Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to raise potted osmanthus in August

How to raise potted osmanthus in August

Osmanthus fragrans is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. It is an ideal flower in family potted plants with strong fragrance and attractive fragrance. So, how to raise osmanthus potted plants in August? I'll tell you how to raise osmanthus potted plants in August!

How to raise potted osmanthus in August

1, pot soil preparation

Osmanthus fragrans likes to grow in slightly acidic soil rich in humus (PH value should be 5.6~6), and it is forbidden to grow in alkaline soil or cohesive soil. Culture soil can be mixed with 4 parts humus soil, 3 parts sandy soil and 3 parts decomposed manure dry powder, or mixed with 5 parts mountain mud, 3 parts humus soil and 2 parts sandy soil for application. In order to overcome the alkalinity of soil and water quality, 0. 1%~0.2% ferrous sulfate solution should be sprayed once every half month during the growing period to make its branches and leaves dark green, which is also beneficial to growth.

2. Water:

The principle of watering potted osmanthus is not to dry it, but to pour it thoroughly. From the color and feel of soil, we can recognize the wet and dry soil. Generally, the basin is grayish white, and it feels hard to press the basin soil with your fingers, indicating that the basin soil is dry and needs watering; On the other hand, if the pot soil is brown and black, it feels soft and wet, indicating that the pot soil is still wet and does not need watering. As for the specific watering amount, it should be decided according to the growth of plants, the texture and size of potted containers, especially the change of weather.

3. Summer vacation

When the temperature is high in summer, the water in the basin evaporates quickly and the leaf water transpiration is also large. At this time, the watering amount of potted osmanthus will greatly increase. If the daily average temperature is above 25℃, water 65438 0 times a day, which should be done in the afternoon; The average daily temperature is above 30℃, so it is advisable to water it 1 time every morning and evening. It's sunny at noon, so it's necessary to shade the sun properly and spray water at the same time to prevent the leaves of osmanthus fragrans from being burned. In addition, after the summer rainstorm, the accumulated water in the basin should be drained in time. Otherwise, after the rain clears, the pot soil will burn the roots and cause the plants to die.

Step 4 apply fertilizer

Fertilization of potted osmanthus fragrans is difficult to meet the needs of long-term growth and development because of limited soil and insufficient nutrients, and it is necessary to constantly supplement fertilizers. Otherwise, the plants are thin, the new shoots grow poorly, the flower buds are few, the flowers are sparse, and even they can't bloom, which seriously affects the ornamental effect.

5. Lighting equipment

Love light and fear smoke: Osmanthus fragrans likes sunshine, so it is warm and resistant to high temperature, but not cold. During the growing period, it should be maintained in the leeward and sunny places. June-August is the flower bud differentiation and formation period of osmanthus fragrans. If enough sunshine and high temperature of 30~35 degrees can be given every day for about 10 hour, the bud pregnancy can be promoted and the flowering rate can be improved. But avoid shading in summer to avoid flower bud differentiation. If the temperature is below 4 degrees in winter and the light is insufficient, it will easily lead to defoliation in early spring and affect the flowering in the coming year.

6. The air quality is better.

Osmanthus fragrans likes to be clean, resistant to smoke and dust and afraid of chlorine. If it is allowed to grow in a place with air pollution, it will grow badly, its leaves will become smaller, it will fall off easily, it will become less civilized and even it will not bloom. Osmanthus fragrans seedlings should be planted in the southeast, so that they can receive the light to the maximum extent. Osmanthus fragrans is not tolerant to waterlogging, and the height of planted Osmanthus fragrans can not be lower than the height of the transplanting place, or it can be slightly higher. After planting, fill the soil in the pit and water it again.

7. Water in time

The frequency of watering osmanthus depends on the weather and plant growth at that time. Generally, water is poured once every 2 to 3 days in spring; In summer, the temperature is high and the evaporation is large, which is in the stage of osmanthus development and flower bud differentiation. Water it once a day. In the first half of September, the pot soil needs to be kept moist, otherwise it is not easy to bloom. But in flowering period, don't water the flowers to prevent them from falling. Rainy days should be drained in time to prevent water from rotting roots. It is advisable to keep the water content of basin soil at about 50% at ordinary times. Before entering the house in winter, water it once. During the curing period, it should be watered once every 10 day, but the water temperature should be close to room temperature.

8. Skilled topdressing

Osmanthus fragrans likes fertilizer, so it is necessary to strengthen topdressing. Apply it every half month from April to May and every 7~ 10 day from June to July. Apply it for the last time in early August, so that osmanthus not only grows luxuriantly, but also blooms more and smells more fragrant. You can use rotten cake fertilizer, chicken, duck and pigeon manure, fish scale water, calcium superphosphate, bone meal, etc. Insufficient fertilization will result in fewer branches and flowers and no fragrance.

9, appropriate pruning

Before transplanting osmanthus seedlings, in order to reduce water evaporation, some lush branches and leaves of osmanthus seedlings can be cut off appropriately; In order to stimulate rooting, you can also cut off some long roots, but don't hurt the main roots. Osmanthus fragrans has developed root system and strong germination. Mature osmanthus trees pump water slightly twice a year. Therefore, in order to make it flourish, it is necessary to maintain the physiological balance between reproductive growth and nutritional growth, and it is necessary to carry out appropriate shaping and pruning. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, all the long branches born in summer and autumn will be cut off, leaving strong spring branches, and then the weak branches, dense branches and pests will be cut off before the next spring germination. This is not only conducive to ventilation and light transmission, but also makes nutrients completely concentrated on spring branches and flower buds, creating a good prerequisite for autumn flowering, which can be received. In one fell swoop? The effect.

10, maintenance management

In maintenance management, especially in winter management, a slight mistake will give up all our efforts. There are two main problems in winter management, one is to ensure the temperature, and the other is to prevent wind to make it safe for winter. Don't leave the shed too early in spring, the wind blows too early, the air is dry, and the branches of osmanthus fragrans, especially the joints, will be affected. We can open the shed step by step until it is completely opened. The cultivation environment of osmanthus fragrans seedlings should be ventilated and sunny, and the soil should be fertile and acidic sandy soil.

Production and maintenance skills of osmanthus bonsai in August

First, material selection.

Select Ligustrum lucidum as the rootstock, and select the graceful, robust and vigorous pile blank suitable for making bonsai. After digging the pile blank, cut off the thick and long main roots and keep the fibrous roots. According to the requirements of bonsai production, keep the required branches and remove the rest. Then, according to the growth situation of the tree blank, the roots are treated, and after underground maintenance for 1-2 years, they are put into pots as rootstocks. Excavation should be carried out before the sap flows in winter or spring, usually in the first half of February.

Second, grafting.

Osmanthus fragrans is commonly used to make bonsai by grafting, but mostly by docking and splitting. In Jiangsu, it can be carried out from March to May, and the best time is the incubation period. The seedlings maintained in the open field are easy to survive and grow healthily, and generally can survive in about two months. The chopping method is generally carried out in the middle and late March, when Ligustrum lucidum and osmanthus fragrans are about to sprout. After splitting, put it in a cool shed to prevent wind and blow water to death. Grafted Ligustrum lucidum stumps will sprout new buds and leaves, and all of them will be pulled out as soon as they are found. Once the tender leaves of rootstocks are found to germinate in the future, they should be pulled out at any time, just in case? Disturb the host and guest? . Otherwise, only rootstocks will grow, and the grafted osmanthus branches will not grow, but will wither and die after a long time. After living, you can point and control the height in time.

Third, maintenance

The ecological habit of Ligustrum lucidum or Fraxinus chinensis as rootstock is different from that of osmanthus fragrans cuttings. Therefore, it depends on the proper adjustment of garden growers, but the rootstock is the main one. Otherwise, if the rhizome dies due to improper management, the skin does not exist, but the hair is attached? As a result, the scion also died. Especially summer and winter are the most difficult seasons to manage. Water and spray water in summer, cool and moisturize, shade the sun, and avoid sun exposure; In winter, it is necessary to prevent freezing and keep warm, keep a certain room temperature, and the lowest indoor temperature should not be lower than zero. Pay attention to keep warm in the sun. At the same time, we should pay attention to prevent the dry and cold wind in the northwest from drilling into the room from the cracks in the doors and windows to attack the pile landscape and cause freezing damage to the basin piles. However, it should also be noted that the room temperature should be controlled at around 5℃ and not too high. Excessive temperature will affect the dormancy of the pile landscape, consume nutrients, and affect the growth or flowering of the next year. It is not advisable to leave the house too early in spring, because the dry and cold spring breeze will take away the water in the pile scene at any time, resulting in insufficient water and wilting leaves. If you lose water seriously, you will die.