Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How did Taiji give birth to two kinds of instruments? How can two instruments produce four elephants?

How did Taiji give birth to two kinds of instruments? How can two instruments produce four elephants?

Wuji and Taiji First, we discuss Wuji and Taiji. What is infinity? What is Tai Chi? The teacher clearly told us that Tao is the noumenon, infinity is the source, and Tai Chi is the use. Today, I'm going to tell you a series of stories to increase your impression and form the traditional image-number thinking. In fact, the relationship between Wuji and Taiji has been clearly expounded in Laozi's Tao Te Ching. The first chapter of Tao Te Ching: Tao can be Tao, but extraordinary; Names can be named, not very famous; At the beginning of the nameless world, the mother of all things was famous all over the world, so she often had no desire to see its strangeness, and often wanted to see its strangeness. The two of them, with different names, are called Xuan, Xuan, Xuan and Wan Qi Gate. Why can Tao be Tao, but it is extraordinary? Is to make us unknown. For example, the existence mentioned by Taoism is the color space of Buddhism, Yi Tai Chi and Infinite. In different space, time and environment, its name will be different, so it can't be said. So the Buddha said: Don't say, don't say. The "nothingness" in the first chapter of Tao Te Ching is infinite, which is the beginning of heaven and earth and the foundation of Tao. "You" is Tai Chi, the mother of all things and the development of Tao. The following sentence is even more interesting: "There is always a desire to see its wonder, and there is always a desire to see its sadness." What does this mean? In fact, Lao Tzu told us the relationship between infinity and Tai Chi with straightforward examples. To understand infinity, we must observe its "wonder" What is "wondering"? Is a girl; To understand Tai Chi, we should observe its communication of "affection" and "love", that is, married women. Therefore, it is enough to know the relationship between infinity and Tai Chi and women. It is easy to understand how to think with the lessons taught by the teacher. Whether a girl or a woman, she is a woman in essence. And less is zero, that is, unformed, that is, infinite, which is the source. A woman is one, but not two, that is, she has not yet been born. It is Tai Chi, which is used for hair. What's her use? Is to have children. Because what we come into contact with in our daily life is the use of hair, we usually only talk about Tai Chi and seldom talk about infinity. What are the characteristics of Tai Chi? First of all, it is universal. Tai Chi moves to generate yang, while quietness generates yin. Yin and Yang are interdependent and opposed to each other. All Tai Chi bodies are like this. For example, the weather in Tai Chi's body, heaven and earth fall, and the atmosphere rises. The same is true of Taiji body, where water rises and fire falls. The human body is a small universe, which is the epitome of the great Tai Chi body of heaven and earth. Other birds, animals, flowers and trees are the same, and everything is Tai Chi. Second, it is holographic. Holography means that a certain part of something contains all the information of the whole. For example, acupuncture, face-to-face, hand-to-hand, ear-to-ear and pulse-taking are all based on Taiji holography. Third, there are similarities. There are similarities between two different Tai Chi bodies. People are considered to be idiots. Between heaven and earth, yin and yang of heaven and earth are popular, becoming five elements and six qi. People are endowed with five movements and six qi in heaven and earth, and all the internal organs are born. There is a relationship between heaven and man, and there is something in common between human body small Tai Chi and heaven and earth great Tai Chi. People get the whole weather, and herbs get the deviation of yin and yang between heaven and earth. Therefore, due to the similarity between man and Tai Chi in heaven and earth, drug errors can be used to correct the errors of human diseases. Fourth, it has stability. We all know that one thing is Tai Chi, and things contain Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are opposites in Tai Chi, so it can be stable. For example, cassia twig is a branch, a tender branch, which has the property of germination (all branches have this property), and cinnamon is adduction-cinnamon-igniting the fire. Fifth, it is periodic. Winter is spring, and the sea is children's time. From 0 to 9, returning to 0 at 9: 00. Tai Chi gives birth to two devices. I talked about infinity and Tai Chi before, and then I talked about Tai Chi giving birth to two instruments. In fact, Tai Chi gives birth to two devices, which is easier to understand. Then, according to the previous example of women, if "infinite Tai Chi" is the image of a girl becoming a woman. Then tai chi gives birth to two devices, that is, a woman gives birth to a child, as simple as that. Therefore, mom is the greatest, and she has been proving to us. Some people will say that giving birth to a child requires "two books and three books"? How did it become two instruments of Tai Chi? I'm here to make it clear that you should never be famous for studying medicine, and the number will change. Two books and three books are for two people, and Tai Chi is for one woman. Tai Chi here is actually an embryo in a woman's uterus, where father, mother and sperm mate. Children born are two tools. What two musical instruments are they? From the human point of view, it is the yuan god and the flesh, from the gender point of view, it is male or female. Therefore, when we observe things at ordinary times, we should pay attention to different hair qualities and uses with different images. That's why I can say that I can talk, and I am extraordinary. Because she always changes with the change of image, number and qi, so does her name. It should be noted here that Yin and Yang are born, but only included, that is, Yin and Yang are natural. What is the relationship between these two musical instruments? First, the relationship between each other. Yang begets Yin, Yin begets Yang, Yang begets Yang, Yin begets Yin. Static pole movement leads to yin and yang, hot pole leads to cold, yang leads to yin, while long-term growth leads to yang, and accumulation leads to yin. Second, the relationship between each other. , Yang Keyin, Yin,. The external evil is yin and yang, the police catch a thief is yang or yin, and the criminals sell it internally is yin or yin. The judge said that the police caught the wrong person is yang or yang because of insufficient evidence or bribery. Third, transform the relationship. This is the time when the contradiction between yin and yang interacts, from one side to the other. Usually, when the strength of Yang reaches its extreme, it will be transformed into the strength of Yin. Similarly, when the power of yin develops to the extreme, it will be transformed into the power of yang. For example, when it reaches its peak during the day, it is night; The night develops to the extreme, which is dawn. Also, as the saying goes, "Joy begets sorrow" and "spare no effort". At the same time, it can also be explained from another angle that one thing keeps increasing in quantity and suddenly becomes another or the opposite thing to a certain extent. Fourth, the relationship of mutual existence. When yin and yang interact, although they have different attributes, they are interdependent and coexist. Laozi said: "Misfortune is a blessing; Happiness lies in misfortune. "Blessed in misfortune, woe in happiness. When interacting with each other, although they are opposite to each other, without one party, the function cannot be established. For example, the positive and negative poles of magnets and the positive and negative currents. 5. Relative relationship. For example, three people are walking in groups, A is on the left, B is in the middle and C is on the right. If the left side is Yang and the right side is Yin, then B is Yin relative to A, but Yang relative to C, so Yin and Yang are relative concepts. Sixth, unify relations. The operation of the contradiction between Yin and Yang, from Yang to Yin, or from Yin to Yang, is integrated in the same Taiji body no matter how they transition. Classification of yin and yang: Yi said: "One yin and one yang are called Tao", and yin and yang are also used as Tao. No matter what kind of yin and yang, the relationship between them reflects the existence of Tao. Yin and yang are mainly divided into two categories, one is static Yin and Yang, and the other is dynamic Yin and Yang. 1. Static Yin and Yang: Static Yin and Yang is characterized by no movement between them. 1, exterior and interior yin and yang: for example, a box, we call it exterior yang and we call it interior yin, which means exterior and interior yin and yang. 2. Relative Yin and Yang: Animals are active as Yang, plants cannot be active as Yin, men are active as Yang, and women are quiet as Yin. This is the static Yin and Yang in two independent Tai Chi bodies, which is called relative Yin and Yang. 2. Dynamic Yin and Yang: Dynamic Yin and Yang is the movement of mutual transformation between Yin and Yang in a Tai Chi body, and it is the relationship between two Tai Chi bodies. 1, Yang rises and Yin falls: under the action of sunlight, water turns into steam and rises, and clouds turn into rain under the action of cold air. So yang changes the form of qi and yin; Ascending to Yang, descending to Yin. This is the dynamic yin and yang of Tai Chi's growth and aggregation. For example, for the human body, the spleen moves to the left, and the blood rises to qi, which is yang-transforming qi. The stomach yang turns to the right and the qi drops, and the qi drops and is refined, which is called yin formation. The dynamic transformation of Yin and Yang reaches a relative balance, so neither biochemistry nor collection can be excessive, otherwise it will destroy Yin and Yang. 2, come and go Yin and Yang: Compared with some Tai Chi bodies, the light comes from the outside, visitors come in, and the opposite is to go, so go to Yang and go to Yin. For example, for Tai Chi of human kidney, it belongs to yin, and kidney essence is not hidden, so it is "yin deficiency", but for another Tai Chi body, it is extremely extreme. So it is "hot", so yin deficiency will be "internal heat". Kidney essence does not produce hair, and it is best not to go if it does not produce hair. So it is "yin exuberance", but it is impossible for human beings and gods, that is, walking is yin, so it is "cold", so kidney yin exuberance is "internal cold". Then we say that two instruments give birth to four images, and Tai Chi gives birth to two instruments, that is, they have yin and yang attributes and attract each other, so they are divided into four images. The anode is yang, and the cathode of yang is less yin, that is, yin is attached to yang. Yang of yin is shaoyang, that is, yang is attached to yin, and yin is Taiyin. Here, we say that when we look at anything, we must first think that it is Taiji, and then think that it contains Yin and Yang. At the same time, when you see Yin, you should think of Yang, and when you see Yang, you should think of Yin. In this way, everyone's thinking can be established. Therefore, yin and yang can be divided, and he can also divide them into four images, because they are gases, that is, gases should contain yin and yang. Speaking of the four elephants, let's continue to talk about the topic of "women". Hehe, there is no way to make a woman so great. Two instruments give birth to four images. After a woman gives birth to a child, the four images are liver, heart, lung, kidney, fire and water, dragon and tiger, and ghosts and gods. Anyone who has studied gossip knows that Gan Kun gave birth to six sons, and the only hurdle is to get rid of positivity, just like a person gets the neutrality of heaven and earth. Therefore, the vitality of the two vessels is concentrated in from the mire, where water rises and fire falls to form four elephants, rising at least Yang, floating to the sun, falling at least Yin and sinking to Taiyin. As far as human temperament is concerned, the four images of boys and girls in the two instruments are: Shaoyang is a woman with physical temperament but a man, Sun is a pure man and a man with masculinity (this is not a matter of size), and Shao Yin is a man with physical temperament but likes women, and he is careful and sensitive. Taiyin is a pure-hearted woman who is good at tolerance like water. Of course, there is another four images, that is, from the perspective of physical development. If a man's voice is rough, it is the sun, with a sharp voice like a woman, which means less yin, while a girl's voice is like water, with a soft and sharp voice, which means less yin, and if she speaks rough, it means less yang.