Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What's the telephone number of Jinghua Information Technology Co., Ltd.?

What's the telephone number of Jinghua Information Technology Co., Ltd.?

Contact information of Jinghua Information Technology Co., Ltd.: company telephone number 020-85533238, company email address The company has five contact ways in Aiqi Tea, including telephone number 1.

Company introduction:

Jinghua Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established by 1993-0 1-03 in Tianhe District, Guangdong Province. Its registered address is located in the middle block of Jinghua Information Building, Gaopu Road 138, Tianhe District, Guangzhou.

Xie Xiaoneng, the legal representative of Jinghua Information Technology Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 74 million yuan, is currently operating.

See more business information and information of Jinghua Information Technology Co., Ltd. through Aiqidiao.