Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Good words come from the heart-thoughts on reading lectures by famous teachers

Good words come from the heart-thoughts on reading lectures by famous teachers

There is a saying in Zeng Xian Wen: "A year's plan lies in spring, and a day's plan lies in the morning." In the spring of March, I was lucky enough to participate in a series of projects such as the "National Training Plan" organized by the school. I was deeply touched by the lectures and demonstration classes brought by famous teachers and big coffees. There is the founder of Nanming Education-Teacher Gan Guoxiang; Chen Meili, founder of the morning reading course of "Beauty of the Whole Person"; Excellent Chinese teacher in Tianshui Park Primary School-Teacher Tian Hua; Teacher Chen Dawei who advocates "discussion in class" and "teachers' professional happiness"; Professor Li Chongchong, the founder of "Reading with Dreams", and so on. Their educational ideas conveyed through lectures and reports, such as the warm sun in spring, have illuminated me and a group of new teachers.

First, Gan Guoxiang: a wise man who leads the "deep language"

On the afternoon of March 23, Mr. Gan Guoxiang told the Chinese teachers the true meaning of "deep Chinese" with the theme of "big reading, small reading and intensive reading". Teacher Gan first took several familiar children's books (such as The Ugly Duckling and Peter Pan) as examples to guide the whole reading. He pointed out that "reading is to let the child's spirit be guided by the whole human spirit." Through in-depth alternative analysis and comparative reading, we know that effective reading can help children gradually understand the complex world and establish order for an orderly life in the future. Then, Mr. Gan Guoxiang took several common ancient poems (such as "Looking at Tianmen Mountain", "Sitting alone in Jingting Mountain" and "A note for the absent ecluse". ), for example, to guide students into "mini-reading". Although the contents of these poems are not much, they contain nuances that we are not easy to notice at ordinary times. After listening to the teacher's explanation, people can't help but have an epiphany. Finally, "close reading" is the most easily overlooked in teaching. Mr. Gan Guoxiang analyzed the nuances of the article by taking the classic novel "Fighting Tiger" and Zhang's "Moonlit Night on a Spring River" as examples. As a whistle stick that runs through the whole paper, it seems to exist inadvertently, but in fact it shows Song Wu's cautious character.

"Deep language achieves poetry through thinking." After listening to Mr. Gan's lecture, I realized that I was still far from "in-depth Chinese". As the teacher said, "reading the whole book to improve the Chinese level is alienated, and it is not worth the loss." However, the reality is that many teachers are still making efforts that are not worth the loss. What we really want to do is to improve ourselves and learn to think, not just to be porters for faculty and staff.

Second, Chen Meili: The child's soul ferryman.

If being a teacher's class is deep thinking, then Chen Meili's class is the enjoyment of beauty. In the first lecture, Teacher Chen shared with us the story of the desert girl "Maman". With teacher Chen's care and encouragement, the poor girl who was absent from class since childhood gradually became confident. She boarded the "Little Joe Concert" and ran for the host of the celebration ... Looking at the photos of Mann's gradual transformation on the screen, I understood the true meaning of the course "Beauty of the Whole Person". Teacher Chen Meili's second lecture is entitled "Morning Reading and Morning Dance". Teacher Chen first explained the concept and essence of morning reading, that is, "morning reading is first for beauty, second for understanding, and finally for freedom and richness." This should be a poetic course that we are pursuing and yearning for now. Then, Mr. Chen Meili showed us systematically what the students of Grade One to Grade Six recited in the morning. These poems and articles are scientifically arranged according to the stage of children's physical and mental development-"All good things are safe." For example, in the first book of grade one, the classic nursery rhyme "Shake to Waipoqiao" is taken as the first course for children to enter primary school, followed by "Autumn Wind Blowing" reflecting natural changes ... Finally, Teacher Chen explained the specific process of morning reading to us, which mainly consists of three links: romantic sentiment, accurate understanding and comprehensive presentation. Under this series of reasonable and orderly arrangements, children dance with poetry and dawn, thus enriching language and spirit.

"The Art of Love" mentioned: "Love is not only a gesture, but also an ability, a kind of wisdom and an art." Teacher Chen Meili made me understand the real difference between "maternal love" and "love of father's surname". As a teacher, two kinds of love are indispensable. We should not only give children a sense of trust and security in this world through the "unconditional love" of maternal love, but also give them a sense of strength and accomplishment with the "conditional love" of father's love in time, so as to establish a sound personality of children. In addition, the reading form of "morning reading" is worth thinking and learning from every Chinese teacher. Usually, we are confined to a textbook, reciting ancient poems only to cope with the exam, ignoring the healthy development of children's body and mind. Morning reading should be a precious gift for children, not a new learning task.

Third, Chen Dawei: Get a sense of happiness in "observation class" and "discussion class"

Happiness is the aesthetic feeling that everyone is striving for, and teachers' happiness is a hot topic in recent years. Teacher Chen Dawei believes that an ideal happy teacher's life should include three aspects: hope before class, creation in class and aesthetics after class. That is, a happy teacher's life comes from creative labor and the aesthetic experience of creative labor. The greater the creation, the more happiness. However, in actual teaching, teachers will encounter endless difficulties and lack happiness, especially novice teachers who have just entered the workplace. The only way to turn difficulties into satisfaction and happiness is to grow up. Teacher Chen gave us a growth formula: "Experience+Reflection = Growth". This formula can be used for reference. Young teachers can examine and criticize themselves and accumulate teaching experience by watching teaching videos and summarizing teaching records. And you can reflect on yourself according to the book theory, the experience of others and the effect of classroom practice. Only by reflection can we make progress.

Teacher Chen's "discussion in class" is very different from our familiar "evaluation in class". "Observation seminar" is mainly suitable for daily teaching and research and teacher training activities, in which front-line teachers are the main body and protagonist, characterized by routine and universality. The concept of "observation and discussion class" is not only original and forward-looking, but also has important reference significance for teachers' professional development. First of all, it embodies the equal and democratic view of teachers. Teachers can express their views and opinions according to the development characteristics of students and their practical experience in the classroom, and are no longer passive executors. Secondly, the way of attending lectures and discussing classes has changed teachers' traditional passive attitude towards life and working style. Generally speaking, in this process, teachers constantly discover themselves, transform themselves and achieve themselves through equal, interactive and practice-oriented dialogue.

Fourth, Tian Hua: the "most beautiful" primary school Chinese teacher.

Teacher Tian Hua showed us the most beautiful posture a Chinese teacher should have with a vivid Chinese class. Tian teacher took a comprehensive application course —— Understanding the word "Li" in the second volume of the fifth grade of primary school Chinese. She didn't adopt the traditional teaching method, and directly told the students several meanings of "Li". Instead, let students discover and summarize the profound meaning and characteristics of "Li" from the aspects of font characteristics, idioms and ancient poems-"beautiful, rich in cultural connotation and long history". For example, from the glyphs of Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Li in regular script, we can see that Li has perseverance; From the ancient poem, "I insist that the green hills are not relaxed, and the roots are broken." It can be seen that "Li" has the meaning of facing difficulties. The subtlety of this lesson lies in that tian teacher not only taught the Chinese character "Li" to students, but more importantly, he invisibly mobilized students' enthusiasm for learning Chinese characters, cultivated students' aesthetic taste, and made students feel the great charm of China Chinese characters and China from childhood.

"Chinese Curriculum Standard" clearly points out: "Comprehensive learning is mainly reflected in the comprehensive application of Chinese knowledge, the all-round development of listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, the communication between Chinese curriculum and other courses, and the close combination of book knowledge and practical activities." Teacher Tian Hua is a qualified practitioner of this concept. As tian teacher said, Chinese teaching should realize "three changes". First, we should change the relatively closed state of Chinese teaching. When explaining the text, we should fully mobilize the students' previous learning experience and enrich the classroom cultural content. Second, we should change the situation that textbooks are the only curriculum resources. Teachers should not be confined to textbooks, but also encourage students to collect some extracurricular reading materials. In tian teacher, for example, students have developed the habit of broadcasting news before each class. By collecting news, students can not only strengthen contact with society and the country, but also gradually cultivate their own aesthetic taste. Thirdly, Chinese subject should be combined with other subjects. For example, in Chinese class, strengthen the connection with calligraphy, let students learn "thousands of words" and so on, combine the unknown with the known, realize the integration between disciplines, and let students become all-round development people. Chinese teachers should understand that we should not only help students accumulate rich verbal materials and improve their verbal expression ability, but more importantly, we should teach students the humanistic spirit beyond words, which is of far-reaching significance to students. I hope each of us can be a teacher with feelings, like Mr. Sousaku Kobayashi in the little peas by the window, caring and respecting every student and being a happy lifelong teacher.

Fifth, record: take the concept of famous teachers as the engine to drive the development of new teachers.

Teacher Tuo introduced the teacher's educational ideas and thoughts from four aspects: education, teachers, students and teaching, with the title of "The growth of famous teachers: the road of my professional development", which has inspired and awakened us. As we all know, Mr. Yu Yi is a well-known predecessor of education in China, and he is known as "a generation of teachers who carefully educate people and a banner of educational reform". Therefore, in order to become an excellent Chinese teacher, it is necessary for us to study teachers' educational ideas and try to get enlightenment from them.

"Being a lifelong teacher and learning to be a lifelong teacher is by no means empty talk. I have been studying all my life and constantly improving my personality. " In short, teachers should establish the concept of lifelong learning and keep growing. Many front-line teachers in primary and secondary schools give up studying and reading for various reasons, which is undoubtedly a retrogression. We should learn from each other in teaching and make progress with students in the teaching process. In the eyes of students, "education should not only educate students, but also teach them to learn to be human." "Treating students as passive people is essentially arrogance." In recent years, the relationship between teachers and students has repeatedly become the focus of attention, and tragedies have emerged one after another. Parents and teachers pay more attention to grades than ability and results than process, which seriously dampened students' interest in learning and stifled their imagination. As a Chinese teacher, we should pay special attention to the humanity of education, respect children's individual differences, and never use scores to judge a child's quality.

Through examples, Mr. Tuo systematically and vividly conveyed Mr. Tuo's thoughts and opened the door for us to know famous teachers. "To be a teacher, be wise as a spring; To be a teacher, you should always be young; Be a teacher, be a teacher. " Reading educational masterpieces and books related to Chinese education will help us better understand the true meaning of Chinese teachers' thoughts, thus solving the puzzles and problems encountered in teaching. We should arm our minds with the advanced ideas of famous teachers and strive to be "four haves" good teachers with ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge and kindness.

Zhang Yanping: I believe that every child is a free writer.

Reading ability and writing ability are important contents of Chinese literacy. However, at present, most Chinese classes in primary and secondary schools focus on ability, and scores determine the outcome, ignoring the cultivation of students' aesthetic taste and the exertion of imagination, and students become the tools of examination and the victims of "new stereotyped writing" From these two aspects, Zhang Yanping shared her effective reading and writing methods with us, taking her own teaching experience as an example. The theme of teacher Zhang's speech is the combination of reading and writing in Chinese teaching. From the title, we can see its core idea: combining reading with writing, and promoting writing by reading. Ye Shengtao, a famous educator, once said: "Reading is absorption, and writing is pouring out. Whether pouring out is suitable for statutes is obviously closely related to absorption. " It can be seen that reading and writing are inseparable, but in reality many teachers separate them and dogmatically teach students writing templates and grading rules.

Teacher Zhang mentioned that "I have never studied exercises in the exercise class." Indeed, the exercise professor only gives students skills and methods, not real aesthetic feelings. Teachers can improve students' writing ability in a subtle way by reading extracurricular books, studying texts and communicating with students, and should not be limited to writing classes. Pan Xinhe once said that "writing literacy and writing ability are read, not practiced." If you do enough reading, your skills will be in it. "Teacher Zhang's idea comes down in one continuous line with this view. The combination of reading and writing she practices is the self-construction of a sentence, a paragraph and an exercise by children on the premise of loving communication and reading a lot. In reading and writing exercises, teachers should be promoters rather than pressors. I believe that every child is a free author, so that children can freely absorb the nutrients in reading books and freely and fearlessly express their opinions and ideas.

However, what and how to teach through reading and writing is still a difficult problem. The combination of reading and writing is not only a teaching method, but also a teaching concept. Teachers should change the traditional teaching concept and explore reasonable and effective methods in teaching practice to reverse the situation of insufficient reading and writing.

7. Li Chongchong: Inserting "wings" for teachers' professional development.

The theme of Teacher Li's lecture is "Four-wheel drive helps teachers' professional development". Teacher Li's class was full of dry goods, and all the teachers present were infected. He introduced us to the propeller of teachers' professional development: teaching, scientific research, reading and writing are four wheels, and ideals and perseverance are the wings to finally realize the dream of a famous teacher. Here I choose two aspects-teaching and reading to talk about my own gains.

Teacher Li suggested, "If you want to be a famous teacher, you must have representative classes." In retrospect, the famous teachers we are familiar with all have their own "masterpieces", such as Wang Songzhou's Sauvignon Blanc, Guo Chuyang's Yu Gong Yi Shan and so on. However, to form an excellent and talked-about representative course is not achieved overnight, and it needs teachers' continuous practice and sharpening. One of the suggestions mentioned by teacher Li is very useful to me, that is, to form the habit of sorting out class records. We can record our classroom performance through audio and video recording, and organize it into systematic written materials after class. In this process, we can intuitively find our own shortcomings in classroom language and logical thinking, which is also a good way of reflection. Last semester, the final assignment assigned to us by Mr. Guo Zhifeng was to record a video of micro-class according to his own teaching design. After watching my lecture video, I clearly found my own shortcomings, which is not only a form of homework, but also an effective way to improve my teaching level.

In my opinion, the biggest influence of teacher Li's class is to awaken the reading consciousness of the teachers present. Teacher Li called on us to read continuously and moderately, in which persistence is to develop good and lasting reading habits. As the saying goes, "if a teacher wants to give a student a glass of water, he must first have a bucket of water." Chinese teachers often encourage and expect children to develop good habits of reading, but they often can't lead by example and prevaricate themselves with excuses such as lack of time and busy work. Teacher Li pointed out that reading time comes from three aspects: first, it comes from the "heart", so we should have the consciousness of reading and leave a pure land for the soul; The second is "fixed", that is, make a reading plan for yourself and study at a fixed time every day; The third is to "squeeze in". Take 15 minutes every day to make good use of the rest of your time. These three suggestions of the teacher are very practical and helpful to us. Teacher Li also called on the teachers present to join the "Dream Burning Action" reading plan. His move virtually planted a seed of reading in everyone's heart. I believe this seed will thrive and grow into a towering tree one day.

Although the "National Training Program" has come to an end for the time being, the soothing and touching of these teachers continues. The ideas conveyed in the teachers' reports are actually * * *. For example, Mr. Li Chongchong and Mr. Chen Dawei both mentioned Posner's theory: "Teacher's growth = experience+reflection"; Both Tian Hua and Zhang Yanping emphasized the subjectivity of students' reading and writing, and respected children's individual differences. Generally speaking, there is a core idea running through it: insist on reading, improve yourself in growth, and live a poetic and happy teacher life.