Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Poems describing the flowers of Davidia involucrata

Poems describing the flowers of Davidia involucrata

1. Poems about Davidia involucrata flowers

Poetry about Davidia involucrata 1. There is a poem called "dove flower of Davidia involucrata", which comes from the world of primary school students in the late 1990s.

Dear pigeon

Please tell me.

How far are you from me?

Spring spreads your wings again.

But I don't know.

How far are you from me?

Loneliness is the cicada singing in autumn water.

Yiqing Jules

My patience is sunny and quiet.

But again and again,

I lifted the snow into the air.

At this time, you should run to me happily with your skirt.

Smoke came out of the kitchen in the middle of the mountain

I lit a silver lamp in the twilight.

But I don't know.

How far are you from me?

In the soft light of the sunset glow

That kind of calm

Allow me to stay at the edge of the jungle.

Waiting for a girl in white

Fly away from your branches

2. Hello, everyone. Let me ask you a question. There is a poem called dove flower of Davidia involucrata, which came from the 1990s.

Is this it? Whose nursery rhymes are still floating on the street corner, whose kites are still looking for directions, whose willow buds are still lingering between the fingers, whose straw hats are still swaying in the branches, whose thoughts are still looking at the bridge, whose tears are still pretending to be strong, whose beliefs are still ringing in the ears, and whose heaven is still praying in the distance.

Yellowing photos-I really want to know a general idea of the smell in the air at that time. I still wonder, is it the smell of fresh lemongrass? What color should I use to describe it? Make a cup of hot coffee and take a sip, and a gray feeling suddenly comes to mind.

Whose village was burned by the war, whose cry was accompanied by crying, whose eyes overflowed with angry tears, who stuck to it in the hometown where the war was raging, who risked his life to stop on the battlefield of bullets, who never fell in front of the enemy, who watered the soil with blood, who burned his palm with tears, the sky was crossed by white doves, and the village with smoke curled up was calm, but he could not go back.

I gently stroked these photos and relived the time that belonged to them. My hair is white, and I swear I won't change it.

Wrinkled faces used to be as gorgeous as summer flowers, but the war robbed them of their land, disturbed their happiness and took away their young lives. What's left is an old and hurt heart.

194 1 engraved in my heart.

3. Poems about Sophora japonica and Hawthorn

Sycamore, paulownia, Erythrina, Cycas and Jujube

Datong tree, pepper tree, hawthorn tree, pear tree, juniper tree.

Jujube, Toona sinensis, Catalpa bungeana, pomegranate and persimmon

Gleditsia sinensis, ginkgo biloba, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, mulberry, apricot and cherry trees.

Grape, Davidia involucrata, kapok, Java kapok, bauhinia, bauhinia, yuhua tree, Albizia Albizia, Aralia elata, Magnolia grandiflora, cycad, Pinus bungeana, cherry tree, Populus euphratica apple tree and rubber tree.

Bodhi tree, cycad tree, banyan tree, kapok tree, sour bean tree, coconut tree, phoenix tree.

Pine, willow, cypress, poplar, phoenix tree, banyan, walnut, cinnamon, locust, orange, citrus, peach, pear, plum, loquat, longan, palm, chestnut, olive, lemon,

4. What are the beautiful legends about Davidia involucrata?

According to legend, there was a toast in Baoxing who had only one daughter named Dove.

Fall in love with a farm boy named Hong Tong. Pigeons broke a Hosta into two pieces, one for Davidia involucrata, and the other for themselves to show their longevity.

But the father refused. In order to break his daughter's heart, he sent someone to the deep mountains to kill Davidia involucrata. When the dove learned about it, she fled home in plain clothes and found Davidia involucrata was hurt, crying her eyes out.

Suddenly, a small tree shaped like a Hosta grew in front of the white dove, and in a blink of an eye, it grew into a leafy tree. Knowing that it was Davidia involucrata, the dove threw herself at the tree with open arms. Suddenly, the tree turned into thousands of white and beautiful flowers shaped like doves.

There is also a legend that Zhuo Ma, the daughter of the Tusi who lives in the mountainous area of Jin Jia, will be chosen to marry the son of the leader of the Potala Palace in Tibet. On the morning when she went out to get married, a white pigeon named "Snow Pigeon" she fed suddenly flew to her side to walk with her. Zhuo Ma missed his hometown day and night in Potala Palace. One day three years later, she wrote a letter from home and asked the snow pigeon to send it to her.

Snow pigeons flew to northern Sichuan with a group of little white pigeons, crossed Qian Shan and finally flew to Jin Jia Mountain, Zhuo Ma's hometown, on a cold night. Because it was very tired after a long flight, it stopped on the Davidia involucrata tree. Immediately, it was all frozen on the branches and turned into a beautiful dove flower. I kept nodding and saying hello to those who came to visit. .

5. What are the legends of Davidia involucrata?

1. Once upon a time, there was a king in Libai, Wang Jiazhen. He had only one daughter, Princess Dove, and she loved her very much.

The princess has strange taste. She doesn't like gold, silver, jewels and jade, and she doesn't marry princes and ministers. But she likes riding and shooting very much and pursues masculinity. One day, the princess was hunting in the forest and was entangled in a vicious python.

At a critical juncture, a young hunter named Davidia involucrata cut off the python with a knife and regained the princess's life. The princess admires the wisdom and courage of the young hunter very much.

They fell in love at first sight and swore to each other. The princess took the Hosta from her head and broke it from the middle, each holding half as a token. After the princess returned to the palace, she told her father to propose to her father, Davidia involucrata.

Unexpectedly, he was resolutely opposed by his father and sent a bodyguard Davidia involucrata to die on the mountain overnight. The crying pigeon princess found out.

On a stormy night, she took off her makeup in a luxurious palace, wore a white skirt, stumbled into a closed temple with a wall, and died in the place of Davidia involucrata, with tears streaming down her face. Always crying into blood, red and white accessories.

Suddenly, thunder and lightning, heavy rain, a small tree broke through the ground, like a half-jade girl, and suddenly grew into a towering tree. The princess doesn't feel like a tree flapping her arms.

At present, the rain has stopped, and the thunder can't breathe and can't hear crying. I saw countless white flowers hanging all over the branches. The flower is shaped like a lively and lovely little pigeon, fragrant and beautiful, which reminds people of the sad love story between the princess pigeon and the young Davidia involucrata. Later, people called this tree Davidia involucrata to commemorate this constant lover.

2. It is said that the temple in Baoping Village, Xiawan, Chaoshan was enslaved by Han Dynasty and Hungary, and Khan married it. When she filled the distant morning, she fed the pigeons to call her friends and suddenly flew to her side to travel with her.

At midnight, Miss Zhao Xiang. One day, she wrote a letter and the pigeon sent it to her.

The white dove and a flock of pigeons flew to the south. On a cold night in the mountains, they flew to Chaoshan, Zhaojun's hometown, because they were very tired after a long flight and stopped at Davidia involucrata. Immediately, the whole thing was frozen on the branch and turned into a beautiful white dove flower, nodding and greeting people to visit. 3. In Daliangshan area of Sichuan Province, Yi people say that Davidia involucrata is derived from "Axia" and "Juejue". It is said that a long time ago, there lived a girl named "xia" on Longtou Mountain in Liangshan. She was very handsome, ingenious and especially fond of labor.

At the foot of Liangshan Mountain, there lived a strong young man named Jueshi, who plowed and hunted. They have lived together since childhood, herding sheep during the day, watching the white clouds on the green grass, counting the stars in the night sky and loving each other deeply.

Later, their love was known by the slave owners, who beat Axia to pieces and made her work for the slave owners day and night, and suffered a lot. Later, she was sold to an old slave owner in her sixties.

Xia didn't eat or drink. He threw all the gold and silver jewelry on the ground and tore all the colorful dresses to pieces. After knowing that the slave owner had sold Axia, Juewei went all over Liangshan and asked around. Finally, he found the whereabouts of xia. With his courage and wisdom, he rescued xia and fled to the depths of the virgin forest in the dark, and lived a happy life from then on.

However, the slave owners finally found them and surrounded them. They fought back with their lives, but how could this be the opponent of the old slave owners? So, Asha and Juewei said that they set the house on fire and instantly became a sea of fire. They walked hand in hand into the fire. Damn slave owners also left the bodies on both sides of the Meigu River.

After many years, a tall and big tree grew in this place, and a flock of pigeons flew in from the place where xia and the delicious food were buried. Davidia involucrata has been spreading in Liangshan.

6. Appreciation of poems in Fanjingshan, my hometown.

When you talk about poetry, you must talk about Du Li. When it comes to mountains, we must mention the five mountains. How many people know that there is no other height except the Five Mountains?

Mountains, if every mountain is a poet, my hometown Fan Jing can be called Li Taibai among the mountains. All these are well known.

You know, Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty once called it "the famous Yue Zong".

Ask the world, which mountain is as magnificent as him,

Unpredictable strangeness, elegant and unrestrained, handsome and charming, four flavors, dissolved into one.

Fan Jing is the main peak of the Wuling Mountains, 800 miles away in Fiona Fang. The mountain wall is steep and the peaks are towering. If the mountains are raging,

The ups and downs of Fan Jingshan are like a galloping horse, and look like some drunken old people, leaning tightly and falling asleep.

I don't know that tens of millions of years have passed and no one has awakened their dreams. Speaking of Fan Jing scenery, we have to mention mushrooms in the mountains.

Mushroom stone, the thousands of books on the cliff, points to the hongyun Jinding in the sky, the magical and magnificent Fan Jing Buddha Light and the Tianxian Bridge.

Mushroom stone is a symbol of Fan Jingshan, and its form of emphasizing the top and neglecting the bottom is always worrying, but it still stands for thousands of years.

The posture is flying, and the wind and thunder are not moving. In thousands of books, huge stones have been carved into layers of stone chips due to wind and rain erosion.

The appearance of piles, such as cliffs, falling rocks and thousands of layers, is like thousands of books. The new jinding goes straight into the sky, and the lonely peak stands upright, from

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it takes 8,000 steps. People without perseverance can't climb it, which is different from the "ape desire" in Difficult Shu Dao.

Compared with climbing a mountain, it is even worse. Jinding is divided into two parts, with Jindaoxia in the middle, and the two peaks look forward to the Millennium.

Don't quarrel with each other and enjoy the fireworks. There are two temples above Jinding, with Sakyamuni on the left and Maitreya on the right, such as

When you look from above, there are forests and mountains all over the mountains, and the fog that has not dispersed before is wrapped like elegant silk.

At its waist, the climate in the mountains changes greatly, sometimes the eyes are bright, sometimes it is foggy and rainy, and the Buddha's shadow changes.

If there seems to be light, look up at the rooftop, the peak is shrouded in clouds, like a ribbon falling from the clouds, and tourists are weaving.

White spots, scattered on the ribbon, Tianxian Bridge, connecting Jinding Temple, crossing Jindao Gorge, the terrain is dangerous.

Yes, Fan Jingshan has different scenery, which is ingenious.

Eighty-one streams in Fan Jing meander in the mountains, which are smart and beautiful. It is accompanied by a crisp sound.

Sympathize with the tourists along the way, and set off this hot land that gave birth to spring flowers and autumn fruits with vivid dances. Some come from the top of the mountain.

Falling from the sky, like a silver thread that never ends, gurgles and sings; Some along the ravine, and jade flowers.

Splash; Some are as quiet as virgins, making a silent flow. These streams make up the green Fanjing Mountain.

Be inspired. Fan Jing is a member of the United Nations global "Man and Biological Garden" protection network, and Guizhou golden monkey is one of them.

And Davidia involucrata are the most famous. The mountains are full of azaleas, each of which is ethereal and subtle, picturesque and beautiful.

Win a bumper harvest; Davidia involucrata is in bloom, a tree is full of flowers, like a flock of pigeons perched on the branches, with lovely wings, and the mountain wind blows like a hundred flowers blooming.

Ten thousand white doves dance together, fragrant and mellow;

Ziwei falling from the sky is green and tall, and the wind blows the trees. It is "midsummer green"

Covering your eyes, this bonus is full of praise. The flowers in Fan Jing are different in four seasons, just like Tao Yuanming's "There are no miscellaneous trees in the middle,

Delicious grass and colorful English beautiful scenery. Perhaps these animals and plants are the real masters of Fan Jing. For thousands of years,

It is endless here, because of their existence, Fan Jing has the taste of fairy mirrors. Looking at the lovely golden monkey in the forest

Cheerful jumping, like a giant salamander swimming in clear water; The dove-shaped Davidia involucrata flower is white in Shan Ye.

Open them and live happily and freely in Fan Jingshan. With them, Fan Jingshan is alive.

An immortal mountain full of fireworks and life.

The residents here have little contact with the outside world, and the feudal thoughts in remote areas reflect the people in this land.

The folk customs of this nation are rough, simple, warm and simple, which makes people discover the close relationship between man and nature.

Appreciate a kind of rural feelings full of primitive vitality, where green mountains are surrounded by water and the climate is pleasant. For hundreds of years, he

Children have lived and worked here for generations, enjoying the pastoral taste and the beautiful scenery of this paradise.

Fan Jing is really like Tao Yuanming's Peach Blossom Garden. It is a fairyland on earth and a paradise. If anyone asks.

Where is the real birthplace of my Peach Blossom Garden?

I will definitely answer him without hesitation: My hometown is Fan Jing.

7. What is the plant morphology of Davidia involucrata?

Davidia involucrata, belonging to deciduous arbor family, is known as Davidia involucrata and belongs to rare plants. Its leaves are roughly oval and bloom in late spring and early summer. Flowers are strange. Milky bracts grow in pairs at the base of inflorescence, just like the wings of pigeons.

When it is in full bloom, it is like a full number of white pigeons, which is very beautiful and spectacular. Davidia involucrata bract leaves hold a spherical head, which is a beautiful female flower gathered by many male flowers. It is purple in color and looks like a pigeon head.

In the flower season, they are like countless pigeons representing peace, perching on the branches, the breeze blowing, the flowers shaking, and their posture moving. Davidia involucrata's flowers are white, just like white pigeons, so it is also called dove tree. The flowering period of Davidia involucrata can last for one month. In late spring and early summer, Davidia involucrata blooms, and its color changes from germination to flowering to withering. This number of flowers is in full bloom for the second time, and it is colorful. Because of this special spectacle, there is a "tree spectacle"