Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to write the composition "Reading China"?

How to write the composition "Reading China"?

What is the real China people? We now know that the real China people are people who have a childlike innocence and the wisdom of adults and live a spiritual life. In short, the real China people have a boy's heart and an adult's wisdom. The Chinese national spirit is a spirit of eternal youth and an immortal national soul.

Chinese civilization is a real moral civilization. It not only recognizes that the sense of moral responsibility is the basis of social order, but also enables people to fully acquire this sense of moral responsibility. In China, education, governance and all social systems serve this goal, that is, to cultivate people's sense of moral responsibility. All internships and personal life pursuits are encouraged to serve people's easy obedience to this sense of moral responsibility.

The Spirit of China People (Excerpt)

I once heard a foreign friend say that as a foreigner, the longer I live in Japan, the more I dislike the Japanese. On the contrary, the longer I live in China, the more I like China people. This foreign friend has lived in Japan and China for a long time. I don't know if it's appropriate to comment on the Japanese, but I believe everyone who has lived in China will agree with the above comments on the China people. As we all know, the longer a foreigner lives in China, the more he likes China people. China people have something indescribable. Although lack of health habits, but not very particular about life; Although their thoughts and personalities have many shortcomings, they still win the love of foreigners, which is beyond the reach of any other nation. I sum up this indescribable thing as tenderness. If I don't defend this gentleness, I may be mistaken for China people's physical and moral defects-meekness and cowardice. The gentleness mentioned here again is the gentleness that I have put forward from empathy or real human wisdom-neither from reasoning nor instinct, but from sympathy-from the power of sympathy. Then, how can China people have such sympathy?

I take the liberty of giving you an answer-or a hypothesis. If you like, you can regard it as the secret of China people's compassion. China people have this power, this powerful power of compassion, because they are completely or almost completely living a spiritual life. China people's life is a perceptual life-this kind of emotion does not come from the sense of sensory intuition, nor from the passion of your nervous system, but from the depths of our human nature-the passion of the soul or the emotion of human love.

Let's see if China people live a spiritual life. In this regard, we can use the general characteristics of China people's real life to illustrate.

First, let's talk about the language in China. China's language is also the language of thinking. It is an obvious fact that it is much easier for children and uneducated foreigners living in China to learn Chinese than adults and educated people. The reason is that children and uneducated people think and use language with heart. On the contrary, educated people, especially modern Europeans with rational education, think and use language with their brains and wisdom. There is a saying about Elysium that also applies to learning China's language: unless you become a child, it is difficult for you to learn it.

Secondly, we will point out a well-known fact in the daily life of China people. People in China have amazing memories. What is the secret? China people remember by heart, not by brain. It is much better to keep a mental record of sympathy for power than to use the mind or intelligence, which is boring. For example, most of us have better memories in childhood than in adulthood. Because children, like people in China, rely on their memories, not their brains.

The following example is still a fact that is reflected in the daily life of China people and recognized by everyone-the courtesy of China people. China has always been regarded as a country of etiquette, so what is its politeness essence? This is the feeling of understanding and caring for others. China people are polite because they live a spiritual life. They fully understand their own feelings, easily put themselves in others' shoes, and show the characteristics of understanding and caring for others' feelings. Although the etiquette in China is not as complicated as that in Japan, it is pleasant. On the contrary, Japanese politeness is complicated and unpleasant. I heard some complaints from foreigners. Compromise politeness should probably be called polite rehearsal-just like drama rehearsal, it needs rote learning. This is not from the heart, out of natural courtesy. In fact, Japanese politeness is a flower without fragrance, while China's real politeness is from the heart, full of a strange fragrance similar to expensive perfume.

The last example of the characteristics of China people is their lack of precise habits. This is an idea put forward by arthur smith and made it famous all over the world. So what is the reason why people in China lack accuracy? I say it's because they live a spiritual life. The mind is slender and sensitive, and it is not as rigid and rigid as the mind or wisdom. In fact, China people's brush can be regarded as a symbol of China people's spirit. It is very difficult to write and draw with a brush, which seems to be difficult to be accurate, but once you master it, you can create beautiful and elegant paintings with ease, which can't be done with a hard pen in the west.

It is precisely because China people live a spiritual life and a childlike life that they are somewhat naive in many ways. This is an obvious fact, that is, as a great nation with such a long history, China people are still so naive in many aspects. This makes some shallow overseas students think that China people have failed to develop civilization, and Chinese civilization is a stagnant civilization. It must be admitted that the intellectual development of China people has been artificially restricted to some extent. As we all know, China people have made little or no progress in some areas. This is not only in natural science, but also in purely abstract science, such as science and logic. In fact, the words "science" and "logic" in European languages cannot be expressed in Chinese.

China people who live a spiritual life like children are not interested in abstract science, because there is nothing they can do about it. As a matter of fact, anything that doesn't require mental and emotional participation, such as statistical work, will arouse China people's antipathy. If statistical charts and abstract science only arouse people's antipathy in China, then the so-called scientific research that Europeans are engaged in now, that is, the so-called science that destroys and dismembers the living body in order to prove a scientific theory, makes people in China feel scared and suppressed by them.

In fact, what I want to point out here is that the most wonderful feature of China people is not that they live a spiritual life. All ethnic groups in the primary stage live a spiritual life. As we all know, Christians in medieval Europe also lived a spiritual life. Matthew arnold once said, "Christians in the Middle Ages lived by their hearts and imagination." The most prominent feature of China people is that when they live a spiritual life and live like children, they have the power of thought and reason that medieval Christians or any other nation in the primary stage do not have. In other words, the most wonderful feature of China people is that, as a nation with a long history, it not only possesses the wisdom of adults, but also leads a childlike life-spiritual life. Therefore, we say that China people are a nation that will never get old, not that their development has been hindered. In short, as a nation, the most wonderful feature of China people is that they have the secret of staying young forever.

Now we can answer the original question-what are the real China people? We now know that the real China people are people who have a deficit heart and the wisdom of adults and live a spiritual life. In short, the real China people have a boy's heart and an adult's wisdom. The Chinese national spirit is a spirit of eternal youth and an immortal national soul. What is the secret of China people's eternal youth? You must remember what I once said: It is compassion or true human wisdom that makes people of China type, thus forming the unspeakable tenderness of real China people. This real human intelligence is the organic combination of sympathy and intelligence, which makes people's mind and brain harmonious. In a word, it is the harmony between mind and reason. If the spirit of the Chinese nation is a spirit of eternal youth and an immortal national soul, then the secret of the immortality of the national spirit is the perfect harmony between China people's mind and reason. In the early morning, the green sun shines on the earth through the gentle leaves, and the green time in the annual rings tells beautiful legends to the future. 2008 is an ordinary number, but when it comes to it, how many people in China will be excited! How can a number have such great magic? The answer is simple and sacred. This year, Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games. By then, the eyes of the world will gather in Beijing, and Beijing will also show its most beautiful style as the host!

In 2008, the Beijing Olympic Games will be a green Olympics, a high-tech Olympics and a people's Olympics.

However, we still have a lot of work to do to achieve this goal. As a primary school student in China, we have the responsibility and more obligation to actively prepare for the Olympic Games. China is a country of etiquette, so we should start from ourselves and set an example of promoting etiquette.

Etiquette is everywhere. It can show a person's moral cultivation and enhance the friendship between people. It has too many functions.

So how can we let the etiquette of primary school students penetrate into a beautiful campus? First of all, we primary school students should dress appropriately, which is to reflect the lofty demeanor of students in the new century and conform to their identity. The flag-raising ceremony every day is the most solemn. This reflects the national flag of civilization and blood, which will be more vivid under the encirclement of etiquette. At this moment, under the national flag, we should be serious and full of energy and sing the national anthem. Secondly, classroom etiquette is directly related to the honor and cohesion of a class, which reflects the class spirit and appearance of this class. Listen carefully in class, don't fidget, raise your hand and answer questions. Third, campus etiquette reflects the civilization of a school. No spitting, no littering, walk up and down the stairs to the right, greet teachers and guests in Mandarin, and obey the management of teachers; Pay attention to civilization and hygiene, take care of flowers and trees, and do not cross the green belt; If you get help, you should take the initiative to say thank you sincerely; Understand each other and be lenient with others. If there are contradictions between classmates, do more self-reflection and say sorry. Cultivate the spirit of cooperation, make the class more United and the friendship between students deeper.

At this moment when all China is welcoming the Olympic Games, we will start the mission of inheriting etiquette, and we will be worthy of the future and cultivate our beautiful campus. Be a polite and good student for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games!

Tip: The Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years of civilization and a long and splendid culture. How many stories about civilization and etiquette have been handed down in history, and how many historical figures have remained immortal. Today, with the historical changes of market economy, many people forget the good virtues that should have existed and worship money and material things instead. People seem to be becoming more and more indifferent, with more "self-protection" in communication and less understanding, respect, mutual assistance and friendship. Friend! Please let down your guard and be polite from you and me.

■ Sincere friendship

Sincere friendship is a lofty moral emotion. Therefore, we should establish the concept of "others in our hearts" and be friendly and United with our classmates. Students should treat others equally, respect each other, act in word and deed, and act from the desire of unity. When you meet your classmates, you must say hello. There are many ways to say hello, such as greeting, nodding, smiling, waving or calling names. Be enthusiastic and sincere. Love others with your sincerity, and you will be sincerely rewarded by others.

■ Mutual respect

Every student needs the care and respect of others. The first is to respect the personality of others. Laughing, insulting and giving nicknames to classmates not only hurt students' self-esteem, but also insult their personality, which is impolite and immoral for low-level tastes. Secondly, we should respect the living habits of others. Every student's living habits are formed from childhood, which is the result of family education and the influence of the surrounding environment. Respecting other people's living habits is equal to respecting other people's personality.

■ Collective consciousness

Everyone can't live without the collective, just as a drop of water can't live without the vast rivers and seas. Therefore, each of our classmates should have a collective consciousness. In collective life, we should take the overall situation into consideration, abide by rules and regulations, and not go it alone. When you give, you will also be respected by society and others.

■ Good at conversation

Conversation is one of the main forms of communication between students. Communication can increase students' understanding, friendship and mutual understanding. Some problems that should be paid attention to in the conversation between classmates: 1, the attitude of speaking should be sincere and modest, the tone should be calm, and don't put on airs. 2. Try to be elegant in language and pay attention to the occasion. 3, joking, you should pay attention to what you should say, don't say what you shouldn't say. Listen carefully to your classmates and don't interrupt others' speeches easily. You should choose a suitable time to interrupt or ask questions. If your classmates say something inappropriate or wrong, you should point it out seriously and tactfully without hurting your self-esteem. Quarrel, swearing and saying that it is difficult to obey are all rude behaviors.

■ Borrowing and returning things.

Students often get together, it is inevitable to borrow things from each other, but remember that if you borrow them, even if you use other people's things casually, you should say hello in advance and ask others' permission.

■ Help others

Being ready to help others is one of the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation and an indispensable part of campus etiquette. When some students need help, they should distinguish right from wrong and explain the situation clearly. If they are right, we should do our best, do what we can and help them. Don't turn a blind eye or ignore them. If you want to cheat or violate school discipline, you must have a correct view of right and wrong and don't agree. Don't force others when you need help, learn to put yourself in others' shoes and think more about others. Try not to cause difficulties or even troubles to others. (Li Ning, Dean of Beijing Etiquette College)

A mother came with her little daughter on a bicycle. The child accidentally dropped the biscuit in his hand. The mother immediately stopped the car and whispered to her daughter, "Come on, let's throw it in the trash can." Say that finish, he held the child down, and they bent down to pick up the broken biscuits on the ground. It is this ordinary scene that reminds people of a sentence: quality is a habit. Think about it, don't you? Whether it is a civilized mother or a future child, there is an answer to this detail.

The story of civilized etiquette:

1. Unity and friendship-calm Liu Mingchuan.

Liu Mingchuan, the governor of the Qing court in Taiwan, was a great hero in the construction of Taiwan Province, and he urged the construction of the first railway in Taiwan Province. There is an intriguing story about the appointment of Liu Mingchuan: When Li Hongzhang recommended Liu Mingchuan to Zeng Guofan, he also recommended two other Jinshi. In order to test which of them has the best personality, Zeng Guofan specially asked them to go to Zengfu for an interview at a certain time. But at the appointed time, Zeng Guofan deliberately refused to let them wait in the living room, but secretly observed their attitude carefully. I saw that the other two seemed impatient and kept complaining; Only Liu Mingchuan enjoyed the calligraphy and painting on the wall quietly and calmly. Later, Zeng Guofan questioned the calligraphy and painting in their living room, and only Liu Mingchuan could answer. As a result, Liu Mingchuan was recommended as the governor of Taiwan Province.

Note: People who have no patience will definitely lack the spirit of perseverance and overcoming all difficulties, and naturally they will not achieve anything great. If you want to make a difference in the future, you must first temper your patience and perseverance.

2. Kong Rong lets pears.

Kong Rong (153—208), a native of Lu (now Qufu, Shandong), was a famous writer in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and one of the seven sons of Jian 'an. His literary creation was highly praised by Wei Wendi Cao Pi. According to historical records, Kong Rong was not only very clever when he was young, but also a typical example of paying attention to brotherhood, mutual help and friendship.

When Kong Rong was four years old, he often ate pears with his brother. Every time, Kong Rong always takes the smallest pear. Once, my father saw it and asked, "Why do you always take the small one instead of the big one?" Kong Rong said, "I am the younger brother, and I am the youngest. I should eat the small one and let the big one be eaten by my brother! "

At an early age, Kong Rong learned the truth of mutual courtesy, mutual help, unity and friendship between brothers and sisters, which surprised the whole family. Since then, Kong Rong has spread the story of pears for thousands of years, becoming a model of unity and friendship. Patriotism is loyalty and love for the motherland. Throughout the ages, many people with lofty ideals have strong thoughts of caring about the country and the people, taking state affairs as their own responsibility, advancing despite difficulties, defending the motherland and caring about people's livelihood. This precious spirit has enabled the Chinese nation to withstand the disaster. Patriotism has a wide range of contents. Love the mountains and rivers of the motherland, love the history of the nation, care about the fate of the motherland, be fearless in times of crisis and die for the motherland are all manifestations of patriotism. In the course of five thousand years' development, the Chinese nation has formed a great national spirit with patriotism as the core.

It is precisely because of the love of the motherland, hard-working and intelligent Chinese sons and daughters have opened up a vast territory and created a splendid culture. We shoulder the heavy responsibility of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should love the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and actively safeguard its sovereign independence and territorial integrity. The territory of the motherland cannot be lost, nor can it be divided and occupied. We should love the history and culture of the motherland, improve national self-esteem and self-confidence, and strive to create a more splendid national culture.

Today, China has entered a new historical period. China's accession to the WTO has brought China closer to the rest of the world, and opportunities and challenges coexist. We will face more and more new situations and new problems. Promoting the great cause of China's reform and opening up and speeding up the process of socialist modernization require us to constantly carry forward the fine tradition of patriotism. Only in this way can the Chinese nation regain its glory and make greater contributions to the progress of human civilization.

Teenagers are prosperous when they are successful, but they are strong when they are successful. It is necessary to adapt to the requirements of the development of the times, correctly understand the history and reality of the motherland, enhance patriotic feelings and revitalize the sense of responsibility of the motherland, and establish national self-esteem and self-confidence; Carry forward the great spirit of the Chinese nation, hold high the banner of patriotism, forge ahead, strive for self-improvement and work hard to truly turn patriotism into a trip to serve the country. Study hard to revitalize China today and contribute to the brilliant future of the motherland tomorrow!