Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Can fantasy journey to the west be converted to sects?

Can fantasy journey to the west be converted to sects?

Cross-racial sects and role-shaping transform the functional scope;

Any character can transform his appearance into that of another character of different races and genders, and re-select a sect that a character appearance can join.

For example, the player is the Dragon Prince and the Dragon Palace Sect. He can choose to transform into a carefree lifestyle and transfer to the official school of the Tang Dynasty. But it can't be transformed into a female role model, nor can it join a sect that only female roles can join.

The transformation process of cross-racial sects and role-shaping;

1, enter the game, find Yuan Shoucheng in Chang 'an (173, 14), and select the option "Inter-racial role modeling is related to sect transformation" to apply for inter-racial role modeling transformation.

2. Players need to confirm the following: After changing the role modeling across races, the weapon modeling cannot be changed. In addition, only when the current race is the same as the initial race of the character can the role modeling transformation be carried out within the same race. After confirmation, enter "I confirm" and continue with the following steps.

3. Select the role and sect to be transferred.

4. Confirm the shape, sect, hidden fruit to be eaten, Xianyu. After payment, the trans-racial role modeling and sect conversion operations are completed.

Inter-racial role-building and sectarian conversion fees:

You need to consume a certain amount of fairy jade according to the level of the character. There are smart fairy jade, quiet fairy jade and free fairy jade.

1. Pay for cross-racial role-building and sectarian conversion.


Consume fairy jade



100- 139


140- 159


160- 175


2. Inter-racial role-building and sect transformation need extra experience of consuming roles.

Deducted experience value is related to character level and total experience value:

120* Character level * Character level+Character current upgrade experience *0.2+ Character total experience *2%.

The conversion fee is the same as that of the same ethnic Sect.

Deduction method:

Deduct the same amount of potential fruit. If the hidden fruit is not deducted enough, you can't switch sects. When deducting the latent fruit, if the latent fruit needs experience >; The experience value to be deducted will return to the character's current experience value.

3. When the target of the character in the trans-racial sect is the sect that the character once joined, the deducted experience is the basic experience * 10%. But the fairy jade that needs to be paid is still the same as when the interracial Sect first converted.

Players in grades 4.60-89 can deduct up to 50 potential fruits. The deduction limit for players of level 90 and above is 65.438+0 billion points of experience.

To apply for cross-racial role shaping and sect conversion, the following conditions must be met:

(1) Role level is 60 or higher.

(2) There should be no magic weapon mission, soaring mission, sect title mission, master mission, Du Jie mission, race mission, race mount mission and world of mortals trial mission.

(3) It has been more than 15 days since the last sectarian change (including cross-racial and same-racial).

(4) completely unlock.

(5) It must be a confidential user, and the confidential product used when logging in must be more than 14 days.

(6) The role is not in the role registration period of Jubaoge.

(7) Equipment column shall not wear equipment (including current equipment and 3 sets of replaceable equipment), and magic weapon column shall not have magic weapons of sects.

(8) Not signing up for the team at Wushentan.

(9) Did not sign up for the Jason Wu God.

(10) requires physical strength.

(1 1) If the role has been transferred, it has been more than 15 days since the last successful role transfer.

(12) You can't ride a race mount, and race mounts can't wear mount ornaments.

(13) The role is not allowed to wear special brocade for the role.


The special brocade involved in role modeling will be automatically converted into the newly modeled special brocade.

After the transformation of character modeling, the dyeing information of the character and the dyeing information in the wardrobe are simultaneously transformed into the corresponding dyeing of the target character.

Post-processing rules of cross-racial role modeling and sectarian transformation;

(1) According to the skill correspondence in the table below, replace the original character sect skill with the new sect skill, and the skill level will remain unchanged after replacement.

school of thought

Skills 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4

Skill 5

Skill 6

Skill 7

Tang government

The way to be an official

Invincible in all directions

An unprecedented blow

Magic warrior appreciation

Military professional knowledge

Ziwei's Art


Huasheng temple


Buddha's warrior attendant

Traditional medicine in China

speak the spell

Be kind.

Buddha's light shines

Take a step across the world

Daughter village

Toxic meridian

(of female beauty) striking enough that the fish sink and the birds fall-very beautiful.

(of the beauty of a young woman) make the moon hide behind the clouds and make the flowers feel ashamed-it's fascinating.

(of women) beautiful enough to lead to the downfall of a city or a country ―― destructive beauty.

Jade ice muscle

Aromatic blue musk deer

Crisp/mellow/melodious singing and beautiful dancing


Huang tingjing

Dragon killing method in Qing dynasty

The art of symbols

Thunderbolt spell

Return to nature method

Shinto without thought

Tilting moon walk


Rapid change

Witch curse

The thoughts of all souls

Shenmu enze

Everything has changed.

The curse of the spirit

Tianren shelter

heavenly palace

The sky is full of gas.

Proud strategy


Hybrid sky technology

Ningqi formula

Clear and comfortable


Mount Putuo


Diamond Sutra

goddess of mercy mantra

theory of the five elements

Torsion of five elements

Dharma King Kong

Lotus throne

Longwang palace

Jiulong tactic

Wave breaking tactics

Control the forces of nature


thin layer

Long Fu

Youlong maneuver


Zhou yixue

Xiaoxiang Xianyu

Gankun sleeve

Immortal cultivation

Clear self-cultivation

fruit cup


Lingbo city

Heaven and earth promise

Full of a spirit of conquering mountains and rivers ―― full of courage.

Mr Wu Shen.

Jiuzhuan Gong Xuan

Cure the devil

Get rid of troubles and social customs

Legal phenomenon


The magic of Warcraft

Crazy beast tactics

Life-and-death struggle

Yin-yang two-qi formula

Warcraft itself

Animal training strategy

A big eagle spread its wings.


Terrible magic

Impact tactics

Fire cloud technology

Bovine lice array

Turn around and fight

Huoniu town

Split stone steps

nether world


Six parts in the wheel of karma

Ghost art

Soul-holding tactics

postmortem putrefaction


Impermanence step

Mr. Sun's wife's house

Spider silk array

Coiled silk solution

Aphrodisiac solution

Sisters follow each other

Dark delivery of autumn waves

Magic sound from the sky

Harmful transposition

A bottomless hole/pit

A brain-dead method

Diming's magic method

Unique chapter of evil wind

Mixed element magic

Burn lamps and treasures

Ghosts and souls

Secret fans

(2) According to the corresponding relationship between mounts and mount ornaments in the table below, the original race mounts and related ornaments are replaced with new ones, and the effect and skill level remain unchanged after replacement. However, the mount attribute will revert to the situation where no potential points are assigned. When replacing the mount ornaments, only the mount ornaments in the prop bar and luggage will be automatically converted, and no conversion opportunity will be provided afterwards.




saddle horse


A floating stork-a carefree person

Armored wolf warrior

Install decorations

Meteor Tianma

Nishang Meiying


an exotic touch 【mood】in a foreign land

Flame combustion

Harness the whirlwind

General Wei Meng.

Go to work before dawn and go home when the moon comes out-work before dawn until dark.

Masked brave

saddle horse

Huanxi Yang Yang

Mei Yun Lu Xian

Magic fighting beast

Install decorations

As beautiful as flowers and jade-(of women) as beautiful as flowers and jade.

Rain puppet

Iron and blood pride

Inform and express your feelings

Halo reproduction


be impressive in bearing/appearance

(of women) beautiful enough to lead to the downfall of a city or a country ―― destructive beauty.

Proud of the world

saddle horse

Ling Xiao Fei Jian


Ghost sedan chair

Install decorations

Countless stars surround the moon ―― enjoying the respect and support of many capable people.


An imperious nature

Seven feet of frost.

Taoism is natural.

Hu Mei Qingcheng

Sword dragon snake

Give birth to lotus step by step.

Good luck in the Year of the Ox; optimistic

(3) If the character has a magic weapon of a level 3 or level 2 sect, it will be converted into the corresponding magic weapon of the target sect; If the target sect doesn't have the magic weapon of Level 2 sect, it won't convert.

The transformation rules of magic weapon and five elements are as follows: if the original magic weapon is the optimal five elements, then it is also the optimal five elements after transformation;

If the original magic weapon is not the optimal five elements, then the transformed five elements are random.

(4) Replace the eight-pulse skill of the strange meridian with the eight-pulse skill of the target sect, keep the number of dry Yuan Dan, and reset the eight-pulse skill of the strange meridian.

(5) The role attribute points will all be reset. The initial 50-point attribute of the role will be assigned as follows.




keep patience
















1 1

1 1



(6) Appellations related to race, style and sect will be automatically changed. If it is the chief disciple, the title will be cancelled.

(7) After cross-racial modeling, weapons modeling transformation is no longer provided.

(8) After the player moves to another race, unless he returns to the original race through "cross-racial modeling conversion" again, he will not be able to perform modeling conversion within the same race. In other words, players can only model and transform the same race within the original race.

For example, a player is modeled as a dragon prince, that is, the initial race is fairy. If the player turns into a giant lich king, he will not be able to turn into a tiger monster or a feather god through the modeling of the same race. When the player switches back to any faerie character modeling, he can switch to the same race modeling within the faerie family.

(9) After the conversion is successful, you can't sign up for the next martial arts battle.

(10) After successful conversion, it is forbidden to change roles within 15 days. Similarly, it is forbidden to change sects (including interracial and homoracial) within 15 days after the transfer.

(1 1) After the transformation is successful, if you have the effect of cultivating and renting, it will be cleared.

(12) After the conversion is successful, the special brocade for the role will be automatically converted into the special brocade that the new role can wear. At the same time, the character dyeing and the dyeing information in the wardrobe are simultaneously converted into the corresponding dyeing of the target character.

1 Sect magic weapon transformation:

(1) Find Yuan Shoucheng in Chang 'an City (173, 14) and transform it into a magic weapon of 1 sect.

(2) After the sect conversion of each character (including the same race and cross-race), at most two 1 sect magic weapons can be converted.

(3) Each conversion needs to consume 2 million taels.

(4) The magic weapon of1sect refers to: ecstasy lamp, charm, weaver girl fan, pearl and ghost pearl.

(5) After conversion, the five elements, layers and experience of the magic weapon remain unchanged.

1 The magic weapon of the sect can be obtained by completing the magic weapon task or purchased from players outside Yuan Shoucheng.