Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Is Polaris a star or a planet?

Is Polaris a star or a planet?

Polaris is a star, not a planet. Stars are huge spheres made of luminous plasma, which emit light and heat into outer space. On the other hand, planets usually don't glow by themselves, but orbit around stars.

Polaris, also known as Ziweixing and Beichen, is the closest star to the north celestial pole. Polaris consists of Polaris B, Polaris Ab and Polaris Aa. These three celestial bodies are huge and bright, especially Polaris A, whose mass is 4.5 times that of the sun and its brightness is more than 1000 times that of the sun.

Polaris has a good meaning in ancient and modern times. In ancient times, Polaris (Purple Star) was regarded as a noble person or a symbol of a country, but in modern times, it is regarded as a guide to the direction of life, bringing hope and light to those who have lost their way.

There is also a custom in my hometown, that is, when I am helpless, I wish on the North Star and my wish will come true. Although it is more psychological, many people will do it. They regard Polaris as their belief. So, will you make a wish on the North Star?