains". However, when many flower lovers are maintaining, the flowers are few and the colors are dim. So how can we make plants bloom more and more brightly? How to maintain it in winter?

How to make zinnia bloom more and more brightly?

Osmanthus fragrans has a large amount of flowers and is a kind of fertilizer-loving flower. If the nutrients are insufficient, the plants will bloom less and the color will be dim. Flower fertilizer should be applied twice before the germination of Lagerstroemia indica in early spring, and liquid fertilizer or fertilizer with more nitrogen should be applied every 10- 15 days during the growth period. In addition, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied before flowering, which can promote plants to bloom and have bright colors. No fertilizer can be applied in winter. Whenever applying fertilizer, it is best to follow the principle of "thin fertilizer and diligent application".

The maintenance of Osmunda japonica should have enough light, and the intensity and time of light are very important. When curing Lagerstroemia indica, the stronger the light, the longer the irradiation time, the higher the flowering quality and the more flowers. Osmunda japonica can bloom if the light is insufficient, but the quality and quantity of flowering are poor, and there will be less flowering and dim color. During normal maintenance, it can be exposed outdoors. If it is maintained indoors, the plants should be placed in a place where they can bask in the sun, and there is no need to shade in summer.

Osmunda japonica has strong growth ability, so pruning is very important for plant growth. You can choose to trim in winter. When pruning, you should prune the whole plant. When pruning, the temperature should be lower than 5 degrees Celsius, because the nutrients in plant branches are basically in the trunk and roots of plants, and pruning branches will not cause too much nutritional loss to plants. You can also choose pruning after flowering. When all the flowers on the inflorescence are in full bloom, cut off the whole inflorescence to avoid consuming too much nutrients.

How to maintain zinnia in winter?

Pay attention to the adjustment of temperature in winter, because its cold resistance is very weak, so the environmental temperature should not be lower than 0 degrees Celsius during maintenance, otherwise it will die because of the low temperature. In addition, attention should be paid to the management of fertilizer and water during maintenance. Lagerstroemia indica will enter dormancy in winter, when there is little demand for water and fertilizer. If it is watered too much or fertilized too much, the plant will die.

After winter, we should prepare ginger for wintering and antifreeze, and maintain ginger in winter. The indoor temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees Celsius, otherwise the plants will stop growing. In winter, we should do a good job in preventing cold and freezing. It is best to keep the temperature at about 65438 00 degrees Celsius during maintenance, so that plants can safely overwinter.
