Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What is the impact of community greening on residents? Composition

What is the impact of community greening on residents? Composition

Today, with the expansion of urban population, people are exhausted by various external pressures and need to find a comfortable living environment to adjust their body and mind. Landscape architects should attach great importance to the two related issues of human settlement and people gathering, and the greening of residential quarters directly affects the quality of common life. When considering people's health and quality of life, we should carry out ecological design on the greening of residential quarters to make people more harmonious with nature and closer to nature. And the plants in the design try to purify the air, beautify the environment and regulate the body and mind. Key words: sustainable development of ecological landscaping in residential areas With the increase of world population, the phenomena of resource shortage, serious pollution and environmental deterioration appear immediately and become more and more serious. Modern people who live and develop in this environment are exhausted physically and mentally. Therefore, modern people are more eager for nature than ever before and hope to live in an environment close to nature. Under this psychological effect, people pay more and more attention to the greening of urban communities. First, the trend of urban landscaping 1, the idea of "people-oriented" As the living environment of urban residential areas, the first thing to understand is the requirements of residents in residential areas, that is, the greening and beautification of residential areas should maximize the consideration of residents' life and leisure requirements. The improvement of the quality of life demanded by modern people revolves around material life and spiritual life. Today, when material life is satisfied and spiritual life is gradually enriched, people will pursue a healthier and more friendly environment. In the greening of residential areas, we should not only consider the elements of beauty, but also fully consider the needs of the main people in residential areas. Only by understanding this demand, and then starting from this demand, we can design and carry out the necessary beauty treatment, so as to achieve the effect of satisfying the residents. For a residential district design that can meet the practical and aesthetic principles, we should take the idea of "people-oriented" as the ideological basis, people-oriented, comprehensively consider from the orientation of people, and at the same time achieve harmony between man and nature. The harmonious development between man and nature is a trend of urban development today, which is correct now and for a long time to come. 2. Adhere to the development direction of "sustainable development" of ecological gardens. Since the18th century, all countries in the world have taken the degree of industrialization as the standard to measure their economic strength, that is, "the pursuit of gdp growth is the only goal and motivation to build a strong country". Under the guidance of these concepts, human beings have caused endless damage to nature. However, mankind soon saw its negative impact on the world. 1972 adopted the Declaration on the Human Environment. In 1982 Our Common Future, the concept of sustainable development was clearly put forward for the first time: "It not only meets the needs of contemporary people, but also does not harm the development of future generations' ability to meet needs. The theory of "sustainable development" has attracted great attention from all walks of life, and the direct expression used to guide the greening of urban residential areas is the emergence of green landscape in ecological residential areas. According to the principles and methods of landscape ecology, the spatial structure of landscape elements such as corridors, mosaics and substrates should be rationally planned, so that their spatial distribution is reasonable and information flow, logistics and energy can be smoothly communicated. Landscape not only conforms to ecological principles, but also has certain aesthetic value, which is suitable for human settlements. 3. Health concept of residential quarters In 2002, Zero Survey Company conducted a market survey in the whole country: "What do you want most?" More than 70% of the respondents chose "health", which shows that modern people pay more attention to health than ever before. According to the World Health Organization's definition of health: "Health means that people are in a completely good state physically, mentally and socially. "It is difficult to stay healthy under the current huge work pressure, monotonous life content and complicated interpersonal relationships. Therefore, designers who attach importance to environmental issues should strive to create a living environment more suitable for modern people, get out of the simple pursuit of artistic form and vision, and pay attention to the regulatory role of ecology on people's body and mind. Introduce nature into residential areas and every resident, and provide a good living environment for people through comprehensive consideration, scientific demonstration and reasonable planning with the theories of landscape, behavior, ecology and aesthetics. Second, the space problem of greening in modern residential areas 1. Make full use of space and expand the green area. When the residential area is afforested, the standard of afforested area is stipulated. The greening rate of residential areas should be greater than 35%, while the greening rate of green space itself should be greater than 70%. In other words, the hard landscape in green space, including roads, floors, architectural sketches, fountains and sculptures, can only be controlled within 30%, and this figure. Although the greening quality of a residential area can not be reflected by simple figures, designers must seriously think about it in order to have more greening area. With the improvement of living standards, cars will eventually become people's means of transportation, and garages must be built for residents' cars. In design, the garage can be turned into underground or a three-dimensional parking lot, which has several advantages: one is to reduce noise, and the other is to increase traffic safety. Through this design, the limited non-renewable land in the community can be used for greening outdoor activities to the maximum extent, which is more in line with the requirements of modern community design. In the planning and design of residential buildings, the bearing capacity and leakage prevention of roof greening should be considered. The house designed in this way can green the roof and walls according to the actual situation, achieve the six-sided greening effect of the space, improve the living environment to the maximum extent, and make the residents closer to nature. For example, Riverside Garden, one of the five luxury houses in Shanghai, has formed a complete green chain of roof greening, vertical greening, indoor greening and ground greening, and has become the representative of Suzhou Riverside Green Belt. Because the relative floors of the current houses are relatively high, when overlooking the greening of the community, we should not only consider the residents on the low floors, but also consider the landscape feelings of these residents on the middle and high floors. Therefore, designers should give full consideration to the sense of overlooking of residents with higher floors when greening and beautifying residential areas. 2, the transformation of the original state of the community Now, at the beginning of construction, some communities generally only conduct a preliminary investigation of the terrain and then flatten the land, and then build and afforest on the flat land. This completely destroyed the original local characteristics. At the beginning of community construction, we should fully examine its present situation. During the construction period, the local natural relics and ancient and famous trees should be properly protected and utilized. Because natural relics and ancient and famous trees are symbols of historical and cultural accumulation, under conscious protection, they can reflect the cultural atmosphere of a residential area and show the characteristics of the residential area, which is conducive to improving the ecological awareness of residents. 3. Design of outdoor space such as landscape roads, sculptures and fitness facilities in residential green space. When designing landscape roads, sculptures and fitness facilities, we must comprehensively consider the scale of buildings, landscape sketches and trees and quantify them reasonably. Everyone needs a moderate outdoor space. While increasing the green area as much as possible, we should consider everyone's participation in the garden. Because the green space without human participation and perception is pale, meaningless and tasteless. The green space in residential areas needs to be public, open and participatory. In order to meet this demand, residents should gather in the green space of residential areas as much as possible, that is, the issues of "human settlement" and "people gathering" that are often discussed now. The reasonable layout of outdoor space such as landscape roads and fitness facilities in green space is the need of "gathering people". Third, the choice of plants in residential areas 1, respect for residents' preferences When choosing green vegetation in residential areas, we must pay attention to residents' preferences and choose plants that residents like to see and hear. Only the choice of plants that meet residents' preferences can make the greening of the community have affinity and give residents a sense of identity. For example, planting rows of pines and cypresses in the community looks very dense. On the surface, it looks very green, but in people's subconscious, such an environment will feel like a cemetery, rejected by residents, and can not achieve the desired results. This is not to say that people have no sense of identity with pine and cypress, and pine and cypress can not be used for greening and beautifying the community, but that people will feel disgusted with similar things because they hate certain things. Planting pine and cypress alone in the greening of residential areas, as a key landscape, can also play a good garden expression effect. 2. The application of trees as the backbone of greening in residential areas is mainly considered from two aspects: ecology and landscaping. Because the absolute area of the tree crown is large, it can produce more oxygen and absorb more waste gas and harmful gas in community greening, so the application of trees in the community is more conducive to the health of residents. In the selection of tree species, the ratio of deciduous trees to evergreen trees in the whole plot is generally around 1: 1-2. Because the more primitive deciduous trees are, the more charming their branches and leaves are, and they have the most beautiful colors, shapes, seasons and verve, so they can best reflect the seasonal changes of the garden and make the community different all year round; Evergreen trees can give people the artistic conception of four seasons like spring. When designing the greening of residential areas, we should make reasonable arrangements and choices according to the design intent. In the choice of trees, there should not be too many trees in a community, and too many trees will be chaotic. Generally, 2-3 main tree species and 3-4 auxiliary tree species will be selected. Don't plant trees too close to residents' windows, especially north-south windows. Trees should not be planted 6 meters outside the south window. 3. The choice of health plants is based on the health requirements of modern residents. Non-toxic trees and shrubs must be selected for greening residential areas, and medicinal, health-care and aromatic plants with beautiful appearance, fast growth and extensive management should be selected for greening residential areas, which is not only beneficial to human health, but also can regulate body and mind and beautify the environment. Trees, shrubs and flowers such as Cinnamomum camphora, Ginkgo biloba, Cedar, Cypress, Podocarpus, Cedar, Loquat, Ficus carica, Michelia, Peony, Ophiopogon japonicus, Hemerocallis, Hosta, Iris, Reineckea carnea, Belamcanda, and Chrysanthemum indicum. While giving priority to healthy plants, we should also pay attention to plants with longer flowering period and better leaf color, such as Malus pendula, Malus carica, Bauhinia, Eucommia ulmoides, Sakura, Germany, Snowflake, Huangxin, Admiralty, Yingchun, Tang Di, Wei Zi, Jinsimei, Gardenia, Osmanthus fragrans, Acer negundo, Chimonanthus praecox and so on. Fourth, the allocation of plants in urban residential quarters 1, the allocation of plants should be hierarchical, pay attention to color blocks. When arranging plants in residential quarters, we should also pay attention to their hierarchical collocation. Using the mixture of arbor, shrub and ground cover, four levels of high, middle, low and ground cover are configured to divide and connect the space, and the space has a more natural rhythm through each level. In this level of collocation, it should be noted that the proportion of trees and shrubs is about 1: 3-6, the lawn area (except the projection range of trees and shrubs) is not higher than 30% of the green area, and the diversity of plant species should be paid attention to. While paying attention to the use of color block combination, the community should completely abandon the misunderstanding of large color block landscaping in the past. However, the treatment of color blocks still plays an important role in gardens. When the color blocks are arranged, the colors are concise and bright, and various figures and patterns can be made at will according to the requirements of designers; The pattern shape of color blocks can achieve the fastest molding effect and meet the requirements of rapid greening and beautification; Maintenance is relatively simple, and good greening effect can be achieved only by frequent intermittent pruning after one molding; As long as the color-leafed tree species are reasonably selected, the color blocks can be basically unchanged in all seasons. More importantly, the design of the color blocks is more in line with the aesthetic concept of modern people, especially in European architectural communities, and the environment is more harmonious; It is easy to make people feel that the environment is neat and orderly, with a strong modern atmosphere. Reasonable use of color blocks can attract people's attention to the greatest extent. At present, the common color block combinations are: the red block is red Berberis and red maple; The green blocks are Euonymus japonicus, Euonymus japonicus, Euonymus japonicus and Rhododendron; Yellow blocks include Ligustrum lucidum, golden coral and boxwood in Phnom Penh; There are also red and green grass, snow chrysanthemum and other herbal flowers. 2. Master flowering foliage plants in the season. " Spring blossoms early, summer shade is cool, autumn is changeable, and winter green is not depressed. "This poem tells the seasonal changes and the most direct requirements for residential design: flowers should be kept in three seasons and evergreen all the year round. In addition, pay attention to the overall small tone change. In the collocation of colored tree species, you can use some tree species with large color contrast, which can make the greening of the community more vivid. 3. Make up for the shortage of woody plants with herbaceous flowers. Although the management of herbaceous flowers in application is cumbersome, it is relatively easier to control and easily become a landscaping element. We must consider the color, pattern, crown width, shape and height, plant life and growth potential of the plants in the community to achieve mutual coordination. For the design of each combination, we should also consider the relationship between the surrounding exposed ground, lawn, pool, ground and other combinations. 4. Main tone and main scene Each garden has a theme, and each garden must also have a visual focus. This is what we call the main view of this garden. For the design of urban residential areas, it is impossible to ignore the configuration of its focus scenery, which can be waterscape, rock landscape or plant landscaping. As long as it can be in harmony with the environment, what can be recognized by the residents of the community is excellent. What is worth mentioning here is the main tone of the community. Today's garden is not empty, rash and devoid of content. Modern garden itself is an idea and a kind of cultural existence. While respecting this existence, we must understand the role of the main tone in the garden, and set the tone to create the garden atmosphere of the community and express the theme.

Misunderstandings in greening planning

Greening is a living urban infrastructure, and its growth characteristics determine its position in community planning. Plants that like sunshine and shade, plants that like drought and humidity, and plants that are afraid of wind and water should all have their own places, that is, planting places suitable for their own growth and development.

At present, some developers often lack overall consideration in planning residential areas, favor one over the other, build thick houses and green the environment, resulting in some new problems:

First, topographic design and residential design are not synchronized. Unreasonable terrain not only destroys the landscape and affects privacy, but also cannot meet the functional requirements of natural drainage;

Secondly, the planting position of evergreen trees is too close to houses, which will affect the ventilation, lighting and safety of residents after growing into big trees;

Third, plants that like sunshine are planted in the shade, plants that like drought are planted in low-lying areas, and plants that are afraid of wind are planted in the tuyere, so that seedlings can not stand the adverse cultivation and "die";

Fourth, in order to pursue the effect of selling houses, the planting density of seedlings is too high, and plants wither and rot due to lack of growth space and light nutrients. Therefore, when planning the residential area plan, we should first establish the position of greening in the development of residential areas, and at the same time consider the characteristics and needs of environment and architecture, housing and greening to avoid unnecessary losses.

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