Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to distinguish Yang Temple from Yin Temple?

How to distinguish Yang Temple from Yin Temple?

The ways to distinguish between Yang Temple and Yin Temple are:

First of all, look at the gods enshrined in the temple:

(1) Yangmiao

If there is a formal god, the main god enshrined in the temple is Yang Temple. Like tiangong temple,

Most of Mazu Tempel, Tian Xuan Shrine, Baosheng Emperor Temple and Wangye Temple.

In folk beliefs, there are several formal gods. One is a god given by the Jade Emperor.

Ge, one is a god endowed by human emperors and recorded in Taoist classics.


The immortals recorded in Taoist classics include Sanqing (a great Buddha at the beginning of Jade Qing and Yuan Dynasty) and Qingqing Lingbaoda.

Tianzun, Taiqing moral great Tianzun, Sanjie Gong, Shangyuan blessed Tianguan Emperor Wei Zi and Zhongyuan Forgive.

Guilty land officials, Emperor Qing Xu, Xia Yuan Xieshuiguan, Emperor Dongyin, etc.

The Jade Emperor gave it a seal. According to folklore, if a person did something good before his death and made contributions to the people,

Or after death, the soul will benefit the people, and the Jade Emperor will grant an official position, which is more in Taiwan Province Province.

Wangye Temple belongs to this category. In addition, if the temple plaque is "Jade Palace".

Format, the word "jade" means that the main god of this temple was sealed by the jade emperor and inherited jade.

The aim is to build a local temple.

The emperor of the world gave titles, and many gods with a long history were given titles by the emperor of the world.

However, for example, Emperor Kangxi gave Mazu the title of "Tianhou", and so did Emperor Baosheng.

(2) Yin Temple

If there is no official deity in the temple, it is the Yin Temple. For example, Wanying Palace.

The ancestral temples of ordinary people, or some small ancestral temples of mountain gods and monsters, are all considered Yin temples.

Traditionally, people have the habit of gathering lonely souls without owners, commonly known as Wan.

Ying Hong, You (female), Wan, et al (note 1). The name of this temple.

The format is Wanying Temple, Wanying Hall, all good together, all good together, and so on. This kind of temple

I have one characteristic. In temples, red cloth is usually hung (Note 2).

Because ancestral temples worship the souls of ancestors, most of them have not passed through the emperor and the jade emperor.

Officially canonized, so it is also a temple of Yin.

In some places, if there are monsters, animal spirits and evil souls at work,

In order to appease them, sometimes a small ancestral temple will be built for them to enjoy human incense, no

Harass this place again. This kind of temple is usually small in scale, and the name of God will be "A"

A general, marshal ". Most of them will also hang "responsive" red cloth.


Note 1: Running water man, running water woman, refers to the lonely souls and wild ghosts drowned in the sea and water.

Note 2: The "responsive" red cloth strip is attractive to believers at first glance, but due to the hanging "

Temples with "responsive" cloth are mostly Yin temples without formal gods, only

There are few land temples or tree kings. Worship the gods in uncertainty.

It's best not to pray for them to realize your wish when it's sunny or cloudy. no

There is no guarantee that the gods will ask believers to pay what price in return after their wishes are realized.

Second, look at the architecture.

(1) Yangmiao

Traditionally, the buildings of Yangmiao usually have patios and raise the roofs. Let the sun shine

Blend into the whole temple space to create a bright and solemn feeling.

And because odd numbers are traditionally considered as positive numbers, they do follow the traditional architectural rules of temples.

The number of jade, steps and windows is odd.

(2) Yin Temple

Traditionally, the buildings of Yin Temple usually have no patio, especially the eaves of the temple.

Relatively low, it is difficult for the sun to shine into the temple, resulting in a gloomy feeling.

Traditionally, even numbers are considered as negative numbers, so temples that follow traditional building rules,

Their steps and windows are even in number.

Third, it is not easy to classify temples.

The above one or two points are only the general laws that distinguish the Yang Hall from the Yin Hall, but they are still partial.

Temples cannot be easily classified according to the above principles, so the explanation is as follows:

(1) is the god in charge of the affairs of the underworld.

Generally speaking, the gods in charge of the affairs of the underworld have formal gods, such as Chenghuang and Yamaraja.

Because of the nature of the affairs they are in charge of, temples are built.

The form is very similar to Yin Temple.

However, this kind of temple is classified as Yang Temple because the Lord God has a formal deity.

(2) Yimin Temple

In Taiwan Province in the early Qing Dynasty, due to the influence of immigrant society, similar struggles between Quan and Zhang occurred from time to time.

Events. Because of the chaos of Zhu Yi's expensive and forest, "a little chaos in three years, a big chaos in five years"

Events such as chaos caused a lot of sacrifices, so there are thousands of temples in many places.

However, one of them is like Yimin Temple in Hakka area, because it is dedicated to helping the court make peace.

Chaos is still a volunteer army who sacrificed to defend the villages and towns, so local residents regard it as a local guardian.

God, let's enjoy the imperial reward.

Although this Yimin Temple is a Yin Temple, it is not as good as Yang Temple in the common people's mind.

Not much. And the building specifications are similar to those of Yangmiao.

(3) Yin gods who have contributed to the local area and have effective deeds.

For example, the famous tree prince and the eighteen princes in the north in Eggplant Winter, although there is no formal god.

However, because there are many effective deeds, which are of great help to local believers, their role has gradually transformed into a patron saint in the minds of believers.

(4) The belief of Pingpu nationality after sinicization.

Because the Pingpu people in Taiwan Province Province are deeply sinicized, they originally believed in Alizu (again

It's called alimu, because Pingpu is a matriarchal society and so on. Some of them have become the gods of China.

Images, such as "bodhi old zu", "General Pan" and "Miss Pan".

Although these gods have no formal gods in traditional folk beliefs, this kind of gods

Temples should also be regarded as Yang temples.

I can only give you so much information. As for how to invite pendants, it's up to you to decide for your reference. Happy weekend.