Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Wei Zi Yoga Tour

Wei Zi Yoga Tour

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Why choose yoga?

In yoga class, the teacher told a story.

A frustrated lady saw the leaflet of the yoga studio and experienced a class with a try attitude. After the experience, she did not hesitate to report to the class and practiced for a while. At the beginning, her reticence and listlessness disappeared, and the whole person was radiant, lively and cheerful.

Someone asked her why she chose yoga and signed up for a class in this yoga studio. Only then did she tell the reason: "When I was lying on the mat to relax, the teacher gently pulled the blanket cover off my feet and helped me tuck my shoulders in, making me feel taken care of and cared for."

This reminds me of a movie "Food, Prayer and Love", starring Julia Roberts and adapted from elizabeth gilbert's autobiographical novel "Be a Girl for Life".

The protagonist also experienced emotional difficulties and embarked on a new journey of finding himself.

In India, she came into contact with yoga, found peace and tranquility in meditation and prayer, and found the value and meaning of life.

There always seems to be an opportunity in life for you to meet someone or something. Some people say it's cause and effect, others say it's fate.

Last year, I experienced a small turning point in my life. The change in my familiarity with the situation makes me inexplicably flustered. I always want to find something to keep myself busy. It was at this time that I met Xu Jie Yoga.

In the film, the protagonist Liz stood at the top of the Italian church and told a joke:

Some people say that if a person wants to change himself but doesn't even buy a ticket, God can't give you inspiration. If you want to know the answer to life and who you are, you can't stay where you are.

You must start before you arrive.

The first time I took a yoga class, when the students introduced themselves, I said, "I believe yoga can open a new world for me."

The journey of self-exploration has begun.


What does yoga bring?

Freedom under self-discipline

I set myself the goal of practicing in large classes at least three times a week. Later, because I added swimming, I adjusted it to twice a week. Except for special circumstances (business trip, physical discomfort, temporary emergencies), the practice has basically maintained this frequency since last year.

Someone asked me, where did you get the time to do this?

This reminds me of a classic love metaphor: if a boy loves this girl very much, no matter what happens, he will always try to satisfy this girl. But if not, when a girl wants to see him, the answer is usually: I am busy.

In the same way, I feel that I don't have time, actually because I don't really "love". When you have a high interest and desire for something, there are always 10,000 ways to achieve it.

Body consciousness

Some time ago, I suddenly had a backache, that is, I was sitting in a chair and suddenly I couldn't stand up because of the pain. I went to the hospital for examination, and the doctor said it was lumbar muscle strain.

My mother laughed at me: I didn't have any lumbar muscle strain at your age. These are all senile diseases that will occur after the age of 50.

But the fact is that the problems of lumbar vertebrae and cervical vertebrae are becoming more and more common and younger.

Now we sit too long every day. I made a rough calculation. Except for working 8 hours a day and occasionally working overtime, Ge You basically lies at home, sitting for more than ten hours.

In yoga class, the teacher told us that illness is a gift of life, an opportunity to reflect and adjust ourselves, and the beginning of change.

I'm impressed. This low back pain was a wake-up call, which made me pay attention to my body, adjust my incorrect posture through yoga, and gradually learn to bring this consciousness into my life.

There are some difficulties at first, and the force of inertia will always drag you, but slowly, the consciousness of the body will be established and consciously adjusted.

A sense of control in life

I was on a business trip last week and didn't sleep well for several days. Fly back to Lanzhou on Friday morning, get together with friends at night, and lie down until morning 1.

I thought I was very tired when I turned around, and then I had to take a yoga class for two days, so I might not be able to hold on. Who knows that I woke up naturally at 6 o'clock the next morning, and finished class on weekends, which was seamlessly connected with Monday's working day, but I didn't feel tired at all.

Compared with the state that I just want to lie in bed after work the day before, I have no strength to talk to my family. I don't want to go anywhere except to sleep at home on weekends. I feel that my energy is really recovering quickly now.

Teacher Fan Deng once talked about a book that taught how to run. Its name was Control. At first, I thought it was strange. What does running have to do with controlling my life?

Now I understand, as the book says, the meaning of exercise itself is not to be thin and beautiful, but to make yourself energetic, to be comfortable in high-intensity work, and to have energy to enjoy life after work.

The friends around me planted grass and ran to enroll in the course. In fact, no matter what form of exercise, finding the right one and choosing the right method will bring changes and progress to the body.

03? Why choose teaching and training?

In the book The Great Gatsby, the author wrote at the beginning: "When I was very young, my father told me never to judge a person easily, because you don't know what he has experienced."

One of the eight methods of yoga is to observe precepts, and one of them is about the principle of non-violence, which means not to intentionally harm any life with thoughts, words and actions, which is the same as Gatsby's statement.

I remember a little thing in the training class. Once, two people practiced with each other. A girl and I are partners. First, she listens to the teacher's instructions to learn and adjust, and then I cooperate with the movements. The second time, the two sides exchanged.

When it was my turn to assist in the adjustment, I forgot one of the movements. She said impatiently to me, "well, I'll do it myself, so leave it alone." I reminded her that pairing work is to guide and learn from each other. As a result, she asked me loudly, "Why don't you listen when the teacher is talking?"

I was very angry at that time, and a long sentence floated in my mind. I want to tell her that her movements are not standard, and my nails hurt my shoulders when I adjusted them. I even want to say that everyone is here to study, so it is best to learn to be a man before doing things.

I'm glad I didn't say anything at that time, but asked the teacher the correct adjustment method. I am also very grateful to the friends I met during the training for their guidance and tolerance.

Teacher Fan Deng once told a story about his personal experience. Once he passed the security check, the little girl's attitude was particularly bad, and he was also very angry. Just when he was about to get angry, he suddenly realized that it was his self, so he reminded himself to keep mindfulness and try to understand each other.

Philosophy in the world is basically the same. In the book The Second Flower Blossom, spiritual tutor Shiarongbo Kampo said: "If we really think of others, we must first be self-disciplined. The so-called open mind means not strengthening the negative cognition of events and emotions, and not making up stories in your mind to exaggerate and aggravate your feelings. The existence of negative emotions means the lack of happiness. "

This is the charm of yoga. Yoga is not only a physical exercise, but also a spiritual practice. Through teaching and training, we can systematically learn these knowledge and have a macro understanding of yoga.

04? What is the meaning of life?

I once read a short story. A hotel invited two groups of hotel service experts to evaluate the service level of hotel front desk staff. The scene is midnight, guests check in, the front desk service personnel chat with the guests, and go through the formalities for the guests according to the normal check-in process.

A group of experts commented that this front desk is excellent, warm and thoughtful, and chatting with guests makes them feel at home.

Another group of experts said that this front desk is terrible. It's so late, still chatting with guests? Doesn't he know that the guests are tired? !

In yoga class, the teacher said that the world is a reflection of the heart, and what kind of glasses you wear will see the world.

Your ability determines what kind of life you will lead. Only by continuous improvement will you get closer to your ideal state and truly understand the meaning of life.

Just like the protagonist in Food, Prayer and Love, she finally realized that if you take all your experiences as inspiration and all the people you meet as life mentors, the most important thing is that when you are ready to face and forgive yourself the unpleasant part, then you can know the truth of life.

One afternoon, inadvertently, I saw the long-awaited life solution book in the yoga studio.

Meditate in my heart, what kind of life will I have? Open the page solemnly.

The answer jumped to the page.

There is no incurable pain, no endless sinking, and all the lost things will come back in another way.

In Sanskrit, yoga means connection, a way of exercise and a philosophy. It is the connection between body and mind, with self, with others, with the universe, with everything in the world.

Now, start yoga. Atha yoganusasanam