Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - The 1990s in the history of Internet development.

The 1990s in the history of Internet development.

1990 ARPANET stops running. Mitch kapor established the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

Peter deutsch, Allen Ntaghi and Bill Sheeran of McGill University released Archie.

Peter Scott (University of Saskatchewan) released Hytelnet.

World Online ( became the first Internet telephone dial-up access service provider.

ISO development environment (ISODE) provides a means for the Ministry of National Defense to switch to OSI protocol. ISODE software allows running OSI applications under TCP/IP protocol environment. (:gck:)

Canada 10 regional network constitutes CA$*$net, which is directly connected with NSFNET as the national backbone of Canada. (:ec 1:)

The first remotely operated machine, John Rocchi's Internet toaster (controlled by SNMP protocol), was connected to the Internet and made its debut at the Interop conference. Image: internode, invisible.

RFC 1 149: the standard for transmitting IP datagrams on bird carriers.

RFC 1 178: Choose a name for your computer.

Countries that have joined NSFNET: Argentina (AR), Austria (AT), Belgium (BE), Brazil (BR), Chile (CL), Greece (GR), India (IN), Ireland (IE), Korea (KR), Spain (es) and Switzerland (CH).

199 1 General Atomics Corporation (CERFNet), Performance Systems International Corporation (PSInet) and UUNET Technology Corporation (AlterNet) jointly established the Commercial Internet Exchange Association (CIX) after NSF lifted the restrictions on the commercial application of the Internet. (March) Thinking Machines released the Wide Area Information Server (WAIS) invented by Brewster Kahle.

Paul lindner and Mark P McCahill of the University of Minnesota released the gophers.

CERN published the World Wide Web (WWW) developed by Tim Berners-Lee. (:pb 1:)

Philip Zimmerman released PGP (quite good privacy). (:ad 1:)

National Research and Education Network (NREN) was established according to American High Performance Computing Regulations (Gore 1).

The rate of NSFNET backbone network is upgraded to T3(44.736M bps).

The NSFNET traffic reaches 10 12 bytes/month,10/0 packets/month.

DISA signed a contract with government systems company, which replaced SRI as NIC of national defense data network in May.

JANET IP service (JIPS) began to operate, which marked that the software used by British academic networks changed from colorful books to TCP/IP. The IP protocol was originally converted in the X.25 protocol. (:consumption tax:)

RFC 12 16: Gigabit Network Economy and Paradigm Transformation

RFC 12 17: Memorandum of Slow Turbulence Research Alliance (CSCR)

Countries and regions connected with NSFNET: Croatia (HR), Czech Republic (CZ), Hongkong, China (HK), Hungary (Hu), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), Singapore (SG), South Africa (ZA), Taiwan Province Province of China (TW) and Tunisia (TN).

1992 internet society (ISOC) was established. (65438+ 10) IAB was renamed the Internet Architecture Committee and became a part of the Internet Society.

The number of hosts exceeds 1, 000,000.

The first audio broadcast of MBONE (March) and video broadcast (165438+1October).

In April, RIPE's Network Coordination Center (NCC) was established to provide address registration and coordination services for Internet users in Europe. (:dk 1:)

The University of Nevada released the gopher spatial query tool Veronica.

The World Bank provides online services.

Jean Armour Polly coined the term surfing the Internet. (:Japan:)

Brendan Kehoe published Zen and the Art of the Internet. (:Japan:)

Rick Gates began to offer Internet search tests.

RFC 1300: Memories of the past

RFC 13 13: today's program is KRFC AM 13 13-network talk show.

Countries that have joined NSFNET: Antarctica (AQ), Cameroon (CM), Cyprus (CY), Ecuador (EC), Estonia (EE), Kuwait (KW), Latvia (LV), Luxembourg (Lu), Malaysia (MY), Slovakia (SK), Slovenia (SI) and Thailand (TH).

1993 NSF established InterNIC to provide the following Internet services: (:sc 1:) Directory and database services (at & amp; t).

Registration Service (Network Solutions Company).

Information service (General Atomics /CERFnet).

The White House provides online services ():

Bill Clinton, President

Vice President Gore

A new worm found its own living space on the Internet-WWW worm (W4) appeared, followed by spiders, rovers, reptiles and snakes. ...

The internet radio station began to broadcast. (:sk2:)

The United Nations provides online services. (:vgc:)

National Information Infrastructure (NII) regulations.

The internet began to attract the attention of the business community and the news media.

In September, InterCon International KK(IIKK) provided commercial Internet access for the first time. Since the second month, TWICS has rented IIKK lines and started to provide telephone dial-up Internet service. (:tb 1:)

A mosaic whirlwind has blown up on the Internet, and the annual growth rate of Internet WWW traffic has reached 34 1.634%. Gopher's annual growth rate is 997%.

RFC1437: Extension of MIME Content Types to New Media

RFC 1438: IETF boring statement (sobbing)

Countries that have joined the NSFNET are Bulgaria (BG), Costa Rica (CR), Egypt (EG), Fiji (FJ), Ghana (GH), Guam (Gu), Indonesia (ID), Kazakhstan (KZ), Kenya (KE), Liechtenstein (Li), Peru (PE) and Romania (Romania).

1994 Celebrating the 25th anniversary of ARPANET/Internet. Communities began to connect directly to the Internet (Lexington and Cambridge communities in the United States).

The United States Senate and House of Representatives began to provide information services.

Internet access in shopping centers.

The first online radio station, RT-FM, started broadcasting at the Interop conference in Las Vegas.

American Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) suggested that GOSIP abandon the principle of using only OSI protocol standards and adopt TCP/IP protocol. (:gck:)

Kanter & Arizona, USA; Siegel Law Firm sent out a large number of spam advertisements on the Internet to promote its green card business, and online users reacted angrily.

The traffic of NSFNET reaches 10 13 bytes/month.

Pizza can be ordered directly through Hut online.

According to the percentage of packets and bytes transmitted on NSFNET, WWW has surpassed telnet to become the second most popular service on the Internet (the most popular service is file transmission).

Japanese Prime Minister provides online service ().

The British Chancellor of the Exchequer provides online services ().

The Prime Minister of New Zealand provides online services ().

First Virtual, the first online bank, started its business.

Radio stations began to provide uninterrupted rock music broadcasts on the Internet: WXYC from the University of North Carolina, WJHK from the University of Kansas at Lawrence, and WJHK from the University of Siva.

Rare earth and income merged to form TERENA, including 38 countries, CERN and ECMWF. TERENA's goal is to promote and participate in the development of international high-performance information and telecommunications infrastructure to serve scientific research and education. (10 month)

Bill Woodcock and Jon Postel noticed that the domain name was used in many examples of online software vendor documentation, so they registered the domain name. Sure enough, after analyzing the domain access log file, they found that many users used the domain name in the example to configure their application software.

RFC1605: Translation from SONET to SONET

RFC1606: Historical Perspective of IP Version 9

RFC1607: Views in the 26th Century

Countries and regions connected with NSFNET: Algeria (DZ), Armenia (AM), Bermuda (BM), Burkina Faso (BF), China (CN), Colombia (CO), Jamaica (JM), Jordan (JO), Lebanon (LB), Lithuania (LT) and Macau, China (MO).

According to the number of hosts, the top 10 domain names are: com, edu, UK, gov, de, ca, mil, au, org, net.

1995 NSFNET has been restored as an academic network, and Internet service providers are responsible for most backbone network services in the United States. NSF established ultra-high speed backbone service (vBNS) to connect supercomputing centers: NCAR, NCSA, SDSC, CTC and PSC, and a new NSFNET was born.

In order to search for a computer hacker, Hong Kong police shut down all Internet providers except one local one, making 10000 people unable to use the Internet.

On May 23rd, Sun Company released JAVA.

RealAudio uses audio streaming technology to hear real sound on the Internet.

Radio Television Hong Kong, the first 24-hour commercial radio station that broadcasts only on the Internet, began broadcasting.

In March, WWW surpassed ftp to become the service with the largest traffic on NSFNET. In April, if calculated by bytes, WWW surpassed ftp.

Traditional dial-up service systems (Compuserve, America Online, Prodigy) began to provide Internet connection services.

A bonfire under a bridge in MN University burned optical fiber lines. At this moment, thousands of people in Minneapolis-Sao Paulo (USA) have lost their Internet connection. (July 30th)

Some companies in the network industry went public, among which Netscape was the best, and it became the third highest IPO company on Nasdaq. (August 9)

Domain name registration is no longer free. From September of 14, the annual payment will be 50 dollars, and before that, it will be funded by NSF. The national science foundation continues to support. Edu, also pay temporarily. Government.

Surfing the Vatican ().

The Canadian government goes online ().

The first official Internet eavesdropping successfully helped the secret service and the Drug Administration (DEA) to arrest three criminals who illegally manufactured and sold devices that copied mobile phones and other electronic devices.

The "Home Front Action" has been launched, and soldiers can contact their families on the battlefield through the Internet.

Thanks to the RSA file security encryption technology, Rick Wright became the first person to manage arms according to the US Arms Export Control Act. (:wired496:)

RFC 1882: 12 days technology before Christmas

Countries that have joined NSFNET: Ethiopia (ET), C? te d 'Ivoire (CI), Cook Islands (CK), Cayman Islands (KY), Angra (AI), Gibraltar (GI), Vatican (VA), Kiribati (KI), Kyrgyzstan (KG), Madagascar (MG), Mauritius (MU) and Micronesia. Nigeria (NG), western Samoa (WS), San Marino (SM), Tanzania (TZ), Tonga (TO), Uganda (UG) and Vanuatu (VU).

According to the number of hosts, the top 10 domain names are: com, edu, net, gov, mil, org, de, uk, ca, au.

Technology of the year: WWW, search engine.

The latest technology: portable code (JAVA, JAVAscript), virtual environment (VRML), collaborative work tools.

1996 VoIP caught the attention of American telecommunications companies, and they asked Congress to ban this technology (this technology has existed for several years). 65438+ 10 17, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir, Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat and Philippine President fidel ramos talked in an online interactive dialogue for 10 minutes.

The controversial American Fair Communication Act (CDA) was passed, aiming at prohibiting pornographic materials from spreading on the Internet. A few months later, a jury of three judges thought the injunction was passed and opposed the enforcement of the bill. 1997 the supreme court unanimously held that the bill was unconstitutional.

Because the domain name registration fee was not paid, the domain names of 9272 organizations were deleted from the name server by InterNIC.

Some ISPs encounter disconnection problems due to insufficient service capacity, which brings doubts about whether they can withstand the rapid growth of users. AOL (interruption 19 hours), netcom (interruption 13 hours), at &;; Two let(28-hour interruption-email service only).'s domain name was sold to CNET for 1.5 million dollars.

New york's public access network company (PANIX) had to close down because a hacker used the method described in Hacker Magazine (2600) and used SYN attacks many times.

MCI Company upgraded the Internet backbone network, adding about 13000 ports, which increased the effective rate of the backbone network from 155 Mbps to 622Mbps.

The Internet Ad Hoc Committee announced plans to add seven new top-level domains. Firm,. Shops, Network,. Art, rec,

. Information, Nom and IAHC also plan to collect competition groups for domain name registration business on a global scale.

A malicious robot appeared on USENET and deleted more than 25,000 messages.

The war between WWW browsers, mainly between Netscape and Microsoft, has brought a new era of software development. Nowadays, Internet users are eager to test the upcoming software, so that a new version of the software is released every quarter.

RFC 1925: Twelve network truths

Countries with restricted Internet use in the world:

China: Users and ISPs need to register with the Public Security Bureau.

Germany: Cut off contact with some newsgroups on Compuserve.

Saudi Arabia: The Internet can only be used in universities and hospitals.

Singapore: Information providers of political and religious content should be registered.

New Zealand: Treating computer disks as publications will be subject to censorship and confiscation.

Source: Human Rights Watch

Countries with registered domain names: Qatar (QA), Central African Republic (CF), Oman (OM), norfolk island (NF), Tuvalu (TV), French Polynesia (PF), Syria (SY), Aruba (AW), Cambodia (KH), French Guiana (GF) and Eritrea. Andorra (AD), Guadeloupe (GP), Guernsey (GG), Isle of Man (IM), Jersey (JE), Laos (LA), Maldives (MV), Marshall Islands (MH), Mauritania (MR), Northern Mariana Islands (MP), Rwanda (RW), Rwanda (RW).

The top 10 domain names by host number: com, edu, net, uk, de, jp, us, mil, ca, au.

Hackers invaded the US Department of Justice (1August 7), the Central Intelligence Agency (February 29, 65438) and the British Labor Party (February 6, 65438).

Technology of the year: search engine, JAVA, VoIP.

The latest technology: virtual environment (VRML), collaboration tools, Internet devices (network computers).

1997 7 1, 6 18 e-mail cc list is registered in the directory of e-mail cc list maintained by the 2000th RFC: Liszt, the official Internet protocol standard.

From March 1998, the IP address management and registration in the United States was originally handled by InterNIC and transferred to the newly established American Internet Address Registration Center (ARIN).

In June, CA*net II using ATM/SONET technology began to run, providing the next generation Internet for Canada.

In order to protest against the monopoly of DNS, AlterNIC's boss Eugene Kashpureff invaded the DNS system, causing all users connected to to be directed to

The domain name was sold at150,000 USD.

17 in the early morning of July. Com and. Net domain name of network solution company crashed due to human error, which made millions of nodes inaccessible.

The longest node name registered in InterNIC:

There are 10 1 803 domain name servers stored in the whois database.

RFC 2 100: Naming of Hosts

Countries with registered domain names: Falkland Islands (FK), East Timor (TP), Republic of Congo (CG), Christmas Island (CX), gambia (GM), Guinea-Bissau (GW), Haiti (HT), Iraq (IQ), Libya (LY), Malawi (MW) and Martinique (MQ). Somalia (SO), Sudan (SD), Tajikistan (TJ), Turkmenistan (TM), Turks and Caicos Islands (TC), British Virgin Islands (VG), Hutt and MacDonald Islands (HM), French Southern Territory (TF), british indian ocean territory (IO), Butte and Jan Mayen (SJ) in Smal, Saint Pierre and Miquelon Island. Sandwich Islands (GS), Sao Tome and principe island (ST), Ascension Island (AC), Tajikistan (TJ), American Small Islands (UM), Mayotte Island (YT), wallis islands and Futuna Islands (WF), Tokelau Islands (TK), Chad * * and Republic of China (TD). , Corcos (CC), Bouvet Islands (BV), Liberia (LR), Eastern Samoa (AS), Niue (NU), Equatorial New Guinea (GQ), Bhutan (BT), Pitcairn Island (PN), Shrike (PW) and Democratic Republic of Congo (CD).

The top 10 domain names by host number: com, edu, net, jp, uk, de, us, au, ca, mil.

Hackers invade Indonesia (65438+1October 19, February 10, April 24th, June 30th165438+1October 22nd), NASA (March 5th)

Technology of the year: push, multicast.

The latest technology: push, streaming media. [:twc:]

1998 Hobbes' Internet memorabilia was published as RFC 2235 and FYI 32. 65438+1On October 30th, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DoC) issued a Green Paper, which outlined the plan of privatization of DNS system. On June 5, the white paper was released.

On March 20-2 1, France held the national Internet Festival La Fête de l'Internet.

The total number of web pages in the first quarter is estimated to be 275 million (digital company) and 320 million (NEC company).

Commercial companies gather in Turkmenistan to register NIC domain names. Tm is its own company, because it happens to be the abbreviation of the word trademark in English.

On March 27th, netizens can rate the performance of 12 figure skating world champions, which is the first time that the audience has decided the result of sports competition on TV.

On May 4th, Network Solutions registered the second millionth domain name.

With the US Postal Service allowing the purchase and download of printed stamps from the Internet, electronic stamps have become a reality.

Canada eliminated its earliest national optical fiber network CA*net 3.

Just as the Communications Act II and the prohibition of online tax collection became American law. (65438+1October 2 1)'s website unexpectedly released the forecast results of the US election one day in advance. ( 1 1.2)

165438+ 10 The deregulation of the Indian ISP market led to the upsurge of applying for ISP licenses.

The US Department of Commerce has reached an agreement with ICANN to gradually shift DNS management from US government management to industry. (165438+ 10 month)

On February 8, 65438, there was a power outage in San Francisco, and those nodes that did not establish mirrors outside San Francisco were disconnected.

The China government accused Lin Hai of conspiring to subvert the government because he provided 30,000 e-mail addresses to American Internet magazines. Later, he was sentenced to two years in prison. )

French netizens refused to surf the Internet 65438+February 65438+February boycotted France Telecom's local telephone charges (in addition to paying fees to ISP, they must also pay).

Open source software is very popular.

Rfc2321:Rita-a reliable network troubleshooting agent

RFC 2322: Managing IP Numbers through peg-dhcp

RFC 2323: IETF identification and safety guide

RFC 2324: Hypertext Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/ 1.0)

Countries with registered domain names: Nauru (NR) and Comoros (KM)

The most popular websites: Winter Olympics (February), World Cup (June-July), starr report (September 1 1), Glen Space Exploration.

The top 10 domain names by host number: com, net, edu, mil, jp, us, uk, de, ca, au.

Hackers invaded the US Department of Commerce (February 20th), new york Times (September 13), China Society for Human Rights Studies (1October 26th 65438) and UNICEF (1October 7th 65438).

Technology of the year: e-commerce, online auction, online portal.

The latest technology: electronic transaction, XML, intrusion detection

1999 65438+ 10, the public in Saudi Arabia can use the internet. The first full-service online bank, India's First Online Bank, opened on February 22nd.

IBM became the first partner to be allowed to enter the second generation Internet.

The European Parliament proposes to ban ISP from caching web pages.

On the basis of 1998 successfully hosting La Fête de l'Internet, an Internet celebration was held all over Europe in March.

American court ruled that domain name is a kind of property and can be seized.

MCI/Worldcom, which provides vBNS for NSF, has increased the speed of American backbone network to 2.5GBps.

On April 7th, a fake website that looks like Bloomberg Financial News raised the stock of a small technology company by 365,438+0%.

On April 2 1, ICANN announced five test beds of the competitive registration system: AOL, CORE, France Telecom/Oléane, Melbourne IT and Registration. On April 2nd1,29 test beds were selected, 8 on May 25th, 6 on July 15, and 8 on August 1 1 7. The selection of test bed was originally planned for June 24th, but it was postponed to September 10. (The first batch of test beds didn't go online until June 7th)

At the same time as the Serbia/Kosovo war, a large-scale cyber war was launched.

Abilene of Internet2 is connected to Atlantic, connecting NORDUnet and SURFnet.

A British website listed the names of MI6 agents, which became the focus of British politics. Although the list was forcibly deleted from the website, it was too late because it had been spread through the Internet. (May 15)

/kloc-the SETI@Home plan was implemented in May 0/7. The first goal is to make full use of the computers that are often idle on the network.

On June 18, at the same time as the G8 Summit was held, activists from all over the network pointed their finger at the World Financial Center, but the impact of the report was little.

ISOC approved the establishment of the Internet Social Working Group (ISTF), and vint cerf was elected as the first chairman.

Free computers are very popular (as long as you sign a long-term network service contract).

RFC 2549: IP over Avian carrier with quality of service

RFC 2550: Y 10K and above.

RFC 255 1: Rome Standard Process-Revision III

RFC 2555: 30 Years of RFC

The top 10 domain names by host number: com, net, edu, jp, uk, mil, us, de, ca, au.

Hacking in those days: Star Wars (65438+1October 8). TP (65438+1October 23rd), USIA (65438+1October 23rd), E-Bay (March13rd), US Senate (May 27th) and NSI (July 2nd).

Technology of the year: e-commerce, online banking

Virus of the year: Melissa (March), ExploreZip (June)