Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Mile Buddha poems

Mile Buddha poems

The poem about Maitreya is as follows:

A big belly can hold things that are difficult to hold in the world; Open your mouth and laugh at the ridiculous people in the world.

Open your mouth and laugh, laugh in the past and laugh now, laugh at everything; With a big belly, there is room for heaven and earth, but no room for earth.

A big belly can accommodate you, but how many things have been done in the world; Full of joy, laughing all over the world

When will you laugh from ear to ear? Sitting here all day without laughing.

What's wrong with being yourself? You always have to be pregnant with someone else.

Introduction to Maitreya:

Maitreya (Sanskrit Maitreya, Balinese Metya), translated as cishi, transliterated as Maitreya and Maitreya, is one of the eight major schools of Buddhism.

Mahayana Buddhist classics, often called Ayutthaya Bodhisattva, are the successors of Sakyamuni Buddha. In the future, a Buddha will be born and become the next Buddha in the mother-in-law world. It is the fifth Buddha among the sages who robbed thousands of Buddhas, and is often called Maitreya Buddha.

As the originator of epistemology, his huge ideological system was interpreted and carried forward by the Bodhisattva, and was highly praised by China Buddhist masters Daoan and Xuanzang.

Based on linguistic analysis, modern scholars believe that Maitreya may be related to Mithra, a popular god in Central Asia, and Mithra, an Indian god. Some people further think that Maitreya is similar to the Messiah in sound and meaning.