Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - When does Machilus microphylla bloom?

When does Machilus microphylla bloom?

Machilus microphylla blooms from June to August, with terminal or axillary cymes, white flowers, about 4 mm in diameter, inverted conical calyx, short lobes, small petals and falling off one by one. Machilus microphylla will consume more nutrients during flowering, so it is necessary to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers before flowering, properly water the soil, and control watering during flowering.

Flowering time of Machilus microphylla

Machilus microphylla has strong adaptability to the environment. It is planted in hilly shrubs or forest margins and distributed in Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang. The flowering period is from June to August, and sufficient light should be provided during the maintenance period. If the environment is dark, it will affect the flowering time.

Flower language of Machilus microphylla and its implication

Ye Nan Jr. symbolizes the beauty in life, and can represent every bit of beauty in life. When cultivating and maintaining, you can choose potted plants and put them at home to express your wishes and yearning for a better life. It is an evergreen plant with green leaves all the year round. It can also decorate your home and beautify the indoor environment. It is suitable for giving to friends.

Flowering appearance of Machilus microphylla

Machilus microphylla is a shrub or small tree, with a height of 0.5-5 meters, many branches, opposite leaves, oval, obovate or narrowly obovate, terminal or axillary cymes, white flowers, about 4 mm in diameter, inverted conical calyx, short lobes, 4 small petals, falling off one by one.

Key points of planting and flowering of Machilus microphylla

1, Runnan Xiaoye likes sunny environment and is suitable for maintenance in sunny places, but it is not resistant to strong light in summer and needs proper shading, so that leaves and flowers will not be burned, but the maintenance environment should not be too dark.

2. Small Ye Nan is suitable for planting in fertile soil with good drainage, and the pH value of potted soil should be kept at 5-6. Pot soil should always be moist, and there is no shortage of water at ordinary times. When there is water shortage, branches will fall off and the whole pile will die, so watering should be controlled at low temperature.

3. Although Machilus microphylla likes fertilizer, it can't apply concentrated fertilizer to prevent the root system from falling off at high concentration. According to the growth status of plants, apply organic fertilizer once a month for half a month or during the growing period, apply dilute fertilizer frequently, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, and supplement water trace elements.

4. Little Ye Nan will consume more nutrients during flowering, so it is necessary to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers before flowering, properly water the soil to keep moisture, do not apply fertilizer during flowering, control watering, and trim the residual flowers and litter in time after flowering.