Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to understand the core concepts of corporate culture

How to understand the core concepts of corporate culture

Corporate culture is very complicated for non-professionals, if comprehensively analyzed.

Say it briefly.

Core values are the core of corporate culture.

To put it bluntly, what does the enterprise advocate? Against what?

The major is:

William james, an American scholar, said: "People's thoughts are the cause of everything. You sow an idea, you reap an action; You sow an action, you reap a habit; You sow a habit, you reap a character; You sow a character, and you reap a destiny. In short, everything starts with your idea. " This view is also suitable for the survival and development of enterprises. Like any living thing, enterprises also have their own life cycle, and some live longer and become century-old shops; Some are shorter, such as a flash in the pan, and their similarities can be relayed from lev tolstoy's words. Successful enterprises are all the same, and failed enterprises are unhappy in their own way.

Judging from the practice of successful enterprises, they can survive and develop continuously because they abide by their core values, penetrate them into the whole process of enterprise management and development, internalize them in the hearts of employees, externalize them into collective behaviors, habits and personalities of employees, and solidify them into plans, systems and mechanisms, thus forming the core competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, core values are the cornerstone of corporate culture and the cultural genes of all successful enterprises.

Shaping enterprise behavior with core values. Enterprise core values clearly tell employees what we should do and what not to do, and play an informal control system for employees. Unified collective behavior is the cornerstone of achieving enterprise goals and an important guarantee for effective operation around enterprise goals. The subtle cultural atmosphere, long-term accumulated cultural heritage and humanistic care based on ability can make employees form collective behaviors consistent with core values. Accordingly, some experts said that the measure of enterprise cohesion is the degree of unity of collective behavior, operational intensity and sustained resilience. Practice has proved that one of the important reasons why the cultural construction of those successful enterprises can become the driving force of enterprise development is that the corporate culture has a broad mass base, which can make the corporate values penetrate into the hearts of employees and transform them into employees' behaviors and post practices. Especially for enterprises with strong collective behavior, the greater the efforts to achieve their goals, the more they need unified core values to regulate employees' behavior, unify individual behavior and enterprise behavior, change institutional norms into behavioral norms, change external constraints into internal constraints, and change multiculturalism into monoculture. Kelon Group specially implemented the "Bandung Geng Xin" project to unify employees' behaviors. Therefore, we must strengthen corporate culture management, make efforts to make all employees know and practice core values, form a "way of doing things" that meets the requirements of corporate values, and create a business environment that meets the requirements of economic and social development and customer needs.

Shaping enterprise character with core values. Personality is the concentrated expression of corporate collective personality. Without a unified personality, enterprises cannot adapt to the market and environment, have no competitive advantage and cannot survive and develop continuously. Adaptability and individuality are the concentrated expression of enterprise vitality and vigor. Individualization of enterprise's core values and business philosophy is the concentrated embodiment of shaping enterprise's character. In a sense, enterprise culture is entrepreneur culture, and the quality of enterprise leaders determines the quality of enterprise culture. Entrepreneurs are not only the basic elements that constitute the core competitiveness of enterprises, but also the key to cultivate unique corporate values. Similarly, as the "spiritual leader" of an enterprise, its own characteristics and personality charm determine its character. For example, Huawei's wolf culture embodies Ren's unique values, Haier culture embodies Zhang Ruimin's spirit of self-improvement and pursuit of Excellence, and GE culture embodies Welch's idea of "speed, simplicity and self-confidence". Under the leadership of Bill Gates, Microsoft can become a holy land for elites in the era of knowledge economy with its unremitting innovation spirit and excellent development management. It can be seen that the corporate culture of every enterprise has deeply laid the distinct ideological brand of entrepreneurs, especially the ideas and styles of the founders of enterprises play an important role in laying the foundation for the formation of corporate culture. At the same time, the shaping of corporate collective character is not formed overnight, but the crystallization of several generations of entrepreneurs' painstaking efforts and the cohesion of all employees' team spirit. Therefore, entrepreneurs are not only the first promoters of corporate culture, but also "seeders" and "missionaries" of corporate culture. Clarifying corporate values is an important symbol of outstanding leaders, and it is the common responsibility of all employees to practice values and shape personalized corporate culture.

Molding enterprise habits with core values. Aristotle once said, "each of us is made by our repeated actions." So Excellence is not an act, but a habit. " Practice has proved that good habits are the crystallization of the wisdom of enterprise groups, valuable spiritual wealth and unbreakable intangible force. The process of forming good habits of enterprises is the process of infiltrating the core values of enterprises. Because corporate culture is the product of a certain stage of enterprise development, it is formed in the conscious advocacy and demonstration of entrepreneurs, in the process of enterprise development, in the process of enterprise reform and in the collective behavior of employees. "Great things in the world must be done in the details." It is not easy for an enterprise's core values to become a good habit of employees, and it must be reflected in every detail in the management process. On the one hand, it is necessary to establish, improve and perfect the necessary rules and regulations, so that employees have both intangible value orientation and tangible institutionalized norms, habits and norms. The vitality of the concept lies in management support and system support. For example, Huawei advocates employees to learn from Lei Feng, but does not let those who learn from Lei Feng suffer, so that it becomes a habit for employees to consciously abide by the "Huawei Basic Law"; In the successful experience of Wal-Mart, there is a famous "10 foot rule", that is, as long as customers are around you 10 foot, you should greet them with a smile. On the other hand, the formation of corporate habits focuses on cultivation and persistence, especially through vivid cases reflecting corporate core values, regular cultural carriers and publicity and education activities. For example, private enterprises, Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Co., Ltd., pay attention to motto management and make corporate values motto. The motto of "Mengniu" can be seen everywhere on the walls, bushes and office buildings of the factory. There is not a handprint or a trace of dust on the glass window of the huge production workshop. Take a closer look. On the lower right of each glass window, there is a beautiful "Mengniu" label with the name of the management employee who escorted the glass window. This detail reflects the institutionalization of corporate values and the unity of employee behavior habits. For another example, Haier pays attention to the activities and case studies of corporate values, carries out the activities of "drawing and speaking from employees", encourages employees to use their brains to draw cartoons in their spare time, and interprets Haier's ideas in the form of cartoons, which reflects Haier employees' recognition of corporate values. At the same time, pay attention to using cases to promote the change of employees' concept, such as establishing a brand-new quality consciousness through the incident of smashing refrigerators; Through the "Ping Fan Incident", Haier's management concept has undergone great changes. Activating "Huck Fish" through Haier culture has reached a new realm of enterprise management. This unique employee self-education activity makes it a habit for Haier employees to consciously practice Haier values.

Casting enterprise destiny with core values. The fate of an enterprise is determined by its core competitiveness. Core competitiveness is the result of long-term accumulation and sublimation of corporate culture, which clearly reflects the power of intangible resources. In 2002, a delegation of China Railway Enterprise Culture visited the United States. In the view of Ren Xigui, head of the delegation, product competition is determined by technological competitiveness, while technological competitiveness is determined by institutional competitiveness, and the system is just a materialized concept. It can be said that the concept is the first competitiveness, and whoever has a correct and innovative concept will have the strongest competitiveness, and the innovative concept comes from an innovative and dynamic corporate culture. In a sense, GE is enduring for a hundred years because it persistently advocates three core values: insisting on honesty, paying attention to performance and eager for change; Haier's success is also the success of its ideas, and innovative ideas have become an inexhaustible source of Haier. The famous Haier's law (slope sphere theory) vividly reflects its development law. "Enterprises are like spheres on a slope. Market competition and employee inertia will form a downward force. If there is no stopping force, the sphere will descend. This stopping power is the basic management; The sphere on the slope will not rise by itself. Only when there is upward pull can enterprises develop. This pulling force is innovation. " This interesting law actually shows us a main content of enterprise competitiveness-the power of intangible resources advantage. Now, when an enterprise merges with another enterprise, the advantage it relies on is not only technology, but more importantly, management mode or enterprise concept, or strong brand. At present, the reason why China lacks century-old enterprises is self-evident. Therefore, the core competitiveness of enterprises is not only reflected in the economic strength and technological advantages, but also in the corporate cultural characteristics with distinctive values recognized by the society. This corporate culture is not only permeated in the products of the enterprise, but also integrated into the code of conduct of employees, and more importantly, embodied in the specific business philosophy that embodies the core values of the enterprise.

To sum up, the essence of corporate culture lies in the core values recognized by all employees. The construction of corporate culture begins with the careful cultivation of core values and ends with the maintenance, continuation and innovation of core values. This is the unchangeable rule of successful enterprises. If an enterprise wants to develop continuously and achieve a lasting foundation, it must keep pace with the times, inherit its advantages, innovate, cultivate and practice "genetic code"-a core value that others can hardly copy and transplant.