Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Four skills for taking beautiful photos?

Many landscape photography will have great prospects or skies, and unless your photos can meet any of them, the photos will be very boring. Here are some

Four skills for taking beautiful photos?

Many landscape photography will have great prospects or skies, and unless your photos can meet any of them, the photos will be very boring. Here are some

Four skills for taking beautiful photos?

Many landscape photography will have great prospects or skies, and unless your photos can meet any of them, the photos will be very boring. Here are some tips I have compiled on how to take beautiful photos for your reference.

Tips for taking beautiful photos 1, starting from 0.

Stay alert. Today's cameras are powerful, but you need a clear and sensitive mind. You have to be like a sniper-crawl on the ground, adjust your breathing, and then slowly release the shutter.

Use a tripod whenever possible. But if you have to shoot hand in hand, you need to ensure that the shutter speed is inversely proportional to the focal length of the lens * * * For example, a 50mm lens can't be lower than the shutter speed of 1/50 * *, in order to take a clear and sharp photo.

Use cable release and timer. If you don't use them, manually pressing the shutter will make the camera shake and the photos will naturally blur.

Take advantage of the prospect. The best way is to add some foreground features in front of the subject to make the photo more colorful.

Adjust the aperture. Don't be afraid to adjust the aperture to f/ 16 or even f/22. You will get a photo with a great depth of field, and it will be bright and perfect.

Don't be greedy. Many beginners want to shoot everything with a "super wide angle" lens. But photography should be streamlined. Many iconic landscape photos were taken with a lens of 24 mm or longer.

Tips for taking beautiful photos II. Photography rules

No rules are the most important rules. This is the first essence of landscape photography. Of course, some guides are helpful.

Break the "two thirds" law. The "two-thirds law" in photography tells you not to put the subject in the center of the photo, but it doesn't mean that you must put the subject in two-thirds of the photo. You can put it on the side, in the middle or anywhere else-it's more important to keep changing.

Don't be distracted. Photo sharing websites like to show beautiful photos of sunrise and sunset. Sunrise and sunset last for one hour every day. If you want to take good photos, get up early and go to bed late.

Equipment. Use the filter correctly. It is best not to use PS, you can use a gradient filter. Li and hi-tech are both good choices. They can reduce reflections, enhance colors and change your settings.

Dress appropriately. It takes time to take good pictures of the scenery, so wear warm and waterproof clothes. Paramo will provide you with environmentally friendly and comfortable clothes.

Use a level. Although many cameras have their own electronic level, it would be better to add a bubble level to the camera.

Tips for taking beautiful scenery photos 3. Actual operation

1 Dig a hole in a black card, then use it as the viewfinder on the camera, and often see the world through it and learn to feel the composition skills.

After finding the object to be photographed, first take one with a wide angle, and then take another with a reduced focal length until all focal lengths are tried. When you get home, choose the one you like best.

The photographer in the shed will cover the light with a soft mirror. When shooting scenery, clouds just passing the sun will have the same effect. You can do it at this time.

Skills of taking beautiful scenery photos. inspiration

Learn from the master. Just like wine tasting and listening to music, the more varieties you contact, the better the taste will be. So is landscape photography. You can watch the works of landscape photographers such as joe cornish, michael kenna, David Ward and Eliot Porter.

Follow the trend. When you appreciate the masterpieces of masters, ask yourself why they shoot and cut like that, and then try to do it in the same way.

Get artistic inspiration. Not all photography inspiration comes from photography, but you can also draw inspiration from the works of artists such as Turner, gainsborough and Van Gogh.