Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to raise succulent chlorophytum, how to raise succulent chlorophytum.

How to raise succulent chlorophytum, how to raise succulent chlorophytum.

1. Chlorophytum is a light-loving plant. When the light is sufficient, it grows faster, the branches grow stronger and the spacing between leaves is smaller. If the light supply is insufficient, the branches will grow vigorously and the leaf spacing will increase, which will affect the ornamental value of the pearl chlorophytum from the appearance.

2. To cultivate the pearl chlorophytum, Huayou can prepare its own nutrient soil, such as cinder, humus and perlite, with a ratio of 4:3: 1. After the configuration, some coconut bricks should be added to the soil. 3. Spring, summer and autumn are the growing seasons of Chlorophytum. In these three seasons, the basin soil should be kept moist, but it can't have water. In winter, the pearl chlorophytum will enter a dormant state, and the water should be properly controlled this season. 4. The temperature is kept between 20-28 degrees Celsius, which is most suitable for the growth of the pearl chlorophytum. The temperature is high in summer. Once the temperature is higher than 30 degrees Celsius, stop watering. In winter, the weather is cold and the temperature is low. To move fleshy potted plants indoors, the temperature should be higher than 5 degrees Celsius.

5, to water the pearl chlorophytum, to take the principle of dry and not wet. The temperature is soft in spring and autumn, so water can be poured once every three or four days. When the temperature is high and low, just water it once a week. When the temperature is high in summer, water will be cut off, because the water quantity is not easy to control.

6. Spring and autumn are the peak season for the growth of chlorophytum, so the fertilization method of thin fertilizer and diligent application should be adopted. You can often spray some nitrogen fertilizer and potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaves, which can make the plants grow stronger and the leaves grow greener.

7. The potted plants of the pearl chlorophytum should be changed every year. A year later, the nutrition in the soil is basically gone, so it is necessary to change the pot for the pearl chlorophytum.

8. In addition, it should be noted that it is appropriate to choose a flowerpot for the pearl chlorophytum. If the flowerpot is too large, there will be too much soil in the pot, and the drainage will be unfavorable, the soil will be too wet, so the pearl chlorophytum will rot.

9. In the process of growth, there are few pests and diseases. If aphids appear in spring, you can spray omethoate in time. If mites appear in summer, dicofol can be sprayed in time, and the concentration of the drug can be configured according to the instructions. The chances of being infected by mites can be reduced by maintaining the pearl chlorophytum at ordinary times, making good ventilation and increasing the humidity of leaves appropriately.