Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Method for plan hundred-day red chicken

Method for plan hundred-day red chicken

The scientific name of Hundred Days Red is Wei Zi.

Planting method

The common propagation methods of Lagerstroemia indica are sowing and cutting, among which the cutting method is better, the survival rate of cutting is higher than sowing, the plant blooms early, the plant grows fast and the seedling yield is high.

Sowing propagation

By sowing and propagating Lagerstroemia indica, a large number of healthy and tidy seedlings can be obtained at one time. The process of sowing and propagation includes seed collection, soil preparation and bed making, seed germination accelerating treatment, sowing time and sowing method.

1, seed collection:

Lagerstroemia indica has a long flowering period from June to September, with flowers and fruits coexisting and orderly fruits. From September to165438+1October, when the capsule turns from green to brown and some individuals start to crack slightly, the fruit sequence is picked, and the mature fruit at the base of the fruit sequence is collected, and the peel is removed. The seeds are stored in containers after drying, and the storage place should be ventilated and dry.

2. Soil preparation before bed

It grows best when planted in deep, fertile, loose sandy soil and slightly acidic soil. First, the seedbed soil is hoed loose, and the sowing ditch is treated according to the specifications of 20~25cm wide and 2~3cm deep.

3. Seed germination accelerating treatment

First, the seeds should be disinfected. The common method is to soak in 0.2% potassium permanganate for 1-2 days, and then rinse with clear water for several times to remove the residual potassium permanganate. After cleaning, soak the seeds in warm water at about 45-50℃ for 2-3 days, then take out the seeds and dry them slightly.

4, sowing time and method:

Generally, sowing is carried out in March and April, and outdoor sowing is carried out. Sow 2-3 seeds every 3-4 cm, and spread them evenly on the flat seedbed. After sowing, cover with fine soil about 2 cm thick. Soil moisture should be ensured about 10 ~ 14 days after excavation. After two pairs of true leaves grow on the seedlings, you can choose to interplant the seedlings in the nursery after the rain, so that the air between the seedlings is ventilated and the sunshine is sufficient. Apply thin fertilizer 2-3 times in June-July, and water it frequently in summer to keep the nursery moist, but not too much. The height of seedlings can reach 50 ~ 70 cm in winter. Plants that grow well can bloom in the same year. After defoliation in winter, trim the side branches and open the flower branches in time. Transplanting in early spring of the following year.

Cutting propagation is divided into softwood cutting and hardwood cutting.

1. Softwood cutting: Softwood cutting is usually carried out in July and August. Select semi-lignified branches and cut them into cuttings about 10cm long, leaving 2-3 leaves at the top of the branches. Cut about 8cm deep and water the seedlings. In order to keep moisture and keep warm, the seedbed was covered with a plastic film, and a sunshade net was built to shade the sun. Generally 15-20 days can take root. Uncover the film, keep the sunshade net, and water it properly during the growing period. Branches can reach 70cm in that year, and the survival rate is high.

2. Hardwood cutting: Generally, it is carried out from late March to early April before the branches germinate. Short and thick annual branches were selected from well-growing mother plants and cut into branches with length of 10~ 15cm and depth of about 8 ~ 13cm. After inserting, water and irrigate, and the seedbed is covered with a layer of plastic film to keep moisture and heat. When the seedlings grow to 15~20cm, the film can be lifted to build a sunshade net. Proper watering during the growth period can make the branches grow to about 80cm.

Layering propagation: Lagerstroemia indica can be propagated by layering throughout the growing season, especially in March-April in spring.

Propagation by ramets: In early spring and March, the sprouting tillers germinated in the rhizosphere of Lagerstroemia indica were separated from the mother plant and planted separately, and watered enough to survive. [3]

Grafting propagation: before the branches of Lagerstroemia indica germinate every spring, thick seedlings are selected as rootstocks, and a knife (3-4 cm deep) is longitudinally split at the top of the rootstock near the periphery, and the split seam must be cut from the core of the tree; Then take a scion with 2-3 buds with a length of 5-8 em and cut it into a wedge shape of 3-4cm on both sides of its base. The outside of the scion is slightly thicker than the inside. Put the thicker side of the scion outside, insert it into the split part of the rootstock to align with the cambium, and then wrap the whole scion with plastic film to expose the bud head. After 2~3 months of grafting, the film is released, and the length of the ear head can reach 50~80cm. Branches should be cut short in time to avoid being broken by the wind, and thick branches can be cultivated.

maintenance management

In order to prolong the flowering period, it is necessary to cut off the branches that have blossomed in time to make them grow the next round of flowers again. In order to make the trunk thicker, you can cut off many flowers and concentrate on cultivating the trunk.

Strengthen the light: Wei Zi likes the sunshine, so it must be placed in a sunny place outside during the growing season.

Timely watering: keep the basin soil moist in spring and winter, and water it once every morning and evening in summer and autumn. In case of drought and high temperature, the watering frequency can be appropriately increased every day.

Regular fertilization: apply more fertilizer in spring and summer peak season, less fertilizer in autumn, and no fertilizer in winter. Don't fertilize at noon in rainy days and summer when the temperature is high. Fertilization concentration is applied every 10 day from beginning of spring to beginning of autumn, topdressing every half month after beginning of autumn, and fertilization is stopped after beginning of winter.

Reasonable pruning: after flowering, the residual flowers should be cut off, and the long branches, overlapping branches, cross branches, radiating branches and diseased branches should be cut off at any time to avoid consuming nutrients.

Change pots in time: the pot soil of potted Lagerstroemia indica is changed every 2-3 years, and 5 parts of loose mountain soil, 3 parts of pastoral soil and 2 parts of fine river sand are mixed to make cultivation soil. When changing pots, organic fertilizers such as bone meal and bean cake powder can be used as the base fertilizer, but the fertilizer can't directly contact with the roots, so as not to hurt the roots and affect the plant growth.