Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - The most effective way to kill ants in bonsai

The most effective way to kill ants in bonsai

Get rid of ants in potted plants. Although ants are annoying, they don't actually do any harm to potted plants. Other pests in the soil, such as aphids and mealybugs, secrete honey dew, which is a sweet excrement and ants will be attracted by it; Ants like to nest in potted plants and hide in plant leaves. There are several ways to kill ants in potted plants. You can kill pests with pesticides or bait, drown ants with insecticidal soap and water, or scare them away with ordinary household items. If you can't kill the ants successfully, transplant the plants into new soil and clean the flowerpots.

First, use pesticides and bait.

1. Spraying permethrin insecticide on soil. After ingesting or contacting permethrin, the nervous system of ants will be paralyzed, leading to their death. Permethrin exists in concentrated solution, dust, powder mist and aerosol. Be sure to read the product description carefully before using permethrin on potted plants. If used improperly, this insecticide will be harmful to human beings.

Spraying permethrin concentrate on potted plants. Prepare and apply effective permethrin solution according to product instructions.

If a family member or pet is sprayed with permethrin and ingested, please seek medical attention immediately.


Kill the whole nest of ants with bait. Baits containing slow-acting pesticides use sugar, oil and protein to attract ants. Worker ants will bring poisonous food back to their nests for other worker ants, larvae and queens to swallow. As the poison bait is passed from one ant to another, or from one ant to the larva, there will be fewer and fewer ants.

You can buy strip-shaped ant bait and insert it directly in the potted plants of long ants.

You can also use reusable bait stations. Because this trap can replenish poison bait many times, it is very suitable for killing a large number of ants. Fill the reusable bait station with the insecticide of your choice. Close the bait station and place it near the bottom of the plant. Check the bait station frequently and empty or replenish pesticides if necessary.

Bait is considered as the safest pesticide. However, before using it, be sure to read the instructions on the label carefully to ensure that there is no harm to the children and pets around you. When buying bait, make sure that it contains one of the following effective components: fluorohydrazone, meperone, boric acid or avermectin.

Do not buy bait containing cypermethrin or permethrin. This quick-acting pesticide will kill the worker ants before they return to the nest.


Cover the soil surface with diatomite. Diatomite is an organic mineral insecticide. When diatomite is used, it is safest to use a soft plastic spray bottle. If potted plants grow ants, use a soft plastic spray bottle to sprinkle powdered diatomite around the bottom of the plants and on the soil. Within about 30 minutes after contact with diatomite, ants on plants will die.

The effect of this product will be weakened after it is wetted. So after watering the potted plants, raining or condensing a lot of dew, reapply diatomite.

Do not inhale this product.

Store the remaining diatomite in a sealed bag to avoid contact.


Mix15ml mint soap with 240ml water. Spray this solution on the leaves of plants.

Spray water on plant leaves with a hose to wash away ants on the leaves.

Second, soak the potted plants in water.

1, prepare the solution. If there are many ants in the potted plant, soak the soil with an aqueous solution of pesticides, which will make the ants escape from the nest. Those ants who come into contact with pesticide solutions will be poisoned or drowned. When preparing the solution:

Take a clean bucket.

Fill it with 3.8 liters of water. If the potted plants are large, you can fill them with 2 or 3 times of water.

Every 3.8 liters of water, add 240 ml of insecticidal soap, detergent or detergent. Some detergents and detergents are milder and cheaper, but the effect may not be as good as insecticidal soap.

2. Divide the solution into two parts. First, set aside about half of the solution to soak the potted plants. Find a vat that can hold potted plants and pour half of the mixed solution. Then, pour some solution into a small spray bottle. You should use it to spray all ants that escape from the soil. Finally, you will pour all the remaining solution into the potted plants with ants and let the solution penetrate into the soil.

3. Pour about half of the mixed solution into the soil and let them penetrate. Move the plants to the shade in the yard. Slowly pour half of the mixed pesticide solution into potted plants and let the solution penetrate into the soil. Spray all the ants that escaped from the potted plant with the mixed solution. Let the potted plants stand 1 hour.

Insecticidal soap is mild and safe and can be used in organic gardens. These soaps contain a special form of fatty acid potassium, which can kill insects that come into contact with them, but it is harmless to humans or animals. Because these soaps have low toxicity to mammals, experts believe that they are safe and can be used in environments with children and pets and organic farms. Although it should not cause damage to the courtyard or garden, you'd better work on a concrete platform or driveway to reduce the possible risk of damage.

4. Immerse the whole flowerpot in the pesticide solution. After pouring the solution into the soil, collect the pesticide solution oozing from below in a container, pick up the potted plant, soak it in it, and leave it for 15 minutes. Spray all the ants that escaped from the potted plant with the mixed solution. Take the potted plants out of the solution and put them on the ground.

5. Rinse plants and flowerpots with clean water. Water the whole pot of plants with a hose. This will wash away all the residual pesticide solution. After the plants and soil are completely dry, move the potted plants to a sunny place or water them again.

Third, transplant plants.

1, wash plant roots. In order to eliminate the ant colony, you have to remove the soil with ants and replace it with new soil. Carefully dig the plants out of the flowerpot with a gardening shovel. Throw away the remaining soil in the flowerpot. Gently spray the roots with a hose to wash away all the soil of ants or worms.

This is a dirty job, so we must find a place that is not afraid of dirty and wet to wash our roots.

2. Clean the flowerpot. After you pour the soil with bugs into the flowerpot, you have to clean the container thoroughly to make sure that the problematic soil is cleaned up. Soak a rag or sponge in 1 to 10 bleach, and scrub the inside and outside of the flowerpot.

3. Re-transplant the plant into the flowerpot. Fill the flowerpot with fresh soil without bugs. Insert plants into clean soil and fill all gaps with clean soil. When finished, water it thoroughly.

If the root grows too big for the flowerpot, find a bigger flowerpot and transplant it.

Fourth, the use of household items.

1. Sprinkle coffee grounds on the soil. Ants hate coffee grounds and try to avoid them. Sprinkle a little coffee grounds on the plant soil and let it form a small circle centered on the bottom of the plant.

2. Put some household items around plants that are toxic to ants or can scare away ants. If you don't want to use pesticides because you have pets or children at home, you can use several kitchen supplies to kill or scare away ants, such as baking soda, pepper, cinnamon, Chili powder, mint and so on. Sprinkle one of the above products around the bottom of the potted plant and let it form a thin circle.

3. Make nontoxic ant traps. If you don't want to kill ants with chemicals, you can put a non-toxic stick insect. Use stickers around plants instead of ant bait. Ants get stuck when they climb over the sticker.

Cut the sticker into a ring so that it just covers the bottom of the potted plant.

Tear off the backing paper of the sticker so that the non-stick side faces the ground.

Insert the plant directly into the center of the sticker ring. The adhesive side of the self-adhesive label faces upwards.

Replace the label if necessary.


If you water it slowly, pyrethrum spray can also kill ants effectively. When using this method, wait 10 minute after watering to let the soil drain. Dilute pyrethrum spray with water, add 10 part of water to each spray, and water the potted plants with the diluted solution. A measuring cup can be used to ensure the correct mixing ratio, for example, 90 ml of water can be added to each 10 ml of pyrethrin spray.