Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What is the vibration of the sound of running water?

What is the vibration of the sound of running water?

First of all, the vibration of water causes air vibration, the air vibration wave reaches the ear and causes the eardrum to vibrate, and then the human auditory system hears the sound.

Air sound is the vibration of surrounding air particles caused by the vibration of sound source, which propagates to the outside in the form of dense and alternating longitudinal waves. It can spread from corridors or doors and windows, as well as gaps between pipes and holes, to adjacent or further rooms; It can also excite the vibration of walls and floors and transmit acoustic energy to adjacent rooms.

Vibration energy often propagates outward in two ways to produce noise, and some of it is directly radiated into the air by vibration machines, which is called air sound. According to the way of generation and the characteristics of propagation, the noise in buildings can be divided into air sound and impact sound (solid sound).

relevant information

Vibration is a common phenomenon in the universe, which is generally divided into macroscopic vibration (such as earthquake and tsunami) and microscopic vibration (thermal motion and Brownian motion of elementary particles). Some vibrations have relatively fixed wavelength and frequency, while others have no fixed wavelength and frequency. Two objects with the same vibration frequency, one of which can make the other object vibrate at the same frequency.

* * * Vibration phenomenon can bring many benefits and harms to human beings. Different atoms have different vibration frequencies and emit different spectra, so we can find out which elements a substance contains through a spectrum analyzer. At room temperature, the vibration amplitude of particles determines the form of matter (solid, liquid, gas).

Different substances have different melting points, freezing points and vaporization points, which are also determined by different vibration frequencies of particles. The temperature we usually say is the vibration amplitude of air particles. Any vibration needs energy. Without energy, there is no vibration. The absolute zero specified in physics is the temperature that even elementary particles can't vibrate, and it is also the lowest temperature in the universe.