Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - When do potatoes grow short piles?

When do potatoes grow short piles?

Generally speaking, the suitable time for applying chlormequat chloride to potatoes is flowering period (when plants grow 3-5 buds). Generally speaking, the time for applying chlormequat chloride to potatoes should not be too early or too late. If it is used too early, the plant has not accumulated enough organic matter at this time, which will lead to its inability to quickly transport nutrients to the underground part; But if it is used too late, the aboveground part of the plant will grow vigorously, and when the upper part consumes too much nutrients, it will reduce production.

Cultivation techniques of potato (potato)

Variety selection

According to the local climate characteristics, choose early-maturing or middle-early-maturing potato varieties with high yield, disease resistance, high quality and good taste. Fresh food for export should have a good potato-shaped appearance, shallow buds and smooth potato skin. ?

Land selection and preparation

Choose the acid hillock with deep soil layer, fertile soil, good fertilizer conservation performance, good water conservation and drainage, good irrigation conditions and good subsoiling foundation. In the plots where potatoes have not been planted in the previous two years, cereal stubble is the best, followed by bean stubble, and the best stubble in vegetable fields is onion, garlic, celery and so on. Avoid using beets, sunflowers, eggplants, peppers, Chinese cabbages and other roots that are diseased with potatoes. It is strictly forbidden to choose plots with too long herbicide residues in previous crops. After receiving the goods of the previous crops, soil preparation should be done in time, and continuous operation of turning, harrowing and ridging should be carried out. Rotary tillage 15cm to remove stubble, turn over 15-20cm and subsoil 35-40cm. After subsoiling, level the ridge, the width of the ridge bottom is 80-90 cm, and the ridge height is 25 cm. ?

Potato seed treatment

1. Promote the germination of trapped seeds: select suitable varieties of qualified virus-free seed potatoes. Before sowing 15-20 days, take out the cellar, put it under the scattered light of 13- 15℃, spread 2-3 layers, and turn it over every 2-3 days to make the seed potatoes evenly exposed to light and germinate vigorously. When the bud length is about 0.5 to 1cm (0.5cm for mechanical sowing and 1cm for manual sowing), it can be cut into pieces. Avoid direct sunlight, rain and frost when accelerating germination, and eliminate diseased potatoes and rotten potatoes in time. ?

1. Seed potato dicing: the cutters are disinfected with 70% alcohol, 3% lysol or 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for 5 ~ 10 minute, and multiple cutters are used in turn. Cut 3 to 5 days before sowing. The advantages of terminal bud can be used for vertical cutting. For example, if the seed potato is too big or rectangular, it should be cut obliquely from the navel to the top, and finally cut vertically to the top. It is required to ensure 1 ~ 2 robust buds every time you cut, and the weight of a single potato piece is 35 ~ 50g. ?

13. Seed dressing: seed dressing according to the ratio of seed potato, thiophanate methyl, talcum powder100: 0.1:1,and placing in a ventilated place 1 ~ 2 days until the wound heals. ?

sow seeds

1. Sowing date: When the soil temperature steadily passes through 10℃ for three consecutive days, you can sow. ?

2. Sowing amount: from 120 to150kg seeds per mu. ?

13. Density: reasonable close planting according to varieties and soil fertility. Early-maturing varieties should be densely planted; Late-maturing varieties should be planted thinly. Ridge the flat land or break the original ridge, with the ridge spacing of 80-90cm, single-row cultivation, plant spacing of 15-20cm, and covering soil thickness of 10- 15cm. The number of seedlings per mu is 4000 ~ 5000. ?

Fertilize soil or land

1. base fertilizer: according to soil fertility, apply 2000-4000 kg/mu of decomposed farmyard manure in cooperation with spring ploughing. Pig manure is the best, followed by cow dung. Apply 30 ~ 50kg of chemical fertilizer, in which the ratio of urea, diammonium phosphate and potassium sulfate is 3.4∶ 1∶3. Avoid potassium chloride. According to the situation of calcium and magnesium elements in soil around the country, more calcium and magnesium fertilizers can be scientifically applied to the seriously lacking plots. ?

2. Foliar fertilizer: In the tuber expansion period, if there are symptoms of fertilizer removal, 0.5% urea and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed on the leaves for 2 ~ 3 times, with an interval of 5 ~ 7 days. Trace elements can be added appropriately, and growth regulator chemicals such as dilatin should not be sprayed. ?

water management

1. Principle: In case of drought after sowing, water it in time to ensure emergence; There should be enough water in the growth period and flowering period; In the early stage of potato production, water should be properly controlled and watered less or not; When the tuber grows to 2 ~ 3cm, it should be irrigated in time according to the weather and soil moisture. In the late stage of potato production and before harvest, it is necessary to control water, avoid watering and prevent diseases and rotten potatoes. ?

Mode: sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation. ?

3. Time: seedling stage, budding stage, flowering stage and potato bearing stage. In case of continuous high temperature and drought, irrigation can be carried out in different periods. Soil water content is controlled at 60% to 80%. Pay attention to drainage. ?

Intertillage management

⒈ Principle: The principle of field management is "squat first and then promote", that is, try not to water the ground before budding to prevent overgrowth, and water and fertilize it after budding to promote the growth of underground parts. In order to keep the soil moist, it is advisable to keep the land dry and moist, and do not water it before harvest 10 to prevent potatoes from rotting in the ground. If the plants are found to have a trend of crazy growth, 50 ~ 100g paclobutrazol can be sprayed per mu at the germination stage (end of April and beginning of May) to control it. Once before emergence, it can increase the ground temperature and kill weeds; When the shoots top the soil, deep ploughing and shallow soil cultivation are carried out once; Shovel the soil in time after the seedlings come out together to improve the ground temperature; The third shovel webbed the soil at the beginning of the tree, which is beneficial to tuber expansion and multi-layer tuber formation. Potato is an intertillage crop, and the potato layer is mainly distributed in the soil layer of 10 ~ 15cm, which requires a loose soil environment. Weeding in intertillage should master the principle of "deep head, shallow head and scraping face". ?

4. Function: prevent potatoes from turning green, prevent weeds, improve quality and reduce soil temperature. ?

13. time: the first time of soil cultivation, after the emergence of seedlings 10 ~ 15 days. The second time, 20 ~ 25 days after the seedlings are completely cultivated. The covering thickness for the third time is generally not less than 12cm. When the soil cover is too thin and the ground temperature changes greatly, the stolons will jump out of the ground. ?

Potatoes are planted in the north, and the planting time is different in different regions. Among them, Northeast China, Gansu and northern Qinghai are mostly planted in spring, and the time is April-May. They can be harvested in autumn, but they can only be planted once a year. Shandong, Hebei and other places can be sown in spring in February-March, harvested in May-June, or sown in autumn in August.10-1harvest.