Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What are the rules of diving competition?

What are the rules of diving competition?

1. Main rules of diving

According to the rules of (1) diving competition, the events are divided into two categories: optional movements with difficulty coefficient restrictions and optional movements without difficulty coefficient restrictions.

(2) In each event, athletes should jump through all the movements of the competition, and then add up the scores of all competitions, and the one with more scores wins.

(3) The action of diving competition must be selected in the "action difficulty table" of diving competition rules.

(4) In the springboard diving competition, men and women have 6 and 5 optional moves without difficulty coefficient limit and 5 optional moves with difficulty coefficient limit respectively, and the sum of difficulty coefficients shall not exceed 9.5.

(5) In the platform diving competition, men and women have 6 and 4 optional moves without difficulty coefficient limit and 4 optional moves with difficulty coefficient limit respectively, and the total difficulty coefficient shall not exceed 7.6.

(6) According to the regulations of the International Swimming Technical Committee, all Olympic diving competitions and world diving competitions must be held in preliminaries and finals, and 12 athletes with the best performance will be selected from the preliminaries to participate in the finals. In the final, all the actions in the preliminaries must be repeated, and the winner is the one with the highest total score in the final, which is also adopted by China.

(7) Athletes' competition actions must be selected in groups and cannot be repeated.

(8) In diving competition, every movement that an athlete chooses to jump must be completed at one time, and repeated jumps are not allowed.

2. Referee's scoring criteria

Failure: 0 points

Poor: 0.5 ~ 2 points

Ordinary: 2.5 ~ 4.5 points

Good: 5 ~ 6 points

Very good: 6.5 ~ 8 points

Best: 8 ~ 10.

In the competition, the referee scores according to the athletes' approach (that is, walking board and running platform), take-off, air action and water entry action. Therefore, athletes should run smoothly in the competition, take off decisively and forcefully, and take off at an appropriate angle with a certain height; Beautiful posture in the air, rolling and turning quickly; When entering the water, the body is perpendicular to the water surface, and the smaller the splash, the better.

Scoring by five referees: After scoring by five referees, the highest and lowest invalid points are deleted first, and the sum of the scores of the remaining three referees is multiplied by the difficulty coefficient of the action jumped by the athletes to get the real score of the action. For example, the scores of five referees are 5, (5.5), 5, 5 and (5), so the total is 15 (total)? .0 (difficulty) = 30 (actual score) (note: the figures in brackets are invalid scores deleted, the same below).

Scoring by 7 referees: The method is the same as that of 5 referees, but the score calculated by 7 referees should be divided by 5 and multiplied by 3. For example, the scores of seven referees are 5, (5.5), 5, 5, 5, 5 and (4.5), so the total is 25? .0 (difficulty) = 50, and the final score is 50 = 30 (real score).

After the competition, the athletes' total score is the sum of the actual results of each jump. The winner is the one with the highest total score. If two or more people have the same total score, the ranking is the same. In the competition with all-around events, the total score of athletes' springboard movements and platform movements together is the total score of all-around events.

3. Action Team

According to the direction of athletes standing before take-off and the direction of body movement after take-off, diving movements are divided into the following six groups:

Group 1- dive forward facing the pool.

The second group-diving backwards facing the springboard (platform).

The third group-reverse diving facing the pool.

The fourth group-diving inward facing the springboard (platform).

Group 5-twist diving.

Team 6-arm diving (platform diving only).

4. Air action posture

Diving air posture can be divided into four types: straight body (represented by "A"), bent body (represented by "B"), tuck (represented by "C") and arbitrary somersault posture (represented by "D").

Each diving group has its own number to represent the action group and the number of somersaults.

1 ~ 4 groups of action numbers all use 3 digits. The first number represents the action group; The second number represents flight action (if the second number is "0", it means there is no flight action); The third number represents the number of somersaults ("1" is half a week, "2" is a week, "3" is a week and a half, and so on). For example, "20 1" is the second group of movements: diving backwards and flipping half a circle; "305" means the third group of movements: two and a half somersaults; "1 13" means to fly forward and somersault for one and a half times.

The fifth group uses 4 digits to indicate the steering action. The first digit indicates the fifth group (especially the twist diving); The second digit indicates the rolling direction; The third digit indicates the number of somersaults; The fourth digit indicates the number of turns, and the calculation method is the same as before. For example, in the action of "5 136", "5" means the fifth group diving, "1" means the forward tumbling of 1 group, "3" means one and a half weeks, and "6" means three weeks. Another example is the "5337" movement, which refers to the fifth group of turning movements. The third group of reflexive diving directions is used to complete somersaults and turns for one and a half weeks and three and a half weeks.

The sixth group of arm-standing movements also use three fingers. The first digit indicates the sixth group (especially arm diving); The second digit indicates the direction of arm diving; The third digit indicates the number of somersaults (calculation method is the same as above). For example, in the action of "6 14", "6" means the sixth group of arm-standing dives, "1" means the first group of forward dives, and "4" means two turns. Another example is "632", which refers to the arm-standing diving action of the sixth group, and somersaults in the reverse diving direction.

5. Action difficulty coefficient

The difficulty coefficient of platform springboard action indicates the difficulty of athletes to complete the action. The rules of international diving competition determine the corresponding difficulty coefficient for each diving action, which is determined according to the difference of action group, competition events (springboard, platform), instrument height, action posture and the number of somersaults and turns. When diving, athletes have simple movements and low difficulty coefficient; When the action is complex, the difficulty coefficient is high. For example: 3m board 103B, difficulty coefficient 1.6. 10m platform 307 C, with difficulty coefficient of 3.4. For the same action, the difficulty coefficient is different because of the different height of the instrument. For example, the difficulty coefficient of 1 meter board is 3.0, and the difficulty coefficient of 3 meter board is 2.7. At present, the highest difficulty movements listed in the difficulty table of international diving competition rules are: 3m board 109C and 100m platform 307C and 109C, with a difficulty coefficient of 3.5.