Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - A complete collection of rooster details

A complete collection of rooster details

Cocks and poultry have many varieties, short wings and can't fly high; Crows can announce the dawn.

The rooster is the national bird of France, because it is brave, tenacious and aggressive.

Basic introduction Chinese name: Cock nickname: Cock kingdom: Animal kingdom: Chordata subfamily: Vertebrate subfamily: Bird subfamily: Chicken family: Pheasant genus: domestic chicken species: domestic chicken represents: French national bird meaning: brave, tenacious, aggressive characteristics: short wings, can't fly high; Rooster overview, feeding management, weight and feed, mixing, physical condition evaluation, effective rooster and male-female ratio, supplementary nutrition, good management of spare pens, chicken raising methods, influencing factors of rooster reproductive performance, environmental factors, energy and protein, vitamins, trace elements, rooster legend, rooster overview Rooster is the head of a rooster, which plays the role of attracting chickens and sowing seeds. Some cocks are fierce and will attack other animals or humans. When the cock's head mates, the cock rides on the hen's back and is fertilized. Although the eggs laid by a refined hen can hatch chicks, it does not mean that the eggs are the crystallization of the two, and pregnant hens will also lay eggs. The reproductive system of chicken is different from that of viviparous mammals. The cock's testicles and epididymis are in the abdominal cavity, the mating organ is a degenerate reproductive process, and the head is a long cone. * * * can live for 24 days in the oviduct gland fossa of hens, and has fertilization ability. China rooster rooster hens can ovulate every 25 hours or so, only the left ovary and fallopian tube develop, and the fertilized eggs will stop developing if they fail to reach the critical hatching degree (24℃) after being discharged from the hens. The reproductive system of rooster consists of testis, epididymis, vas deferens and mating apparatus. What artificial insemination personnel need to know most is the structure of rooster mating organs. A rooster has no organ like a mammal, but it has a copulatory organ consisting of nipple, glandular duct, lymph node. The copulatory organ is located on the ventral side of cloaca, and it is always hidden in cloaca. During sexual excitement, the glandular ducts, * * and lymphatic vessels in the lymphatic fold communicate with each other, and the lymphatic fold becomes upright, and lymph flows into the body of * * * to expand it, forming a deep longitudinal groove at the midline. The central white body at the front end of the midline also protrudes forward because of the inflow of lymph, and the whole * * * is self-expanding. Feeding management weight and feed 1 weight must reach the standard within 2~4 weeks. It is suggested to start feeding 1 4 ~15g at the age of/kloc-0, and then increase the feeding amount by 3g every day, and stop feeding every day after 55 ~ 60g. The early weight must reach the standard, and those who fail to meet the standard shall not adopt the feeding method without feeding day, so as not to reduce the feed conversion rate. We should extend the light time to let the chickens eat more. It is suggested that/kloc-0 should be used for 24 hours a day, 23 hours for 2-4 days, 20-22 hours for 5-7 days, and 20 hours for 8-1 4 days. From the second week, the illumination time should be gradually reduced to 24-25 days and 8 hours, and it will remain unchanged until the light is added. The specific lighting management should be decided according to the actual weight of the rooster, because the weight determines the amount of materials, and the amount of materials determines the lighting time. The feed powder rate should be well controlled, the particles must reach 85%, and the service time of brooding material can be appropriately extended according to the weight. 2. The body weight during the growth period should reach the standard at the end of 6 weeks, preferably exceeding 100 ~ 200g, at least exceeding 50 ~ 100g, and exceeding 50g when 14 weeks old. In this way, the actual amount of materials in the early stage exceeded the standard, with 5~ 10 weeks being equal to the standard, 10~20 weeks being slightly lower than the standard amount, and 20~24 weeks being equal to the standard. At 24 weeks, the base feed was 125~ 127 g. The relationship between tibia length and bone development. As we know, the development of bones and tibia has been completed by 50% in 28~35 days, and by 80~95 days, it has been completed by 90%. In this way, the length of tibia represents the degree of bone development, and the length of tibia is positively correlated with fertilization rate. The longer the tibia, the higher the fertilization rate. Generally, the tibia difference is 1 cm, and the fertilization rate difference is 10%. Under normal conditions, the tibia length of 1 day-old chicks is 3.2 cm, and the tibia increases by 5. 1 cm at 5 weeks, by 4.2 cm at 6- 12 weeks, and by 13-2 1 week (9 weeks). Therefore, the body weight is not increased at 2-4 weeks. Generally speaking, roosters mature earlier than hens and should be gradually integrated. Immature cocks cannot mate with sexually mature hens. It is suggested that the weight ratio of male to female is1.1~1.5:1. When mixing groups, the whole group should be weighed to ensure that the weight difference of a single cock is less than 250 grams. The ratio of male to female is 15% when entering the house, and 14% when mixing groups. If the rooster reaches 75% uniformity, then the male-female ratio is 14%×0.75= 10.5%, and the uniformity is above 85%, so the selection range is wider. Three measures to ensure the weight range are: increasing the proportion of men and women, increasing the selection pressure and improving the uniformity, and dividing the whole group into three grades. Physical condition evaluation 1 evaluation items There are nine items that need to be evaluated when evaluating the physical condition of roosters: digital recording of weight and tibia length; Score of pectoral muscle, foot pad and cloaca1~ 3; Divide beak, feather, crown and face. 2 classification standards should be determined according to the actual situation, and regularly observe its changing trend. Once the abnormality is found, it is necessary to find out the reason in time, solve the practical problems in production as soon as possible, and avoid the irreversible influence on the rooster. Cock cloacal score 3 is positively correlated with white face 100%; 3 points of pectoral muscle is related to weight and short tibia; Foot pads are related to padding and online stores; A bad cock, the color of its head will not become lighter, mainly because once its face turns pink, it will not work; A cock with plump feathers is heavy and its cloaca will not be good. In order to prevent cock differentiation, we should always observe the face, chest muscles and feathers of chickens. Once the cloaca atrophy is found, it is too late. 3 The evaluation frequency is 10 times, and the beak condition is checked at 5 weeks and 10 weeks respectively, the bone development is completed at 12 weeks, and the mixed group of 2 1 week is sexually mature at 25 weeks, mature at 30 weeks, the hatching rate peaks at 36 weeks, and the laying period at 40, 50 and 60 weeks. The above-mentioned 10 periodic evaluation should be combined with weekly inspection to make a favorable evaluation plan. 4 evaluation points in different periods 1 ~ 40 weeks, weighing every two weeks in 3 1 ~ 64 weeks; The pectoral muscle and broken beak were evaluated from 10 week; The tibia length was measured at 5 weeks, 12 weeks and 2 1 week. 2~3 days after brooding to eliminate the management mat; Cloaca is evaluated from the laying period; Check the main wing feathers of roosters during the growth period, and check the wing feathers and leg feathers during the laying period; Pay attention to the change of comb color when adding light; There is an absolute positive correlation between facial color change and cloaca score. A valid rooster, the male-female ratio is 1. In order to ensure the rooster to be effective, we must first control the uniformity of growth period, the weight difference in mixed groups and the weight differentiation in laying period. Then avoid the problem of the foot pad: keep the foot pad dry and soft, there is no chicken manure on the shelf, reduce mechanical trauma, and try not to disinfect the chicken, especially aldehyde disinfectants will cause great corrosion to the foot pad. In addition, cocks whose face has just become shallow and whose cloaca is less than 2 points should be supplemented in time. 2 When mixing (22~24 weeks), the ratio of male to female should be kept at 9.5%~ 10.5%. With the increase of age, the ratio of male to female will decrease by 0.25%~0.5% every 5 weeks, and will decrease to 7%~9% after 50 weeks of elimination. Feeding eggs with supplementary nutrition 1 All cocks need to feed eggs after 40 weeks. It is suggested to stop feeding for 3 days, and the unqualified eggs should be cooked, shelled and crushed and put into the feed. Every 3 cocks should be fed 1 egg, and the feeding amount will not be reduced during the feeding period. 2. Adding cod liver oil powder: After 45 weeks of age, cod liver oil powder (1000g containing vitamin A1500-8 million international units) can be added to rooster feed, and the recommended dosage is: 40-50 weeks of age1000g product mixed feed, 750kg1000g. Manage the spare fence 1. When there is a spare fence at the end of the henhouse, about 10.5% of the cocks will mix in. After several weeks of breeding, chicks will be picked out one after another, accounting for about 0.5%, and the daily feed is 20%~30% higher than that of large groups, including eggs or cod liver oil. After 7~ 10 days, you must return to the big group. 2. Feeding the fenced cocks kept the division of growth period after mixing. There are about 4-5 fences in each henhouse. According to the daily assessment, about 5 chickens are selected twice a week, and each chicken is fed with 65,438+000-65,438+020 g (young), and immediately put into a large group after feeding every day. Take mass feeding 135g as an example. The first feeding is135+135× 20% =162g, and the second feeding is135+100&; #247; 7× 2 = 163g。 The above two methods have achieved ideal results. The method of raising chickens is usually suitable for free range, not only in mountainous areas and orchards, but also in dry fields. Because the growth period of crops is short, chickens should be raised in farmland, and they should be released in 140- 150 days. Hens grow for more than 350 days and are not suitable for raising chickens in farmland. Generally, raising chickens in fields where corn, sorghum and other straw crops are planted requires higher terrain, and the crop growth period is more than 90 days. The feeding time can be arranged around 1 week before and after sowing corn, sorghum and other crops. The method of raising chickens is basically the same as that of conventional chickens, except that chickens should be trained from 1 week old, and conditioned reflex should be established by whistling or knocking on bowls and pots before each feeding, so as to facilitate future stocking management. Before the chicks move to another group, a simple chicken shed should be built at the high end of the farmland for the chickens to shelter from the rain and live at night. The shed is about 3 meters high, and several perches are placed obliquely near the two gables and the back wall in the shed. The height of the perch is1.5-2m, generally 3-4 floors, and the width depends on the size of the henhouse. First, small-scale semi-circle free-range. Use a net to surround a field around the henhouse, let the chickens move freely in the field, and provide some green feed appropriately. At the same time, chickens should be trained to perch on perches. Two people cooperate at night. One person shines a flashlight on the chicken, and the other person grabs the chicken with both hands and puts it on the perch one by one. In a week, the chicken will be on its perch. At this time, the chickens have gradually adapted to the external environment, and the purse seine can be removed, so that the chickens can move freely in the farmland and feed, and supplement concentrated feed every night. When putting chickens into the ground, it is required that the crops have a certain height (more than 50 cm) so as not to cause great harm to the crops. The density of chickens in farmland should not be high, not exceeding 150 per mu. In case of storm, whistle or knock on the basin to call chickens in time. Chickens often get together after being flooded by rain, so they should be driven away in time to prevent some chickens from being crushed to death. Attention should be paid to heatstroke prevention and cooling in hot and rainy seasons, and anti-stress drugs can be added to concentrated feed. In the season of frequent chicken pox in autumn, pay attention to prevent chicken pox and prevent chicken pox from affecting the price. When the crops are ripe, if the chickens can't be marketed, they can be mainly kept in semi-captivity, supplemented with a lot of concentrated feed to fatten them. The cock's comb is red and can be listed. Factors affecting the reproductive performance of roosters Environmental factors With the change of feeding methods, breeders are now raised in single cages, which meets the needs of breeders' growth characteristics. However, in actual production, breeders do not pay enough attention to breeders, and often put them at the end or bottom cage of chicken coops, which is not convenient for observation and management. You should know that the unstable performance of breeding animals will affect the economic benefits of the whole breeding cycle. The vitality of * * is influenced by the external environment such as temperature, osmotic pressure, p H value, optical fiber and air. In production management, the influence of environmental temperature on the quality of breeder cocks is particularly obvious and more operable. When the ambient temperature is 20~25℃, the activity of * * * can reach more than 90%. When the temperature is lower than 18℃ or higher than 30℃, the vitality of * * * decreases obviously, the deformity rate increases and the fertilization rate decreases obviously. In production, high temperature stress is more common and terrible. * * * It can maintain normal metabolism and exercise state at a temperature equivalent to about 37℃ of body temperature. When the ambient temperature exceeds the upper critical temperature (the moderate temperature range of adult chickens is 18~28.5℃), chickens must adopt evaporative heat dissipation mechanisms, such as sweating and wheezing, and even reduce metabolic heat production by reducing nutrient intake and digestion and absorption. When the temperature continues to rise, the metabolic regulation adopted by the chicken can't lose excess calories, the chicken's body temperature begins to rise, the chicken's metabolism increases, the exercise intensifies, and the survival time will be prolonged. Energy and protein energy are the basis of all life activities. When preparing diet, the metabolic energy requirement standard of hens is often adopted. Studies have shown that if the energy intake of free-feeding cocks is restricted, the testicular size, the number of * * * and the fertilization rate will decrease. It has also been reported that excessive weight gain caused by high energy will make it difficult for breeders to mate and lose their reproductive value. Vitamins Few people have studied the exact needs of breeders for vitamins. N R C (1994) suggested that rooster diet should be allocated according to the needs of hens, but some poultry breeding companies did not give the vitamin requirements. Known vitamins that affect the reproductive performance of breeder cocks are VA, ve and VC. The influence mechanism of trace elements on reproductive performance of breeder cock is mainly due to imbalance of endocrine hormone secretion, decrease of enzyme activity and structural change of reproductive organs. The lack of trace elements zinc and manganese will reduce the fertilization ability. According to the legend of rooster, roosters crow all over the world. Do you know why the rooster crows? This story happened a long time ago. The sun is the daughter of the Jade Emperor, named Caizhi, who is in charge of the warmth and light of the world. Later, Caizhi was broken into the underworld because she violated the dogma. From then on, I didn't know it was hacked for seven years, and I didn't know it was hacked for seven years. Crops and trees in the mountains can't grow. People can't tell the difference between innocent day and night, so they burn incense and make a wish, praying to God to worship Buddha and Bodhisattva to see the sun as soon as possible. When the Bodhisattva knew about it, she decided to let Cai Zhi make amends. He sent a goose to inform Cai Zhi. When the goose came to the gate of the Temple of the Prince of Yan, it called three times, but Cai Zhi didn't answer. Afraid of the gloomy clouds inside, go back and report to the Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva sent ducks to call again. The duck arrived at the gate of Hades Temple and stood outside and shouted three times. Before the colorful branches came out, he hurried back to report to the Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva sent a rooster to crow again. When the rooster arrived in hades, he stood outside the door and shouted one after another, "Come out, come out!" " It was very loud, but there was no response at all except the empty echo. The rooster walked into Rosen Concert Hall. He shouted as he walked, until he finished the twelve halls, and his voice reached the back of Dongshan. Caizhi heard the cry and remembered that she had broken the dogma. She cried so hard that she was afraid of being killed, so she had to slowly climb out of the foot of Dongshan with a red face. When the rooster saw her, he ran to meet her happily, told her the will of the Bodhisattva, and asked her to make amends and make meritorious deeds. From then on, Cai Yong kept in mind his lesson of violating dogma, and came out of Dongshan on time every morning to bring light and warmth back to the world. Every morning, the rooster crowed to welcome Cai Yong. The rooster went back to the Bodhisattva and reported how he found the colorful branches. Bodhisattva said he was brave and meritorious, and gave him a dahongpao and a mahogany comb with two beautiful red ribbons on it. The rooster proudly wears a colorful scarlet robe, but he can't use a comb. He put the comb on his head and pointed his teeth at the sky. Over time, the comb grows in the meat. From then on, the rooster had a comb on his head, the upper crown was a red wooden comb, and the lower crown was two red ribbons on the red wooden comb.