Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Why is the Forbidden City called the Forbidden City? When was it built and who presided over it?

Why is the Forbidden City called the Forbidden City? When was it built and who presided over it?

When talking about the main scenic spots in the capital, people will talk about the magnificent royal palace-the Forbidden City. Yes, in this 720,000-square-meter palace group, the ancients built more than 70 palaces. This ancient architectural complex with a length of 96 1 m and a width of 753 m is located on the central axis of the 49 th Imperial City. A high wall with a vertical height of 10 meter was built around it, and a moat with a horizontal width of 52 meters was dug outside the city, in which 9999 rooms and a half were designed. Especially in the ups and downs of more than 600 years, 24 emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties lived here. Such rich and heavy imperial power and majestic red walls and yellow tiles naturally attracted the yearning and admiration of countless domestic and foreign tourists. In the past, it was also called the Forbidden City. What is the origin of this? According to research, the Forbidden City was just called the Imperial City at the beginning of its construction, and it was directly called the Forbidden City from the middle and late Ming Dynasty. There are two reasons for this. The first view is that this title is related to the ancient allusions of purple gas coming from the east. There has always been a legend in Taoism that Lao Tzu rode a green ox and traveled westward to Hanguguan, which led to a vision in the sky: a purple gas cloud floated from the east. Such a wonderful sight was seen by many people who kept the pass, and then I rode a green cow to the pass soon. The gatekeeper knew that a saint was coming, and later asked me to write down the famous Tao Te Ching. Therefore, purple gas is recognized by the world as a symbol of auspiciousness, sacredness and nobility. Then purple is more used to describe sages, emperors or treasures. It is more appropriate to use such a well-known purple word to call the residence and home of the emperor. Forbidden words are easier to explain. After all, the emperor's home has always been forbidden to ordinary people. At first, the Forbidden City was not open to the whole people as it is now, but was specially guarded by heavy troops. For ordinary people, this is a forbidden area, so it is called the Forbidden Palace. Before and after the connection, people called this heavily guarded, noble and mighty imperial city the Forbidden City. The second statement is related to the emperor's self-comparison of the life of the son of heaven. The emperor is pretentious. They often show their dignity with the bodies of the real dragon and the son of destiny, and call themselves the son of heaven more directly. In ancient astrology, purple MSI was designated as the master of the stars and was called purple MSI. Emperor Wei Zi is located in the central area of Polaris, so it is called Zhonggong, also known as Wei Zi Palace, symbolizing a magnificent and noble palace. So the Forbidden City was compared to the Purple Palace by the emperors. Similarly, because the imperial city is heavily guarded and guarded by imperial troops all the year round, it is called the Forbidden City. In a word, the name of the Forbidden City is to show the dignity, majesty and atmosphere of this palace. Let's talk about the construction time and builder of the Forbidden City. As early as the Ming Dynasty, after Judy ascended the throne as the ancestor, she ordered that in the fourth year of Yongle (that is, 1406), based on the palaces in Nanjing at that time, palaces and city walls were built in Yanjing, the land of Longxing, which is now Beijing. After that, a special person went to various places to buy precious stones and wood and transported them to Beijing at that time. This series of preparations alone took eleven years. According to historical records, it took tens of thousands of laborers 28 days to successfully transport such a huge amount of stones and timber to their destinations. During this period, people braved the cold, pumped water and splashed ice in the deep winter, and built slideways, which finally ensured the smooth completion of transportation. Later, in the 14th year of Yongle (14 16), the capital was moved from Nanjing to Beijing. The following year, the official construction of a new palace was ordered in Beijing, which took three years to complete. Therefore, it took fourteen years to build this spectacular Forbidden City. In the meantime, it is Cheng Zu's men who are responsible for supervising the construction. His name is Yao. This is a well-known able minister, known as the bald prime minister by the world. Because he was originally a monk, he was superior in wisdom and ability, and successfully helped Judy become an emperor. There are many historical records that this man is listed as the main organization builder of the Forbidden City. There's another person here who has to mention. This man is Kuai Xiang, also known as Kuailuban, a famous architect in Ming Dynasty. Based on the profound concept of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, combined with rich architectural experience, he exhausted his personal wisdom and talents and completed the construction of this palace.